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Broken Boulder stops my mind from wandering - Printable Version

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stops my mind from wandering - Lily - June 24, 2018

please let @Vilkas post first, otherwise AW. dated for the 20th

It was slow going, traveling from the river back to Broken Boulder. She thought that, with rest, her ankle would recover, though she might always have a limp. At any rate, she was glad to lean against Vilkas on the journey, enjoying his company and the warmth of his body. Her body would heal. Lily was less sure of her mind.

No words had bubbled from her lips, yet. No matter how hard she tried, she could not speak. She was having a terrible time remembering things--little things, too, nothing of consequence--and she became dizzy, occasionally, and nauseous. Most of these things she knew would be healed by a good sleep in her own den. But what if she never spoke again? What if the girl, famous for her words, was forever mute?

These fears plagued her throughout the trip north, and it was with a mix of relief and trepidation did she step over the border. Giving Vilkas a gentle nudge and a smile, she hoped that he could howl for the pack--for she knew that if she tried, naught but a ragged whimper would emerge from her mouth.

She was fearful of seeing Alarian again, after their argument. She didn't know whether he'd want her back at all. What if they were both sent away? Where would they go? Lily had left her friends without a word; Korei would be disappointed, and Lanawyn, potentially, angry. Who knew what kind of reception she'd get here, even with a useless mind and a broken ankle.

RE: stops my mind from wandering - Vilkas - June 24, 2018

vilkas isn't sure how long they've been gone from the sanctuary or how well their return would be received. he'd left without a word after lily and leaving her was out of the question. the firebrand liked to think that she needed him. protecting and hunting for her gave him a purpose and he was content to provide for her and during their slow going trip his loyalty to her deepened. he worries about their reception when they make it back, naturally, it nags at the back of his mind and though he does not know it his concerns mirror her own. he glimpses at her from the corner of his eye as they move as a singular unit where she leans against him. he is strong and stalwart, capable of providing the physical support without struggle.

they slow as they cross the borders and the fire draped whitemane's body stiffens with instinctual anticipation. she relieves some of the tension strung taunt as a bow string in his muscles with her gentle nudge and smile. he reads her body language easily enough: he does not need her to speak to communicate with her ...but he worries over her silence. he does not know if is physical or psychological and he seeks to reassures her with a supportive nudge. i got you. he means to communicate with the touch before he lifts his muzzle skyward and sends out a howl seeking @Alarian as he was the one that they would need to answer to first.

the firebrand's song ends and he glimpses down at lily with a resolution in his gaze. regardless of what was about to come for them vilkas has already decided that the only way he would leave her was if she sent him away herself.

RE: stops my mind from wandering - Alarian - June 24, 2018

He was with @Eris when Vilkas' call rang out; for a moment, he froze. It didn't sound... good. Alarian only glanced to his sister once before he set off at a trot to meet the man at the borders, pulse starting to pick up. He couldn't imagine what Vilkas would call him for— and that only left room for a million possibilities to fill the space.
His heart jumped into his throat when he saw Lily, eyes immediately catching on the differences. She looked— she looked broken. Oh— oh no, The words slipped from him involuntarily, barely audible; he moved faster now, swallowing hard, unable to look away from her. He barely acknowledged Vilkas as he drew nearer, studying her for several long, raw moments.
What happened? He choked out, gaze finally flitting to Vilkas for the briefest moment before he looked back to Lily. Eris' presence was forgotten, for the moment, but he pressed nearer to her without realizing it.

RE: stops my mind from wandering - Eris - June 24, 2018

It wasn't pity that Lily's silent form was met with, it was anger.  Eris' orange eyes became steely as Alarian pressed against her, and as her brother struggled for breath Eris simmered.  And then — that boy, the one who had been there when that trespasser had shown up.

What was this about?  Alarian's question would suffice for now, but damn it, Eris wanted answers.

RE: stops my mind from wandering - Lily - June 24, 2018

Vilkas called for Alarian, which alarmed her slightly; her fiery gaze cut over to the warrior, but returned to look straight ahead as the sound of pawsteps grew louder, nearer. The Governor appeared, face twisting in shock. He asked what had happened, and she felt suddenly on the spot, cowering slightly at Vilkas' side. Lanawyn was with him, too, and she looked angry. She withered further under the woman's eyes.

I broke my leg and fell into the river. "Ahhh. . ." was all she could muster, a tremulous note that shivered into the air. She licked her lips, looking down. Then up to Alarian, and his sister, hoping her eyes could convey the range of emotions she felt now. I'm sorry for leaving. Forgive me?

Then over to Vilkas again, pleading with him to explain, instead. Her voice had failed her, and Lily felt completely bereft. The last time she'd seen Ali, she had plenty of words for him; now, she had none. She swallowed the lump in her throat, shifting uneasily on her paws, gaze shifting back and forth between the wolves assembled.

RE: stops my mind from wandering - Vilkas - June 25, 2018

vilkas had the very distinct feeling that he was being ignored where he supported lily as alarian came forth and for a moment his fiery hackles bristled — not because he was barely acknowledged by their ( maybe?) leader but because he kept coming closer to lily. the raptorial firebrand has lived in a mode over the past couple of days that revolved strictly around lily and her protection and given her broken state at the moment he instinctually perceives everyone as a threat. lily cowering into his side when the woman approached with anger rolling off of her as if it were a tangible and living being only heightened that primal instinct and a low warning noise rumbled in his throat.

as far as what had actually caused lily to run away was unknown to vilkas and she'd not been able to tell him he thinks, even if she wanted to. regardless, he was only really there for lily. if they weren't welcome then that was fine — they'd find somewhere else. the wilds had no shortage of packs and while lily was not in a state to contribute much at the moment vilkas would gladly contribute for the both of them. "i noticed she hadn't came back for a long while and i was worried," there was no sense in denying it. if they hadn't figured out he was starting to care for lily already this was evidence enough. "so i went after her. i followed her trail to the qeya river and while i don't know the exact specifics because i was too far away when it happened i heard a snap of bone," he angles his muzzle down ever-so-slightly indicating her paw before he looks back to alarian, his gaze flitting between him and the angered woman — the woman who'd helped him against the trespasser he recognized. "and then i watched her fall into the river. a stranger jumped in after her before i could but i met them at the shore and pulled her out of the water and roused her back to consciousness." the rest was self explanatory and so he does not bother to mention that he's been by her side since.

"she can't speak. i don't know if there's physical damage or it it's purely psychological but she hasn't said a word since i pulled her out of the river." he draws his salmon tongue across his jowls as he peers at her. and while it doesn't bother him — he's plenty used to reading and interpreting body language — he realizes that it might negatively effect her trade. "she needs a healer, governor." he brings it to attention now that he's told alarian all that he knows, waiting for whether they would be welcomed back or sent away.