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Duck Lake don't know what you've heard about me - Printable Version

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don't know what you've heard about me - Hydra - September 18, 2018

size = 100 i've had chianti and it has demanded a sacrifice. aka a post.

Lyra and Hydra had entered Duck Lake, and the place had posed to be their intermission in their search. The loud ducks had grated on their nerves in equal measure, and they vented their frustration in an unfortunate slaughter. That they had not found Alya yet caused a murderous rage to fester within the head of the Cerberus, of which she knew she was not alone in sharing.

But, as a dozen ducks lay silenced at their feet, Hydra felt peace now as she looked ahead. She licked her bloodied chops and knew this hunt was not for naught. There was a newfound easiness to her demeanor, as opposed to the strange frantic state that had taken hold of her person. She was going in the right direction. 

Lyra rested beneath the trees, and Hydra, in the meantime, licked away the feathers until her third duck was utterly naked. Any hunger that might have been had been eradicated in their successful removal of this particular flock, once she had finished consuming the second duck.

RE: don't know what you've heard about me - Inari - September 25, 2018

ope lol
Keeping his head low and existence beneath the radar of many, step by step, progress had gently guided his weary steps back to this valley once more. Familiarity felt odd, though so distinct that he couldn't help but revel. It had been a long time. Relief was awfully short-lived, and his search was far from over he knew deep in his bones. Though these lands did make him remember (funnily enough, for him) Ukko with an odd faraway ache. Soon, he wondered what else he could dredge up over these old ghosts of a life spent as he kept going towards the mountains--in the end, hopefully, once he could know for sure.

For now, though, he was tired, he was thirsty, a bath wouldn't hurt him any.. so the scent of water lured him towards the lake he might have once known the name for if he tried to recall. For now he just thought to meet the needs, then figure the rest out. He had scraped by so far, somehow, so he would continue to simply go.

Even now, hunger was unfortunately faraway still, he was feeling nervous about remembering well or at all; it wasn't what he was always accustomed to, but it was good to have the chance, oddly. However, he had seen enough. If he pressed on any further, he had to remember his present as well most of all. 

On delicate steps, the pale wanderer came to his nearest point of the water's edge and noticed the others also at the lake--first by smelling their duck of the crisp breeze, honestly, but he did not approach them any because he knew better to risk engaging unnecessarily when he was this exhausted. They were a short shore away for now.. so he took the chance to slake his thirst first and foremost, even if it meant telling his position so plainly by the ripples he made.

RE: don't know what you've heard about me - Hydra - September 25, 2018

Hydra's tongue continued its rough course against the skin until it wore away. The task was a soothing one that caused her rampant mind to slow for a time, though as her eyes caught the ripples left in the wake of the other, she came to. Her eyes found the form of the pale stranger, who did not seem interested in engaging them. Lyra sensed her shift in demeanor, and though she did not look it Hydra sensed that she was at attention. For her own part, she did as she often did during this journey—she looked for any recognition that might be drawn from him, or familiarity. As of yet he presented none, but perhaps he had not seen her properly. And so Hydra stood, shaking the dust and dirt from her furs, and though her face turned toward Lyra (who looked as though she was dozing) her attentions were locked upon the palest wolf present.

RE: don't know what you've heard about me - Inari - September 26, 2018

As cold water ran down his throat, by the second, he felt far more whole. Quenched, at least, now he was no longer focused on the tackiness in his mouth, and he could muster up a more proper watchfulness towards his company. It's a little better.. but he still does find a vague glimmer of concern just because he's outnumbered, and probably easily outgunned.

He slowly, deliberately, lifted his scarred head from the waters when he saw her motion--the shake of her midnight furs. He felt his jaw tighten, then teeth clench, though the rest of him remained lax. Somewhere, he feels like still lingering on the thought of Ukko too. It's nothing like that, not now--but, he is reaching for anything he can get when all the rest has been dead ends.

All he can do is level her with a long look back, his eyes searching, or maybe only wandering. He wants a better look at the other wolf too and knows he has to engage, somehow, if he wants any chance; it is either that or slip away unnoticed, forgetting about this entirely. He worries that may not be helpful, so decided to unroot himself well enough to step a few paces their way (best he could while still clinging close to the lakeshore) and hope he could make do. "Are you.." he rasped, trying. "Wanderers?"

RE: don't know what you've heard about me - Lyra - September 26, 2018

Just a cameo, feel free to skip!

Their sudden bloodlust had been satiated via a duck massacre, the blood of which now coated their muzzles and chests. It had been brought about by their frustration of being apart from their third head for far too long, Lyra was sure. It didn't help that the creatures had also been incessantly loud and...just plain annoying. The moment passed and appetite appeased, Hydra now worked her way through the bodies while her sister, exhausted, had retired to the shade a few feet away.

She didn't rest for long. She was facing away from the lake, but an ear swivelled towards Hydra as she felt a prickle of anticipation run down her spine. Another had entered the scene. She continued to pretend to nap, feeling her sister's eyes on her which she acknowledged with a flick of her notched ear. Silence filled the air, before the stranger suddenly spoke with a voice that sounded as if it hadn't been used in an age. Lyra almost let out a snort of amusement — did they really look like the wandering sort to him?

In one fluid movement, the girl rolled onto her side to observe the interaction, ears pricking as she raised her head and studied the pale-coated man.