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Wheeling Gull Isle Walk this way - Printable Version

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Walk this way - Rocky - June 29, 2014


The entire pack is free to post if they wish to do so, but mostly looking for Majesty and the pack Guardians.

The large lanky feline padded gently across the isle into the island following the raven that had been called to sent for him. He heard the caw from the bird signalling this was the place. A loud purr of satisfaction emitted his chords as he padded deeper into the territory looking for Ypres. Ypres had sent the raven to let him know that this was a time for need due to war. He loved war, he was a mountain lion after all. He was used to wolves surrounding him as he lived at Velvet Skies wolf tribe and it was a band of mixed species. Not many packs would go through with living with mountain lions, or bears, but Velvet Skies had. There was no discrimination when power was in order to keep a small pack bonded strong and alive.
Rocky moved swiftly and without expression upon his features; it was only the look of a cold blooded killer behind solid yellow eyes. He was not here to kill anyone or anything, but it was just his demeanor. The cougar followed the scent of Ypres as he had picked it up on an earlier basis upon arrival. Massive paws thud against the ground tirelessly as he went about to seeking her out.

RE: Walk this way - Hailstorm - June 29, 2014

A high pitched, eerie, scream filled the sky as the eagle soared with anticipation. He spotted Rocky from a mile away as he followed the raven. He too had the invite over to Gull Island beckoned by a crafty allie named Ypres. Ypres to him was his mother since she saved him over a year ago after an injury and being out on his own after escaping the confines of the human touch. No one ever hurt her and got away with it, not as far as he was concerned. The bald eagle screamed once more sending a wild call through the air calling for Ypres letting mama know that he was there to help protect her pack. He swooped down towards Rocky at full speed and soared once again knowing how much Rocky hated how he did that, but he did it anyway to let the feline know that it was him. He and Rocky had lived separate lives since the departure of Ypres. Her had missed his mama and couldn't wait to see her again.


He screamed with another screech as he swooped down once again but keeping his flight low and close to Rocky as they searched for Ypres.

Long time no see brother..

He smiled a birdie smile as he flapped his powerful wings with pride and flew ahead of Rocky soaring once more to make sure it was safe to go further ahead.

RE: Walk this way - Laksha - June 30, 2014

Since Majesty isn't here I'm just going to go ahead and post if you don't mind....

She'd never seen the sea before. The insane puma had never even heard of it either. To her it looked like a ma-HUU-sive lake. The white cougar approached the shore tentatively, paws burning from the sand. Once she reached the water she lapped at it, only to retch at the saltiness. "Bad waterrr..." she hissed with disgust.

Her blood-red eyes looked up as something passed over her, blocking the sun for a moment. An eagle let out it's call, heading for a shape in the distance. An island? It looked close enough for her to cross safely, so she followed the eagle, splashing in the "bad water".

On the shore she saw the eagle land in front of another puma. A male. A familiar one too... She meowed softly, alerting the male Rocky of her presence. So it was this strange one again....

RE: Walk this way - Ypres - July 01, 2014

Welcome to the thread! Was hoping you'd pop in.

Ypres could see Hailstorm in the skies from her higher perched seating. So they arrived a bit sooner than expected, and so much has happened ever since she had sent out her raven friend to go seek out her allies. She smiled at the sound Hailstorm emitted into the heavens knowing he perhaps had seen the firey female. She loathed down a pathway to go greet her friends whom she had missed dearly.

She spotted Rocky from afar as she approached and knew not to run up to the crazed feline knowing how he was unpredictable and therefore may react on a negative basis. It was an unlikely friendship, but oddities of relationships did occur on a rare occasion in life.


She smiled as she wagged her tail with gratitude of him being there. She nuzzled at him with affection, then looked upward to where Hailstorm flew.

Hailstorm, come greet your mama!

She woofed gently, as she backed from the cougar and rose her muzzle to the sky.
A new scent waft though her nostrils. She looked around.

Bring company boys?

She didn't see the culprit but could smell it. A soft meow could be heard from afar, and it was a mountain lion's cry. Ypres smiled at Rocky..

Got a mate there buddy?

She shoulder butted him with tease.

RE: Walk this way - Rocky - July 01, 2014

Rocky Swiveled his cranium upward to look at Hailstorm who called at him from the sky, and then dove down at him. Oh he hated that! He glared up at the bird and swipped his cranium with a paw and shook himself of invisible debris with an irritated growl.


He chuffed gently as he watched Hailstorm until Ypres came into view. He watched how she slowly approached. Good idea, Ypres knew how he operated, as he hated swift movement from another; unlike Hailstorm! He nuzzled the wolfess back in respectful greeting.

Ypres, my fiery sister how have you been? I hear war is at hand?

He could smell Laksha from a distance. Just as his was smelling the air he felt a bump in the shoulder that almost knocked him to his feet as Ypres roughly bumped him. He gripped the earth with massive paws and narrowed his eyes at her.


He snarled with a hiss in denial.

RE: Walk this way - Hailstorm - July 01, 2014

The bald eagle screamed one more as he saw Ypres approaching, and swooped down at Rocky once more just to pester him. He rose up laughing.

Aw Rocky, you're such a pussy!

He called from the sky seeing Laksha from a distance..

Looks like we got company.

He called down but wasn't sure if Rocky had heard him or not. He watched as Ypres approached and nuzzled Rocky a greeting. A jealous rave ran through the course of his veins as he watched, almost floating high in the air. Ypres then called for him to go greet her, and he felt warmth within as she said ''mama''. He swooped down and gracefully landed in front of Ypres and rubbed his head upon her chest in loving greeting.

Mama... I missed you!

He cooed gently. Just as Ypres mentioned Rocky having a mate, Hailstorm grinned a birdie grin and extended his wings as he turned to face the cat.

Ah, brother's gettin married...

He made a playful assumption in false Italian accent as he went to pretend to hug Rocky.

RE: Walk this way - Laksha - July 01, 2014

Laksha's tail swayed softly when she grew closer to Rocky. He was with a fire-furred female wolf and the eagle she had followed. Friends? He hadn't heard of a cougar being friends with rival predators. This puma was getting stranger by the moment. They seemed friendly enough, the eagle teasing him and the wolf pushing him over. Laksha hissed softly as she grew closer. "What iss going on...?"

RE: Walk this way - Ypres - July 01, 2014

Ypres sat on her haunches looking at Rocky as he mentioned war. She shook her cranium.

No... I am calling it off.. There shall be no war!

She knew the cougar would have been shocked about hearing this, but who is to say what kind of mischief he'll get up too with the surrounding packs or lone wolves. Ypres knew Rocky liked to torment for thrills as he seemed to be a bored mountain lion. She watched as Hailstorm opened up his wings to give a brotherly hug to Rocky, and it forced a short laugh from her lips.

Eyes then focused on the female cougar whom approached.

Rocky do you know this lady?

She smiled to the female.

Hello. I'm Ypres.

RE: Walk this way - Rocky - July 01, 2014

He backed away from the eagle who outstretched his wings to hug him.

Eww.. Get away before I make a meal out of you.

He hissed. He then looked to Ypres who mentioned that she was calling off the war.

What? Really Ypres......

He rolled his eyes and sighed as he shook his head, then found himself staring face to face with the pretty Laksha. He offered her a grin as Ypres asked if he knew her.


He stared at her as if his soul were mesmerized.

RE: Walk this way - Hailstorm - July 02, 2014

He backed away from the feline as he threatened that he'd become Rocky's next meal.

Whoa.. Take er easy there big brother..

He stepped away and playfully snuggled in to the legs of Ypres. Ypres mentioned the war being called off, he looked up at her and stepped out from under her.

What? No war Ypres? Why? What happened?

Hailstorm asked with a tilt of his head. He then looked over at Rocky, then noticed the other mountain lion Laksha. He rolled his eyes and smiled as he watched the expression on Rocky's face, then lookewd back to Laksha to see what she would do.

RE: Walk this way - Laksha - July 02, 2014

They were talking about some war which got Laksha excited. She wouldn't take sides unless someone persuaded her and until then she was find reeking havoc among the wolves fighting. But the wolf was saying there wasn't going to be a war. Was there or was there not?

The fire wolf turned to her and greeted the puma, calling herself Ypres. "Ypress.....My name is Laksha the White Ghosst...." She was much calmer than before, having had her fill of blood to last her a few days, but she still was very twitchy around the three of them.

Rocky gave her this weird lovesick impression which she hissed at. "I will claw your face iff you keep your facce like that....though I think you would like itt...." This cougar had a strange attraction to being hurt. It was queer, very much so. Why would someone like being hurt? Was it the opposite of her love for hurting others? The mind was a strange thing.

RE: Walk this way - Ypres - July 03, 2014

Ypres watched as Rocky snapped towards him.

Oh cut it out you two. You're worse than a band of pups.

She rolled her eyes. Then Rocky had asked what had happened about the war, and why Ypres had called it off. She licked at her dried charred lippens before speaking.

I have a lack of resources, and not only that Rocky, I cannot risk losing anymore of my pack. I am claiming Alphaship since our leader had run off or has gone missing.

Ypres seemed to be seeing more and more wolves leaving each day. It was only because it was chaos without a leader. It was time. Time to do her calling as Alpha. Eyes turned to Laksha who introduced herself.

Pleasure to meet you Laksha. Pretty name.

She offered the feline a smile and a single wag of tail as she studied her pretty pearled coat. She had never seen a mountain lion of this color before, and she found it very unique, to see that she bore red eyes. Albino!

Well, I must make my departure guys. Laksha wonderful to meet you, you are welcome on this territory anytime. Hailstorm and Rocky; behave yourselves!

She turned away from her comrades and winked at Laksha as she passed her. They were all hers to deal with. She needed to get to Alpha rock to claim.

RE: Walk this way - Rocky - July 03, 2014

Rocky stared hard at Laksha who threatened to claw his face off. He couldn't help but to laugh at her words with a psychotic look behind cold eyes. Ypres explained why she was calling off the war and he imagined they must have been too small of a pack to fight off any offenders, and therefore she felt a tight knit bond with those she thrived with.

You have grown soft Ypres. I recall you being a hard ass at one time in your life.

He frowned as Ypred bid her farewell and then swiftly grew a smirk across his face when she mentioned for them to behave themselves. He looked to Hailstorm and licked his lips.

Lunch time!

He snapped his jaws at the bald eagle's direction. He was only playing, but was looking to get a rise out of him. He enjoyed tormenting Hailstorm and getting him angry. He watched as Ypres dispersed and called out after her.

Good luck with the claim sister!

RE: Walk this way - Hailstorm - July 03, 2014

Hailstorm watched Laksha carefully as she introduced herself to Ypres. She seemed alright, she seemed friendly enough. Ypres explained why she called off the war and told them that she was going to lead the pack now. He offered a smile.

You will make a great leader.

He wing butted Rocky as Rocky made commentary that she was growing soft. He watched as ''mama'' departed and from behind himself he heard ''Lunch time''
Oh how he hated when Rocky stalked him and yelled that. He would always do it unexpectedly when he least expected it. Hailstorm swiftly turned to face his tormentor and unfolded his wings to span out in defense.

Ypres! Ypres! Come back Ypres.. MAMA!!!!!................

He could imagine Ypres rolling her eyes as she walked away. He screamed his wild chords and fluttered up into the air. He flapped just above Rocky's skull and opened up his talons with dire threat.

I will claw your eyes out you asshole!

Those may have sounded like fighting words and Hailstorm sounded quite frank with his threat, but really he too was playing. He was also looking to get a rise out of the mountain lion because he knew he had an advantage... Air. And he loved how it got Rocky really truly angry each time they tormented one another. Hailstorm flew a bit higher to safe height, and looked down at the two.

Rocky's got a girlfriend, Rocky's in loooove... Whooo weeee!

He did a flip in the air and screamed with joy as he teased the two.

RE: Walk this way - Laksha - July 04, 2014

The standing alpha of the pack, Ypres, left. She sadly left a squabbling pair of predators behind. Laksha hissed gently as Rocky and Hailstorm insulted and threatened each other. The bald eagle rose into the air, saying loudly in a sing-song voice: Rocky's got a girlfriend, Rocky's in love....

Laksha leaped into the air, at the highest a puma could go: eighteen feet. Her claws flashed out as she tried to claw into the eagle's plumage, hoping to connect with his wings, feet, chest, anything to shut him up! "Silenncceee.....!"

RE: Walk this way - Rocky - July 07, 2014

Rocky swiped at the bird who rose high into the sky and missed.

Shut up Hailstorm!

He shouted. Just as he were landing, Laksha leaped and attempted to catch him in mid air shouting at the eagle to shut up as well. He rolled his eyes and shook his skull as he observed the happenings.

I'm outta here...

He mumbled as he turned away from his brother and new female friend. He waved his tail in annoyance, he didn't want to be bothered for the rest of the day.

See you around Laksha...

He mumbled as he began to pad away.

RE: Walk this way - Hailstorm - July 07, 2014

Hailstorm squawked out infectious laughter as Rocky missed him by inches, only because he swooped higher rapidly and the laugh was a victorious one. The Laksha swept herself upward in attempts to capture him. She managed to knock him by a skim and plucked a few feathers from him. He squawked once more.

Truth hurt don't it?!

He flung himself higher where the cat couldn't get him. He mocked and teased Rocky, until Rocky called it quits and just up and left.

Aw Rockstar whats the matter?!

There was no answer from the Cougar. Eyes looked down at Laksha and he offered a war cry threatening her with his talons from the air.

Try it again! I dare you, you big pussy... I will claw your fucking eyes out!

He felt the stinging in the area where a few feathers had been plucked by her skimming him in attempts to catch him. He laughed once more and flew off into the distance.