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Great Bear Wilderness The sentinels - Printable Version

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The sentinels - Jinx - June 19, 2014

This is a discovery thread, so a fast participant would be awesome! I'm assuming by now that Erika has left STM but being vague about it.

There was only so much than Jinx could accept before fury got the better of her. She had been able to cope with Tyrande's departure, if only because she couldn't claim to like the toxicologist very much. Majesty's betrayal had come at a great cost to the Alpha female's composure. But it was Erika leaving the pack that pushed the pale Silvertip matriarch over the edge, and with fire in her eyes, she left her mountain.

She did it, she knew, for the safety of her followers. She had lashed out at Sitri once already when Majesty had left, but Erika's betrayal stung harshly in comparison. She had known that Majesty was foolhardy, but nothing had ever clued her in to Erika's wavering loyalty. She would kill the pair of them if she ever saw their faces again, this she vowed.

The female had stomped through Neverwinter and emerged on the other side. Rather than bearing right into the Heartwood, she turned left and began to wander into the "great unknown" beyond the conifers of Chakra Feralheart's abandoned territory. It was out here, surrounded by untamed wilderness, that the Kesuk discovered something grand.

A row of short, squat mountains rose up in the near distance, beckoning the Alpha forward. The Outrider in her hungered for exploration and she gladly rose to the challenge, finding it a welcome opportunity to vent her frustration in a more productive fashion. She might have left it at merely exploration if she hadn't crested the smallest of the mountains within the hour and beheld what the interior hid from the world.

A lake sparkled magnificently in the center of the ring, and on all sides it was barred by mountains, short and squat and verdant as the one she had mounted. While this particular mountain was covered mainly in grasses and shrubs, and was really more of a hillock, the other mountains in the ring supported a vast, deep, and ancient pine forest. Spindly ponderosas seemed particularly prevalent, though all manner of spruce and fir trees rose up beneath their taller counterparts. All in all, it was breathtaking.

The Kesuk stood there a moment on the shortest mountain (or hill), breathing in the heady pine aroma and admiring the view in an uncharacteristically sublime trance.

RE: The sentinels - Mordecai - June 21, 2014

He had seen her leave with fury, and curiosity got the better of him. As rude as it may have been, Mordecai trailed after the Kesuk alpha at length, far enough behind that she only scarcely popped up in his view once or twice. Not that he had ever really seen Jinx leave her post but maybe twice, and both of those times had involved him. Things had certainly shook up one way or another within her merry band, and the desertions of others had not gone completely unnoticed. Mordecai did not know those who had departed from the territory, only recognized their fading scent marks here and there from where they had dwelled, and of course the meeting that had occurred early in his acceptance.
So with those minor shake-ups, he couldn't help but wonder what drew her out and away from the territory. He pondered if she was going to hunt down the deserters, a very task he had seen his father do from lowly thieves and freeloaders alike. Out there in the thick of the Wilds, he couldn't tell familiarity from unfamiliarity, aside from the Amazonian-built canine he trailed behind. Either way, he did not let her go unaccompanied, in part due to his budding loyalty to her.
When he found her, she had turned still for the moment. Caught up by the sense of adventure once again, the tawny Ostrega had to pull himself from the new surroundings to slow himself. Beyond her ivory coat he saw what he initially thought of rolling hills, until he realized how they too jutted from the ground in regal, stout stances. Mountains, but not like the ones that he had seen to their north. It was the lake that stood further down the slope as he came to join her that captured his attention. He whined uncertainly from behind, stopping himself short of standing aside her as she surveyed the grounds. What did she see? Why had she stopped? And more importantly, he kept his distance until he gauged just how she would react to him being there. Though his tail wagged behind him, he wondered if she had come there to be alone.

RE: The sentinels - Jinx - June 23, 2014

The Alpha female was transfixed for the first time in her life. The conifers that stood sentinel over this place towered over any other pine she had ever seen. Some of the ponderosas reached the lofty height of the sequoias she had once lived by in Horizon Ridge. She was just contemplating how long they must have been standing there undisturbed when Mordecai's soft voice trilled from behind, summoning his leader's attention.

She turned to him with a gentler expression than she had worn when she left the mountain that morning. She didn't fault him for following her. If anything, she faulted herself for not noticing for so long, and chocked it up to frustration consuming her. “This place must be hundreds of years old,” she said with a long look of wonder over her pack mate's face. “I was searching for something when I left today. Something that might prevent these recent episodes of stress upon the pack. I did not expect to find this, though.”

In truth, the Alpha had expected to maybe find a herd of bison that they could hunt, but this land had captured her greedy attention for now. Surely there were moose in these vast, ancient woods, and a moose was just as good as a bison for the Alpha female, who had never before tasted their elusive flesh. Already, the beginnings of a plan were formulating in her mind, but she wouldn't give voice to it yet.

RE: The sentinels - Mordecai - June 24, 2014

She turned to look at him, and he relaxed considerably at her friendly expression. Mordecai then closed the gap between them to properly join her, and surveyed the view as she spoke. He too agreed that the woodland must've been old, though he was willing to bet that it was beyond old; even the air itself spoke of ancient tomes that they could not grasp. At least not in any living sense. No doubt others had crossed through like they had, and perhaps stopped in awe of the ringlet of earth and water.

He inhaled deeply, enjoying the refreshment of the summery wood. "Seems like you found a treasure trove of quiet here. I've heard a lot more commotion in the night beyond our mountain." As for anything else that had troubled them, he knew not nearly enough as he would have liked. He was integrating to life in a oack again, but still had a ways to go. "And what prey I've been tracking towards the flatlands has been restless. I think your statement of all of us fighting over food might come true before winter even starts to set." He did not doubt that the same thoughts had crossed her mind as well.

RE: The sentinels - Jinx - June 24, 2014

“You are right,” Jinx mused, identifying that the odd, heavy feeling she got from the woods had everything to do with how quiet they were. She had grown used to the constant howling of wolves where they were situated, for they were within earshot of both Blacktail Deer Plateau and Horizon Ridge on their lofty spire. Silence was precious and rare on the faces of Silvertip Mountain, so it was comforting to be enveloped in it for once.

Mordecai made another interesting observation, leading Jinx to admire his perception. She wasn't much of a hunter and never had been, so she hadn't noticed the recent skittishness of the prey herds. Being targeted on all sides by wolf packs was a good reason for prey to move elsewhere, and that was the situation in the Kintla Flatlands now. She wouldn't be surprised if the prey moved over the mountains in the fall and early winter, right into the waiting jaws of Fox and her wolves. Their odds would be better there, despite the numbers Swiftcurrent Creek boasted of.

“You make a very valid point, Mordecai,” the Alpha murmured with a frown. “I hadn't thought of it, but Blacktail Deer Plateau and Horizon Ridge are so close, it's a wonder the prey have stayed so far. And now the traitors on the island...” Her teeth ground together, but she forced herself not to mention Majesty and Erika further.

RE: The sentinels - Mordecai - June 24, 2014

He had heard of the traitors that had gone to the island and found himself frowning as well. Dispersals happened, of this even he was guilty of, but there was a right and wrong way in Mordecai's eyes. Never once had he just up and left. He had always kept the decency of letting the right ones know where he was off to. If the time ever came even with Jinx, Mordecai knew he would seek her counsel beforehand. But that time was nowhere near now, if ever. He was content with how things were handled.

"They'll get what's due of them soon enough." He felt confident in saying so, having learned a little of the pack's locale from the whispers of others. If the sea didn't swallow them whole, he suspected the nearby pack at the shore would have some words to say. "Would you like company to explore with?" he inquired then, not wanting either of them to dwell on the world left behind for now. His heart hungered for the exploration of what had been found, and he would not pass up the opportunity to curry more favor with Jinx.

RE: The sentinels - Jinx - June 26, 2014

As she overlooked the ancient forest, she unwittingly shared in Mordecai's desire to let go of what had happened over the past couple months. Yet it would always linger in the back of her mind, in that self-conscious darkness of her thoughts, that she had somehow failed to keep her pack safe from the threat of mutiny. Majesty and Erika hadn't been particularly important individuals, but they had nevertheless been pack.

She didn't dare allow herself to wonder where Ira had been lately. The very thought that he might have outright disappeared would make her murderous.

“If you have nothing better to do,” said Jinx as she began to descend into the newly discovered valley, leaving him free to choose other pursuits if he wished. She would not hold it against him.

RE: The sentinels - Mordecai - June 26, 2014

He followed her as she continued along the downward path, smiling. "I can't really think of anything better to do," he told her, "exploration has always been my forte." After all, it was what had brought him to her originally. Perhaps if not for her offer, Mordecai had no real idea where he would have been. Perhaps well out of the Wilds altogether by now, though he had lost any concept of how much time had exactly passed. It was well into summer now, he figured, and behind it would come the chilly autumn and frigid winter that he was beginning to get accustomed to. It made sense to him now to establish himself within a pack, if only because the grand scale of exploration for him had been satisfied.

But within the boundaries that he established, he did not linger for too long away from the mountain. Not because he feared stopping the sense of adventure, but because he wished not to collect ire by being absent. "To be honest with you, I did come because I saw you heading this way. You seemed troubled, or at least angry with things. The wolves who have abandoned us... did you know them well?" There was always a particular sting in the unforseen betrayal, or at least the unknown reasons why there were some who simply disappeared off the face of the earth. A certain anguish that he had little experience with, but was keen enough to pick up on for all the times he had seen long term pack mates steal away into the night.

And briefly, he wondered, did his family feel that way when he had left?

RE: The sentinels - Jinx - June 28, 2014

She chewed on her tongue as they walked, bobbing her head when he explained that this was something he excelled at. Of course, she knew that soon, the wolves of the pack would settle into their chosen roles, and more than just she and Lecter would bear trades. Mordecai was shaping up to be an excellent Outrider, and in fact, she would have been surprised if he didn't already have the qualifications.

When he asked about Erika and Majesty, she frowned heavily, but directed her gaze ahead of her rather than at her subordinate. It wasn't his fault, although it took Jinx a moment to remind herself of that. “They were long-standing members,” she mumbled. “Majesty was a fool—getting our pack into trouble with my former pack, disrespecting a superior's right to question him, and the like—but he did a lot for the pack, and I had strongly considered him for Beta. He chose to defend a lone trespasser over the pack, and even attempted to interfere with me when I tried to drive the intruder out. Erika was less social, but I never expected her to align herself with a dog like that.”

Her sheer hatred of the chocolate brown male was palpable, but she forced herself to take a long breath and vent her anger by exhaling. “I don't expect them to last long,” she admitted, glancing back at Mordecai now for his own thoughts. Majesty was the furthest thing from a wolf she had ever met, and probably should have been dead by now. Any who put their faith in a wolf that she considered inept was bound to regret it—Akhlut had proven that quickly in Horizon Ridge's infancy.

RE: The sentinels - Mordecai - June 28, 2014

Her inital reaction affirned the answer to his question. For a moment he wondered if it had been wise to prod at a wound that was still fresh, but the explanation that followed relieved him of guilt. Mordecai listened raptly,  tucking away what Jinx imparted to him with a growing sense of understanding. He understood why Jinx had called her meeting not long after his arrival at the mountain, and most importantly why so many felt slighted when it came to the desertion. Majesty had more than likely been well-liked for all his shortcomings, so no wonder the ire. Erika, he could not say. He had never encountered her other than the meeting, and reasoned quickly in his mind that she probably sympathized with Majesty. Or had been coerced. Nevertheless, it was interesting to him.

"I doubt they will. I don't imagine the island they've isolated themselves on will be welcoming as the seasons change. Can't really see them or any prey being dumb enough to cross the frigid waters by winter," and if they were... then Mordecai would find himself surprised. Then again, he didn't know a large amount abiut the region they had stolen away to. "Even so, we have ourselves to worry about, right? If you don't mind my asking, what are your plans for the upcoming winter?" he ventured, not thinking it was too soon to find out. The further north Mordecai had traveled, the earlier it had become cold. Perhaps the Wilds would prove themselves different, but he wanted to be prepared come what may.

RE: The sentinels - Jinx - July 01, 2014

Probably gonna nudge this toward a fade out if you want to fade them talking (but if you want to continue just let me know)!

Mordecai made good points, and once again Jinx found herself considering when he might rise amongst the members into the upper reaches of the pack ranks. She kept it to herself, though, and responded to his reasoning with a vigorous nod. Of course only Majesty would be stupid enough to choose an island as a pack location without considering how they would be stranded there in the winter. Never mind the fact that Jinx never would have thought of that, either.

“I would like to say Silvertip Mountain could sustain us, but I don't believe it myself,” she admitted, glancing back over a thick shoulder as though expecting to see the mountain looming in the background (she didn't). “We would have to hunt in Neverwinter Forest, but then we must leave the mountain unguarded for a time, and with so many packs around...” The Alpha pursed her lips, then boldly declared, “I should like to consider bringing the pack here. This land is untouched,” as if to emphasize, she sniffed the fresh air and smiled, “and no doubt could provide for the pack better than where we are currently.”

She paused, turning to face Mordecai full on, and then bounced back the question remixed: “What would you like to see me do to prepare us for this winter?”

RE: The sentinels - Mordecai - July 02, 2014

I wouldn't mind drawing it out just to get through this bit of dialogue if that's cool with you. <3
Her answer surprised him. He had not expected for Jinx to admit that she didn't believe in their survival, at least on that mountain. But the reasons provided drew a stark sense of understanding to the Ostrega. Mordecai had never lived on a mountain aside from his present residence and had found the difficulties in doing so. With borders as broad as their own to keep strangers away, it had also been a great deterrent for prey too. Not that the neighboring packs had done much to help either. But it was her declaration that intrigued him more, leaving him to drop the mixed feelings he had about their locale.

Where providing for themselves on that mountain would no doubt prove difficult in the seasons to come, the sprawling basin around them suggested that it offered more. He drew his gaze to the forestry around them, slowing his pace as Jinx came to a stop. It was only then that he met her gaze as she returned his question, and for a moment Mordecai looked at her unabashed. And then he turned away, this time locked in thought for a moment until a suitable answer arrived at the forefront of his mind and tongue.

“I would start preparing now. Figure out who we have that can hunt and hunt well, start tracking the herds. I would encourage that we use what's left to the warm season to pick up and sharpen our skills too. If we stay on the mountain, we'll have to defend ourselves. We'll have to defend our kills, too.” He felt bold, essentially trying to piece together what he himself would do. Thinking and thumbing back through memory for the very actions he had seen his own parents and grandparents take. However, the scrublands were a lot different than a northern coastal valley by a long stretch. They hadn't had much of a winter to contend with in Sedona, not like he anticipated there for whatever reason.

“But relocating wouldn't be a bad option either. It would give us distance from the threat of being assaulted, maybe give us an advantage to pick up any game that wanders away from the rivers and further inland. No doubt we're going to have those who desert us or otherwise turn up missing before and during the winter, but every little bit helps. As closely knit as everyone seems, I don't see anyone just freeloading off of us.” He looked back to her curiously then, tilting his head as though he would truly be able to ascertain what she thought.

RE: The sentinels - Jinx - July 02, 2014

His insightfulness was inspiring to Jinx, who immediately felt the need to begin preparations for winter. Though she hadn't said it aloud just yet, she had already finalized the decision to come here. It wasn't the coward's way out to leave the mountain when they were packed so close to other packs, just as it wasn't the coward's way out to run from a fight with too many enemies—it was simply how wolves were programmed, although the brazen Kesuk in her would argue otherwise.

“Kaname and Sitri both hunt occasionally,” the Alpha mused, picking up their slow stroll through the forest once more. “Perhaps they could officially focus themselves on that. Defence of ourselves and our food is my specialty and I suspect Sitri will excel there as well. And Lecter has his ways of protecting us though he is growing slower as the days go by.” To admit her mate was approaching the cusp of death was too much, so she didn't.

“When we have decided where we shall settle for the winter, I'll gather the pack and figure out what everyone would like to do.” He mentioned that he didn't see anyone piggybacking off Silvertip's efforts, and Jinx nodded in agreement, smiling wryly as she said, “If I find a freeloader, they will be swiftly removed.” Dove had been a freeloader, and she hadn't lasted long at all.

RE: The sentinels - Mordecai - July 02, 2014

Feel free to fade with your last post! :D
As they moved along, Mordecai made mental notes to try and seek out Kaname and Sitri in the days to come. He did not fancy himself much of a hunter, but he was decent at it. Practice would only improve that skill; Mordecai could track animals fairly well, but capturing them was another story at times. But those odds would swiftly improve in the company of others, versus the strictly solo hunting he had been doing for quite some time. He was pleased that the bulk of the wolves he knew to be higher up than he were skilled in something, or at least the most important parts in his eyes.

“I'll have to be sure and seek out Kaname and Sitri. More hunters couldn't really hurt,” he told her, returning the wry smile. But it was fast fleeting, for another statement lingered behind it. “I could always help with patrolling too, if that isn't much of a problem. But if there is anything more I can do to help though, let me know. I'm more than willing to pitch in wherever you'd like me to.” He had stuck with them all this long, so it seemed needless to say he had no intentions of up and abandoning them. Silvertip had been good to know, and he would do the same in return.

RE: The sentinels - Jinx - July 03, 2014

Thanks for the thread! We should be set to relocate very soon. :D

She didn't have much else to add other than a grateful smile. “I will let you know,” she promised. Soon she would need to evaluate all of her wolves' capabilities and put them to work, but there was still much to be done... Including addressing the issue of Erika running about as a mutineer. That didn't sit well with her.

She led them further into the forest, exchanging words with Mordecai about what they would see for the pack in the future and what they would do. They spent the afternoon enjoying the Spine before parting ways, with Jinx choosing to remain in the valley for the night and Mordecai pursuing other interests.