Wolf RPG
Not getting PMs for thread replies - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Not getting PMs for thread replies (/showthread.php?tid=28825)

Not getting PMs for thread replies - Rueger - August 01, 2018

Rueger is a new account, and I have it set to where I am supposed to receive a PM whenever his thread gets a reply, but it isn't. When I go to the thread, it says I'm subscribed. Any idea what I can do? Screen shot below of my settings

[Image: 0CvlVmd.jpg]

RE: Not getting PMs for thread replies - Rosalyn - August 01, 2018

Not sure! If there's something going on it is likely in the actual mybb code, which is gonna be an ordeal to track down tbh.  I'll try and look into it but no promises on a timeline <3 super odd!

RE: Not getting PMs for thread replies - Rueger - August 01, 2018

Thanks so much! I actually got a reply to this one, so that's good, right? lol. No rush on a solution!

RE: Not getting PMs for thread replies - Rueger - August 02, 2018

So, while I got a PM for this thread, I still don't get it for my IC thread. I unsubscribed and resubscribed, but that didn't help. So weird!