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Horizon Ridge Love without end - Printable Version

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Love without end - Thistle Cloud - June 21, 2014

"" Thistle stood outside the den, ever vigilant since the death of Pump. She could not stay calm, and there was almost, a constant nervous energy about her. Sleeping was non-existent. She was actually very glad that the children would be weaned soon, because her supply was lacking, within her stress. She looked behind her into the dark of the den, and listened for any movements, the pups were napping.

They were playing their selves out almost constantly due to the fact that they were now able to be seen. She was extremely happy that @Ragnar had done the ritual so quickly, for now if any one were to attack them it would be the ideal time. She tilted her head, wondering briefly if her husband was ghosting the ridge borders, or if he was marking more borders near the bay. He was as anxious as she was to get things done. She tilted her head and looked up at the sky for a brief moment, and then she sat to her haunches a cautious look on her face, as she held herself stiff and still.

RE: Love without end - Ragnar - June 22, 2014

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Ragnar had worked to make his trips back from Stavanger Bay where he worked on fortifying his claim upon it quick not forgetting that majority of his pack still resided there as well as the bloodthirsty bear that now haunted their lands. It made him nervous, despite the comfort he took from the Bay, to be apart for more than a few hours. He trusted in Thistle to take up the mantle in his absence and to take charge if something were to happen while he was gone. Ragnar didn’t know that anything would, but he didn’t know that, likewise, anything wouldn’t, either.

When he breached the scent markers of the Ridge, taking up the mantle he felt the crushing weight of his stress and the burdens he bore slam against his shoulders, his worries take up their routine places at the forefront of his mind as he, without any real conscious thought, made his way towards the rendezvous den that would soon, be entirely obsolete for the wolves. He had not had the time to carve out a new one in Stavanger, too busy with claiming it to do much else. He would make them a new one at the Bay in time, he told himself, once they were gone from the Ridge for good and he had some time to devote to it.

His icy Caribbean gaze fell upon his wife easily for she was sitting outside the mouth of the den peering up at the sky upon his approach. He chuffed to announce his presence to her as he drew nearer, relieving her of the duties he placed upon her in his absences.

RE: Love without end - Thistle Cloud - June 22, 2014

Thistle turned blue eyes towards the noise and her shoulders visibly relaxed. She was glad to see him home, she worried about him constantly traveling, she had no clue if the isle wolves would attack or if the bear would. So she hardly ever dared to breathe, while he was gone and she breathed again when he came home.

She knew that he was capable of taking care of himself, even against a bear, though he would probably still lose in that case. But that wasn't worth thinking about, really it just proved to upset her. She wagged her tail and walked towards him to meet him in the middle, one last look behind her to be sure the little ones were still sleeping. hello dearheart.

RE: Love without end - Ragnar - June 23, 2014

For a split second there was nothing but a stormy ire brewing within Ragnar; a tempest of anger, annoyance and irritation that built upon the distant horizon as he considered how much Horizon Ridge no longer felt like home. It wasn’t supposed to be that way. And why, out of all the wrong that had been done was it that the Horizon Ridge wolves have to suffer when they hadn’t done anything wrong? Why did they have to suffer the consequence of a new pack parking right next door, intruding on their long established hunting grounds? Why did they have suffer a bear whom they had wrongly assumed they had chased off but as it turned out was just biding it’s time to extract it’s vengeance? In that dark and savage moment when his thoughts were blurry with the injustice of it all and that it was Ragnar’s wolves that had to suffer when everyone else got off happy-go-lucky, scotch free that he wanted to storm the Isle’s lands and slaughter and steal …like the old days. I found it and it filled the caches. To end the bear’s miserable existence once and for all. It wouldn’t be the first time Ragnar would have taken on a bear hell-bent on taking his life (granted the time in Odinn’s Cove he had the team of Berserkers fighting with him). The faint raises of skin on his hip and leg where the bear had clawed him were a faded, puckered pink. Not nearly as impressive as his more visible scars because of the depth difference but he had not forgotten their presence marring his body. In fact, he had the uncanny ability of being able to name where each visible scar was given to him.

He let that bloody and ferocious vision borne of his anger and the weight of stress and burden that plagued every single hour of his life that was spent on this infernal, damned Ridge go. He had to let it go. As far as Ragnar was aware the only fighters the pack currently had were Verrine, Sköll (though Ragnar knew the Tiny Viking detested violence) and of course, Ragnar himself, and perhaps Surra though Ragnar could not attest for the man’s ability personally, yet. Thistle wasn’t a trained fighter (which Ragnar planned on seeing too, even if she never used her knowledge at least she’d know it and be able to adequately defend herself), the children were far too young, Nerian was a Priestess and he doubted she knew much in the art of war, Julooke …he wasn’t sure if she could fight or not, and Hati was just a girl despite her Viking upbringing. The last thing Ragnar was going to do was let his baby sister fight in some stupid war. No, they didn’t have nearly enough of a force and given the tensions that had been running high since the Isle wolves moved in the Ridge wolves deserved peace. Even a Viking’s life wasn’t all about war, or battle. They had lives to be living, families to start.

Relocating, no matter what Ragnar’s primitive instincts screamed at him was the best option. He could not blatantly, stupidly risk the lives of his men and women who put their trust in him to lead them straight and true. Granted, they had no choice but to put their trust in him but if the amount of Cove wolves that had came to find him over the past month or so, and the fact that near everyone was telling him it, he was a good leader. If nothing else…at least he had that.

Ragnar had broken himself out of his thoughts as he watched Thistle approach to meet him half way, pressing his body against hers without first asking permission when they had drawn near enough to each other, his chest pressing tightly against her side, his muzzle curving around her neck akin to a wolf version of a resembled hug. As if the Viking could feel her tension he pressed against her tighter, shifting his paws so he did not step on hers, willing to take her tension onto himself in the same manner he willed to erase the sight of Pump’s broken and barely alive body from her mind …but he couldn’t so he did what he could. “Soon we will be far away from this place,” In truth, Ragnar had never really liked this Ridge to begin with having, once, tried to convince Pump shortly after the landslide to relocate the pack to Ravensblood Forest. “It was Odinn that led me to Stavanger Bay, Thistle, not a vision or the feeling of his presence…but he came to me in flesh form as a raven. A one eyed raven and led me there.” It was sheer coincidence of course, but Ragnar was too devoted and so convinced that it had truly been Odinn that he believed it with every fiber of his being and therefore could not see the (admittedly unlikely but still) coincidence of it.

“We will move there where we can be free of this curse and these intrusions. Where the pack can prosper and grow, with loners wanting to join and with children. Ours and anyone else who wants to breed,” It would be extremely unlikely for Ragnar to deny anyone breeding permission if they came to him about it. It was a glorious vision and the Viking was filled with anticipation to see it come to fruition.

RE: Love without end - Thistle Cloud - June 23, 2014

""Thistle herself was fighting with intrusive thoughts. She also felt it unfair that the ridge had to suffer so many things. They did not bother anyone, they had chased the bear away, merely because he had went after their caches. It was simply unfair, and she couldn’t help but wonder if it were some sort of lesson from someone in the here after.

Thistle understood that her husband was violent, but even he was not a fool. They couldn’t afford to be violent against those that sinned against them, it just couldn’t happen. There were not enough, and she was no fighter herself. Granted she could be if she needed to be, she knew enough to defend herself, but she was also a tiny wolf, an could easily have been beaten by another wolf.

Thistle sighed softly at the first touch of her husband and turned her head to look at him with azure eyes. She smiled at him, I am glad Ragnar, very glad. I find this place feels me with worry, and nervousness now. And it did she could not go a day without thinking of the dangers it now posed. She listened to him and then spoke Then we should have a big sacrifice for Odinn, because in this he has my full appreciation as well as respect. She knew it could be a coincidence, but why argue with her husband, and the raven had been one eyed, how much more convincing would she need to know it wasn’t a coincidence. She was fast finding that she wanted to believe in them, and she justified everything her husband said in her own mind, as foolish as it maybe to some. She realized that her children would believe in them, as her husband did and she should too. It did not do well to be so unequal in your world and religious views.

Thistle listened and though she did not care if others bred, she did want to point out they had t obe strong in order to do that. Hopefully we will be strong enough to support more than just our pups. I know that Julooke and Verinne will probably want to have pups, if they should finally face their fear and tell one another how they feel.

RE: Love without end - Ragnar - June 24, 2014

Looking back on it, now, Ragnar knew he had been right when Pump and him had quarreled over the whole incident with the bear, that if more of the pack had bothered to answer her call they would have had enough wolves to kill it. Pump had dismissed their unwillingness to help and, in a way that had the fur on his neck bristling with it it felt prophetic how Pump had passed on. They should have killed it because he had believed the wolves who hadn’t bothered to assist should have been punished but she had not seen that way. “I will not be sad to leave it,” The Viking admitted. “I have never liked it ever since the landslide. I tried to convince Pump to relocate to Ravensblood Forest but obviously she refused.” Though it was no time for an ‘I told you so’ and he didn’t want to disrespect Pump’s memory in any way he murmured, “I wish she would have listened to me.” Because for once being right was definitely not a smug or joyous occasion. In a way, Ragnar wished he’d been wrong about staying in the Ridge, about the bear. The Gods alone know how much Ragnar wished he’d been wrong because if he had been wrong then he was confident Pump still would have been with them.

It was weird not to see her on the borders, not to have to report to her. It felt weird to leave her body behind where it had been buried by Surra and himself but they had no other choice and it was foolish to heave a rotting corpse to Stavanger Bay. She had died on the shores of this place, it was only fitting it be her final resting place. “There is a Festival we hold every year, we sacrifice to the Gods to thank them for what they have given us,” He took a deep breath and looked at her then, wondering if she really understood what ‘big sacrifice’ entailed. “Can you keep something a secret, my love,”He inquired remembering how he had conveniently left out a part of the sacrifices when he had spoken to Julooke about it. “One of the sacrifices that is required is a wolf and I cannot not do it, not after all Odinn has done for us, for this pack. To suffer the All-Father’s or anyone else’s ire would be to magnify our problems here tenfold and then moving to Stavanger Bay would be for nothing.” He figured it would bother her. “I’m not saying one of our own, and…if need be I will sneak off to perform it in seclusion where no one else will know of it,” The fear and love warred constantly in him for top position when it came to his Gods.

The change of conversation: to Julooke and Verrine, was a reliving topic change and he took it with relief and good grace though he eyed his wife carefully, knowing she probably wouldn’t approve; knowing that none would approve but that he found he feared his Gods more than them and that: they didn’t have to know about it. He would take precautions, or maybe the Gods would do it for him. “I think we can handle it,” It was hard to tell though, given the mess they were sort of in now, but each wolf had stepped up to the plate and Ragnar was impressed with them more than he had ever been before. “But we will see.” As she pointed out it was only as good as if they took the advice from the pair and admitted their feelings to one another.

RE: Love without end - Thistle Cloud - June 24, 2014

Thistle did not remember she had ever been told of the disagreement between her husband and Pump of the bear. She did however know that deep down, she had wished they had been able to kill it. What creature would willingly give up a place they knew to be caches, when they could not be taken down. The bear would have come back over and over again, and this time it took the life of one of their own. She found herself fast choking past the lump in her throat as she thought about it, but she shook her head, she had to be strong now she had to be, for herself, for her husband and for the pack. She gave him a small smile I know you did not like it here dear heart. She tilted her head, she did not remember if he had told her of what he spoke or not. About what?

Thistle listened and her blood ran cold, what on earth were they going to do about that. Though she did not believe in sacrifices of wolves, she could barely sacrifice an animal, thinking in a way it was foolish to kill something and let it rot, when you could eat it. However, she also refused to anger or disobey the laws of her husband’s gods, that were now hers and their childrens. She tilted her head and spoke softly, choosing her words carefully, Though this comes as a surprise, I understand the need to do it. However, dear heart I fear you may have to do it in private, simply because I do not know how the others would take it. Your priestess of course would probably be okay with it, and the children and I will go with you if you wish it, but the others I do not know? Can it be a wheeling gull isle wolf? The last part she was merely asking in slight jest, she did not want him to have to kill any wolf, but she knew he would need to for this. And though she offered to go, she did not know if she could, however if he wanted their children to be Vikings, they needed to see all that the culture had to offer.

Thistle chuckled I think it will be good to have more, and just think our children could maybe fall in love with theirs later and we would have generations of families. She smiled at the thought, it was a good one.

RE: Love without end - Ragnar - June 25, 2014

They hadn’t killed the bear because there hadn’t been enough wolves gathered to do it. Ragnar would have gladly gone after it, high on the Berserker mushrooms he had consumed, taken by the blood rage but at what cost? It might have taken his life. Granted, it wasn’t as if death frightened him but he had had children on the way, and his young family to think about. Even now he asked himself what Thistle would do if something were to happen to him, even though Odinn had promised him a long and fulfilled life. “About everything,” Ragnar spoke gravelly. “Maybe if she had her Fate would have been different.” He had believed that everything was Fated, but was it so wrong to want to believe that they made their own Fate?

Ragnar was patient and attentive when she spoke in regards to the sacrifice of a wolf was required to complete the ritual of Uppsalla. “I doubt it. The Priestess has lived with us but she believes in her God still,” Was all he said on Nerian before he focused on the second half, of her and the children’s attendance. “While it is something they should be present for they may be too young to keep it a secret. It is supposed to happen once a year. You do not have to attend that part, either. I might take Sköll and Hati with me though.” Considering they were adults and knew what the ritual entailed and would be able to keep it under lock and key when he bid them too. Ragnar offered her a sharp snort and a teasing grin when she asked if it could be a wolf from the intrusion that planted itself at the Ridge’s doorstep. “Only if I find one,” Typically, they sacrificed slaves and sometimes valued members of the Cove that had volunteered.

“I wouldn’t get your heart set on it, my love, when they are old enough to fall in love they are old enough to make the choice for themselves,” He would not tell his children who they had to marry. If they wanted to marry for love then so be it and if they didn’t want to marry at all then that was fine, too. He wanted his line to carry on, of course, but they weren’t technically of his bloodline so their reproduction would do nothing for him on the genetic scale.

RE: Love without end - Thistle Cloud - June 25, 2014

OMG I sort of feel bad for Ragnar, in that other thread...as a human anyway that's a horrible position to be in for anyone....Thistle's secretly crowing but still lmao

Thistle had not known how many had showed up to chase the bear. She did not know that it had been a sore spot between Ragnar and Pump. However, if she had she probably would have sided with Ragnar about this one, if they had enough to kill it, because as she had thought before, what creature was willingly going to give up free meals for a little antagonization.

Thistle perked an ear and chuckled quietly Oh my I actually forgot about them for a moment, my mind is everywhere, but where it should be. She sat down her worry coming back yet again. She hated this place now, with a passion of a thousand burning suns. It had taken their first leader and now their second, would it take their third if they stayed much longer. She certainly hoped not, it would hurt so badly if Ragnar was gone or taken.

She thought about it and though she did not agree with it, she thought she should point it out for the sake of. Ragnar though I do not like anything by force, you do realize you can make everyone attend if you wanted. I know you wouldn't, but you could. And no one can judge you even if you did it in private, you are the alpha now the jarl of our little band. She shrugged she was just pointing out the obvious, and she would probably disagree if he wanted to make everyone, but he didn't have to keep it a secret either, though they may lose some of their followers. Then again you could lose some loyal followers too, I just thought I should point out the obvious is all. She chuckled at his words, well darn their dang near impossible to find. She sighed then, she was merely teasing, but in a dark place that she never showed to anyone, there was that small little thought there, that she wouldn't care if it was one, and that thought alone scared her so bad, she wanted to cry. She was finding, there was a dark part of her lately.

She smiled at his words and spoke softly I know, but it is a nice thought none the less. I don't know if they will though, and truth be told maybe they should just revel in each other for this year and have some next year. Because being mates is new to them. it had been new to her as well, but it had also been out of necessity that they became mates, well necessity and jealousy, love came later. Whereas love came first for the other two, so maybe they did not really need to revel in each other and take it slowly. She twitched her nose she really didn't know.

RE: Love without end - Ragnar - June 25, 2014

I do too but on the other hand I'm pretty proud of him for saying no. xD

Ragnar, himself, had not failed to see the pattern of tragedy that clung to the Ridge like a cursed veil. Two tragedies had taken both of their previous alphas. He trusted Odinn’s word that he would live a full and prosperous life, yet, the pattern indicated that if they didn’t move, besides the simple fact that eventually Isle wolves would migrate onto their hunting grounds, or the bear would come back and take more lives, that he would be the next in line to be extinguished by some sort of freak tragedy (of course they only assumed Akhlut was deceased because they really didn’t know). He had too much to live for, his family at least, if nothing else. “I know the power I hold,” He could command them to do anything he wanted and they would have to listen unless they left but he was not an abuser of power. He had worked hard to earn their loyalty and it was that loyalty that made them rally behind him. “Power is a dangerous thing, my love and not for every wolf,” Ragnar spoke in a softer, contemplative tone. “It can be abused very easily. I will not force anyone to attend and at the risk of upsetting those that are loyal to me I will sacrifice the largest of them far away.” Because he cared about his subordinates and their opinions, which was why he intended to go it with no one the wiser besides those who were of his faith. “I would never force anyone to believe in my Gods or accept my faith. I only ask that they respect it. That is all I have ever asked.” And as far as the Viking was concerned: it was not a lot to ask.

He was not like Björn or Váli. Ragnar refused to let power change him. He wasn’t a tyrant, after all. "The Festival of Uppsalla is meant to be enjoyed but also to pay homage to the Gods. If they attend and enjoy themselves, whether they believe or they don't, it all that is required." He added after a few quiet moments.

“It will be their choice,” No one but Julooke and Verrine could make it for them, not Ragnar and not Thistle. Ragnar, if they did ever get around to braving that final step, could only give them his permission and nothing more. The rest was up to them.

RE: Love without end - Thistle Cloud - June 25, 2014

I am too. Bad thistle she really needs to hide her crazy :D lol

Thistle smiled at him immensely proud of him at that moment. It was good and it made her proud that he did not abuse his power. I am proud of you Ragnar for being above most who grovel for power. She shifted her small paws and brushed her tail across the ground for a moment.

She thought about what he said, he was right of course about the pups being too young, but she had wanted to offer him that choice none the less. She still was flailing here, where his culture was concerned, and sometimes she got extremely frustrated, at herself for not learning as quickly as she could. I know that Ragnar.

She tilted her head and sighed I know Ragnar, I was merely stating something. She found she was irritable today, perhaps it was the fact that she needed to get away from this place. Maybe it was worry, or it could be the fact that she barely slept anymore, certain that a bear would come and take the children any day. It drove her crazy with worry and nervousness. She stood and began to pace back and forth, her nervous energy needing to be worked off somehow. One ear back and one ear forward she drove a rut in the ground.

She was a veritable mess of a woman. She was worried and nervous about being here, and taking it out on the one wolf who was constant in her life. Which that then worried her, they were both so stubborn, what if today was the day she drove him away with her constant mental issues. The girl felt crazy and wrong, what was she to do. There were so many emotions warring inside her she really wanted to just howl.

Thistle sat down with a sigh tucking her tail around her paws. Realizing she needed to hide her crazy, and start acting like a lady. She was unsure if she could though. She barely whispered I'm sorry, I find I'm nervous today. Who was she kidding she was nervous everyday.

RE: Love without end - Ragnar - June 26, 2014

lol, ugh this post is poop but people kept insisting on talking to me when i was trying to write so i wasn't really in a very good writing zone. xD

Thistle’s pride for him seemed to morph into something darker, seething into frustration. It was made known in her voice, and gradually her frustration seemed to turn into irritation. Ragnar recoiled, eyes of Caribbean ice narrowing at the lash of her annoyance. He realized she had just been pointing out that he could tell them to do whatever the hell he wanted but he hadn’t, really, needed her to point it out to him. The fact that she did, however, left the Viking with a little bit of a worry. Did she expect him to abuse it or was that an implication of that being what she would do if she were in his position? He watched with silence and she rose and ambled away a little bit and began to pace back and forth. For a while his eyes followed her, ears slicking back to his skull, wondering if he should reprimand her as her husband for taking her irritation or whatever was wrong with her out on him, or rather as her alpha. He almost didn’t catch her whisper and wasn’t even sure he had heard it but responded, nevertheless with, “I’m doing the best I can, Thistle.” He wasn’t a God and couldn’t make things happen with a flick of his tail as nice as that sounded.

RE: Love without end - Thistle Cloud - June 26, 2014

It's okay love <3

Thistle sighed and frowned trying to figure out to fix what was wrong. She was in an odd place and didn’t know what to do about. She looked at him studying him for a moment, as she thought of what to say. It wasn’t fair for her to take her irritation out on him, and she wasn’t trying to. She was just merely upset and worried. She figured she could tell him what was bothering her, but she really didn’t know everything that was, it was a little bit of everything.

Thistle rolled her shoulders gently and then spoke softly I know you are not a God Ragnar and I know you are trying your best and you are doing a wonderful job. I would never expect you to force anyone to do anything, and I couldn’t force anyone to do so if I were you. I really was just stating a fact, and I’m sorry if you didn’t like it. She moved her tail side to side and frowned, thinking of what else to say.

She tilted downy head and blue eyes looked towards the ground as her paws actually shook. She was turning in a nut case with all this worry. She swiftly lay down, in a Sphinx position. She knew she was merely exhausted from lack of sleep and that is why she was reacting badly to everything. It however did not make her feel any better about her moods and the way she took it out on Ragnar.

I know Ragnar that I seem irritable and I’m sorry for taking it out on you. But I’m so worried dear heart that bear could come back at anytime and though you’d try your best as would all of us, there would still be either lots of pain or death from it, and the pups and you, I worry all the time right now. I have nightmares, which you may have noticed, and if you didn’t its fine too I know how tired you are and how you are working so hard to make sure we have a home to go to, away from bears, and close neighbors. She sighed again trying to think of what else to say, her husband was not a soft man, and he was not a nonsense man. So all of her worry, he may scoff at, but she was not like him. It was how they balanced each other out.

She looked at him and thought of one way she could get him to make her feel better even if it wasn’t words, one way that he was very good at, and besides he may relieve his tension as well. However, he could also easily reject her in exhaustion or irritation. Oh well. She stood swiftly and ghosted forward on small paws and tucked her head under his muzzle, nipping at his shoulder and spoke softly Ragnar can you make me forget all that for just a little while?

RE: Love without end - Ragnar - June 27, 2014

Last post for me. <3

Ragnar’s brow furrowed when she spoke that she knew he wasn’t a God, eerily mirroring his thoughts, though the Viking let it roll off of his shoulders simply because it was probably nothing more than coincidence. “I know you were,” Ragnar muttered gruffly but she was right. The point of fact had been that he hadn’t liked it. He wasn’t a tyrant and her words that he could have forced everyone into attending and liking it had made him feel like perhaps she suspected he had the potential to be tyrannical; if Thistle, his own wife thought it then there was no doubt that the others did too. That wasn’t to claim he couldn’t be. His culture did not demand such limiting things as ‘morals’ and Ragnar was nothing if not dangerous. “I watched a man stand above my people and demand they obey him without an opinion, took their freedoms away from them and treated them as if they were no better than slaves to him. And I killed him for it.” It was only one part to the many parts of why Ragnar had killed Björn and ironically, none of them had been for the helm of the Cove which came along with his brother’s death. "I am many things, Thistle, but never a tyrant." Of course, that was probably an opinion more than it was a fact.

A short, harsh laugh left the Viking as his tail lashed viciously behind him. “The bear never left,” If she deluded herself into thinking it didn’t lurk in the shadows of the Ridge then she was fooling herself. “It wants us out of this land, Thistle, whether we leave peacefully or he has to sever all of our spines.” His words were harsh, but true. Ragnar had dared to go where he had specifically told his pack to stay away from in their own territory. He kept an eye on it so he knew it’s whereabouts. “I have nightmares too, Thistle and not just of Pump. Of every battle I’ve ever fought, of every life I saw fade out of the eyes of those who were below me, of every creature’s blood I have bathed in. Do you not think that I am not weary? I am. I am weary, wife, and blood sick. I want so bad to go to Stavanger Bay and relish in the peace. To watch our children grow without intruding packs and blood hungry bears.” He hadn’t meant to lose his patience with her, or he realized as he took a step back, get in her face as he had. He was just sick of it all, and tired. She said that she knew but Ragnar couldn’t help but wonder if she truly knew. He was strong because he had to be and hid everything behind a stoical mask he had perfected long ago but he was only a man and the cracks were beginning to vein their way through the mask, dangerously.

He watched wearily as she ghosted towards him, unable to help his wry smirk as it tugged at the edges of his lips when she tucked her head beneath his muzzle and softly asked him to make her forget for a little while. He did not respond for a moment before he growled low in his throat and reached for her scruff as he pulled away and slid against her side, ready to pull her into his lover’s embrace.

RE: Love without end - Thistle Cloud - June 27, 2014

Thistle stared at her husband a moment wondering what in the world she was to do now. She didn't like it when he was irritated and angry, and granted some of it was self deserved, but she had said sorry. That at least should count for something.

She thought about saying something about the nightmares and how she knew he slept near her, and against her of course. However, she decided that it was time to let that go for right now. She wanted to forget everything for a little while, and she definitely wanted to stop pushing at her husband, and causing him irritation at least right now. Once they moved she'd go back to that. She enjoyed their arguments sometimes.

He didn't respond at first to her question, and she was about ready to go away from him, and give him the space that he must want. When he grabbed her scruff with a growl, she froze at first, but then shifted as she always did and waited.