Wolf RPG
Sunspire Mountains The White Ghost - Printable Version

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The White Ghost - Laksha - June 29, 2014

@Rocky Since you're a cougar, and I'm a cougar, let's do a thread together LOL It's still open for anyone else though

The White Ghost, an albino mountain lion, stood on the mountainside, staring at nothing. Her tail twitching fervently as she made soft chittering sounds. Her pupils were wide, making her eyes look like black holes rimmed with red. She wasn't on catnip or any other drug. She was simply insane. "I already saw red today. The sky was reddish when the sun woke up. The bird was red, the cardinal. Those flowers were red, I already saw red." She whined to the constant chattering in her head. The white-furred cougar moaned and rolled on the ground, grinding her face in the dust, paws coming to her ears.

"I'm not hungry now. I'll kill later, ok?" The voices grew louder despite her begging and Laksha mewled softly. "Okay. Okay. Just stop, please." She shook her head, freeing herself of the dazed look she had before. Her pupils retracted to slits, showing off her blood-red eyes. Black claws slid out of her paws as she kneaded the ground. The white tail that was twitching randomly grew steady and only twitched softly. Laksha completed the transformation from a mewling madwoman to a calm, psycopathic killer in moments.

The White Ghost jumped down the cliffs to the valley below, rubbing herself in dust to disguise her bright-white pelt. She sniffed the air, a low groan in her chest. "There's no preyy...." she hissed, looking around wildly. "Where iss the preyyy..."

RE: The White Ghost - Rocky - June 30, 2014

Ooc: omg I totally flipped out when I saw this.. In a good way ^^

Limestone eyes watched the albino female as he approached. He could smell her a mile away and a female cougar was hard to come by, especially those without kittens at this time of year. He could hear her hissing wildly about the lack of prey. He coyly grinned at her insanity as he slowly padded towards her mocking out a purr of his own. Stoic but yet mocking expression could be seen expressed upon his face
As he drew. In closer.

" well, we'll, what do we have here?"

He toyed with her as he twitched his tail feverishly. He watched her some more to see what she'd do. And yet, he thought that he were insane! After all he did murder his mate and kits not too long ago. Only the expressions of one cold blooded killer to the next could be comprehended by them; that is if she were one... He offered her a feline smirk actually happy to see another like him around!

RE: The White Ghost - Laksha - June 30, 2014

Yay~! Insane pumas! ^^

Laksha's back arched defensively when she smelled the male. Her lips curled, baring blood-stained fangs. At this time of the year there were still males out searching for a female to mate with, and she was usually that female. She never had kittens, but she went through estreus normally and that always ended in blood, sometimes a meal. But now she wasn't interested in eating this male, or mating for that matter.

The white puma hissed at the dark-tan male. Her red eyes glared at his suspiciously, but she relaxed slightly when she recognized something in his eyes. Insanity? Like hers but milder. Laksha's tail lashed slowly. "If you come looking for a mate, I'll rip off your manhood..." She warned him.

RE: The White Ghost - Rocky - June 30, 2014

Laughter bellowed from his jaws and then offered an infectious pitched rythmic mockery.

"Ah, oh, ho, ho! "

He jumped back and coyly looked at her.

" I like feisty puddy puds! Got a name there sweetheart?"

He grinned with a twitch of his tail and a flicker of his left ear. He hopped around her as if he were twinkle toes and offered a crazed look of mockery. He was smitten alright.

" I'm not interested in mating, but will if ya like! "

He murred gently as he began to slow down his fairy footing and started circling the lady. He blinked at her as if to almost be begging. He got brave and came nose to nose with her.

" I want you to beat me! "

He had a fetish for females slamming a paw into his face or jumping him and attacking him. Something about it seemed to get a rise out of him, and he thoroughly enjoyed the torture.

OOC: you can powerplay him if you like, he likes being beaten up. Lmao!

RE: The White Ghost - Laksha - June 30, 2014

A masochistic puma and a sadistic puma walk into a bar....and shit goes down. Lol If you want to use the OOC text thing, just type this around the text: [*ooc][*/ooc] without the astericks.

She growled and followed the prancing puma with her eyes. The confusion in her head was apparent. What was this cat trying to pull? The white puma snapped at the male's passing tail. "My name is Laksha, the White Ghossst." she hissed. "What's yourss?"

Suddenly the male got into her face and told her to beat him. She blinked at him in confusion, but if he insisted. Laksha buried his fangs into his muzzle first, shaking him. She placed her claws onto his shoulders and dug them in deep. It should be enough for this male to be happy and leave her be.

RE: The White Ghost - Fireblaze - June 30, 2014


Fireblaze lept down from the cliff, only to see two pumas. One was circling the other, and they both had insanity in their eyes. "Hi," she yelled. "Do not feel harmed or attack, for I am a friend of all. You all seem nice enough, and I respect your brute strength as cougars."

RE: The White Ghost - Rocky - July 01, 2014

Welcome! :-)

He introduced himself in a little boyish way.

I'm Rocky...

He was smitten alright.. He couldn't help himself. Just after he told her to beat him up, she did just that.

Rocky felt Laksha's teeth gnash into into his face. He squint his eyes tight as the pain felt so good to have. He almost let out a purr as he got off on her attacking him, sinking her claws into the meat of his shoulders.

Oh honey, keep that up I will have to marry you.

He laughed at her as he felt blood trickle down his shoulders. He wasn't going to react in a negative manner, but only submitted to her brute force as he rolled onto his back and pawed up at her. He was love struck, and seemed to be lost within himself. Just as he rolled onto his back and raised his paws at her, a voice called out and it forced a silent snarl emit. He swiftly rolled onto his side, and stood up sniffing the air. How dare this wolf disturb their play! Or so he assumed Laksha was just as into it as he was. Rocky looked at the female wolf then looked at Laksha with insanity in his eyes.

Looks like I'm getting beaten, and dinner tonight!

He slowly padded towards the female wolf.

A friend you say?

He wasn't too thrilled about seeing this wolf suddenly disturb his time here with Laksha. But he was cozy with tormenting this wolf for now. He drew in closer towards the wolf and smiled coyly.

Oh darling, no need to apologize, Let's say we have some fun... Whatya say sweetie?

He locked eyes with the pretty young wolfess and offered a twitch of his tail.

RE: The White Ghost - Laksha - July 01, 2014

@Fireblaze You skipped my turn; it was Laksha - Rocky - Fireblaze. So now its Rocky - Fireblaze - Laksha

The male named Rocky almost purred at her attack, which made her even more confused. Why on earth did this puma like being hurt? Sure she liked hurting and killing things, but she did not like pain inflicted on herself. He was strange - but really, wasn't she as well? He rolled over onto his back, exposing his belly which she clawed into. She was about to bite his paws when a wolf approached. The albino growled. What wolf would be mad enough to approach two cougars like that? How many insane people are in this territory?!

Rocky pulled away from her claws and walked up to the wolf and invited her to play. Laksha kept growling deep in her throat. Oh, she would play all right, with this wolf's head. The wolf accepted the proposal and Laksha rose, tail lashing slowly. "Wollfff...? Playyy...?"

RE: The White Ghost - Fireblaze - July 22, 2014

"Sure." The cougar seemed crazy enough for this to be fun. Fireblaze reared up, slashing at the large cougars muzzle.