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Stavanger Bay hollow earth - Printable Version

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hollow earth - Shardik - August 20, 2018

he strode down the fog-rimed beach, a hulking shape moving soundless between rifts of dense grey mists. his hollow eyes hungry, his lips hanging loose - occasionally the snort of a low growl passing through him, rumbling deep and ominous like the endlessly vague shapes of mist that shuffled alongside him.

he was ever hungry, an insensate and insatiable beast that followed nose and tongue in hellbent order. here the scatter of footprints in the sand foretold his arrival to some sort of encampment, and the cluster of scent markings that hung limpid and undisturbed in the briny air were met with an approving twitch of his immense muzzle.

he would come across small dogs soon; dogs he would hunt and kill and send to their unblinking doom. boldly the beast passed the imposing gates of stavanger, his long claws raking gouges in the sand in his wake.

RE: hollow earth - Rosalyn - August 20, 2018

She scented him before she saw him... her ritual was a run of the borders, and when she caught his sense, she was immediately taken back to the horror within the caves.  It had followed.

She sounded a warning to any who might hear, and then set in to track the beast, hoping it hadn't encountered any of the crew.  She wasn't sure with their scattered count it would be driven out, but she had to try.  This wasn't its place, and she'd be damned if she lost another home so easily.  Her expression was steely, but her pulse thrummed. This did not bode well.

quick lunch post bc I only have like 10 min D: she'll come upon him next round!

RE: hollow earth - Erzulie - August 20, 2018

she had not experienced such horror in a while. erzulie tasted pennies within her mouth as the inside of her jaw gave way to a sharp bite. delivered in an attempt to keep herself from giving away her position farther along the strand, the harlot desperately slid into the water, behind an outcropping of rock.
here, perhaps, the great bruin would not see her. trembling, erzulie attempted to slow the cadence of her breathing, hoping desperately that the thing might turn aside and thereby allow her escape.

RE: hollow earth - Shardik - August 25, 2018

he did not see the honeyed-fur of erzulie, hulked down against the ground and hidden from view. nor had he seen rosalyn -- not until a howl sounded across the beach and told him plainly her location.

the beast grinned; a defilement, a torment, a gross and obscene gesture. his massive shoulders heaved, his body shook -- and he moved off in a lumbering canter with claws sweeping sand, and the ground thundering in impact.

a belligerent roar split his muzzle then as he rocked, a deafening cry which rent the somber strand in terrible tonation. and then the rough beast turned to rosalyn, the wolf that had eluded him once before -- a wolf he was certain would rest in his grasp soon enough.

RE: hollow earth - Rosalyn - August 26, 2018

There was some hope that perhaps it wasn't the same creature; that this one was smaller, and maybe could be persuaded to leave.  But as it came into view, apparently responding to her summons, Rosalyn knew the bay was lost.  With their number, even if they did try, the cost would be far too much to pay.  Maybe if Smokestep were still here, as he should be, or Raptor... she felt a sharp sting of bitterness in her throat, and anger tinged her fear.

Hopefully the others would heed her warning and scatter.  All she could do was give them time.  She growled and paused, unwilling to meet it full on.  Instead she began to circle, then dodged in to snap at it, snarling.  She didn't know of Erzulie, so close by; all she cared about was distracting it, only until she could either drive it back (impossible) or at least felt some had been given time to get clear.

RE: hollow earth - Erzulie - August 28, 2018

permission to PP cuts/bruising/broken ribs

rosalyn was spotted; she could not escape the glaring piggish eyes of the giant beast. and so erzulie dashed from cover, a mad gallop across the sands to flank the bruin. she shouted, voice descending into a snarl; she sought to turn him round and leapt closer to chivvy at his thickly furred hip with a growl.
with hope, the other ironsea wolves would heed the captain's warning and depart with alacrity. it was the duty of the leading pair now to keep the beast from assailing those who had sought the bay for protection. erzulie's eyes burned; she dared not glance toward rosalyn even for a moment, lest the second of lost focus be her last.

RE: hollow earth - Shardik - September 03, 2018

i am ok with pp also!

shardik advanced; a goliath thundering among ants. sand and dust scattered under his heaving paws, and the air was rent with a cataclysm of thick snarls as he descended upon the dog that had evaded him once before.

she had circled, and for a brief moment was out of reach of his raking claws. he lurched ahead with surprising agility, his massive forearms outstretched, rapier-curved claws searching for flesh to render to ribbons. a fell pain coursed his hand as rosalyn's teeth found him; a beligerent grumble of outrage bubbled in his jaws and he turned his other hand upon her, flinging her from his smarting paw with a wicked heave of his body.

a new pain stung him along his hips -- a golden flash just out of his peripherals worried his exposed flank with barbed teeth that cut through his fur in sharp retorts. he thundered round, a rough and unshapely demon -- his baleful eyes focused on the buttercream she-wolf with newfound loathing.

a scythe of his claws was issued in reprimand, aiming to send her flying alongside her russet comrade into the sand so that he might continue his onslaught free of their dogging forms.

RE: hollow earth - Rosalyn - September 03, 2018

She was trying to keep back, but also trying to distract, and to bring enough pain to force the monster to stop.

She was expecting to fight this alone, but then suddenly, she wasn't.  Erzulie's arrival captured her attention, and the instant of relief turned to horror as she engaged the beast as well.  She was supposed to have run with the rest.  This wasn't her task.

She couldn't shout at her to run; she'd caught hold of the creature's paw, but was quickly cast aside, distracted now.  The blow slammed her to the sand a ways away and left her seeing spots for a moment, gasping to try and catch her breath.  

She wanted nothing more than to stay down, but she couldn't.  So she rose shakily, frantically finding the shape of her lover, who also it seemed had been thrown aside.  Fear and rage still battled, and when she saw this, rage won.  She felt a fearsome sound rise and loosed it on the bear, ignoring the pain in her shoulder and side as she charged at him and set her jaws into his hind leg, aiming to tear enough to slow him down, but also to draw his eyes.

RE: hollow earth - Erzulie - September 07, 2018

the breath was knocked from her lungs in entirety; she writhed and gasped against the sand, crying out as her ribcage expanded against the rapidly expanding pain in her right side. a cracked bone, she suspected; the harlot hunched against the earth, glancing up muzzily in time to see rosalyn's form streaking for the bear again.
anger now; rage, visceral and hot. erzulie staggered to her paws, cringing in pain once before a guttural snarl loosed the adrenaline of her ire. now she too lunged across the beach for the bruin, seeking to rip and tear the flesh along the back of his opposite hind leg.

RE: hollow earth - Shardik - November 04, 2018

wow so i suck <3 pping to tack on a conclusion, yell at me if not ok (but not too mean plz ok)

dogs were ever the bane of shardik's life; he cursed them, hated them - he wished to see them perish under the wicked clench of his paw, crumbling off like bitter clumps of sand between his long claws.

these dogs were tenacious - they bit and they tore, and they dragged his fury out until it was spent. for every sting they delivered, he gave them an equal wallop -- at last, his energies were spent, and they, working in tandem, managed to elude him.

but he would not leave -- no -- not even the driving bite of their sharp teeth could force him to leave a space he deigned to occupy; with guttural growls he fended off each approach with a rough slap: he didn't know it, but they had worked together to keep him from the rest of the horde.

he had wounds to nurse, and with a loud grumble after a feeble swipe of his claws, shardik lurched in the direction of their cache: it appeared so long as he did not hunt the dogs, they did not engage him -- with a glutton's lusty fervor, shardik gorged -- and gorged -- and gorged --

meanwhile, the dogs slipped by him, craftier, smarter, and ultimately, still alive.