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Blacktail Deer Plateau we must talk about our problems - Printable Version

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we must talk about our problems - Blixen - June 30, 2018

the ex is here to crash the party >:3 seeking @Varinril @Saarthal and/or @Max -- and @Mallaidh for ref tho i dont think they should see each other yet!!!

the river does not lead her back to the coast, damn it all. vaguely she remembers -- they'd maybe come this way going to redhawk, but where "this way" is, she has no idea. and she can't find branwen either, which means the redhead is, for lack of a better phrase, totally fucking lost.


to make matters worse, in limping along the river, blix has decided she's definitely sprained her still-tender ankle. and her head hasn't stopped throbbing. this really was a terrible idea.

resignedly the shilkru stops and flops down dramatically on the earth, tired and sore and too fed up to make an effort anymore. she'll just lay here until her head stops hurting or a bear eats her. fuck it.

RE: we must talk about our problems - Max - June 30, 2018

*eyes emoji*

her paw was doing much better today. it was able to tolerate her weight again and she felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. she sprinted through the forest with a huge smile on her face. she wouldn’t have noticed the not-so-happy visitor if not for her flaming coat.

max came to abrupt stop and spun around to investigate the stranger. she didn’t look too good. the yearling slowly moved forward and called, “you ok?

RE: we must talk about our problems - Blixen - June 30, 2018

her sullen solitude does not last long -- blixen doesn't look up at the sound of approach, muttering "go ahead and get it over with." only when the stranger speaks does she finally look over, taking in the visage of -- a really cute girl. 

she quickly shifts, tucking her paws up almost in a loaf, except for the injured pathetically sprawled in front of her. "yeah," she says, not wanting to appear weak, but sheepishly has to add, "-- well, no. i'm lost, i don't know where my friend is, my head really hurts and i think i sprained my ankle running in the forest over there." the words come out in a rush, her skin flushing deeper with embarrassment with each one added. some great shilkru you got there, heda, gets lost and hurts herself trying to track down a natrona. that she may or may not still be in love with. 

groaning, blix covers her snout with her good paw and looks away.

RE: we must talk about our problems - Varinril - July 01, 2018

There's a girl she's seen multiple times now, zigzagging through the trees. Here lately though, she's been lounging about. Her affliction was apparent, at least: a sprained ankle. No way it could be anything more serious than that, seeing as she just whizzed past her gloomy lair a minute ago. Varinril was compelled to stand, exiting the hovel. She's been wanting to talk with the girl - meet her in a more formal fashion, perhaps become acquaintances! Yet her interaction with Saarthal made her a recluse in that regard. 'Course, she still talked with Mallaidh, but chatting with anyone else felt too stressful.

Today was the day she would remedy that, worries be damned. Besides, she seems awfully nice. Varinril trails after her, gait brisk. As she closes in on her location, she detects movement. She hurries, standing before the looming trees like a luminous beacon. Oh? There was another wolf, this one not of their flock. Varinril drank in dregs of air. Thankfully, the wolf was female. That alone was enough for her to resume her trot, pawsteps loud in her approach so as to not startle them. She came to stand beside the vigorous Max, upper arm touching the girl's hip should she permit it. Her eyes trailed along the stranger's prone form, noting her disheveled appearance. She doesn't look too good.

Varinril is unusually quiet in her assessments, trusting Max to lead in way of conversation. If she found the girl's questions to be wanting, she would interject. Until then, she was okay with hanging back, listening, waiting.

RE: we must talk about our problems - Saarthal - July 01, 2018

saarthal’s coping method was to ignore and dismiss and pretend everything was fine. be her normal charming and bubbly self. and flirt with anyone who was receptive. which was why she went to find max - who, other than the obvious fact that she was cute and funny, and saarthal liked the girl with a name like a warrior princess, she was not varinril or mallaidh, both of whom stirred up confusing feelings and memories from the past, things she was unwilling to deal with. she'd been subconsciously avoiding them, though saarthal herself appeared to be oblivious to that fact. max was striking and intriguing, and easy to talk to without all the stupid complicated-ness that everyone else bore - saarthal liked her. maybe she should take her out on a date, sometime.

so, when max’s scent became discernible in the air, saarthal completely neglected the other telltale smells (a reckless action, honestly) and bounded off in her friend’s direction, only realising what was happening when she was within sight, and by then, it was too late to stop. she’d already yelled: hey! max! maxin-

saarthal skidded to a stop beside the trio, copper eyes scanning over max and varin first, to make sure they were not hurt. then, her gaze drifted over to the...prettygirl on the ground. “hiii - oh. shit, you’re hurt,” a note of concern seeped into the girl’s voice and her brows creased, teeth worrying into her lip as she dropped into a crouch beside the stranger, completely forgetting that max and varin were here before her and probably knew more about what was happening, and perhaps she should converse with them before doing anything reckless but — "um, i’m a half slash nearly qualified healer, i can probably, eighty or ninety percent, patch you up but i need -" saarthal glanced up at her friends, then back at the injured girl, then realised she might have interrupted something. well, whatever, the girl was injured...right? that was more important, surely.

RE: we must talk about our problems - Max - July 03, 2018

she said she was fine and max opened her mouth to object, but she quickly said otherwise. a sprained ankle, she could fix that up. the medic within her sprung to life. “i got poppy seeds, they’ll ease the pain.” the yearling closed the gap between the two. the firey girl was more stunning up close. what was with all these pretty girls coming through? common max, no time to swoon. focus, focus.here, let me help you up-

before she could do anything, varinril stepped to her side and touched her hip. this was the first time she’d seen her.  her scent lingered around the forest, but she never had the chance to formally introduce herself. max smiled and greeted her with a nod.

a familiar voice called her name and saarthal came running to them. “she sprained her ankle.” max crouched beside the two. “i got herbs in my den. can you guys help me walk her there?” she glanced at saarth and varinril, then back to firey girl. “can you stand?

RE: we must talk about our problems - Blixen - July 03, 2018

under more auspicious circumstances, blix would wonder if this was heaven, as two more pretty girls show up, one after the other, all their attention on her. like, haha, what? but her head hurts way too much for her to be dead, and oh right, she's in the middle of looking for her ex. blushing under her fur, blix looks at her feet, embarassment writ clear across her face.

pretty girl number three identifies herself as a healer, and pretty girl number one already offered her poppy (she thinks her name was said at some point but missed it in the flurry of attention). flashing a grin at her that's more confident than she feels, blix says, "yeah, totally," and forces herself to her feet, wincing as she pulls her injured ankle against her chest. "thanks," blix adds, looking between all three of them, grateful for her weird stroke of luck even if it's a lot on top of everything else. "i, um, i lost my friend i was traveling with somewhere in the forest, i think -- i don't usually go this far from my pack, but we were looking for someone..." she's babbling a little, the stess of the situation activating her oversharing tendencies, "oh -- my name's blixen, by the way."

RE: we must talk about our problems - Varinril - July 03, 2018

A lot happened in a short span of time. Saarthal showed up, disquieted for the ailing girl. So Saarthal has knowledge of herbs too, then? Looks like Max knows a thing or two about that area as well, as she had heard something about poppy seeds before arriving here. Varinril was not completely lost in this area, having heard of poppy seeds before. Not that she'd give the seeds to anyone who asked, mind you; she has no idea how much was too much. Plants with healing properties can be toxic in large quantities.

A sprained ankle, huh? With how Max was running just now, she had no doubt the autumn furred girl is in good paws. The stranger stands, going on about how she lost a friend back in the forest. Varinril looks up, midnight eyes sweeping from north to south. Three forests. Blixen's friend will likely come tottering after her if said friend is not completely and utterly turned around. Might be best to look for her friend if they are as bad off as Blixen. In this, Varinril remains silent, attention shifting from red fur to gray to brown. Max was handling this situation as admirably as one can; she would defer to the healer.

RE: we must talk about our problems - Saarthal - July 04, 2018

a breath of relief left saarthal's lips as max crouched down beside her and basically proclaimed herself a healer (because saarth never really quite listened in medic lessons, anyway) and - yo, when the fuck did she have the time to collect herbs? - but also, like, she's hot when she's in control. aaand, she really should not be having these thoughts right now. stop. saarth, stop. stop it. concentrate on the patient. hAHAhA, the pAtiEnt. there really wasn't anything funny about the word patient, but for some stupid reason, stupid saarthal thought there was.

the flaming girl stood up wincing, and immediately, saarthal moved closer to her side, ready to support her should she need it. "you can lean on me, if it helps," she offered cheerily, lips tugging softly upwards. saarthal glanced over at max quickly - she still wasn't over how hot it was to see her in control; she liked dominant women - but had her attention back on the injured girl moments later. "blixen! nice to meet you! although, uh, it'd probably be better under better circumstances," saarth winced, "i'm saarthal. um —" a thought entered her mind and she looked at vari, then at max, a tilt to her crown, "— do you want us to look for your friend? or will they..?"

RE: we must talk about our problems - Max - July 18, 2018

blixen rose to her feet with a wince and saarthal stood beside her as a crutch. the stranger, blixen, offered her name. “name’s max,” she replied as she began to lead the way towards her den. she went on about loosing a friend and searching for someone. “what do they look like?” there had been a couple of new faces that passed through, maybe one of them was her friend.

she kept a slow pace, so the trek to the den was longer than usual. when they arrived she dove in and fiddled around with the herbs. there wasn’t much: some chevril root, cobwebs, and just enough poppy seeds for blixen. she wiggled her way out and dropped a mouthful of seeds at her feet. “these should ease the pain. and you can chill in the den if you want.” she smiled.  “mi casa es su casa

RE: we must talk about our problems - Blixen - July 19, 2018

she feels a bit like the main character in a harem anime (or she would if she knew what any of that meant) as she's ushered against saarthal toward max's den. the third girl, who's name she doesn't know yet, stays silent but blix doesn't notice, blinking at their questions. "the one i'm looking for is named furi," she says, scanning their faces with subdued hope for any recognition. regardless of what she finds she says, "and my friend, branwen, um, she's like...brown?"

descriptions are not her strongest suit as we all know. "she probably went back home," the shilkru thinks aloud, hopeful anyway that it's the case less nomi think they've both turned natrona, "i just don't know how to get back to the coast -- my pack is up on the cliffs. i can, um --" ow right no she's not going anywhere, her ankle screaming in protest the second she tries to take a step away from the crew. sheepishly she takes the poppy from max, giving up the ghost for now, and mumbles "thanks, i really appreciate it." she wants to offer them something in return but all she has is drageda. she doesn't want to spring it on them out of the blue, though (and honestly, poppy works fast)... maybe... once she wakes up from this nap...