Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest nocturne of shadow - Printable Version

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nocturne of shadow - Leaf - June 25, 2014

Just as the Territory List described, Blackfoot Forest became increasingly eerie as the sun lost its precious purchase on the lands. The little red wolf had been drawn to the woods because of the way the sun had played with the leaves, illuminating and yet shadowing so that the entire forest floor was dappled with the skin of an exotic cheetah. Yet now the floor was as black as a jaguar, and the lost wolf could not help but wonder if maybe this was not the best place to have a den, after all. Then again, it wasn't as if her birth pack had been much different from this place, and so she should have felt quite at home among the dappled shadows.

A cry. No, perhaps she did not fancy this place at all! It was as the little red wolf was swallowing her pride and turning around to leave the spooky forest that the eyes appeared. Hundreds of them, it seemed! Stumbling back a step, Leaf watched as the hundreds of gleaming eyes leaped to and fro, and she felt herself mesmerized by the movement. It was then that a gleam of red caught her eye, and then another, and then another--until vertigo claimed victory over her. The world grew light as she felt herself swinging back and then fell back into darkness as she crumpled unceremoniously onto the ground. All around her, the foxes began to draw in wondering if dinner had been served. They pressed in cautiously but quickly, eager for a hot meal.

RE: nocturne of shadow - Jace - June 25, 2014

Umm hi..your writing is awesome and I am going to be lacking compared to you, but I am stealing this thread :D

Like a dark shadow Jace followed the line of the forest. He by rights should not be this close to the Creek, however he could not help himself. Perhaps he was a glutton for punishment, maybe he had too much of a devil may care attitude, he didn't know. He did know however, that when he traversed through these grounds and the dark, and silent forest he felt calm and at home. He loved his mountainous home, but even he sometimes had to go to lower ground to gather some perspective. Winding and twisting through the forest he traveled, the many eyes did not bother him, they were merely foxes and he would fight for his life if he needed, but they usually left him alone.

It was by mere chance that he saw the little wolf walking, a small fox wolf. For a brief moment he thought of it as Fox and his blood ran strikingly cold, but as he studied her movements, he realized she was not the Fox, leader of the Creek, this was rather a doppelganger, a twin to the fox, with slight variations.

He was about to turn and let her be, when he saw the many little eyes and then the wolf, she fell to the ground. Growling he launched himself toward her, not sure what it was he was intent upon doing, but he was doing something .Really he needed to learn to let others fight their own battles, and he really needed to stop trying to save them all, he was not a savior, he was a devil and he needed to remember that. However, all instances aside he charged in with blazing eyes of cold steel blue and he waited would they attack him or let them both alone.

RE: nocturne of shadow - Leaf - June 25, 2014

Heh heh. Yeah, I'm looking forward to having Leaf meet Fox. But no, no I've been wanting to thread with you! All your characters look so interesting, and I also like their names (particularly Blue Willow).

In what could only be possible in a semi-realistic roleplay game, the foxes began to enclose on their prey with gleaming eyes and teeth. However, they immediately scattered when one of the shadows themselves became animated and attacked. It was not long before they realized it was another wolf, seemingly birthed for the sole purpose of saving the fallen wolf. Birds and fox alike alighted from the scene in a loud, cacophonous instant, and for a moment the two wolves were left alone.

The little red wolf woke up around this time with a cough. Blinking hard, she watched the world go from blurry to clear and back to blurriness. It was only with a concerted effort--and a few moments for the blood to return to her head--that she was finally able to form a picture of the other wolf. First, it was his eyes that came into view. Blue as the skies on a cloudless day. Then came teeth, sharp and white. Then came the scars from who knew what battles he had faced. But then she began to realize that all of these features came with a certain emotional color--one of what she perceived to anger--and it dawned on the little red wolf that this wolf was large. No, he was huge! and a little bit terrifying--no, no, very terrifying, and oh my maybe this was one of the shadows come alive to eat her! and she found her fate ever worse than before, and why was there so much noise around her (the foxes were returning as they figured they had strength in numbers) and soon she felt the blackness encroach upon her vision once more and with one final gasp of fear, she fainted once more.

As if on key the foxes laughed at the sight of the smaller wolf. Forming a ring once more, they began to circle around the two wolves. There was a particularly brawny fox with scars to match the larger wolf's. One in particular crossed over his eye and made him look like a pirate. Without warning, he shot forward from the crowd, and as if the entire pack of foxes was of one body, they, too, followed him in suit. Together, they seemed to form one colossal fox. Mega Fox. They were doomed.

RE: nocturne of shadow - Jace - June 25, 2014

thanks :) Everyone likes Blue Willow thus far :). Just as a small part of Jace's character...i play him to those adrenaline rages that make people black out from. One of the reasons he got kicked the curb from the creek. Just so you know

Jace took a moment to breathe on a pant when the birds and the foxes all scattered. Looking around he bent down for a moment to sniff at the femme, make sure she was okay. He kept a wary eye on the shadows, waiting for the foxes to come back. They usually left him alone, but what could he possibly expect when little petite wolves, went around fainting everywhere.

For a brief moment mint green eyes alighted on him and he saw as they grew round in terror. He couldn’t do anything to help that at the moment though, so he ignored it, only to watch as she fell to the ground again in a dead faint. He watched as the red shadows were coming towards him now, circling and his only thought was OH shit Well as it were he’d be fighting for his life today, that was certain and the little red furred wolf’s below him too. Stepping astride her so they couldn’t reach her, his growl increased to a deeper octave, and his pearly whites were showing, as saliva dripped in strings from them and the blue eyes that were normally so warm and inviting, grew cold and dark and red began to seep into his gaze.

Jace met the wall of foxes with teeth and claws, he ripped and tore at whatever parts of the foxes he could get, making sure to stay over top of the female as best he could, he was sure it would be a wonderful moment when she woke up and found a brawny man over top of her, but at this certain time in space, he couldn’t think of that reaction. The wall pushed him back, and he almost slid to the ground, but he surged forward again as best he could, digging paws into the dirt to get and hold his leverage, he was larger, but they were many. It was like the very legions of the evil spirits of hell, had come to doom him to death, but he’d take as many down with him as he could.

RE: nocturne of shadow - Leaf - June 25, 2014

Oh, I see...! Guess we might have two fainted wolves on our hands then eheh.
But haha don't kill me with this post.

It was the blood from the foxes that woke her up.

They splattered onto her face and filled her senses with the smell of iron. Waking up much more quickly than the time before, she attempted to rise but realized that the shadow was on top of her--and saving her! Wondering if this truly was the Temple of Shadows, she kept silent and watched as the slightly younger wolf continue to slay foxes for her, and really his, behalf. It was truly what some would call valiant, if not romantic.

But Leaf was a little slower in her development, and so she felt nothing for him in that regard. However, in terms of wanting to help the poor knight, she felt it more strongly than she would have guessed. It was as she was attempting to sidle out from beneath the larger wolf that she realized her body was trembling. Her throat had gone dry, and she felt hot all over. When she was able to gain leverage on a couple of legs, she felt the instinct of flight overtake her. And so she left. She ran.

Thankless, she abandoned her rescuer.

Scrambling away from him, she managed a few yards before she was greeted by another smaller wall of foxes. If not for their appearances, she would have thought them wolves! Yelping aloud in fear, she felt yet another instinct overtake, and she froze. The foxes would soon be upon her and give her the fate she perhaps duly deserved.

RE: nocturne of shadow - Jace - June 26, 2014

He's a good boy though with some anger problems :) I would like to use this as a warrior thread if that's okay? there needs to be 10 replies then...if you don't want to have one that long though it's okay.

Jace was coated in gore and blood, it was a disgusting feeling, made more paramount as he felt the she wolf move from underneath him and then run. He snarled quietly, he would have liked at least a thank you as he fought for his life and hers, but maybe it was good she ran, she would not see the monster he was.

He stood still then blood dripping from his body, both his own and the foxes. As their prey ran away, and most of them littered the ground broken and bloody, the few turned on heel and ran. He turned intent to lope towards home, and made it a little ways, when he saw the small wolf again. Again she was getting ready to be accosted by foxes.

He shook his head and thought to himself Are you kidding me right now. He ran towards them with a snarl on his face and blue eyes ablaze with tinge of red, as he got closer to her he spoke to her in a small growl You are more trouble than it is worth. He shook his head at her, but he took up a defensive position blocking her from view.

He kept one ear behind him, certain now that those he had been fighting would set upon them from behind. At least those that were left. He snarled at the foxes that stood like a wall blocking his path.

RE: nocturne of shadow - Leaf - June 26, 2014

Nope! Ten replies isn't long at all to me.

More than the teeth of the foxes ever could, his words cut her. They cut her down deep all the way to her soul. Wincing as he growled at her, she remained frozen in place. Her feet seemed to have a mind of their own and refused to move, no matter how much her heart leaped and screamed in her chest. She could feel the hostility of the foxes ahead of her, and even behind, and she felt sweat beads form on the tips of her brows. It was as the foxes began to threaten to encircle them once more that she finally snapped. She reached out for her black knight with a jerk, hoping to catch him and yank him by the scruff of his neck. Her goal was clear: they would flee with the shamelessness of thieves. She was uncertain whether this would redeem her worth in his eyes--or confirm that his statement was all too true.

RE: nocturne of shadow - Jace - June 26, 2014

Jace was normally not a hostile wolf, he was usually mannerly and genteel, especially to the finer gender, but he was sore and tired, and she had been thank less, when he had offered up his own body to protect hers. His soul would bear the deaths of many, and he would never be able to walk among the forest folk for fear of being accosted now.

He felt a nip of teeth in his scruff and turned blue eyes toward her. What was that for? I kind of need to pay attention to them here. He turned back towards them, lowering his shoulders, hackles raising, he wasn’t sure if he could get them out of this alive, he was larger but he was becoming tired as there were many foxes, and even more hidden among the trees he imagined.

He didn’t know she wanted to flee, if that was what she wanted he would follow suit. He would keep them off of her backside as she ran, she would probably prove faster than him, since she didn’t carry his bulk, so he could offer her the protection she needed. However, at this point she had only proved to be frozen in fear, and he didn’t know how to help that, normally he could, but right now there was too much going on to allow him to think to much.

RE: nocturne of shadow - Leaf - June 26, 2014

Powerplayed. Let me know if it bothers you!

Ridiculous. Everything was ridiculous. Leaf had always found the world to be magical an full of adventures, but with her rather utopian imagination, it could also easily swing to the blacker side of life. Madness was something that did not frighten her, but it frustrated and annoyed her. She had little patience for what seemed to be a waste of time to her, and at the moment, fighting the entire forest's worth of foxes seemed to be the most futile of pursuits.

So it was more out of impatience and to have things her way that she once more nipped the other wolf. No, she bit him. It would only hurt a little bit considering the other wolf's structure. "Let's go!" she said, the first words she had managed in this entire encounter. She bit into the black knight again and began to drag him away. It was true that she was fast. Running away was all she had accomplished in life so far.

As they began to run, she realized that the other wolf was still determined to protect her. But there was no need. She could outrun any of these foxes, even with the disadvantage of unfamiliarity. Her life was at stake, after all, and the will to live was faster and more enduring than any creature on earth. Forget them, forget them she exhaled and breathed, yelping as a fox lunged at her head. She ducked and watched as it crashed almost humorously into a tree, but this was no time for cartoons.

It was only until they managed to shake the foxes off that the little red wolf spun around at the much bigger, much badder, much blacker wolf and snarled, "Why didn't you leave? I told you to leave!" She stamped her foot.

RE: nocturne of shadow - Jace - June 26, 2014

Though it may be futile, how was Jace to know she’d be able to run she had been frozen in fear moments before. Not only that she had fainted not once but twice, twice! He shook his shoulders his heart sinking like a stone, he didn’t really want to die, but the worst part was that he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to save another, he’d gladly give his life for another, even if he didn’t know them very well and their stubbornness drove him halfway to madness.

Jace jumped at the first bite, and snarled at the second What the hell was that for! The much smaller wolf managed to dig her small teeth into his already, scarred shoulder and pull him along with her. She was certainly tiny but mighty and for a moment he admired her briefly, though he still thought she was a little foolish, she did faint after all.

As the fiery imp of a woman turned on him his lips momentarily twitched, she was adorable in a stubborn frustrating way, and the thought of her facing him head on when she had been afraid of foxes, made him want to laugh, but he kept his mouth quiet, only allowing the small twitch. As he stood there allowing the adrenaline to leak out and his eyes to go back to their normal color, he was fascinatingly proud of himself, he had kept his temper under control, but if the little fiery wolf in front of him kept up her tirade, he may lose his cool.

He began to speak his voice a low rumble as always, I didn’t have much of a choice, how was I to know you’d be able to run, you fainted twice miss, twice! And then you froze in fear the second time, so forgive me for thinking I needed to protect you, it won’t happen again I assure you. He quirked an eyebrow at her, blue eyes studying her.

RE: nocturne of shadow - Leaf - June 26, 2014

Caught up in her own emotion, Leaf did not interpret the other wolf's "temper under control" as something to be praised but rather as the entrance of a more insidious sort of anger. The low tone of his voice merely confirmed this for her, and she began to stamp both of her front feet. She did not appreciate any of his observations, true as they were, and instead of making her more empathic, they enraged her.

"You're missing the point entirely!" she said with a certain venom that should not have come from such a sweet face. "You, you don't understand anything," she continued to ramble, unable to articulate the anger she felt towards the other wolf. In a most attractive manner, she chomped her teeth and began to pace back and forth. She ignored the quirked eyebrow--yes, even this infuriated her to no end--and finally with a face both livid and vexed, she said, "Do you know how much of a burden it would've been on me if you had died on me?" Her pale green eyes were hard. Her black lips trembled. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself with such a weight! Don't you know that you're not protecting anyone if you're not protecting yourself? No one is good to anyone if they're maimed or dead!" Even now, the blood of the foxes seemed to drip from the other wolf and seeped into the small rivets of his scars. He must have risked his life for many wolves. What a stupid, stupid man.

RE: nocturne of shadow - Jace - June 26, 2014

Omg flails! She's adorable

Jace watched as the little wolf in front of him practically vibrated with suppressed anger at him. He listened to her tirade and wandered briefly what she wanted him to do about it. If she wouldn't go around fainting and freezing in fear then he wouldn't have to disregard his own safety for her.

His lips twitched again, he really should not be so disrespectful but her anger was hilarious and she was adorable in her ire. And the more she stomped her foot the more he wanted to throw his head back and laugh. He tried to listen to her, lord help him he did, but he couldn't quite get over the comical spunk of the red furred wild child.

Jace raised an eyebrow, Why , it's not your fault if I had died, it would be mine for not protecting myself correctly. And I was protecting myself and you. But I am sorry that I upset you.

RE: nocturne of shadow - Leaf - June 26, 2014

Haha I would've never thought they would get along like this.
They're pretty adorable together hehe

Emotions were some of the most unsavory characters. They played favorites and would pick and choose who and what to acknowledge. Though she had entirely failed to pick up his earlier signs of self control, she now noticed his visible efforts at restraining himself--and hated him. "Do you think something is funny?" she said with a huff and a puff. He had some nerve thinking her some sort of comic relief. When he managed to lift his eyebrow again in question, she knew that this was what she disliked about him most. She would eat off those eyebrows if she could help it.

"Yes, be sorry," she said with a hiss, though it was clear she was unsatisfied. "Be sorry for being such a selfish wolf who cares nothing for the welfare of others." Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew she was being ungrateful, or rather that her gratefulness was not being vocalized, but she decided it was very well that she kept quiet. She would not want to encourage the other wolf to pursue any more of these rescue attempts. No, he was obviously mad in the mind.

It was at this moment that the little red wolf looked at the other wolf. Oh, she had been staring him down with eyes of unadulterated rage, but she had not seen him. What she saw made her feel even more guilty. The wolf was but a yearling! Yes, it was true he had a nice large body built for fighting, but he couldn't have been any older than her. Looking more carefully, she watched as a small bead of blood made its way across his forehead and threatened to enter his eyes. Rolling her eyes and releasing a most grievous sigh, she paused in her pacing and approached the young male and licked the blood off. "I, I need to go home," she lied, knowing that there was no home here for these lands. Her voice was much softer than it had been before.

"I'll thank you later for--well, I don't know. There's nothing to be thankful about!" and as if to punctuate her sentence, she hopped in the air once, took a last glance at her knight, and then ran away: this time to the outer edges of the forest where she hoped to escape both foxes and other black demons. "Stay alive!"

RE: nocturne of shadow - Jace - June 26, 2014

A small strangled chuckled worked its way from his throat as he tried hard to suppress it. She was huffing and puffing and if he wasn’t careful she’d blow his house down. She was a cute wolf, and her temper just gave her an edge. He had never believed his father, when he had told him that females could be cute when angry, but he did now.

He raised his eyebrow yet again. If I didn’t care for others darling, I wouldn’t have put myself in harm’s way to save you, something I’m regretting at the moment, thanks to the viper you have in your mouth there. He knew he shouldn’t poke at the hissing wolf, she was almost like a she cat, a very angry adorable one, that at the moment looked like she could rip his face off. He just might let her; he shook his head and took a step back in a moment of clarity.

He frowned as she licked his head, not used to physical touches, he really needed to find out if it was normal for others to touch him, and someone always seemed to be doing so. He shook his head after she licked it, to get more of the blood there; he needed a bath he probably looked like some gory creature, from the deepest darkest depths of hell. He smiled at her, a crooked boyish grin, Stay away from foxes on your way home little imp.

He did finally laugh when she jumped in the air. He watched her leave and heard her words, and with an impudent grin he hollered back only to annoy you there darling. Then with a shake of his large head he loped off, towards the outer edges of the forest and to his mountain home. To try and figure out why the red furred wolf, made him so much more carefree, he was a serious wolf, and he had had barely a single serious moment today.