Wolf RPG
The Sunspire Fear the nonexistant - Printable Version

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Fear the nonexistant - Ferdie Von Pelt - June 17, 2014


It had been a day since he had briefly met the youngster, and that was far long enough for Ferdie, he wanted to know how the little one was getting on within the pack, was the mountain kind enough to pups. He hoped Jace had let her know what it was that was expected of her here.

Ferdie stood at the base of the oasis and let loose a low howl calling the Juvenile to him. Better then traipsing all over the place looking for her, and now he had the rank to do so without question.

A pair of duck lay at his paws the fruits of his morning labor here as the oasis though he was careful not to over hunt and he did bring sweet grasses to the ponds edge to offer to the water fowl in hopes they would not abandon a place now frequently visited by wolves if they found it plentiful enough.

He sat down making himself seem less imposing as she watched and waited for the young wolf to come expecting her journey to his call to take longer then an adult with longer strides. he missed @Nightingale terribly and he knew Kahlua was no replacement but the little time he had with nightingale made him all the more determined not to squander any time he might have with Kahlua

RE: Fear the nonexistant - Kahlua - June 17, 2014

Nose pressed as firmly to the snow as it could possibly be without disturbing the fallen flakes, Kahlua smelled out the route of a rabbit. Her heart pounded in her chest as the scent became stronger, though her foot falls became more hesitant and careful. Over the past months Kahlua had learned that catching a rabbit is all about surprise. The key is to be swifter than they are once you’ve made yourself known. Peering up, head still low to the ground, Kahlua’s icy eyes locked on a brown rabbit nestled in a shrub. Her ears pinned to her cranium, legs bent beneath her to crouch into a leaping position. 

Just as her muscles twitched and she prepared to attack, a deep cry echoed through the mountain’s slopes. Kahlua’s eyes left her prey for a split second, as if looking towards the howl would hint at who would be calling her. When the pup’s eyes danced back to the bush, her meal had disappeared. Kahlua chuffed in annoyance and stood upright, barking back to her Alpha’s call and took off in a dead sprint. Though young, her legs were lengthy and they easily carried her small weight briskly across the irregular terrain. Her small paws barely seemed to touch the land as she laced between rocks, over collapsed trees and molded her way onto ledges.

It took minutes for Kahlua to reach Ferdie, but once she had she was hardly panting. Her chest lightly rose up and down as she breathed, “Ferdie.” Her head lowered with the rest of her body and she crawled to her Alpha, licking his chin in submission. Her ears swiveled backwards and her eyes averted his, creeping their way to the ducks he had at his own feet. At the same time a grumble tickled her stomach. “You called me?”

RE: Fear the nonexistant - Ferdie Von Pelt - June 24, 2014

sorry for the delay in response. 'RL' got a little out of hand and then I need to catch up in sleep

Ferdie grinned and greeted her with a lick upon her head. accepting her submission and reveling in her presence Here let's dine together He shifted a duck over to her paws then gazed up and the far tree line overlooking the oasis looking and the setting sun.
Do you like The Sunspire so far? and where do you plan to sleep tonight? Ferdie himself had not yet built a den for himself but he intended to soon. He just need to find a sheltered place, he was told the best places to find were sheltered alcoves where the wind and rain were naturally shielded away. He was painfully reminded of his den building with Bazi and he tried to smile away the memory turning her gaze toward Kahlua she was a well mannered pup and he quite enjoyed having her here so far. but he would need to test out her strength and or weaknesses eventually, not even pups got free passes in the wilderness.

Ferdie began the pluck the duck, methodically pulling out the feathers and spitting them to the side. In no time the duck was picked clean and a gentle breeze was taking the feathers and blowing them around.