Wolf RPG
Duck Lake Pomp and circumstance [M] - Printable Version

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Pomp and circumstance [M] - Danica RIP - June 24, 2014

@Shadow =D

Danica eyed the ducks in front of her warily as she stepped up to the pond for a drink. The place really was lovely; it was too bad the image was ruined by the clamor of it's inhabitants. They were giving her a wide birth, probably a good idea, as her stomach was growling at the thought of a little duck. Looking left and right, she took note that no one was around, then fixed her gaze on one such creature that had drifted a bit closer than the rest. She'd hate to miss and look the fool, though any who laughed would have something coming.

With a mighty leap she launched herself into the lake, setting the rest of the flock off into the air for a brief time. Her paws connected with her prize, though, slamming it into the water even as her teeth clenched on it's neck, killing it in an instant. She too sunk, however, and immediately set her legs to churning, dragging her prize back to the bank with her.

Happily she set it down, then shook as much water as she could out of her coat. Rather than start in right away, though, she sat in a sunny patch to let her fur dry out. As she did, she watched more and more ducks alight once more on the lake. Idiots. Maybe when she had finished this one she'd take care of another, depending on how hungry she was.

RE: Pomp and circumstance - Shadow - June 24, 2014


Shadow waited patiently at the edge of a creek, his eyes scanning the water. There was a flash of silver and Shadow scooped the fish out of the water and bit its neck. Happily, he devoured most of the fish and decided to meet more wolves from Swiftcurrent Creek.

He trotted for some time before he arrived at Duck lake, a golden brown she-wolf happily munching on a duck. He walked closer and called "Hello."

RE: Pomp and circumstance - Danica RIP - June 27, 2014

Don't mind her enthusiasm XD she'll make lovely conversation if Shadow just refuses to leave hehe

Deciding that her fur was dry enough (a decision spurred, somewhat, by the impressive rumbling in her stomach), Danica began to tuck into her duck, eyes closing in satisfaction as she munched on the juicy treat. This was the life.

They opened again, narrowing in irritation, as a voice rang out. It appeared that someone was intent on ruining the glorious afternoon with conversation. Sighing, she turned, noting first that it was a stranger and second that it was another Creek wolf. Damn, she couldn't even chase him away with good reason.

She was trying something new, though, and not actively antagonizing her packmates to quite the level that she had in the past. So instead of replying with an extremely rude form of 'get lost', she simply asked, "Do you need something?" It wasn't quite hello, but she felt pretty darn civil and gracious for saying it.

RE: Pomp and circumstance - Shadow - June 28, 2014

Lol, k

Shadow just smiled, he wasn't really that bothered by the other wolf's lack of enthusiasm, he supposed he had interrupted her afternoon and her meal, so he just walked a little closer and sat down, cleaning one forepaw before replying.

"Not really, I just thought I'll meet some other Creek wolves because as you can see, I'm quite new and you were the first wolf I saw so I thought I'll get to know you a bit more."

Shadow winced inwardly, now was that a bad thing to say? Nevermind, he'll get to know this wolf better, one way or another.

RE: Pomp and circumstance - Danica RIP - June 29, 2014

Do you mind swearing? If not I can tidy up her language a bit. She doesn't do it overmuch but she does do it

"Fresh meat, huh? Well, welcome to the Creek. I'm sure you'll fit great here, yadda yadda, all that newcomer bullshit." She cocked her head, looking dubiously at him. "And you are?"

She did have to chuckle that he wanted to get to know her better. "You sure you want to do that? I'll probably send you running from the Creek within the hour if you let me be one of your first impressions." Though really, now that the duck was gone and her hunger was sated, she was feeling a bit more friendly. Possibly enough for a passing conversation. She'd end it shortly, though, for it was too nice a day to not get a leisurly nap in as well.

Standing, she walked towards him. "No, I'm more interested in learning about you. Any nasty little secrets your holding back? Your in a pack now, can't keep those things hidden." She stopped in front of him, looking hard at his face. "Ever killed a wolf? You've got that look about you. Shady-like." She narrowed her eyes.

RE: Pomp and circumstance - Shadow - June 29, 2014

Nah, its fine

As the golden brown she-wolf walked towards him, he smirked. "Do you really want to know that?" he studied her face. "Well... I killed a few loners that were bothering me on my way here and almost killed my father because he's an asshole. Other than that I don't think so." he drawled, slowly. The smirk on his face widening as he talked.

"Hmm... wait.... now that I think about it, I might have severely injured the Alpha of my brother and sister's current pack." His eyes now gleamed in the afternoon sun, it glowed bright silver.

Shadow stood up and met the wolf's eyes. "What's your name, sister?" he drawled out of the corner of his mouth.

RE: Pomp and circumstance - Danica RIP - June 29, 2014

Danica had been completely screwing with him in asking those questions, so was surprised when she got an answer. Well then. Feeling a bit of a new respect for him, she took a step back, then sat down once more. Seemed he was a fellow fan of getting things done with whatever means necessary.

"Danica," she responded, without her normal sass and about 90% more interested in the conversation at hand. She ignored the 'sister'. She had no place at all getting annoyed over conversational nicknames with the way she sometimes gave them out.

That didn't mean she had to behave completely, though. "You know, you never answered my first question, " She smirked, " brother. Does death come with a name, or am I not privelidged to know." She sniffed theatrically. "I'm hurt, really."

RE: Pomp and circumstance - Shadow - June 30, 2014

Shadow shrugged and smiled. "You ask a lot of questions, sis. I can't keep count of all of them."

He smirked "I'm Shadow, you're Danica right?" His eyes glowed with a strange light as he said " So, what are you going to do before I came and intruded whatever you were doing before I came"

Really, Shadow was interested in this wolf, she was actually quite pretty and she had an interesting personality that none of the other wolves he'd met had.

RE: Pomp and circumstance - Danica RIP - June 30, 2014

"What can I say? I'm a curious soul. I can talk a little slower if you are having trouble keeping up?" She had a taunting tone that showed her joking manner plainly. "That is how I introduced myself, though I guess that must have escaped you as well."

She enjoyed pushing buttons, but answered his question truthfully. "Before you came along and spoiled the fun? Hunting ducks. They aren't the most intelligent souls, but they taste rather amazing." She looked back. "I was considering nabbing another. You ever tasted duck?" She asked. She wasn't averse to the idea of him joining her in the hunt, if it could even be called that. The ducks were a little too stupid to even bear the name 'prey'. They practically flew into one's mouth if patient.

RE: Pomp and circumstance - Shadow - June 30, 2014

Shadow shook his head "I haven't tasted duck in whole unfinished life yet, what can I say? It's sad."

There was no time to hunt when he was a loner so most of the time he ate carrion and small prey, even when he was in his natal pack, he was only allowed to eat small helpings of prey because only the alphas were allowed to eat in his old pack. Unless it was small prey.

Then Shadow's silver eyes widened, did he say that out loud? "Oh shit...."

RE: Pomp and circumstance - Danica RIP - July 02, 2014

This guy sure was a sharer. Not only that, but a third person sharer, it seemed. Danica listened, amused, and the amusement only grew with his 'oh shit' followup. "I'll agree. Might be the saddest thing I've ever heard in my life." She'd leave it up to his interpretation what exactly she was referring to.

"So, you gonna sit there and recite me your biography a bit more, or are we going to right this wrong?" She asked, then added with a challenging tone, "Bet I can catch one before you do." Immediately she leapt towards the lake's edge, dead set on catching a duck before he even had time to figure out what was happening.

RE: Pomp and circumstance - Shadow - July 03, 2014

Shadow smiled as Danica caught a duck before he too ran in and instead of catching another duck, he tackled her and pushed her playfully into the water, laughing.

It was fun to finally be relaxing again. You had no idea how hard it was to survive as a wolf loner, predators everywhere and enemy wolf territories and enemy lone wolves and so much more. It was just a relief that Swiftcurrent Creek even accepted him.

"How do you like being wet, Danica?" he breathed down her neck.

RE: Pomp and circumstance - Danica RIP - July 03, 2014

I'm gonna go ahead and slap an M on this, eheheh

She was just about to get another bird when something from behind plowed her over, knocking her headfirst under water. Completely soaked, she reared up, shaking water out of her face before whipping around. At his breathed words she laughed, full out.

"Sorry honey. I like being wet as much as the next wolf, but your particular brand of water ain't for me." She winked, then leapt to return the favor, attempting to push him under. "No offense, of course."

She hoped he didn't take it to heart... she hadn't enjoyed the company of another this much in a while.

RE: Pomp and circumstance [M] - Shadow - July 04, 2014


Shadow just laughed at her reply and her attempt at pushing him under, he relaxed but once his head dipped under, he leaped up and pushed her down again before calmly shaking water out of his fur like they did this everyday.

Of course they didn't....

Then he leaped and caught a duck, slamming it to the ground even before his teeth connected with its neck. "Bet mine's bigger than yours." he called over his shoulder as he got ready to catch another duck.

RE: Pomp and circumstance [M] - Danica RIP - July 05, 2014

He pushed her and she went under again, exhaling mightily to keep any water out of her nose and mouth. She came up just in time to hear his challenge and to see him going after another duck. The flocks were steering more clear than usual due to their aquatic shenanigans. All the splashing had led them to float closer to the middle of the lake.

"You are on," she said, eyes flashing with the challenge. Instead of going for the ones that were out farther, she took off parallel to shore, sticking to the shallow water. There was a group of them further down the shore. She leapt amongst them, knocking one of the larger of the group back into the water as the rest flew to get away from her. Snapping it's neck in the process, she hauled the limp bird out of the water, dropping it and shaking out her pelt.

RE: Pomp and circumstance [M] - Shadow - July 06, 2014

Shadow grinned as she accepted the challenge he had issued, he spotted a rather large one and leaped, his teeth connected with its neck and easily snapped it. With the duck still between his jaws, he swam towards the shore and dropped it. He shook his soaking pelt and smiled crookedly at Danica.

"What do you think?" he asked her as he turned his gaze from the ducks to her beautiful pale golden eyes so unlike his own silver ones. He tore his gaze away from her and instead concentrated on shaking the water away from his fur.

RE: Pomp and circumstance [M] - Danica RIP - July 10, 2014

Danica appraised the ducks as they lay there, side by side. All the while she was aware of Shadow's gaze and reveled in it. The attention stroked her already healthy ego and caused her to see no need in ceasing the flirting. Possibly the move of a terrible person but she wasn't too worried about it.

"Hard to tell. Personally I think mine has yours beat." She looked at him with an impish expression. "Then again, I might be a little biased in that." She flicked her tail at him, droplets of water scattering through the air as she did so. Hopefully some would hit their mark.

RE: Pomp and circumstance [M] - Shadow - July 10, 2014

"Not a little, a lot." replied Shadow, "Personally I think mine's bigger than yours."

He studied the ducks a bit more than shrugged and turned his gaze back to the golden lady "Well to be honest its hard to tell, probably the same. Then I'm not being biased. " He smirked at the other wolf and promptly sat down, inspected the ducks again, chose one of his own and sank his teeth into it.

RE: Pomp and circumstance [M] - Danica RIP - July 13, 2014

Wrap up and close perhaps? If you want to keep it going a bit longer we probably can, but this seems as good a point as any =D

"You just keep believing that." Honestly she didn't care too much... the arguing was more fun than winning for her. Letting it drop, though, she too tucked into her duck, enjoying this one even more than the last. The things may be stupid but they sure were tasty. Just so long as stupid wasn't catching.

Now getting full and with the sun beating down, she was beginning to feel it was long past due time for a nice hearty nap. That had been her intentions, after all, before beginning this interaction. She'd finish her second meal off first, though. Waste not want not.

RE: Pomp and circumstance [M] - Shadow - July 15, 2014

Concluding post?

Shadow smiled as he finished his first duck and started on his second, he was starting to get full but he kept eating until he finished it. He never wasted food-his father's doings-as he used to starve all day in his old pack. His father and mother would eat all they can and leave the rest for the pack and he and his siblings only ate after the rest of the pack finished eating.

Now that he finished his meal, he began to feel tired. It had been a great day and he did not regret anything.