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Moonspear spiky seeds - Printable Version

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spiky seeds - Amekaze - July 26, 2018

To the sound of frog-song, she blinked awake from her nap. By the time she resurfaced from the cover of a dark thicket near the creek, the sun had just begun to set. It was time well spent, but she shook out her fur and stretched, urging herself to get warmed up and going before night arrived in full. By then, she hoped to have something more tangible.. especially if her suspicions of rain to come later on held true.

After a long drawn-out yawn she picked up a trot and skimmed the edge of a forested swatch leading away from here, deeper in towards their heartlands and heights. Although in no rush, her nose was wanting to wander after a vague enough trail, and it markedly made her think of her sons. She had come to appreciate the yearling Jarilo more now that he was older and far more aware of what she expected, but the younger Arcturus and @Revui were plenty to keep her busy now that they were always looking to cover more territory than ever before. Amekaze was loathe to stifle them, and instead wanted to nurture their strengths into more constantly, but when the world was rife with the bullshit it was, she always felt that counterbalance—as miserable as it was when her little beasts deserved all and more. After her ill-fated lot last year, it was difficult.

The trees were thinning and her path remained vague, thanks to motivation that seemed to wane and wax as sleep still shook free from her. She only half-paused long enough to lift her nose up tall to tell for sure, but she scented rain, still, and on a breeze from roughly the north.

RE: spiky seeds - Revui (Ghost) - July 28, 2018

✴        The boy had entertained himself as best he could through the heat of the day, but even he could not go on without a nap. The humidity was stifling. Had he the capacity for empathy, Revui might've felt inclined to check on his brother and worry over him, but such things remained beyond him. He had spent the better part of the day exploring the mountain that was his domain; infrequent sightings of his various siblings brought their own charms and games, but he eventually hid himself away from the pestering sunlight and sulked until the air began to cool.

The evening was still and warm. It would be some time before the forested slopes reflected any change in temperature, but at least there was more wind when he crossed the open spaces. While having a jaunt across a particularly spacious segment of plateau, Revui noticed movement in the corner of his eye — a rat, or a vole, or something equally small trying to escape the oncoming creature — and he bolted after it. His snapping teeth and gleeful grunting could be heard through the trees. As he emerged on the other side of a rocky bend, he was facing his mother — and the small critter hung bloodily from his teeth.

RE: spiky seeds - Amekaze - August 07, 2018

The closer every step carried her on, the easier he became to find and hone in on. She found him soon after and with a curious glint, she strode closer and investigated his slack kill: fresh, just as scent--and sound, had all suggested. Although she did not see the hunt, nor the takedown, she still felt the need to say it as she reached the growing boy, who was good distance from the hungry little blot he had been once. She was pleased to see him come this far this soon, since it seemed summer sped by in a blink. She was still relieved he was eating meats on his own, and evidently, was polishing his skills as a killer effectively enough too. Less and less she worried about them being so out and about. More than ever, they were on their way to their own niches and stories, she hoped.

Proud, she didn't hassle his space over the morsel of meat too intensely, though her eyes never left him. "Nice catch," she appraised the silvered pup's efforts. "See any more?" she asked.

RE: spiky seeds - Revui (Ghost) - August 11, 2018

✴        The small thing might've been a squirrel, or a baby skunk, or maybe a large rat, it was hard to tell now that it was dead and seeping fluids. The important thing was that he killed it. Revui felt quite proud of himself and was further elated with praise from his mother; he began to show off by tossing the dead thing in the air and catching it, until he didn't, and it splattered on the earth. He stood there beaming over it with a wolfish smile for a moment and then stepped over it like it was nothing, and sidled up close to his mother.

RE: spiky seeds - Amekaze - August 14, 2018

Still wearing a small curve of a smirk, her eyes followed the carcass up, then down to its unceremonious splat where it eventually landed. Revui was sure to draw her attention most of all as he came closer, and she drew back proper to withhold her fierce son, reeking from the blood of his kill and their home.

Very content with such a sight, she rumbled affectionately and closed distance too. She reached to snake against him, only briefly, and nipped softly at his shoulder as she passed. When she pulled away, she started to arc her way towards a hopeful snatch of his mangled meat--or else serve to motivate him into keepaway if she didn't make the whole grab herself.

RE: spiky seeds - Revui (Ghost) - September 11, 2018

✴        The boy tossed his mother a look of great respect as she got close, and snapped his teeth at her in a playful manner when she grasped at his shoulder; his retaliation met air and his teeth clicked. She was quick. Much faster than Hydra, but moving with the same sort of skill. It was an innate quality to the women of their line, apparently — fleet, powerful, impressive. He was fit to bursting with love (or something like love) for his parental figures and found himself trailing after Amekaze without thinking, eager to play a game.

She circled the bloodied mess of meat, and he knew exactly what she was goading him in to. It was just like all the other games he'd played — Charon had started a tug-of-war, Lyra had played keep-away, and now his mother was adamant on perfecting similar skills. Perhaps one day he would be as quick and as powerful as Amekaze.

His steps were as quick as he could make them as he dove in, aiming straight at the dead thing with the intent to scoop it up in his teeth and canter off with it; however, he was still a gawky creature. His long limbs and too-big paws hindered his speed, and when he snapped at the target he found there was nothing there — but where had it gone?

RE: spiky seeds - Amekaze - October 27, 2018

Although low-grade torment to some degree, her heart was warm and mood wily and light. These were among her favorite moments, no matter how simple. Her snatch was effective enough to get it out of his reach before the vice of his jaws clicked shut. But, she hadn't counted on it from the start and it was narrower than ever before. His reactions were getting faster, he was learning, growing, and with time--she had a good feeling her confidence in him would be rewarded before she knew it.

She gave it another thorough tug to move further away and rumbled low, taunting again since her grip was not so steadfast--inviting, even if she intended it to be a feint (but maybe her son would surprise her). She wanted to be rallied with, and prepared to dig in deeper the second he came at it again.
i COMPLETELY understand if you want to wrap this up since i let it get so dated