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Moonspear northern lights - Printable Version

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northern lights - Hydra - September 10, 2018

Two days ago, Hydra had felt a phantom pain within a hind leg. She had bristled and snapped before the sensation had faded, but when she woke the Beta felt it again today. Disgruntled by this, Hydra lifted her head off of the shoulder of @Lyra and nosed it roughly. Wake up, Hydra commanded, voice sharp. Alya. I think she may be in trouble. We are going to find her, The Beta untangled herself from her sister and looked to the horizon, tail lashing behind her. She did not feel any fear, though what some might call anxiety bloomed within her belly. That feeling put her at some ease; the danger was not perilous. But it was enough for Hydra to want to seek her.

RE: northern lights - Lyra - September 11, 2018

She had felt it too. It was an odd sensation — sharp at first, but it had quickly abated into a faint dull over the past few days. Yet when Lyra inspected that particular area of her leg, there was no visible sign of damage. She knew without even asking that Hydra had been subject to the same phantom pain. Though, the realisation of what it meant dawned on their warrior sister earlier than it did Lyra.

She woke with a start at Hydra's command. She had already been counting the days since Alya's departure and knew she was due to return within a moon phase; had it already passed? It certainly felt like it. Time seemed to slow to a crawl whenever she was without her better two thirds. As she roused fully from sleep and the gravity of Hydra's words sunk in, Lyra's eyes widened and she rolled onto her paws with a gasp.

Alya. Hurriedly, she followed after her mirror image, drawing up beside her to look over the sun-soaked lands beyond Moonspear. While Hydra's anxiety was a simmering yet reassuring flame, Lyra's own began to surge out of control. Was she okay? Was she safe? What about the rest of their family while they were gone? She shifted her weight with a nervous lick of her lips, turning to Hydra, finding solace in the determined sapphire gaze of her sister. We are going to find her.

RE: northern lights - Hydra - September 11, 2018

Hydra did not think they would be gone from Moonspear long but would advise her mother and father that they would be hunting for their sister. The phantom pain was not so terrible to have Hydra fear for her sister being left for dead, but enough that Hydra feared it would impede her, or leave her exposed to other attacks. Her weight shifted as she considered the same thing her mirror image did. But her mother and father were capable wolves, and Jarilo and Vela were showing their chops. Both were working toward becoming guardians, and it was time Hydra let them have a chance at intercepting an intruder first if such a thing would happen. 

But things had been good here, as of late. Hydra did not pretend to think nothing may happen in their absence, but the likelihood of it was not as great as once it had been. She thought of taking Arcturus with them, and Revui, to make their mother and fathers life easier... but knew they were not old enough yet to take on such trips. Besides that, Hydra and Lyra were no parental figures. They were harsh disciplinarians when displeased. 

I know what direction she headed, she comforted, sensing the questions Lyra had. Vela and Jarilo are both mercenaries, and our mother is a warrior—not to mention our father, who has mastered the trades, she reminded. Saying so eased her own mind, too. Llewellyn... you remember him, the handsome one?... He is a warrior, too. An aspiring one, here, but he says he had achieved such merits where he had come from. The golden man was one she meant to bring about in her sister's mind, to ease and distract it a measure. They both knew Alya would ever be at its forefront until she was found. 

We will not be too long. Between the two of us, we will deal with what we must and we will make sure she is well. Her sister had medicinal knowledge, and so it was necessary Hydra bring her... but there was also the fact that if vengeance needed to be exacted, Lyra could not be discluded. They were each a piece of one another, and together they were whole. While they could function independently, for one to be wounded was to wound the rest of them. 

With a sigh, Hydra tipped her head upward to call for @Charon or @Amekaze, whoever would receive them first—she wanted to go, as soon as possible.

RE: northern lights - Revui (Ghost) - September 11, 2018

Sneaking in hehehe.

✴        The boy had been trailing after Hydra for a little bit, but was easily distracted as well. He loitered along one path or another, passed some wolves hard at work along the ridge, and resumed chasing after his older sister when he heard the summoning howl; and with a slight pivot, Revui closed the distance. He came upon two of the triplets and at first glance they seemed to be filled with an anticipatory energy. He called to them with a long, low note formed at the back of his throat — he was curious, you see. Whatever was going on, the boy wished to be a part of it. He circled around his sisters and murred softly to them in equal measure, tail wagging furiously as if waiting for a game to start.

RE: northern lights - Amekaze - September 12, 2018

She surfaced from the depths of the mountain, quiet and contemplative first of all as she went to go answer. Suspicions had already taken their roots, so much so that maybe the call seemed inevitable. If not now, soon.

Simply, Alya had not yet come home. Maybe it was far too early still, true, yet it was difficult to shake off an old creeping worry. Scouts vanished before. It was what she believed had brought Floki to his fate to never return, and he was far from the first or the last she had known in all her time. She instead needed to find her solace in trusting that Alya would overcome all.

So, when she found two-thirds of their whole (and Revui as well), she rumbled her low, somber affections.. though there was a charge to her glances too, and a very unspoken question behind them as she passed over the sisters. When he circled past and nearest to her reach, she nipped lightly at her son's rump and swung the arc of her own tail, but most of all, she was interested in what Hydra and Lyra had in mind concerning what they were missing--even when a piece of her seemed to feel like she knew already. 

RE: northern lights - Hydra - September 25, 2018

Their crocodilian brother was first among them, and as he circled Hydra halfheartedly nipped at his hindquarter, a move he could easily evade if he wanted to, even given his stature. It was lazily delivered at best, and paid no mind to at worst. And then their elegant mother was before them, and Hydra's tail waved behind her as she shifted to greet her, nipping eagerly and adoringly at her jawline. 

But she got straight to it, and her tail stilled. I fear Alya may be hurt. Lyra and I intend to find her, she expressed to her mother. Between the two of us, it should not take long. We will know when someone has seen her, after all, their likeness had no differences at all. And we know where she had been heading. She waited for advice, parting words for the journey, a command: if someone has hurt her, ensure it will never be done again... it was her mantra, and yet, if that had been the case, Alya likely would have already ensured such a thing.

RE: northern lights - Lyra - September 30, 2018

Sorry! Didn't realise it was my turn

Hydra always seemed to know exactly what to say to calm her sister's nerves. Her words eased Lyra's worries about their family during their impending absence — Charon and Amekaze were more than capable of defending both themselves and Moonspear, and Jarilo and Vela were becoming more and more fearsome by the day. Their ranks, while small, were bolstered by the golden-clad warrior whose appearance alone was enough to inspire a confidence within her that their mountain would be well protected. A soft, low note suddenly sounded behind them, and Lyra turned to see their titan of a baby brother appear and begin circling them like a shark.

Their family would be fine.

She offered an almost apologetic whine as Amekaze also came upon them after Revui, seeing the knowing glint in her emerald eyes; there was no hiding secrets from their mother (not that they would ever dare). As Hydra explained, Lyra nodded along, straightening with a look of determination. They had a route to start with, at least, and were a perfect replica of the one they were searching for. "East," Lyra clarified with a subtle swing of her muzzle in that direction. "Over the mountains."

RE: northern lights - Revui (Ghost) - September 30, 2018

✴        When mother arrived Revui slid beside her like a serpent, but he pulled away when he realized how serious the conversation was. His ears were pivoting each time someone spoke, and his gaze lit with the same starshine that the dark sisters carried; the prospect of going on an adventure caught in his mind. The boy certainly wanted to make sure their sister was safe, but he was young and desired the hunt more than the payout at this point—thus he was looking to Amekaze as if for confirmation that he could follow along. He was impatient, and bayed a little huff and began to pace around the gathering of women, pumping himself up for the hunt.

RE: northern lights - Amekaze - October 15, 2018

Confusion hardened her expression after greetings settled between them, and such a shift needed no help with the reveal her daughter spoke of: Alya, injured? The very notion clenched her teeth and she fought off the chill that threatened to seep down her nape. She had a lot to ask then, but listening on, she sensed they knew just enough. "What makes you think she was hurt..?" she asked, eyes narrowed as she had to ask why, exactly, as suspicion kept her curious whereas the depths of their trio went. Was it the the time she had been gone? Or the nature of her trail? She wondered what else they knew--all only between them.

After Lyra gave their heading, she took a silent breath. She was still sorting, steadying, but decided enough to offer her piece so far. "There are none better to find her," she said quietly--to find her and do whatever was necessary if she was hurt. The who, the what.. all else. The two of them, especially once turned back to three, could handle it accordingly and as expertly as any. "Do what you need to, and come back soon. We will keep it safe here in the meantime," she rumbled, and jerked her snout towards Revui, who was only the start of what they could do. She wasn't worried about that. More so, her concerns were going with them.