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Broken Boulder chicken noodle soup - Printable Version

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chicken noodle soup - Lily - August 30, 2018

Lily had noticed the past few days a certain nagging fatigue, an ache in her bones. She passed it off as stress, or perhaps the beginnings of depression--she still had not recovered from Vilkas's departure, and she felt more removed than ever from the rest of the Sanctuary. More sleep and good food should do the trick, and so she gave it a try, sleeping even later through the morning than usual.

She had taken to spending her nights outside; the area around the boulder reeked of cat urine, and she couldn't take it anymore. Instead, she'd curled up near the edge of Paradise Garden, the gentle hum of evening insects lulling her into slumber. She dreamed fitfully under the stars, and woke the next morning feeling as if someone had dropped her from a cliff.

Her nose ran, her skin burned under her pelt, and each and every joint felt stiff as a log. Lily attempted to stretch and winced in pain, the smallest of motions sending shooting agony through her skull. Splitting headache aside, she was nauseous and dizzy; her vision swam. With a small whine, she placed her head on her paws and closed her eyes, trying to ignore the various sensations of yuck that had seized her body seemingly overnight.

All right, this wasn't depression. This was something else entirely, something more serious, and she lay in dread of what came next. Would this malady take her speech again?

RE: chicken noodle soup - Khali - August 30, 2018

Mind If I throw him in? :)

Khali had noticed an abundance of cats around the Sanctuary lately and was starting to be a nuissance really. Everywhere someone stepped usually a cat could crawl out or be spotted doing something or pissing. It seemed fitting that another thing would take storm just as he got his sleep pattern back, but he would have to deal until the cats left or he got so irritated he left which would be unlikely.

On his morning stroll he had come to the garden to enjoy the smell of the flowers that didn’t have cat scent on them yet, it was the only good smelling thing that had filled his nose in a few days. He sighed a bit in relief after taking just one deep breath of a small yellow flower, ironically. His ears flicked after he heard some rustled movement up ahead. He figured it was just one of the pesky cats but decided to investigate and upon further investigation his eyes met a very sickly looking Lily.

Lily? Can I help you in someway?” He asked softly not wanting to startle her as he walked around to let her see him so she wouldn’t have to move. The last time he had saw her was when they took a walk at night to help each other sleep and now it seems she isn’t doing too good.

RE: chicken noodle soup - Lily - August 31, 2018

Not at all!! She is contagious, tho ;)

The voice brought her eyelids open once more, and she peered with a watery gaze at Khali, who had approached and was staring down at her, clearly concerned. She attempted to give him a cheery, nonchalant laugh of dismissal and instead broke into coughs, shoulders heaving. Well, there went that plan. Lily shook her head, looking grim.

"I don't think so, no," she said, with a shrug. "I don't know why I'm feeling so absolutely dreadful. I need to ask Ali if he's got any herbs for this nonsense." The girl shot him a smile, albeit a faint one. He was looking better than he had the night they'd run into each other, when she was still speechless. "How are you, Khali?"

RE: chicken noodle soup - Khali - September 06, 2018

that’s fine :)

Khalis eyes opened wide as he seen just how bad she was. The coughs that she was giving out sounded like someone had put a frog down her throat. He winced for her even though he knew it was worse for her than it was for him. Then the thought had hit him, her voice??, he smiled brightly at her. “Your voice is back!! Not that it helps that you fell ill but it’s back! “ he said excitedly. 

It was all that he could think about at first until she said she said she needed to talk to Ali for some herbs. “I could do that for you, that way you can rest. “ he said with a nod. She was in no shape to go and find Ali or to be walking, rest was what she needed the most. “I’m doing good, I need to get Ali for you though so he can help. “ Khali was worried that if he didn’t soon enough she would get even worse.

RE: chicken noodle soup - Lily - September 11, 2018

"Yes," she croaked, laughing softly at the irony of it before bursting into coughs once more. To have her voice back, only to lose it again. "Stop making me laugh, Khali. It hurts too much. Yes, I got my voice back about a moon ago. Isn't it wonderful?" A dreamy expression made its way over her face, before she became grave, focusing on the second part of their conversation.

"Really, it's fine," Lily insisted, shaking her head. She nodded at the ground. "Come and sit a while with me. Not too close, though--I don't know if I'm catching." God forbid she make the rest of the pack sick with whatever this nonsense was. She was tired of being alone; she could use a friend, especially when she felt so under the weather.

RE: chicken noodle soup - Khali - September 13, 2018

Khali felt bad when he heard her laugh, it sounded so miserable. He was happy her voice was back but sad that she was so sick. He didn’t want to leave her so when she said it was fine he nodded. The sandy man nuzzled her head for a minute after she nodded at the ground. “Okay, I won’t get him for you.” He said softly. 

He walked to lay near her head where he could put his paws under her head. When he laid he nestled his paws underneath her head so she wouldn’t have to put it on the hard ground. “I’ll sit until you tell me to leave.” He assured her, after all this is the least he could do after that night so long ago she helped him sleep. 

He looked down at her worried.

RE: chicken noodle soup - Lily - September 13, 2018

"Thanks for the pillow," Lily giggled, placing her cheek on his paws. She looked up at him with a toothy grin, fiery eyes flashing. "And for the company. Really, how are you? What have you been up to?" She hadn't seen him in so long, and so much had happened since their sleepless night. The new arrivals, the cats. . . There was so much to talk about--

And now she had a voice with which to do it!

He looked worried, but he ought not to be. It was just a little cough--nothing some herbs couldn't fix. At least, that was what her mother would have diagnosed her with. She was more worried about him catching it from her than anything else; he didn't need anything else on his plate.

RE: chicken noodle soup - Khali - September 13, 2018

Khali loved to see her grin, he thought maybe happiness could cure whatever this was. “It’s no problem, anything for you.” He tried to say smiling but all it sounded like was a ball of worry which is what he seemed to have turned into. “I’ve been good. I’ve been on the outskirts of the territory for a while. I was hoping my sister would come back...” he trailed off, Lily had bigger things to worry about than helping him and that was getting better.

anyway, I remember When I was the one doing all of the talking. Look at us now.” He chuckled slightly careful not to make her laugh. He took his muzzle and brushed it over her head between her ears, hoping it would have a calming effect. Rest was the only thing he knew that would make someone who was sick feel better.

RE: chicken noodle soup - Lily - September 15, 2018

She tilted her head in question, blinking softly. "Where does your sister live?" she inquired, ears angling forward. Lily didn't remember him mentioning a sister, though perhaps it had been lost in the deluge of words he'd given her that sleepless night. Her speechless moon had been so monotonous, so draining, that her mind was beginning to block it out altogether; most of it was nothing but a blur.

Lily chuckled at his joke, but just barely, a burst of air through her nostrils and a grin. She closed her eyes at his touch, enjoying the feel of it. It was soothing, sort of like the way--

Vilkas. The name came suddenly to mind, and her heart lodged in her throat--no swallow could push it down again. The corners of her lips twitched with barely checked emotion; she looked away from Khali, staring intently at the ground. Perhaps if she focused her attention on this inconsequential blade of grass, she would forget the way Vilkas had looked at her. . .

Fat chance of that.

RE: chicken noodle soup - Khali - September 16, 2018

Morningside, I think that’s what they are called.” He said muffled a bit through combing his muzzle down her head softly. He wanted her to rest because it was the only medicine type thing he knew how to do was help put one at ease so they could sleep easily. He saw she had enjoyed the massage motion and kept it up. “I only just found out that she was my sister.” He said after he stopped, he noticed that she was staring at the ground and felt a bit awkward. 

I’m sorry...” he said sort of silently. He knew she had been with Vilkas but it didn’t cross his mind until now. He hadn’t seen the man in a while and thought he might had hit that nerve with Lily. It wasn’t intentional but he wouldn’t say anything more than I’m sorry until she confirmed his suspicions.

RE: chicken noodle soup - Lily - September 18, 2018

Lily shook her head, shrugging off his apology. "It's fine," she said, a weak little smile arcing over her lips as she ripped her gaze from the grass and glanced back at him. "Fine. Just. . .reminded me of something, that's all."

Vilkas was gone. Was she really going to spend the rest of her life pining after him?

"I've never heard of Morningside," Lily remarked, in an effort to change the subject. Her ears angled forward, actually slightly intrigued by the name. It sounded pretty enough. "Where is it? Close by? And how did you find out she was your sister?"

She lowered her eyes, feeling a bit bashful. In the wake of her upset, she had forgotten her manners entirely. "Sorry, I don't mean to pry."

RE: chicken noodle soup - Khali - September 18, 2018

Khali greeted her look with a small smile. “I understand.” He said not making her say what it reminded her of. When she mentioned his sister he never had really thought of sharing the information he had of her with anyone. The feeling of sharing it would feel nice but he still couldn’t shake the feeling that he hadn’t seen her in a while and that it felt .. weird?

He chuckled a bit when she apologized, it was cute the way she was eager to know and then cut back. Khali wanted to share the information though because maybe it would help him process it. “We’re actually neighbors with Morningside. I met her before I came here not even knowing she was my sister and then I met her when me and Eris took a trip to Morningside to see them. At that point I still didn’t know she was my sister. We met briefly just a month or so ago and she told me about her other language and her whole story which fit in with my whole back story and my other language that I speak and I just haven’t processed it.” He finally let it out and it felt good but then a guilt cloud came over him and he looked at Lily. “That was a lot at once. I’m sorry. “ he said genuinely.

RE: chicken noodle soup - Lily - September 22, 2018

He was kind. He didn't try to pry, which was encouraging. She knew she would have (although she was getting better at keeping her mouth shut!). It wasn't something she wanted to talk about, and she was content to lounge and listen to his story, let him do the talking.

"That's amazing!" Lily remarked when he was finished, tail beating against the ground. "It's like Eris and Ali--they were separated, for a while, and then found each other here. You're so lucky to have her close by, even if she is in a different pack."

Her mouth quirked in a wry smile. "Apparently I should do more scouting," she added, "since Morningside is a name I've never heard in my life. Perhaps we could visit together sometime?" she asked, her eyes hopeful. "When I've recovered?"

RE: chicken noodle soup - Khali - September 23, 2018

Khali nodded and gave a small smile too. He was grateful that he had met her even after all the years apart from her. It seemed that after those horrible years he stopped being so bitter now that he had been at the Sanctuary, maybe she wouldn’t judge him for the life he lived beforehand. 

I’d love to take you there sometime, maybe you could even meet my sister. That would really be an enjoyable trip.” He said at the end he was a little quieter as he felt shy. Lily was so sweet and he was grateful to have her around. “Maybe sometime we could walk at night again and you could tell me all your problems, of course when your better.” He suggested, afterall he did lay out all his problems for her to listen so he should listen to hers.

RE: chicken noodle soup - Lily - September 25, 2018

"That would be wonderful," she replied, her voice bright (albeit a bit hoarse). She coughed raggedly for a moment, then beamed up at him, toes curled in delight. "To all of it. A trip away will do me good."

Of course, it all hinged on her getting better soon. How long would this nagging cold hold on? Sometimes she shook it off in a matter of days, others it had stuck around for quite a while. She hoped fervently that this illness fell into the former category rather than the latter.

But Khali would make a great traveling companion. She felt as if she had only scratched the surface of the man--that there was much more still to discover. It was a prospect that excited her, and she looked forward to their journey to Morningside.

wanna fade this out? :)

RE: chicken noodle soup - Khali - September 26, 2018

Yes! thanks for the thread <3

Khali had smiled when she seemed so excited. Her coughing led his face to fall and he nuzzled her slightly, it worried him quite a bit. He wasn't a healer by any means but he hoped she would get better with herbs and rest. "I can't wait" he said softly as he nodded to her. It would be one good trip away from the cats and the Sanctuary that had been over run. The thought made his heart skip a beat even though he would never admit it.

"Now you should get some sleep, I'll lay here with you" he said laying his head down beside hers. His eyes looked over one last time before he closed them. Hopefully with some rest she'd be herself again in no time. He drifted off becoming limp when his slumber hit him.