Wolf RPG
A Long Road Home [IC Re-Joining? Heh] - Printable Version

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A Long Road Home [IC Re-Joining? Heh] - Nightingale - June 23, 2014

Powerplaying Aryn into this, since it would help along for her to be there and she is my character. She should be joining Wild Fauna group again soon, anyway. @Ferdie Von Pelt , I have a feeling you'll want to be in this one! :D

The small wolf flitted towards the mountaintop, her strides more like a bird's flight than a wolf's run. Her legs were long and powerful, perfectly made for running and jumping, and her rusty-red streak seemed like a flying cardinal as the small juvenile followed the owl above in hot pursuit.

"Miss Aryn!" Nightingale panted, glancing up at the bird in exhaustion, "Are you sure you saw Ferdie this way?"

"Positive." The tawny predator called back down to the half-blind youngster. "You'll be back with Ferdie soon enough."

Nightingale smiled. She had definitely grown a bit since her absence, and her heart longed to see the wolf that she could call Father. The creamy female pushed all the harder into the heart of the territory, ignoring the fact that she might be greeted with a stranger.

At least a month, she thought to herself, It's been at least a month.

A month of hard and well-rewarded training. She had remembered after she had left the Creek and met with Jace. After the dark-furred wolf had left her presence, she was worried that she wouldn't be an asset to the new pack. Aryn had changed that.

"You already know about plants and their healing properties," the owl said, "That is more than enough."

"It's not enough," the young wolf fretted, "Anyone can learn about plants. They're just plants."

"Well then, if you put it that way..." Aryn replied, ruffling her feathers a tad. No matter how warm it was, she always seemed a bit cold. "I could change that."

"Change it?" Nightingale echoed. "Change it how?"

"Any wolf can learn the earth. But can any wolf learn the skies?" Aryn held a glint of mischief in her eyes.

"Uhm, no? I'm sorry, Aryn? But what do you mean?"

"I mean that I can teach you the constellations of the stars, to tell how close it is to winter. I can teach you how to tell when rain will come before the subtlest hints even touch your nose. I can even teach you how to fly like a bird."

"Fly like a bird?!" Nightingale screeched, "You can teach me to fly like a bird?!"

"Well, not exactly." The owl hooted. "But I can tell by the way you run. You have the makings of a fine jumper." She nodded. "I can show you the proper way to tone your muscles to jump a good number of feet in the air to make it
appear as if you're flying, hmm?"

The little wolf thought about it before nodding slowly. "Yes... Yes, yes! I'll do it! I'll learn how to jump and read the skies! I'll learn from you, Aryn! Oh, I mean... Miss Aryn." she looked up, ginning sheepishly.

The owl flapped her wingspan out. "Very well, but you must know, I have to teach you this out of Teekon. We need a specific kind of terrain to train you. One that is hard to find that's not covered with other wolves. Are you up to that?"

"Oh." the little wolf's tail drooped. "Oh... I-I guess... I'll take that charge. If it means I can be better and useful, then I'll take it."

The wolf slowed as the owl lowered."You alright, Aryn?" she looked concerned at her mentor and friend.

"Fine, just fine." She waggled her wing, and landed on the slowing wolf's back. "Still not used to flying in daylight, even after that long time..."

The duo traveled further into the pack grounds, searching for their, what you could call, adopted family.

RE: A Long Road Home [IC Re-Joining? Heh] - Ferdie Von Pelt - June 24, 2014

A scent came to him on the wind, a familiar one, though she had not come with them to the mountain when they first came, and she had never been here before. She was home. Nightingale was finally home. Ferdie Von pelt lifted his head skyward and sang to her

[size=xx-small]Bryan adams Where I belong[/size]
I hear the wind across the plain
A sound so strong - that calls my name
It's wild like the river - it's warm like the sun
Ya it's here - this is where I belong

Under the starry skies - where eagles have flown
This place is paradise - it's the place I call home
The moon on the mountains
The whisper through the trees
The waves on the water
Let nothing come between this and me

Cuz everything I want - is everything that's here
And when when we're all together - there's nothing to fear
And wherever I wander - the one thing I've learned
It's to here - I will always....always return

His song sung, Ferdie stayed put then and waited for her to find him.

RE: A Long Road Home [IC Re-Joining? Heh] - Nightingale - June 25, 2014

Nightingale's heart lifted as she heard the tune whistle through the wind towards her. "Hold on, Aryn!" the wolf called back as she leaned forward and bounded up the mountain in jumps that seemed otherworldly. Making each jump a good number of feet, Nightingale leaped towards Ferdie's song. Aryn tumbled off and flew next to her, grumbling about impatient children. Together they sped toward the alpha.

She came to Ferdie in a sudden flash. Leaping into view in a graceful, large arc, landing a few feet in front of him, panting.

"Ferdie, long time no see."Aryn hooted, landing next to Nightingale. The juvenile looked at Ferdie with bright green eyes. "Ferdie..."

RE: A Long Road Home [IC Re-Joining? Heh] - Ferdie Von Pelt - June 25, 2014

Ever play the wii game Okami?? I just pictured Nightingale bounding around amaterasu style :D

Ferdie greeted Nightingale with a barrage of face licks accepting her as a father would welcome home his wayward pup, in this moment he expected no submission no statement of rank just a joyous moment; a welcome home.

After Nightingale was seriously cleansed of any dirt upon her head he glanced up at his owl friend, and wuffed Thanks for taking care of her, I was worried though now knowing you were together I should have worried less. The owl had long since earned his respect and admiration. He still wanted to show her off to Amekaze but that would have to wait.

Ferdie then grinned broadly down at Nightingale and picked up the fish had spent four hours fishing for earlier that day, his only catch and it was small, he still had a lot left to be desired in the fishing department. Proudly though he set the fish at her feet, sure she would be hungry after traveling so far Eat! He commanded softly then sat intended to watch her eat the fruits of his labor.

He wanted to tell her about Swiftcurrent's attack upon them and how Bazi spread lies about that incident. but first he was going to make sure Nightingale was content and healthy, my she had grown he hardly recognized her as she sat back and admired her

RE: A Long Road Home [IC Re-Joining? Heh] - Nightingale - June 25, 2014

Ooh, I've heard of that game. I wish I could say I did but I haven't gotten the chance. The art style looks so amazing! I really want to... But you made my character ten times more majestic. Thanks lol

Nightingale took the face-licks head on. As the barrage of licks attacked her she let off an almost childish giggle and returned his liks with a small single one under his chin. After he finished showering her, Ferdie promptly gave her a fish a told her to eat, making her grin broaden as she remembered that first week together. The memory seemed to also make her tail droop. She may not have been in Swiftcurrent very long, but it had certainly given her a home.

As she settled down to eat the tiny fish(she had paid no mind to the size, it was the thought that counted to her) she looked up eagerly at her adopted father, her eyes shining as she awaited to finish her fish to speak.

Meanwhile, Aryn had fluffed out her feathers and nodded. "Of course, Ferdie. It's obvious you two have a strong bond. I couldn't just leave her before reuniting you two... Speaking of, have you managed to make your new pack? We came across territory scents, and yours was underlying it, in assuming it is yours, yes?"

RE: A Long Road Home [IC Re-Joining? Heh] - Ferdie Von Pelt - June 25, 2014

Ferdie Von Pelt nodded to Aryn yes, Jace and I came here after we were cast out. I claimed this mountain as my own and others support me for it. They are now my pack and I will take care of each one. He nodded solemnly, The words were spoken as a promise not as an explanation.

Ferdie lay down the grass crackling below him as she got comfortable and looked at Nightingale. Did she know what had happened, truly that night and since then... But he needed more verbal affirmation I did not attack you that night, right? He frowned and his heart beat painfully in his chest if he had somehow lashed out at Nightingale that night then he was truly the monster Bazi and Njal claimed him to be. Be sure to tell me the truth

edited in tags added to the post it was awful and it still is
next post will be better I swear I apologize for this crappy one

RE: A Long Road Home [IC Re-Joining? Heh] - Nightingale - June 26, 2014

Nightingale swallowed part of her fish and thought. She knew very well what night he referred to, but she didn't like to remember. She had tried to closed that memory out of her mind. After a minute of pulling the images out of her brain, she shook her head.

"No. You never even looked at me, not at all. The only one you harmed was Jace, and you guys have forgiven each other. so it's okay now. I think... I think if Bazi hadn't stopped her, the other arctic she-wolf might have joined the fight... but that's it... I think I left after that."

She looked at Ferdie, her eyes round and forgiving. "Everyone makes mistakes, Ferdie. It's a fact of life that we have to put up with. There's no such thing as a perfect wolf, except maybe the ones who have accepted their imperfections. I think those wolves are the ones closest to being perfect."

Meanwhile, Aryn had begun to furiously preen her feathers, and cut in awkwardly between muffled strokes. "I agree. No better bird than a humble bird. The sooner the world realizes there's no such thing as perfection, the better."

RE: A Long Road Home [IC Re-Joining? Heh] - Ferdie Von Pelt - June 26, 2014

Ferdie Von Pelt nuzzled Nightingale, I did not think I did, however I have heard that Bazi has told the others that I did attack you directly and Jace stopped me. Ferdie swallowed a lump in his throat he too had almost believed her lies but he lifted his head and continued his update, though young Nightingale needed to know all that had transpired, nothing good would come of sheltering her. Since then the others of swiftcurrent creek have come here and tried to drive us away; as if we were to close to their lands; They claim us a threat. I expected words they intended on destroying our caches. Ferdie Von Pelt stood at turned his back to her glaring out over the land, if he went to the mountains edge sure he could see a rough outline of the creek and if he found a stream from the mountain that feed that creek he'd piss in it just to have a laugh.

No longer will we allow wolves near our border's all will be treated as threats for the time being. Ferdie turned back to Nightingale and nuzzled her cheek below her blind eye Welcome home, there will be a pack meeting soon, you will need to attend

Ferdie lifted his gaze to Aryn, Though you are not a wolf in body, you are wolf in spirit as far as I'm concerned and I hope you will stay around here, if hunting gets lean ask and our caches will open for you He wondered if owl went south for the winter like most other birds... but then Aryn was not like the other birds so the rule of traveling south may not apply to her either

RE: A Long Road Home [IC Re-Joining? Heh] - Nightingale - June 27, 2014

shiz gettin' real for Nightingale >.>

A flash of utmost shock flashed across Nightingale's face, and she sat silent for a few minutes, staring at Ferdie. Bazi had told everyone that Ferdie attacked me? He didn't even touch me! Why would she spread lies like that? I thought... The fish she had eaten seemed to rise back up to her throat. Her mind was torn. She was hurt. She felt betrayed by the arctic wolf, though she had done nothing correctly. But with her feelings of betrayal rose feelings she was ashamed of, but couldn't help. Feelings of hatred. Feelings of pain and a thirst of vengeance. Not a deadly vengeance, but vengeance nonetheless. Her green eyes looked stormy as she looked away for a few minutes, angry thoughts threatening to spill out. I felt guilty for her! Guilty! I felt guilty for coming into Swiftcurrent Creek! I felt guilty because I thought I had wedged between a bond as close as father-and-daughter! And then--! Then she just betrays Ferdie like this! Betrays a wolf she could have considered a father! Does she not realize how much she's hurt Ferdie for spreading lies like that?! Does she not care?!

As her thoughts grew more heated, she soon realized she was letting off a low growl. The first genuine growl she ever made in front of Ferdie. It was certainly a dark growl, full of malicious intent. Whatever bonds she may have made with Bazi have now been severed because of that arctic wolf's actions. She was no longer a friend in Nightingale's eyes. Cutting off her growl short, she turned back to look up at the other wolf again, her eyes still stormy.

"I'm sorry for doing that just now, Ferdie... It's just... I would have never expected for Bazi to pull something like that. I think I'm just getting a little worked up right now..." And I had the nerve to give her a good-bye gift... she thought to herself, remembering the fish. Speaking of, she turned back towards Ferdie's catch, quickly finishing it off in silence.

Aryn blinked, dumbfounded. She stared at Nightingale. Even during their rigorous training, she had never heard Nightingale growl so low and threateningly. It was kind of creepy, coming from such a small wolf, but it was definitely effective. She ruffled her feathers again to shake off the feeling of uneasiness and turned back to Ferdie, giving an embarrassed hoot, but the hoot held a hint of pride as well. "You are too kind, Ferdie... I think I will stay in the territory of the Sunspire with you. In return for letting me use your caches, I will do my part to keep them filled."

RE: A Long Road Home [IC Re-Joining? Heh] - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 01, 2014

Ferdie frowned and his heart ached, his didn't want to cause her pain or hurt, even through secondary means like delivering a message. She was held in high regard in his heart, her pain was his pain, to see her mad would make him upset all over again; This was not something he wanted to saddle a young pup with, however he could not shield her either. So he offered her some advice Do no hold on to anger mi'dear it will do you no good, and waste valuable energy.

Tell me where have you been?
Ferdie looked at her curiously truly wanting to distract her now, even though he had no more food on paw to help with that.

RE: A Long Road Home [IC Re-Joining? Heh] - Nightingale - July 02, 2014

"Training." The wolf and the owl said in unison before looking at each other. Aryn stepped forward, with her feathers puffed up in pride. "Ferdie, I present you a wolf with the mind filled with both the names of the stars and the scents of the wind. Nightingale has learned the brilliance of navigating with the night sky and the secret to predicting an oncoming storm. Not only that, you could take her name to heart, for the pup who stands before you could ride the winds like a bird."

Nightingale giggled, successfully distracted by the change of subject. "Well, hold on to that last part, Aryn." She glanced back at Ferdie, explaining, "Aryn has not only taught me how to check the weather and navigate via stars, but she has also told me how to use my leg muscles correctly to get exceedingly high arcs in my jumps, and to tell when a wind is coming, so I can reach the peak of my arc at just the right moment to ride it for maybe a second at most, though Aryn seems to think that's considered flying."

"Of course that's flying! That's exactly what flying is!" the owl hooted indignantly, "I tell you, if the wind you caught was storm-strong, you'd fly for more than just a second!" The storm-chaser of an owl hooted. "But you were to chicken to."

"I wasn't too chicken, I just thought it was suicidal." Nightingale finished, turning back to Ferdie. "I just wanted to find something that made me unique. That made me an asset to the pack."

RE: A Long Road Home [IC Re-Joining? Heh] - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 03, 2014

Mayhaps we should do a thread where they find a den or practice leaping... you can fade this thread

Ferdie nuzzled her fondly, You did not need to do that, you are an asset, and you were dearly missed, however I understand the desire to get out and ... Ferdie grinned up at aryn and winked Spread your wings. He smiled down at her before taking on a more serious face

Ferdie's tone not scolding but it held the fatherly commanding edge Just let me know next time I was so worried. Come lets find a den before night.

In truth Ferdie had yet again out off building himself a den preferring to groom himself to sleep under the stars but on a rainy nights his dennless sleeping habits caused him distress he hated a wet pelt

RE: A Long Road Home [IC Re-Joining? Heh] - Nightingale - July 06, 2014

Aryn's facepalms are being heard around the world.

Aryn shook her head at Ferdie's pun. She couldn't stay like that, though, and smiled before lifting off to the air. "I guess I should find my own den around here, too. Maybe I can do more than just fill up the cache, eh?" She winked, though in truth, she was correct. An owl for an ally could be useful. They could be a spy for the pack, or a courier. Owls were dead useful when it came to information.

Meanwhile, Nightingale stood up and shook the dust off her fur, smiling as well, before following Ferdie. "Yeah."