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Greatwater Lake blood canticle - Printable Version

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blood canticle - Lasher - June 23, 2014

taltos had not ventured from the comfortable shadows of the plateau for some time now, but the venture of a herd had caught his attention, and he had followed the proud creatures out into the open. a proud elk stag had laid claim to five females, and stood guard as they and the few fawns they had between them grazed with surety that they would be rescued from any jawed evil.

lasher watched them from his perch on a rise, his body slack with the unwillingness to hunt — not yet. for now, he was pleased to merely watch them, though his murkwater eyes had already assessed the herd and found one of the little elk with a hitch in its gait. it would be worthwhile to bring the fawn down for the caches, but the day had grown hot, and beat down upon lasher until his tongue was forced from his jaws in a languid loll.

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RE: blood canticle - Dante RIP - June 23, 2014

One more post before bed! I've been wanting a thread with him, he's a cool character!

True to the Warden role that he coveted, Dante too had yet to venture forth from the lands since joining. He had been content to wander through the Plateau and begin to get to know many of his packmates in the process. Today, though, he had felt the need for a run. The day was hot but he did not mind; he still had a bit of the restlessness of a loner, though it was fading the more at home he became.

Seemed he didn't need to stay in the lands of Blacktail Deer Plateau to run into packmates however. Dante scented the elk at the same time that he caught sight of Lasher, so he made his way forward cautiously, creeping towards the top of the rise and looking out at the herd as well.

"Nice setup," he said in a quiet, low voice, the wind carrying his words away from the herd. The way they were set up it was quite easy to observe the herd without alerting them. He looked at the other wolf, silver eyes taking stock of him. He knew his name, but nothing else, for he had not yet spoken with him at all. Dante refrained from saying too much now, though, not sure what Lasher's goal was. He didn't want to steal his meal if he intended to take one of the elk, but if Lasher didn't mind sharing, he would gladly join in on the hunt.

RE: blood canticle - Lasher - June 26, 2014

thank you! i love dante, he's a sweetheart

he was joined by one he recognized vaguely, a silver bear of a wolf with gentle gilded eyes. join me, lasher murmured gently, shifting his position so that the man could sit alongside him upon the rise if he so pleased. murkwater eyes skimmed the quite pleasing visage of his packfellow, but his attentions truly belonged to the elk-herd for now.

i do not believe we have met. i am lasher, also called taltos. his tongue flicked against his lip momentarily and ears preened forward to watch the halting progress of the chosen fawn. hunger was beginning to rise in his belly, despite the heat; he would hunt today. perhaps the other would humour him with his company.

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RE: blood canticle - Dante RIP - June 28, 2014

Baww thanks!!! I have made him in the past more stoic and unfriendly but here decided to make him respond based on myself. It makes for some fun roleplay XD

"Thanks," he responded in an undertone, slinking onto the rise to remain out of sight and seating himself beside the brown male. He eyed the herd to make sure they had detected nothing amiss, then turned to the other.

"I do not believe that we have, but it's a pleasure, Lasher. My name is Dante." He smiled. "Just Dante now, thank the gods." He turned to look out at the elk once more, hunger rising in him at the thought of chasing one down. As if in response, his stomach growled, and his smile turned a bit sheepish. "Would you care for a hunt? If you were planning on catching one yourself I can stay out of your way, but together we might be able to take one down a bit more easily." He wasn't sure if Lasher (or was it Taltos? He wondered briefly if the bru had a preference) had even planned on hunting, but he figured he would ask since his stomach had decided to make itself known.

RE: blood canticle - Lasher - June 30, 2014

i like his development so far!

the sound of hunger that emanated from dante's stomach brought a somewhat teasing glance from taltos, and a nod. we must hunt now. there is a fawn down there with an injured leg. but it is close to its mother and aunts, and we will need to avoid the weaponry of that one, the earthen male intoned, gesturing with his muzzle toward the proud stag that stood watch. he could not have done this on his own.

tongue lolling again from the rising heat of the day, the celt found dante's eyes with his own, encouraging him to say what he would before the hunt was begun.

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RE: blood canticle - Dante RIP - July 03, 2014

Thank you <3 I stalk Lasher/Perry threads, never fail to make my day. I almost get more giddy when those have replies than when my own threads do ;D

The stag that Lasher referenced was truly a magnificent creature, causing Dante to flash back to the story that he had told that night of the gathering. "Indeed we will." The fawn looked to be a good target. It's nearness to the herd wouldn't last long, though, once they had spooked up the deer. Nothing could make a prey animal forget themselves quite so well as a predator bearing down on them. It would hopefully be left behind in the mad rush to get away. The stag, though... it was the variable here.

"If one of us went around, the other could panic the herd to run by. Then the former could take out the fawn. Then that one," he indicated the stag, "would likely either be off with the rest of the herd or too focused on the wolf who scattered them to get to the fawn in time." He paused, looking at Lasher. If the male had another idea, Dante would gladly follow his lead. He was just throwing out options. He wouldn't mind keeping the herd busy; his size would do well in spooking the deer. He doubted he would be in too much danger... as long as he didn't get too close, the elk was unlikely to do much more than posture. They weren't as aggressive as other prey, having more flight in them than fight.

RE: blood canticle - Lasher - July 06, 2014


he nodded, accepting dante's strategy immediately. i think they will be more threatened by you than i, he jested softly, beginning a cat's skulk down into the sea of sun-darkened grasses that contained the herd. here he would wait until dante had thundered the herd past with the inferno of his bloodlust and rage, and he would surge up to grab the fawn and pluck it from the protection of its mother's side.

fairly thrumming with anticipation, lasher glanced above himself excitedly, to gauge where dante had gone, murkwater gaze intending to keep sight of the larger male.

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RE: blood canticle - Dante RIP - July 08, 2014

"You are probably right on that account," Dante replied cheerfully, getting to his paws and performing a quick stretch. He wasn't depending on it but he would need some measure of speed in this. Intimidation would only get him so far. His silver eyes tracked Lasher as he made his way, ensuring that he knew the direction that he should take the herd. He'd hate to lead a stampede that would trample his hunting partner.

Once he had taken in Lasher's heading, he set off at a gentle lope, picking up speed as he traveled down the embankment. By the time the ground leveled he was at a sprint, a nasty snarl building and letting loose with surprising volume from the normally taciturn male. He punctuated this with a few short, sharp barks, aggressively baring his teeth at the deer. He probably looked a right monster, but it did the trick. He watched momentarily as the elk turned from him and fled before putting his attention back on the stag. With another hearty snarl, he faced the massive creature, legs stiff and tail raised. It was a total dominance show and he watched the stag hover between the urge to run and the need to protect the fleeing herd.

Dante continued to growl, staying carefully out of antler's reach but close enough to attack should the stag turn it's attention to Lasher's antics. He would keep it busy long enough for it to either judge the herd far enough and follow or for Lasher to make off with the fawn.

RE: blood canticle - Lasher - July 10, 2014

ears thrust forward with surprise at dante's horrid snarl; the silver-eyed male had appeared too gentle to make such a noise, but lasher clucked his tongue at his own ability to be fooled by such. now amused, the delta tensed, ready to grab the fawn as the herd thundered past him.

breaking into a sprint, the darkfurred wolf gave pursuit directly at the flank of the racing herd, where the fawn was secreted. dodging the flailing hooves of the cows, their butting polls, he seized the small creature by its rump and dragged it nearer to him. its terrified bleats rent the air, and he swung forward to snap for its throat.

the fawn's mother veered, lunging back for lasher, and he flashed long teeth at her, but was forced to let go the fawn. a curse rose in his throat, and, unwilling to lose his kill, he crushed its hindleg with a savage bite. the fawn screamed and collapsed; the cow was given a rout with a series of harsh barks and snarls from the delta; and presently lasher glanced back toward dante with lolling tongue, standing over the still-breathing fawn.

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RE: blood canticle - Dante RIP - July 15, 2014

Dante glanced just in time to see Lasher chasing the fawn. From his peripherals he watched while still keeping a wary eye on the stag who remained facing off against him. After what seemed an eternity (but was really a few moments) Lasher's barks announced his success. With another loud snarl Dante locked eyes with the buck.

It was the indecision that he saw there that prompted action. Something needed to tip the scales. Baring his teeth he lunged at it, closing the distance in an extremely threatening manner. It brought him within range, but the buck had had enough. The herd was far enough away and the scent of not one but two predators was thick on the breeze. With a stamp he whirled and took off, antlers held high. Dante watched him go, a bit of admiration passing through him at the magnificent creature.

Turning back to Lasher, he grinned. "Nice move on the fawn!" He said breathlessly, loping over to join him. He wasn't sure he would have thought to lame the youngling in order to keep it from following. It was some quick thinking.

RE: blood canticle - Lasher - July 23, 2014

the fawn squalled as its mother turned to follow her mate to safety, and lasher's heart ached. swiftly, ignoring dante for a short moment, he wrapped his jaws around the hapless little throat and slew the creature, wincing somewhat as its head fell limply from his jaws to lie still with staring eyes against the ground. yes, taltos murmured softly, this was the only way.

presently he looked to his handsome packmate and gave a single wave of his plume. i could not have done as you did with the stag! he exclaimed, beaming at the silver-eyed male. we worked well.

<style type="text/css">.lashertop {color:#120801; font-family:georgia; width:498px; background-image:url('http://oi45.tinypic.com/f4mx44.jpg'); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#585f5f; border:1px solid #000000; border-top:none; padding-top:200px; margin:auto; border-bottom:none;}.lasherbottom {background-image:url('http://oi50.tinypic.com/2m3p5dk.jpg'); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:bottom center; padding-bottom:200px;}.lashertop p {text-indent:25px; padding:0px 5px;}.lashertop b {color:#0c231b; font-weight:normal; text-shadow:0px 0px 5px #87b5a5;}</style>

RE: blood canticle - Dante RIP - August 02, 2014

While he knew that it was natural to prey on the weak so that the strong survived, it made Dante feel better that Lasher too seemed not to relish the death of the young deer. It made him uneasy when wolves took too much pleasure in killing the young. Such glee at the pain of something so much weaker than yourself showed a lacking of character in his opinion. There was a difference between the adrenaline and joy of the chase and sadistic pleasure in the pain of other creatures.

"We did make a great team!" Dante grinned back, happy that they had accomplished their task. A successful hunt was always a good one! They had come away unscathed and with meat for the pack. "Suppose we should get it back," he added, looking at his swarthy companion. Questioning silver eyes met blue. "You haul? I haul? Double team?" It mattered not to him.

RE: blood canticle - Lasher - August 04, 2014

fade after another post from you? <3

there was a level of sadism in lasher that was unrefined, yet not often seen. the killing of the weak was not an experience that drew such from the shadows, however. glancing at dante, taltos gave an informal, inelegant roll of his shoulders. i would not have you drag this by yourself! he exclaimed with a giddy shine to his eyes. we will do it together.

leaning down, the delta grasped the throat of the fawn, close to its shoulders, and began to draw it in the direction of the plateau.

<style type="text/css">.lashertop {color:#120801; font-family:georgia; width:498px; background-image:url('http://oi45.tinypic.com/f4mx44.jpg'); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#585f5f; border:1px solid #000000; border-top:none; padding-top:200px; margin:auto; border-bottom:none;}.lasherbottom {background-image:url('http://oi50.tinypic.com/2m3p5dk.jpg'); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:bottom center; padding-bottom:200px;}.lashertop p {text-indent:25px; padding:0px 5px;}.lashertop b {color:#0c231b; font-weight:normal; text-shadow:0px 0px 5px #87b5a5;}</style>

RE: blood canticle - Dante RIP - August 06, 2014

Dante would not have minded, he could have managed the small deer, but Lasher's help would indeed make the trip less strenuous. Gladly accepting, he gripped the fawn by one of it's haunches, picking up the end to drag that Lasher was not currently occupying. He too began to lug the small prize home.

Whoever was able to share in this meal would be eating well tonight.