Wolf RPG
Pack Meeting, Strangers, Strangers, Strangers, Strange! - Printable Version

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Pack Meeting, Strangers, Strangers, Strangers, Strange! - Ferdie Von Pelt - June 25, 2014

Next round Wednesday July 2nd and then July 9th
please be sure to post in at least one round

Ferdie Von Pelt was angry, more angry then he needed to be. But this was not what he had expected from the swiftcurrent wolves, yet he should have expected nothing less. He stalked the edge of the oasis he growling probably heard clearly from a mile away but he didn't care, he had to reign himself in, but to do that he need to let it out. he almost wore a path in the grass before his climbed up onto a rock that he had to admit looked a little like a miniature version 'pride rock' that hung out just above the oasis' water's surface.

He closed his eyes and collected himself he need to call a pack meeting it was going to be two fold First he would make an announcement and then they were going to discuss how to handle stranger's from here on out, that need to change Ferdie Von Pelt was no longer going to be nice about 'his' borders they were HIS borders darn it and he was going to make sure everyone knew it. and then they were going to end it with a group howling and a pack hunt they needed a substantial cache to rely on and with the work of all the wolves they could make this cache up higher in the mountain where is was colder year round so the meat lasted longer.

He head lifted up to the sky and he loosed a howl that would carry across the mountain, he called them to him, for the first time, as a whole, his pack would come together.

RE: Pack Meeting, Strangers, Strangers, Strangers, Strange! - Jace - June 25, 2014

Jace heard the howl and lifted his blue eyed gaze from the ground where he had been looking. It was time to gather them all, he shook his pelt free of debris and then with a small woof he began at a loping gait to get to the pack meeting. He skidded to a stop as he found Ferdie, it had taken him a little bit admittedly, but here he was.

He dipped his head to his friend and alpha. Good evening Ferdie. Then with a small smile he sat down and waited, wondering what this meeting would be about.

RE: Pack Meeting, Strangers, Strangers, Strangers, Strange! - Amekaze - June 26, 2014

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The call had lured her from a particularly deep stretch of forested thickets, and out into the mountain's oasis towards the wolf that summoned. She trotted purposefully and closed distance in good time. Unsurprisingly, it was only Ferdie and Jace here already.

For the black male of the pair, she greeted him with a nudge of her nose to his shoulder. Her posture was respectful and relaxed, with a cool nod to the superior ranks of them both that said measures alone. Then, for Ferdie, she briefly put her paws on the rock so that she may tap her snout underneath his chin before settling off a few paces from him. Her greetings may have been silent but she believed them plenty suitable.

Amekaze had a feeling she knew what at least one of the topics to be discussed here would entail. Her frustrations towards their neighbors had been worked well into the ground in recent days, namely after aggressively marking over their intrusive stenches, so she had settled to feel vaguely annoyed by them and their words. For just right now. After all nothing else had happened yet. Ame knew this would not be the end and they ought to be aware of their leader's thoughts on the matter. But again, she had a sense she already knew.

From here on out, she waited watchfully. The pack was still small yet even so, she was eager to see their collective lot all together in one place and to hear what Ferdie had to say.

RE: Pack Meeting, Strangers, Strangers, Strangers, Strange! - Nightingale - June 30, 2014

The juvenile bounded towards the howl in long strides. She tried to imagine what kind of wolves Ferdie had collected for his pack. She wondered if there would be any wolves even close to her age, or if she would be the youngest the pack had to offer.

Upon arrival, she found Jace and Ferdie, and one other wolf she had yet to meet. She wagged her tail, about to come up to her adopted father before realizing where she was and promptly sitting down, panting comically and waiting for what big news there was.

RE: Pack Meeting, Strangers, Strangers, Strangers, Strange! - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 02, 2014

He waited for @Valor the mysterious male and @Viatrix and even @Kahlua but none came, he sighed sadly, but all the wolves that mattered were right here before them, small in numbers as they were, they were his pack.

Ferdie smiled at them and nodded before he spoke We have some things to talk about. First things first, Jace! you are my beta I need your help in recruiting and protect our pack and home. Ferdie bowed his head to Jace and offered a moment for that to sink in then continued getting down to business

From here on we do not simply greet wolves at our boarders we defend our borders and if they do no sumbit to us then they are to be ferociously driven out; A pack wolf should always be treated with a aggression unless they are submitting before we find them. Ferdie growled softly then and shook himself off as if to rid himself of some hidden debris.

Questions? he asked before he moved on to the final minute of the days meeting. He wished Viatrixx was here she would love to hear this decision

RE: Pack Meeting, Strangers, Strangers, Strangers, Strange! - Jace - July 02, 2014

Jace froze as the words broke over his dark head. Him a beta, he was just a boy, but he was proud at that moment. he dipped his head in acceptance and spoke softly Thank you very much Ferdie it means a lot, and I am honored.

He shook his head no to the questions. He did not have any, he understood what was expected of him, regarding the borders. He also understood that they were in for a long haul where the creek was concerned.

RE: Pack Meeting, Strangers, Strangers, Strangers, Strange! - Amekaze - July 03, 2014

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A juvenile arrived after her and it seemed that was the lot of them. She was surprised to not see Viatrix, but did not linger. Her focus turned to Ferdie who was quick to business -- Jace's promotion (expected), defend the borders (doable), treat non-submissive pack wolves with aggression (particularly satisfying).

Now, she only wished they had more numbers to back them. Until they did, they would have to make sure their few were strong. Her minty eyes lingered on the youth momentarily, wondering where her interests were. While Ame could not accurately gauge her age, for she seemed small, she knew she had already been working hard to teach her younger siblings skills by that age. The dark Rikudou would need to get to know her better...

She shook her head a gentle "no". His instructions were simple and she shifted quietly, finding she liked this turn of matters already. Ame had no qualms so was silent, awaiting more.

RE: Pack Meeting, Strangers, Strangers, Strangers, Strange! - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 09, 2014

Last round, next Wednesday there will be a mandatory pack hunt, we need to take down larger prey in order to get through the winter,

Trying to inspire trades here

don't forget to post before next wednesday

Ferdie had seen the pack grow and was very proud, they needed an outrider he need to know what the other packs were planning but gleaning information from Swiftcurrent creek which had been oddly silent lately would be hard, he was not about to send a wolf there he would not risk them being attacked.

Does anyone know much of the other packs? I have only heard of changes in the others pack lately and I don't quiet understand it. his thoughts flickered to Bazi and her skill in the task of being an outrider. he might have to take up the task himself for the time being.

We will be having a hunt, Does anyone know where the mountain goat live yet or where is the best chance of prey? He hoped they would not have to go lower then the Sunspire to find good game. That might incite a riot yet. Some of his pack members spent a great deal of time on mountains before and so in times like this he needed the guidance of a naturalist even if the wolf didn't know that's what they were.

Anyone and everyone can greet new comers to our pack but be sure to hold your rank when you do, though only Jace or Myself can decide if they are allowed to join us.

One last thing,
On this point Ferdie would rigid so many new wolves in swiftcurrent creek never knew each other well be sure to meet each new wolf when you can, we all need to know each other well, especially if you are to endure a harsh winter

He was preparing for the worse winter possible but hoping for the best, hoping to find some nice sheltered pockets and good food even in the winter. one could only hope.

Dismissed until the hunt Ferdie lingered if any wanted to speak to him directly. Before they'd go on the hunt he was looking forward to the rally, where each wolf to meet eachother and howl and prepare themselves mentally for the hunt. it had been far to long since he had rallied with a pack

video of wolf pack rally and behaviour for inspiration on the next pack meet

RE: Pack Meeting, Strangers, Strangers, Strangers, Strange! - Jace - July 09, 2014

Jce spoke up a male from a neighboring pack came by he's from the ridge he siad there is tension between his pack and the new pack on an island and he warned me tthey may encroach. Theres goat further up I found some beds that they use. Theres also small game in some of the small areas of grassland and fish in the oasis. I'm still watching though. he grew quiet he had spoken his piece.

RE: Pack Meeting, Strangers, Strangers, Strangers, Strange! - Amekaze - July 10, 2014

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Ame shifted thoughtfully. I have heard little of the other packs lately myself. She rolled her shoulders. Only Swiftcurrent, and since joining with them then the Sunspire, her attentions had drifted away from the coastal packs that once she had kept vague tabs on when she had been a lone wolf. Horizon Ridge had fallen far from her focus and while she knew Silvertip remained strong. Anything beyond that was of no concern; her time was largely devoted to here now. Although, some scouting abroad for the sake of the pack was certainly nothing to complain about..

On the topic of the mountain goats, Ame let Jace speak first. She was not shocked to hear he'd seen their beds. I see them above the treeline's elevation the most.. probably a bit more on the mountain's eastern face.. she remarked, although her observations were not exhaustive. The prey here still had a great many mysteries. Slowly, determinedly, she learned. Soon, as summer begins to wane, they will likely come lower down.. maybe even into the forests some, she mentioned even if it was a mere prediction; she'd be watching to see if it held true, of course.

They had done this back at Rikudou, she recalled, so it was at least a mention based in some fact and to her it made sense. Their shift habitat would come once it became cooler out. They made for a good late-autumn hunt while the caprines were still fat from summer's good grazing. Oh, she added, after remembering Jace's remark about fish in the Oasis. I have seen that.. fishing seems best in the morning and early evening. I suspect the height of the day is too warm for fish to gather much at the surface.. But again, she sensed this would change with the seasons. Everything always did, so it was best they enjoy this while it lasted.

She was eager to see how the seasons would come to pass here upon this mountain. They were learning as they went here and she was hopeful they could survive. Ferdie's mention of a harsh winter's possibility did keep the reality close to heart, though. Ame would aim to be prepared even if nature's strength would always triumph.

They were then dismissed until the hunt and she was satisfied with this conclusion here. She sent a quick nod Jace's way, another glance towards the juvenile female, and for Ferdie she approached to lick underneath this chin then tapped her muzzle against his shoulder before being on her way. When her back was turned, she loped off to her solitude to prepare for the upcoming hunt.