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Silvertip Mountain The brown ghost - Printable Version

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The brown ghost - Vectra - June 27, 2014

OOC: because of upcoming activity check and the pack moving among other things I thought id go ahead and post to be safe.

Vectra was new, at least to this area. She had grown to her fullness, waited two years to get away from her family, and now she could. She wanted nothing more than to find a way to prove herself, become strong, as she knew she could be. Having already encountered this Jinx, who pointed her in this direction. Telling her she could find what she was searching for here. Vectra sure hoped so, she wished to learn she was honestly tired of her family and their coddling.

Just a while longer and Vectra came upon a place to rest, of course she would not do so, the place looked like it had been recently used. Looking at the small outcropping with suspicion, her instincts telling her she was near some raccoons or something, nothing to worry about. But she wouldn't be a bother when she didn't need to. She somehow felt as if she wanted to know more, see someone. Yet she had not come across anyone yet. So Vectra continued to explore onward in curiosity.


RE: The brown ghost - ZC10 - June 28, 2014

Itsuki had done a lot of settling in since arriving on Silvertip Mountain's border, but decided today that he'd benefit from something more interactive. The male had selected a small den from among the mountain's plentiful caves, for although he knew they soon would leave this place and he would be obliged to abandon it, he preferred having a private place for his rituals.

It was from this den that he emerged, drinking in the amazing view waiting outside his door. The flatlands sprawled out for miles in all directions, in part boasting rich woodland and in part covered in a layer of soft, tall grasses. The male was still staring out at the world below, transfixed, when the sound of paws whisking over a surface beckoned him.

His eyes fell upon a creature so magnificent, his breath was briefly taken away. It wasn't attraction, of course—Itsuki was oddly devoted to the kami and himself, and had long grown distant from the thought of companionship, at least in that way—but rather, an appreciation for stunning beauty. Her colours mimicked some sort of night bird, one owl or another that he had come across in his travels, but the splendour was brought to life on the figure of a wolf in a whole new way. Hers were captivating eyes, bright against the pale shock of her face and complementing the brown of her coat nearly perfectly.

Bringing himself back to reality, Itsuki climbed to his feet, sliding back his ears and lowering his head into his trademark bow of respect. It was something his mother had always taught him to do, and it was part of his honour code, and as much an instinct as eating and breathing when greeting others. “Hello,” the Keizo murmured warmly, though there was something of reluctance in his tone, as if he didn't think he should speak to such a pleasantly marked wolf as an equal (even though he was, in fact, her superior).

RE: The brown ghost - Vectra - June 28, 2014

Walked in peaceful silence, Till another came upon her, smiling warmly she said in her ever so soft voice "hello yourself, it is a pleasure to meet you. Im Vectra" the other could not be sure if she was playing formalities to truly being kind, as Vectra had to play being a perfect little angel for her family for two years, she was used to the masquerade. She swished her tail back and forth curiously, yet only did so once, she had trained herself well. Firey eyes warm she asked "so what rank are you, I just joined... so im new to all this pack stuff" well that was the truth all right, Vectra had been only in a family. Sadly never apart of any rankings or duty's. Though she tried to help out her family with hunting, they just prized her to much.

She looked around in the forest, the birds continued to sing, apparently completely unbothered by them, she liked the place it was new, nice. Looking back to the other wolf she patently waited for him as he responded, hopefully he would give her his name as well, as it was only polite. She would idly shuffle, but not because she was uncomfortable, more because she was a extremely active girl.


RE: The brown ghost - ZC10 - June 29, 2014

The first impression that Vectra conveyed was one of kindness, but also uncertainty. She shifted in place as she spoke and cast around as if looking for something. Itsuki, on the other hand, was statuesque, with nary a movement to betray his inner timidity. Only the wind brushing his coat into soft, plush waves and the slow blink of his eyes and twitching of his ears suggested he was animate. They couldn't have been more different, at least in that moment.

Though he didn't verbally respond to her initial greeting, his warm smile acknowledged it well enough. “I am Itsuki Keizo,” he softly introduced himself, ever the formal man that his mother had raised him as. “The Kappa.” Granted, the Keizo had never put a lot of stock into the names given his various ranks in life. For him, it was all about who was willing to submit to his superiority and who was not that determined his place in the pack. He did not make designs on others' ranks, for he wasn't terribly ambitious anyway.

Something she'd said had captivated him, so with a flick of his head, the tawny male invited her to walk with him. “Have you never been with a true pack, then?” he wondered aloud, his voice quiet and deep as always, even though true interest and curiosity lay at its root. A family was a pack to him, but he didn't say that, for he wanted to hear her take on it.

RE: The brown ghost - Vectra - June 30, 2014

Vectra smiled politely as the male provided his name. Manners, that was one lesson she kept from her.... family. While the two walked she said "kappa? that is a interesting name for a rank" in a joking tone, trying to be lighthearted about their meeting. When the Itsuki asked why she had never been in a pack before she thought for a moment how to explain that "i had a family, but it didn't feel like a family. just more like wolves who were admiring me, I hated it, I couldn't wait to leave. That's not usually the feeling you should feel in a pack right?" she asked looking at him curiously, if it was, Vectra would be leading one hell of a lonely life. Vectra heard a bird in a tree nearby, ears perked and she looked over to see a morning dove, smiling as she watched it fly away. Vectra liked watching birds and animals when she didn't have to train or hunt, it was.... relaxing.


RE: The brown ghost - ZC10 - July 02, 2014

The second impression Vectra gave was one of pretension, at least by the way she spoke. The magnificently marked female didn't appear from her actions to have a lofty opinion of herself, but the revelation that her family had done nothing but admire her was unsettling, even though she claimed to hate it. He didn't say anything negative about it, and merely cocked his head as if questioning the reality of this claim, though in no way did he mean to suggest she was lying.

After all, if her family merely admired her, why would she have left in the first place? And if she so disliked it, why would she mention it to a total stranger such as himself, rather than burying her past in noncommittal answers, as he did?

The male thought about it only a brief moment longer before saying, “you must be very skilled to earn the admiration of your entire family. It is a great honour to be viewed as the important one.” Admittedly, Itsuki had always felt like Kaito had been the favoured one in his family, though for what reason he could not longer recall. The dark-furred boy had been nearly silent for most of his life. Perhaps Asayo had seen something in her black-furred son's ghost-like qualities that reminded her of an easier time.

RE: The brown ghost - Vectra - July 03, 2014

Vectra huffed at his reply "yea, but that is if they would actually let me do something to earn it..." she mumbled loud enough for him to hear. She was never pleased with how her family treated her, "I did not like what they did, I left them because of it, the reason why I tell you this is because im not ashamed of my actions" Vectra was always one to tell the truth when it came to her past it seemed, she did have pride after all.

Vectra looked at The male Curious if he had wanted to tell anything about himself, or if he was the type to keep to himself. She did not mind it either way. As the forest was quite peaceful.


RE: The brown ghost - ZC10 - July 03, 2014

Presumably, Vectra had no idea how pretentious she really sounded. It was the only explanation that the gentle Itsuki, who didn't want to assume she was simply arrogant by nature, could come up with to justify why she flippantly pointed out that they admired her for no reason at all. A humbler wolf such as himself might have simply said they were good at ability x, even if the reason for the admiration was entirely unrelated to ability x, simply to not sound full of himself... But aside from choosing to leave home because of it, Vectra didn't seem at all ashamed about admitting she was amazing for no reason.

The Keizo forced himself to push any rising judgement aside. Perhaps it was her appearance they had admired, but if that was the case, a sensible family of wolves wouldn't have barred her from pulling her weight. He was about to ask, but found he was no longer interested in speaking of her supposedly stifling family, so he switched gears instead. “You shouldn't be,” Itsuki calmly replied, folding his legs so he could sit facing her. Standing still for too long wasn't good for his joints, or at least he'd been told that. “So what brings you to this pack, specifically?”

RE: The brown ghost - Vectra - July 05, 2014

Vectra just flipped her ears back, choosing not to comment as the male said that she should be proud her family wanted to treat her like a porcelain doll. her face taking on that of a somewhat uncomfortable wolf as she remembered how they chided over her, the expression quickly went away however as the male asked why she came here. "i want to become a guardian, a warrior, my old pack wouldn't let me fight, they said I was to pretty to get hurt. So I have come here to prove my worth, hopefully I can here" she said, with a hopeful voice, she had always wanted to be a warrior, and her family never wanted that. Even though it was kind of her dream.


RE: The brown ghost - ZC10 - July 10, 2014

Vectra's dreams were much different than he had expected them to be. Already he found his opinion of her lofty self-entitlement waning. “Why?” he asked suddenly, finding her something of an interesting case study and wanting to know more. What could possess a pampered wolf such as herself—if indeed she was to be believed about her family—to pursue such a rough and tumble lifestyle? Itsuki knew the Alpha was a warrior, but she seemed suited to it somehow. He doubted Jinx had ever been considered anything more than overbearing.

“Why not pursue a finer art? You must have had much time to think. I suspect you are intelligent, a good listener,” these were all but assumptions drawn from her apparent upbringing, but he imagined he wasn't far off the mark, “so you would make an excellent Counselor. Or a historian, who spend their lives in pursuits of knowledge. Why a warrior?” He was intrigued, and the Keizo intended to know what would draw a pretty woman to want to fight.

RE: The brown ghost - Vectra - July 10, 2014

Vectra listened to him as he spoke, the male had a point. But she still had not the desire to become it. "ever since I was a pup I have wanted to be able to protect what I consider dear. I have wanted to hunt and experience the thrill of battle. Those are not things you can get by just sitting around like a good little lamb of a child." she said, somewhat in a way that she was still upset that her parents and family never allowed her to do so, that they were trying to control her and not let her help.
