Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest fox earth - Printable Version

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fox earth - Leaf - June 26, 2014

This is set the morning after this thread and is near the edge of the forest closer to Wapun Meadow.

Splashing her face with the water of a murky puddle, the little red wolf blinked the sleep from her eyes before peering back behind her. Blackfoot Forest was quiet now with no foxes or demons to be found. Instead, it was filled with the soothing trills of birds and the quiet footsteps of deers breaking small twigs. Still, blood filled her nostrils, and she shuddered at the circumstances of the previous night. There, she had learned things about her character that she never thought possible--impossible in the sense that they were so beneath her and below her. She was beginning to learn what it meant to hate oneself, and she did not like it.

Slumping down into the ground, she hid herself among the dead leaves and willed herself to disappear. It was not common for the little red wolf to feel this sort of emotion, this sort of heaviness that matched the shadows of last night. It left her confused and paralyzed. "Get up," she murmured half-heartedly to herself. As if to mock her, her tail lifted a few centimeters off the ground before falling back down dejected. "Get up," she said again, this time in a more normal volume. Once more, her tail mocked her by rising a few centimeters higher before falling deflated like a popped balloon.

"Get up! Get up! Oh, why won't you get up...!" she began to shout. She rolled back and forth on her sides and moaned at her embarrassing fate. Maybe all she was good for was doing nothing useful to anyone at all.

RE: fox earth - Ollie - June 26, 2014

Soon after the encounter with the swan and its protector, Ollie and Olor moved to the forests in the southern part of the valley. Ollie wanted to keep going north, but her complaints about the heat forced Olor to drag her south to the cooler forest. They slept there for the night, and at dawnbreak, Ollie ran from the little nest she and Olor had made and explored. "It's just a lil' walk 'round. I won't be gone for long." She pleaded to the silent white wolf, who only chuffed and placed his head back on his paws.

With that, Ollie skipped off into the forest, her quick pawsteps only accompained by the trills of birds and gently twig breaks made by deer and small mammals alike. And then there was a call from another wolf nearby. Get up! Get up! Oh, why won't you get up...! Nervous, the ash-furred runt walked over to the sound to find a small red wolf attempting to get up. "Oi, what's up wif ya?" she asked her.

RE: fox earth - Olor - June 26, 2014

Annoyed by Ollie's constant whining about the heat of the sun, Olor moved the whining little runt to the cool of the forest before nightfall. Satisfied by the shade, Ollie curled up in a makeshift nest and promptly fell asleep. After taking a look around, Olor laid nearby her and slept as well. Morning came with Ollie rejuvenized and excited, asking him to let her explore the forest. He consented, watching her as she left.

He closed his eyes for awhile until he heard the cries of a wolf nearby. It wasn't Ollie, but he got up and ran towards it anyway. Smelling his ward nearby, he ran up beside her, chuffing softly and eyeing the red wolf questioningly.

RE: fox earth - Fireblaze - June 26, 2014

Fireblaze continued her trek, until she found scents of the other wolves she had met yesterday. She followed the scent, until she heard a sound. it was a voice that said "Get up! Getup! Oh why won't you get up.

She raced forth to help. She then saw One of the two wolves, and another. The wolf she had met was bent over the other wolf, the new one. "Huh," Fireblaze said.

RE: fox earth - Leaf - June 27, 2014

Even though she was caught up in her own emotions, it was not enough for her to ignore the scent of not one, not even two, but three approaching wolves. Rising onto her feet, she batted away the tears from her eyes.

The first wolf had an accent and looked nervous. The second wolf had no accent yet and looked questioning. The third wolf seemed to be a bystander who was too curious for her own good. The three wolves all seemed to know each other, though they all look different in appearance, and it was clear to the little red wolf that the first two had the strongest interpersonal bond. For a moment, she wondered what the connection was between all the three wolves but decided it was not of her primary interest.

"Thank you," she said as the smallest of smiles appeared on her face. "Thank you. You've all helped me do what I needed to do. I'm up. You can all go back to your homes and families." She hated to create a scene--or even be part of a scene. If she were very honest to herself, she wondered if these three wolves were here to kidnap her. To sell her precious red fur to the bald wolf down the street. It was at this thought that the little red wolf began to involuntarily grin.

RE: fox earth - Ollie - June 28, 2014

As soon as she arrived, so did Olor, and that wolf from the marsh. She looked back to the distressed wolf, who wobbled onto her feet. The red wolf smiled at them all and thanked them, but urged them to leave her and go back to their families and homes. Ollie only snorted. "'ome? We daan't 'ave a 'ome." She said, gesturing to Olor.

She sniffed the red wolf, not finding a pack scent. "And I daan't fink ya do either."

RE: fox earth - Olor - June 28, 2014

When Olor arrived beside Ollie, the wolf from the marsh who had "saved" the swan. He snorted at the female in greeting and turned to the red wolf who had been crying for help. She stood, though unsteadily. The little wolf had thanked them, even though they did not do much to help. She shooed them away from her, but Ollie and he did not belong to any family but their own. And from what Ollie said, neither did she. The other wolf was up for debate.

RE: fox earth - Fireblaze - June 28, 2014

"I have a home, but I will not leave until you say what happened," Fireblaze declared. "And you two. You should join BDP, for you only have a certain amount of time before death. There are two spots open. I did not defend the swan. I defended you."

She walked over to the red wolf. Nuzzling her fur, she asked "What is your name?"

RE: fox earth - Leaf - June 28, 2014

It was too late. The thought of a possible kidnapping had entered her mind and firmly rooted itself. Still grinning, the little red wolf blinked rapidly as the first wolf informed that they both did not have a home--and then made a most suspicious statement. Interpreting it as a threat, the little red wolf fell back a step and flitted her gaze from wolf to wolf. They all wanted to kidnap her and sell her body for unsavory purposes!

Not knowing why her fate was determined to come to such an end, the little red wolf began to slowly move back as the third wolf began, in her mind, to first interrogate her, threaten her with death and swan songs, and then physically molest her. Snapping at the third wolf, she growled lowly and crouched to the ground. Her ears were slicked back, and her tail arched in aggression. Knowing she had little chance at fighting three wolves--well, really, she wouldn't have been good with even one--she snapped outwards a few times in defense before fleeing for her dear life.

RE: fox earth - Ollie - June 28, 2014

Ollie's head tilted curiously at the red wolf's sudden defensive posture. "Oi, what's the matter wif ya?" She stepped forward as the female stepped back. "Is there summit behind us?" She turned to look back. Not seeing anything there, she turned back to the wolf. "We aint garn ter 'urt y-" The wolf was gone. She had fled off into the trees. Ollie gave the fleeing wolf a curious look, then turned to Olor.

"Huh. I wonder wot was the matter wif 'er."

RE: fox earth - Olor - June 28, 2014

The red female's sudden fear confused him. What was there to be scared about? He was big and rough looking, but he wasn't interested in attacking anyone. He was more of a gentle giant than a massive warrior. He chuffed softly at the wolf, trying to calm her down, but she fled after taking a few snaps at them. Ollie perfectly summed up what he was thinking: Huh. I wonder wot was the matter wif 'er.

RE: fox earth - Fireblaze - June 28, 2014

"I know what happened, for it has happened to me before," Fireblaze started. "She has a sense of kidnapping. She thinks that since there are three of us, we will attack her."

RE: fox earth - Leaf - June 30, 2014

Okay, y'all said you were fine fading this thread, so here's one last post to wrap everything up. Thanks for the thread! Let's have another one sometime. I think it would be quite amusing hehe

So she fled. She did not turn back until she was entirely out of the forest, and as the writer had determined it, she would end up at Arrow Lake, where she would then encounter yet another acquaintance. As for the fate of the pair and the third wolf, she did not know. Maybe they would encounter each other again, and maybe this time it would be a fight. The little red wolf was not very good at such things, but she was still young and could learn. Until then, she would run away from her enemies and into herself like she always had up to this point in her life.