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Acquiring trades as sole PM of a pack - Printable Version

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Acquiring trades as sole PM of a pack - Mercury the Human - September 24, 2018

Hi, there!

I was wondering what was the appropriate way to apply for a new specialty since I (Aditya) am the only PM for Morningside right now and I obviously can't give it to myself. Do I post in Lone Wolf trade request thread, send a private message to CMs, etc. . .?

Let me know! Thanks in advance for your response.

RE: Acquiring trades as sole PM of a pack - Xynien - September 24, 2018

iirc you typically ask another PM! i could do it for you!

RE: Acquiring trades as sole PM of a pack - Indra - September 24, 2018

What Som said. Now that there’s the LW request thread there’s no reason other PMs can’t get your back if you need a speciality given! :)

RE: Acquiring trades as sole PM of a pack - Mercury the Human - September 24, 2018

Thanks y'all! I had forgotten about the other PMs thing. :)