Wolf RPG
Change author in Pack Records forum? - Printable Version

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Change author in Pack Records forum? - Dawn - August 16, 2018

I'm looking to edit and add too the pack records page for Morningside, however since Grayday is the author I'm unable too. since he's dead and no longer a leader, how would I be able to gain access to the pack records? do I need to create a new topic? thanks!

RE: Change author in Pack Records forum? - Indra - August 16, 2018

As a temporary measure I could edit it for you. It won't fix your long-term problem, though.

In the past I have seen people ask that the old one be deleted (in Maintenance) so they can post a new one. You won't be able to edit anyone's posts but your own in that forum, generally.

RE: Change author in Pack Records forum? - Dawn - August 16, 2018

ahh, ok! I'll put up a new thread soonish, I think. thank you!!

RE: Change author in Pack Records forum? - Colt RIP - August 18, 2018

Yep! Generally you start a new one and we remove the old once the new is up and transferred ^^