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Qeya River devourer - Printable Version

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devourer - Stigmata - September 25, 2018

it was the soft-dark hours before dawn; the clouds were beginning to clear and the night fled slowly. the early birds were just starting to rise, but stigmata had been on the move all night -- with a goal to arrive in bearclaw valley the following morning. he deviated from this plan however, now on a roundabout route that would surely set back his itinerary by at least a full day, and it would only be for good reason that stigmata would ever abandon his plans or alter them in any way once they had been set in motion.

he found himself between two packs, one mountain-led and the other nestled somewhere in the broadwood, which cased him to remember skydance and her "lonely" plight of the north. she had either been a terrible tracker or just unlucky, not to have run into anyone in these lands before him. stigmata slunk along a proud river from the crags, keeping it to his left as he skirted claimed lands and hunted for shelter in which to spend his day.

RE: devourer - Takiyok - September 26, 2018

She had woken up before the sun as usual to patrol during her favorite part of the day. Most mornings, Taki chose one of the territories that touched their borders to check on and make sure there weren't any lone wolves hanging around. Sure, they didn't necessarily have any claim on the lands that bordered their own, but she still didn't like the idea of strangers loitering around the outskirts of the glacier. As one of the leaders, she felt it was her responsibility to make sure no trouble was brewing so close to home, so she rotated through these bordering territories as often as she could. 

Today, the malguk moved through the dark, cool morning air in the direction of the river just south of the glacier. It was a popular spot to find wanderers, much like the ridge to the east, and so she was not surprised to find the fresh scent of the stranger. Irritated, yes, but not surprised. She quickly made her way in the direction of the scent until she was close enough to speak to him. You're awfully close to claimed land, she said curtly, citrine gaze filled with irritation. Taki felt she uttered those words quite frequently, and they were usually met with annoyance from the recipient. She was fine with that; she didn't say them because she wanted to make friends; she said them because she wanted to find out the intentions of whatever loner was hearing them. Plus, if they weren't already aware, then she felt she needed to inform them they were walking dangerously near the borders of a pack of very territorial wolves.

RE: devourer - Stigmata - September 26, 2018

stigmata was perusing, keeping far from the pounding rush of the river nearby. it was for a good reason - the warhound wouldn't be snuck up on - and it was a tactic proved fruitful when a haughty, wan creature approached him. he watched the victress prowl forward, feeling objective enough to appreciate her brashness for what it was rather than finding it distasteful. he stood loosely, on the surface appearing unaffected by her statement, but beneath his stole of smoky fur, he was prepared to react to any physical action she might take up with him.

the ophidian wolf stared at her squarely. "yes," he agreed flatly; "i am near at least two claims, by my count." he blinked, slow and moody. "which one is yours?"

RE: devourer - Takiyok - September 26, 2018

Her words were not met with ruffled feathers for once, but her gaze still held distrust as he she listened to him speak. He asked which claim was hers and she lifted her head north towards home. My brother and I lead the pack up north on the glacier, she answered. She studied the male in front of her. He was tall like she was, but unlike her snowy white coat, his was made of silver draped in a peppering a black with an earthen brown draped across his tail and ears. Do you get something out of wandering near claimed lands? she asked with a raised eyebrow. He obviously had scented their borders and she assumed Morningside's as well, so why continue to court danger?

RE: devourer - Stigmata - September 26, 2018

stigmata lifted his chin slightly and flicked one dusky ear thoughtfully. so she was from the mountain then - he could have guessed as much, given her thick coat and limbs muscled like a climber's - but that was neither here nor there as far as he was concerned. she continued to interrogate him, and with a fair degree of detachment he allowed it to go on; "information," he drawled, the end of his tail twitching as he wondered how his answer benefited her in any way. if it didn't (and he couldn't see how it did), then she was asking the wrong questions. "as you can see, i have wandered near, and without even trying i have already met a pack-leader and learned that she has an important brother." he regarded her evenly, if not with a shard of flintiness towards what he perceived to be her contempt for his scouring behavior.   "all in a days work."

RE: devourer - Takiyok - September 27, 2018

He wasn't wrong. It was information he would not have gathered had he not been so close to the glacier today. His answer didn't calm her suspicion of the stranger any, though. If anything, she trusted him even less if that was possible What do you do with all of this information you collect? she asked, fixing him with a cautious look. A loner that hung around pack lands seeking knowledge about said pack seemed like someone looking to cause trouble, which was exactly the kind of wolf she didn't want hanging around. Still, she hadn't confirmed her suspicion yet, so she was willing to entertain this conversation a little longer in order to seek out his true intentions.

RE: devourer - Stigmata - September 27, 2018

"i use it to my advantage, of course," he told her without hesitation or a hint of reservation. she was a suspicious wolf by nature - her actions told him as much - and he knew nothing he said would placate her, so he said as little as he could. the prowler chalked it up to her own personal experiences. she had very clearly been hurt before, and he couldn't see himself remedying that anytime soon. surely, he could have elaborated to help the situation; explained to her that he used what he learned for more practical things like knowing where there were opportunities and where there weren't; where there was danger, and where there wasn't; but he didn't particularly feel like he needed to explain this to a grown wolf, so he came off as clipped instead. "what else do you do with the things you know?"

RE: devourer - Takiyok - September 27, 2018

She appreciated is honesty, but it did little to help matters. What advantage did he seek here, she wondered. You know, that really doesn't help your case, she replied with another raise of her eyebrow. His words and demeanor had her stuck somewhere between amused and suspicious, and she wasn't sure how she felt about that. She was definitely too honest for her own good, so she was inclined to be more amused than anything, but her walls were solid and long-standing, preventing her from being able to see past what others ill-intentions might be. His last statement made her shrug a bit. I guess you're right. Most wolves are only out to find what will give them an advantage in life, she answered. It was just their nature.

RE: devourer - Stigmata - September 27, 2018

stigmata snorted at the pale valkyrie's remark, then gave her a wide, crocodile smile. "you say that as if i want or need to impress you," the wolf scoffed. "you may not be wrong - but i am offended all the same." his tail began to wag then; a subtle challenge that was directed towards her comfort zone rather than her safety. "what about you is worth impressing?" he asked devilishly. ears forwards and banner lifted - inoffensively waving and inviting - the hound tensed to receive the northerner if she was so bold. he thought she might be, since she felt superior enough to approach a lone wolf like this on unclaimed territory - surely then she could afford to play.

RE: devourer - Takiyok - September 27, 2018

She hadn't expected the smile she received, and it took her somewhat by surprise, although she wouldn't let him know that. She narrowed her eyes at his words, about to offer some quick retort, but she was distracted by his shift in body language. She watched his tail wag, giving him a confused look before answering his last question. That sounds like a question for you to answer on your own, she replied, one corner of her lips lifting into a playful smirk. Again she was surprised at the invitation to play and she looked at him, clearly tempted, but a little unsure. Aside from with her nieces and nephews, she didn't usually play. Her childhood was filled with training, not games, so to be offered it now like it was something everyone did was a little strange. Still, the concept was not lost on her, and she couldn't very well turn down what also appeared to be a challenge. So, without any warning to give herself away, she jumped at him, attempting to land in front of him in a play bow and playfully yet awkwardly attempt to grab the fur on his neck. Playing was kind of like sparring, she thought. Just less serious.

RE: devourer - Stigmata - September 27, 2018

stigmata watched, with terrible fascination, as verbally she responded to him almost foxily... but hesitated to react physically. she was certainly a creature worth obtaining if he could manage it, but the ironclad male wasn't particularly keen on trying too hard. he wondered if she was too cautious; if she didn't trust enough in her own facilities or the ability of her pack to aid her in at a moment's notice. he wouldn't fault her for not trusting him - he certainly could have one of those faces. he had been too long without good company; he simply thought things might be more enjoyable if they were more relaxed.

and the only way he had learned to relieve such tensions with another canine was to "fight" it out. having also been raised a soldier, he knew the risks he was taking, and he was confident enough to take them anyway. for he was certainly aware that she could hurt him - and severely at that - he simply trusted her not to. nothing she had shown him up to this point indicated that she wished to truly deal him harm; so when she at last, finally - excitingly! - lunged at him, stigmata was not unnerved by her sudden move.

this was his element. born and bred to it. the wolf imitated her dance, bowing just as she, and braced himself for her teeth as they went for his scruff. this was harmless, in nature, and he sought to give as much as he took as the two of them began to playfully jostle one another for the upper hand.

Feel free to PP as much as you like, apart from dealing any "more than (very) minor" injuries! (:

RE: devourer - Takiyok - September 27, 2018

Same to you!

He met her bow with one of his own before she managed to grab the extra skin on the side of his neck, her bite firm but gentle so as not to cause any damage. She shook her mouthful a little, a playful, muffled growl escaping her mouth. She moved her head to the other side, taking his fur into her mouth again before moving her head back and forth. She pulled back to give him a mischievous look, jumping back a few steps and resuming her playful stance. Her invitation to come and catch her was clear as she stood up and ran along the bank of the river, periodically looking back to see how close he was. The heavy pressures of leading the pack, especially with her brother's short absence lifted and she felt light as she doubled back and ran the other way, ready to try and dodge any attempts he made at pinning her.

RE: devourer - Stigmata - September 29, 2018

stigmata enjoyed the rough-housing, even at the mercy of a complete stranger. but the tundran virago was no stranger to him, not physically at least. he knew her lean limbs and mercilessly sharp figure - he knew her strength - in the way that he remembered the savage females from the drenchwood, and he was glad to trade mock-blows with her for the sake of reliving his earlier years.

his opponent was relentless, but disarming, and she took to their game like a fish to water. stigmata had to limber himself up so that he might match the wild and zealous valkyrie half his age, but the male in the height of his prime was more than up to taking on the chase she led him on. because if the mountain empress wanted to know if she had found a wolf worthy or not of her physically, then she had come from her homestead at precisely the right time.

he was fast - faster than his size promised - and like lightning he streaked after her on the riverside. they danced and nipped and swirled together their monochromatic coats; stigmata never quite being able to bring the she-wolf to heel. he started to want her badly, attracted to her strength, and with increasing surreptitiousness the target of his "affectionate" teasing became her fleeing hind-quarters. at one point he even dared to throw a large forepaw square onto her back.

not that he was tempted to take her, but he wasn't keen on there being any secrets between them.


RE: devourer - Takiyok - September 29, 2018

She was surprised at just how much fun it was being chased. She would occasionally give him the false impression that he might catch her, only to move just out of his grasp, always throwing some kind of inviting look over her shoulder at him. 

She felt the attraction, too, but she wouldn't give it up to just anyone. She needed to know they wouldn't crumble under the weight of her strong personality. Every time the dark, powerful male got close, the thought of yielding became more tempting, but she wanted to see how hard he would work to possess her. When the she felt his large paw on her back, she turned and nipped him before dancing away again. His boldness exited her, but she wasn't ready to give in just yet.

After her nip and subsequent escape, she turned back around without warning, running up to nip his shoulder before nudging his chest with her hips in clear invitation, her snowy tail touching his face as she moved away. The power he exuded made her stomach clench in anticipation. She knew she would surrender herself to him soon, but she wouldn't make it easy. She had a feeling the warrior could handle it, though. She wouldn't have let it get this far if she felt otherwise.

RE: devourer - Stigmata - October 09, 2018

her boundless strength and enthusiasm for his company only fed the sootwraith's ego, and only served to further incentivize him to claim her. it wasn't so much about the sex for stigmata, as it was the promise of strong offspring - the continuation of a legacy. he did not love this she-wolf, but he desired her; he was driven to compete for her, and he was letting it be known now that when it came time for her season: she was to be his.

the male vibrated with positive, sensual energy, and as her tail swept across his muzzle, he chased after the fluffy appendage with teasing jaws. it was an excuse to get close and thrust his muzzle between the feverish clutch of her thighs; snatching himself back before she could react unfavorably to his invasive maneuvering. not that she had been anything but willing up to this point - stigmata simply wasn't going to assume he'd won the trust of her most sensitive areas just yet.

but to instill confidence in his company, stigmata abruptly fell to the ground with his good shoulder, and rolled over impishly so that she might have somewhat of an advantage over him.

RE: devourer - Takiyok - October 09, 2018

Drawing her tail across his face had the desired effect, and she could almost feel his need. His intrusion into her most sensitive area had not been expected, though, and had he lingered any longer than he did, she would have whipped around to offer a snarl in response mostly out of surprise. The malguk wasn't used to anyone being so brazen with her; her walls and brashness usually did a good job of keeping most from even considering her in the way this intriguing male apparently did. 

Still, she turned, ready to continue their flirty play, only to find him on the ground on his back. Unable to resist, she trotted over on soft, quiet paws and got down on top of him. At first, she dealt playful bites to both sides of his neck, not letting him bite her back if he was even trying. As his intoxicating scent filed her nostrils over and over, her bites eventually turned into soft nips and nuzzles in the salt and pepper fur that covered his neck and chest. Pilluak, she said into his fur before shooting him a teasing glare. How had he gotten her here?

RE: devourer - Stigmata - October 11, 2018

the tundran queen was far more than any meek wolf could ever hope to handle. she was the torch of olympia and only the strong could wield her. even then, there was no holding onto her - not when she was like this: a might of wildfire being spread by a wild wind. he suffered her abuses with carnivorous grace, groaning and growling beneath the dominatrix as she dealt him harsh "kisses" and firm slaps.

eventually she began to come down, lilted and intoxicated by their romp. stigmata began to feel reinvigorated, and he wormed his muzzle against the thick of her nape as she murmured something foreign against the bone of his breast. he didn't have to know what it meant to know that she was being affectionate, if not teasing. he drew his tongue across her face, and made small, tender gestures of a nibble towards her earlobe. "hmm, have i helped my case any, my lady?" he hummed; tail swishing steadily in the grass.

RE: devourer - Takiyok - October 12, 2018

She closed her eyes in response to his affection, but she flicked them open again at his words. She studied his face, brows creasing a little. He had helped his case, but for some reason, hearing him say it out loud made her wary. She wasn't even sure what she was wary of--maybe that she had given in too easily or that he would expect more out of this than just a very satisfying way to release her pent up stress. 

The malguk raised to a sitting position, molten orange gaze leaving his face and taking in his strong body. She still wanted him, but her uncertainty was tainting everything and making it hard for her to just chill out and let things happen. She was unsure what to say. She wanted to lie back down and continue teasing him and rub her face in his thrilling scent, but instead she just looked at him, expression a mixture of suspicion and confusion.

RE: devourer - Stigmata - October 15, 2018

the sound of his voice broke whatever hold he'd had on her, and the valkyrie detached herself from him with a quiet slowness. stigmata watched, unoffended and further amused by her sudden change in expression. "perhaps not," he mused, his argent eyes a pair of glittering basilisk scales. he saw that there were more layers to her - walls meant to keep him at bay - and for his love of challenges, he longed to peel them back and see her laid bare before him.

he was patient. he was collected. he would have her in due time. the wolf rolled to his belly, giving his ruffled forelegs a few lengthy licks, before turning a cool side-eye on the white-furred victress. "my name is stigmata," he told her thoughtfully, running his tongue across his jaws and then yawning as he forced himself to come down from an extremely potent high. he got to his feet in one swift, elegant motion.

"do not be surprised if i come 'wandering near' again," he warned her candidly - reusing her own words - then he dismissed himself with an inconsiderable bob of his head and a flick of his tail, turning to trot casually in the direction of bearclaw.

RE: devourer - Takiyok - October 16, 2018

Taki did not refute the conclusion he drew from her withdrawal, even though it wasn't quite the truth. She met his ashen gaze, a hint of uncertainty still in her eyes, and she watched as he rolled over and smoothed out the hair on his forelegs, her wary gaze studying his movements. He finally offered her his name, but she said nothing, still watching the overly-confident male intently, even as he yawned and got to his feet. She should tell him her name, but something made her pause, which was somewhat confusing; she normally had plenty to say, and it was just her name.

Her thoughts were interrupted as he stated he might be back. She still remained silent, only offering him a raise of an eyebrow as if to say she didn't believe him. It wasn't like she would be sitting around waiting for him anyway. The malguk watched as he turned a trotted away, taking a few seconds to study him with a mix of wariness and intrigue before getting to her feet and turning to head back towards the glacier and her responsibilities.