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Broken Boulder buried yourself alive and expected to be fine - Printable Version

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buried yourself alive and expected to be fine - Brilliance - June 25, 2018

the last few days, brilliance has found the Best Spot in the den. at a specific time of day (that she knows very well), the sun shines in, warming the floor in a way far more pleasant than her mother and siblings can offer. something drives her away from her slumbering children until she feels the warmth radiating off the ground. a little more she scoots so that she feels all of it against her tiny form and allowing herself to drift off to sleep.
eventually, the sun moves and half of her feels a new chill. startled away by the new sensation, she squeaks loudly--so much so that the corner of her eyes peel open—and she freezes in place. the slight entrance of light to her right eye confuses her and she wiggles in distress, hoping to bump into those caring for her. maybe if the eye completely opened, she’d be less panicked, but in the meantime the change of her world is far more stressful than she’s used to.

RE: buried yourself alive and expected to be fine - RIP Stephanie - June 26, 2018

While less concerned than a dutiful mother ought to be, Queenie made sure to keep a watchful eye on each of the three musketeers. They were getting older and bigger, and their curiosity only grew with them. It was easier to keep them corralled when they were new and less aware, but it seemed that with each day, Queenie's hands became just a little more full. 

Brilliance had been admittedly neglected, as had Solomon, but that didn't mean that she'd escaped her mother's gaze. Hearing the girl's violent squeak, Queenie turned with her ears perked atop her head and looked to see what had startled her so. There didn't seem to be much of anything until she took the girl and moved her so that they were face to face and Queenie could see the tiny opening at the corners of her eyes.

Unsure of what to do next, Queenie did all that she could think of: she licc.

RE: buried yourself alive and expected to be fine - Brilliance - June 30, 2018

queenie picks her up and moves her. she’s done this a thousand times! but this time, it’s different. this time, things move and she seems them and her cheeks swell green and she burps up part of her last meal in surprise. her mouth opens in a wail that is silenced only when she’s on the ground again. her doughy legs cling to the ground and she scoots closer, rushing right into the oncoming tongue. in reflex, her head rolls back with each lap of the mother’s tongue.
she murrs quietly to herself, babbling nonsense outward as her face withstands the onslaught of cleaning.

RE: buried yourself alive and expected to be fine - RIP Stephanie - July 01, 2018

It was sweet, the way that Brilliance settled into her mother's touch; even after her eyes had peeled open, her mother continued with the fervent grooming in hopes that it might lull the child to sleep. Tu dois aller coucher, Queenie mused, si tu veux grandir. Une chasseur, peut être? Malachi would be the mercenary and Solomon would be the scout, which left Brilliance with only one viable option.

RE: buried yourself alive and expected to be fine - Brilliance - July 04, 2018

if brilliance knew what queenie wanted her to do, she’d laugh. sleep? ha! never! of course, she doesn’t, and she can’t help but feel the tired behind her eyes. the corners of her eyes remain the only entry, barely open (to open more and more over the next day or two), turns a little to try and find the light again. queenie shades over her, blocking anything for her to enjoy and as a stubborn child would, barks several times—arf, arf, arf!—and flail of her little puppy legs to squirm away.