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Fox's Glade ageless as the sun - Printable Version

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ageless as the sun - Alessia - July 13, 2018

The glade had held her attention for some time; hours were spent tracing the stream, hopping boulders and trying to find ways up the trees, and hunting. She found herself with no particular purpose today, allowing each almost-kill to slip from her grasp with a lazy smile and giving herself to each tumble from a tree's limb. The wild-furred yearling was tired, battered, but thoroughly pleased when she finally decided she'd had enough.

Shaking leaves and bits of foliage from thick midnight fur, she found herself drifting idly towards the meadow she'd seen hours earlier. The wind was in her favor, it seemed; the scent of others came to her with the breeze, freezing her in her tracks. She could not tell how far off they were, or how many exactly, but the knowledge was enough. These lands were not claimed, she knew, and traveling groups had always spelled trouble for the inkstain. She bristled ever-so-slightly, an automatic fear response to her last memory of encountering a traveling band of wolves; no, she would not repeat that experience. Not today, nor any day to come.

RE: ageless as the sun - Siarut - July 13, 2018

As his family slept Sia found a restless pit in his stomach that drove him to his feet. With a nudge for @Takiyok, to make sure she was keeping watch and to tell her were he was going, he glanced at the pale form of Uki as she too slumbered, before he departed the meadow. Heading out on patroll was a duty he had taken up many times already on this trip, and it was the only thing that gave him peace of mind as they travelled through unknown land.

He realized that he had travelled slightly to far, when the scent of another breached his nostril (lol?). He paused, looking back toward his family, he was fairly far and so wasn't as concerned. However, he was still weary. Following the scent until he came upon the woman. "Who are you?" His tone was neutral, but he held an authority in his stance that would be obvious if she cared to look. The northern tongue fell easily from his mouth, with no thought she might not understand him.

RE: ageless as the sun - Alessia - July 13, 2018

The approach of another did not escape her notice, scent carrying on the wind, and as he came into view her eyes were already trained in his direction. One of the group, she deciphered from scent as he drew nearer. He was... her exact opposite. Towering and well-built, stark and pale with striking green eyes; the contrast to her own small, dark frame was not lost on her.
Immediately she disliked the authority in his tone and posture, though the words escaped her understanding. Her gaze sharpened, tinged with fear, and in an instant she was bristling again. I don't understand that, She told him plainly, taking a step back on stiff legs. But this is not claimed land, and I have no intentions of disturbing your group.

RE: ageless as the sun - Siarut - July 13, 2018

Her small frame seemed to cower under his mere voice, as she backed away. She was petite, but not without substance, and Sia appreciated her contrasting pelt. Narrowing his eyes, and thinking over her words, which he easily understood. He tried to discern whether or not she was lying. Deciding that she was being honest for the moment, Sia nodded his head with a raised brow.

"You are right. We lay no claim to this land. However, I must ask you not to enter the meadow." As long as she could respect this Sia had no qualms with her. He still held authority, but his spoke in the common language and with a friendlier tone.

RE: ageless as the sun - Alessia - July 13, 2018

Her hackles bristled further, this time less from fear than agitation. Harsh words sat at the tip of her tongue, inquiries as to his intelligence and comprehension levels, but she could not forget her own disadvantage. I believe that is what I just assured you, The words fell crisp from her tongue, dripping with barely-masked disdain. It irked her to no end when men spoke to her as if she were nothing more than a confused young girl, needing each detail spelled out for her.
But it is a bold request to make, when you sit on a pack's doorstep, How could she scent the traveling group and miss the settlement to the south, the scent of a marked border near the outskirts of the glade? Had they? The glint in her gaze questioned this, challenged him in a way.

RE: ageless as the sun - Siarut - July 13, 2018

forgot to warn you that Sia can be a dick LOL

Narrowing eyes looked at the girl, "I appreciate it." He spoke with an edge that showed his annoyance. Not disturbing his family, and not entering the meadow had the potential to be different things. He had not meant to be demeaning, and had not thought he had been. 

"It might be." In fact he knew it to be a quite a favour, a packwolf had already been their way. But he would ask it none the less, for the safety of his family. "However, it is temporary." They would be here for a day, maybe two. "Why do you care of our potentially trouble with nearby packs, if you are not from either?" Siarut could not find the local packs scent on the pelt of his girl, why would a lone wolf care for the problems of a stranger.

RE: ageless as the sun - Alessia - July 13, 2018

LMAO alessia can be too
This time, a wry smile curved her lips as he spoke, an amused glimmer to her gaze. He was displeased. Good. I don't, She answered easily, all traces of contempt vanishing from her tone. It's just curious.
Her hackles settled, tension abating as much as it ever did; the sharpness to her gaze had softened, expression settling into lazy curiosity. She dared two steps closer, sniffing at the air around him and taking another step back at what she found; a distinct, faintly sweet scent. Your journey must be important, to travel with pups. Is your destination far? Surely they had one; the inkstain could not imagine even this one would be dull enough to wander aimlessly with pups.

RE: ageless as the sun - Siarut - July 13, 2018

He appreciated her honesty, and it brought a similiar amused expression to his own face. His response would have been the same had the question been posed to him. She seemed to relax slightly, which brough about his own ease. Even as she took steps closer, Sia wasn't worried as her size wasn't very intimidating. He took the closeness to take her scent as she took his. 

He gained a guarded look at her question, his protective instinct reappearing, although he tried to remain relaxed. "Yes, very." He had answered her question, although remained some form of vagueness that kept him comfortable. "The journey is not as important as the potential destination." He wished to have Tak at his side for moments like this, she was much more open to others than he was. Sia tried to be more trusting, and he tried to believe that maybe this woman didn't wish his family harm. But what if she did.

RE: ageless as the sun - Alessia - July 13, 2018

A home, I take it, The sharpness to her gaze was different, now; not agitated, but intrigued. Her thoughts went to Kjalarr as she took in the starkness of his coat again, this time with no distaste. Somewhere you're better suited, I hope? Her tone was playful, a pointed glance cast over his fur.
Your wariness is understandable; new life is delicate, and very precious, An unfamiliar attempt at— empathy? She questioned briefly her sanity, realizing her inexperience with such expressions could not be hidden. The yearling was a sharp-edged creature, crafted of shadow and filled only with sin and the instinct to survive. Yet she understood the stranger's tension, not fully but in a way that struck her nonetheless. Sentimentality was a dangerous trait, she reminded herself, and spoke again anyway. I haven't yet had my own, but I imagine I would be just as vigilant.

RE: ageless as the sun - Siarut - July 13, 2018

A nod was the only thing he gave her at the mention of a home. Siarut hesitated to call it such, he had yet to lay eyes on it, but his sister definietly thought they belonged there. He couldn't stopped the sight laugh that came from her playful banter, "Yes, definietly more suited." The heat of the day was already taking its tool, from his short jaunt through the woods. 

"Your understanding is most appreciated." Siarut did his best to play the diplomat, they had already had a disagreement with a pack wolf, he didn't want any more violence near the pups.  He was surprised by the maturity found in the young girl. For she was still a girl, learning the ways of their species. "I imagine you would, or will be one day." He gave her a slight smile. "Don't be to eager though." His sister had explored the world before having her children at the ripe age of four. The thought made him think of his wayward brother, who was not much older than the girl before him, he had pups in the world he would most likely never meet. "I am Siarut." He respect toward the safety of the pups had garnered her the right to his name in the very least.

RE: ageless as the sun - Alessia - July 13, 2018

Flame flickered behind her gaze again; it was impossible to miss what she perceived as casual condescension to his last words. I'm in no need of advice, thank you, Her tone held some steel, but was not impolite. It was hardly his business when she chose to conceive, though truthfully she expected the time was rather far off.
Myrren, She returned, reclining back on her haunches and flicking one ear. Her tail swept neatly around her paws. What is the name of the language you first spoke? Her eyes caught on the scars marring the white wolf, a hint of appreciation to her gaze. She found this Siarut rather insufferable, but there was an air about him; for once, she could not quite pinpoint it.

RE: ageless as the sun - Siarut - July 13, 2018

Her fire only brought laughter to the man, reminded of Ceara and happy days. He only shook his head, "I apologize. I'll mind my own business." Sia struggled to contain the laughter, but eventually her let it die and as left with a concealed smile.

"Myrren." He played her name on his tongue, and dip his head in proper greeting. She sat back, and her inky pelt morphed into the ground, looking as a statue rising from the earth. "Inuttut, the northern tongue, the language of my home land." He had no qualms speaking of the his culture, it was common knowledge. "You are a ray of fire, masked as the darkest night." He offered her an example to attach to memory.

RE: ageless as the sun - Alessia - July 13, 2018

His laughter ought to have inflamed her further, but she found a faint half-smile playing on her own lips as he spoke. She nodded once with another flick of her ear, a muted sparkle to her eyes now. The apology had satisfied her; it helped, of course, that he immediately launched into indulging her curiosity.
Inuttut, She repeated quietly, scarlet gaze intense on him as she listened to his words. In the nature of sharing, she added in her father's tongue, It is beautiful, and harsh. It suits you.
French, The wild-furred girl clarified after a beat, studying Siarut closely. She deigned not to mention that her own pronunciation was slightly imperfect; in truth, it bothered her far more than any other. My father's native tongue. What did you say?

RE: ageless as the sun - Siarut - July 13, 2018

He was surprised to hear a strange language in return, and it piqued his interest in the girl. He was a secret lover of languages, a hobby even his family didn't know of. It was beautiful and fluid, nothing like the rigidness of his own tongue. He nodded understanding her father had taught her, "I said: You are a ray of fire, masked as the darkest night." 

Sia continued to watch her curiously, his ears pulled forward. "And what did you say?" He had a desire to learn the language, "Can you say it again?" Enthralled, the man sat back sitting before the girl. His form stood out against the brunette dirt at his feet.

RE: ageless as the sun - Alessia - July 13, 2018

Her ears quirked as she listened, warmth creeping up her cheeks slightly. If the words were meant to flatter her, surely they had not worked. These were the words she repeated to herself during the half-beat her gaze averted. Fortunately, Siarut had his own question. Her eyes returned to him, clearly pleased with his curiosity.
It is beautiful, and harsh. It suits you. She repeated it first in her father's tongue, then translated it to common, feeling very odd about repeating herself so many times. 'It is beautiful, and harsh. It suits you.' Your language— I find it fascinating.
The inkstain paused a beat. I've heard many in my travels. I believe there are endless languages; far too many for one wolf to learn. Her tone suggested disappointment, and it did not lie. Few things grieved the yearling more than knowledge she could not obtain.

RE: ageless as the sun - Siarut - July 13, 2018

Sia was oblivious to the conflict his scentence has caused, as he was focused on trying to mouth the words of her father's tongue. Once more she repeated the phrase and the brute tried again, mouthing the words to himself. Finally he had a translation, and he smiled slightly, "Thank you." He couldn't agree more. He was definitely a child of the north and he wouldn't have it any other way. 

Siarut had travelled much as well, and met many of different tongues, he had to agree that there were just as many languages as people. The thought of learning them all was fascinating. "A life long endeavour, to say the least." He agreed with the young lady. "But you could try to learn as many as possible." He reasoned that was all anyone could do.

He looked toward sky, gaging the time. The sun had moved some distance since they had started talking. It was time for him to return, Takiyok would no doubt be getting worried about him. "I should return." Sia spoke as her returned to look at the obsidian woman.