Wolf RPG
Greatwater Lake The Perks of being a Lone Wolf - Printable Version

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The Perks of being a Lone Wolf - Malcom - June 29, 2014

This is supposed to be set a couple weeks ago, Malcom was a Lone Wolf then
The thread is meant for @Beric but anyone is welcome.

It had been quite a while since Malcom last saw his sister, the last time was in the Neverwinter Forest but he wouldn't dare go back there, he had learned his lesson, Mountain Wolves are not to mess with.

In his search for a place to stay, Malcom found the Greatwter Lake, or as he called it, Paradise. the lake was beautiful and the prey abundant, Malcom had a wide variety of food to choose from, from little rodents and fish, to herds of deer. It was a never-ending feast. It was so easy to hunt that the prey almost seemed to give up itself. It was weird though, so much prey and not a soul (wolf) showed up there. Summer made the lake burst in life and Malcom had it all for himself.

He allowed himself the pleasure of waking up late that morning, he did it often lately since he didn't have to worry about intruders. He made his way to the lake to fish, he was getting better at it, he had all the time to practice. He stood in the water, ankle deep waiting for the prey to come. A trout's scales shone in the water and Malcom's eyes fixed in the fish, a big one. "Yeah baby, come to papa..." He murmured preparing himself for the attack as the dumb creature grew closer to him. WHACK! He jumped and dove his snout in the water catching the breakfast. He lifted his head with the dark trout in his jaws, and with his tail wagging in success he came out of the lake.

[Image: 848.jpg]

RE: The Perks of being a Lone Wolf - Finn - June 30, 2014

if I may.. ;D

Here we go again, he thought as he dipped the tip of his toes into the cold water of the lake. After running from a psycotic wildcat, running around, chilling in the shade of the biggest trees and running around some more, Finn decided to go for a swim. It was the perfect weather to take a dive and cool down in the lake.

As he began to step into the water, he felt all his muscles relax, it was a pleasant feeling except for the mush under his toes. Finn worried more about his image than he cared to admit, although all that vanity left when he began to eat. He was a sloppy eater, always getting blood and guts all over his face.

Before he could start doggy-paddling, the distant sound of splashing made him lift his head. Another wolf was standing at the edge of the lake! Ah, finally he wasn't alone! He lunged to the water and swam towards him, giving a loud yap to announce his presence, "Yo!"

RE: The Perks of being a Lone Wolf - Malcom - July 01, 2014

You may ;)

Malcom started ripping off the trout's skin and devouring the pink flesh, he loved the taste of fish, and those from that lake in particular were exceptionally good. He let his guard down because he was confident he wasn't gonna be disturbed at all, so he focused on eating.

As Malcom finished his meal, he stood up on the pebbles that acted as shore, gazing at the lake, just admiring the view. The tranquility was then interrupted by another wolf, paddling his way in the water. -Oh f*ck!- he thought at first, but the other male seemed friendly enough for Malcom to keep calm.

The young male sniffed the air to catch any scent from the swimming wolf, he carried no particular pack's mark, but the water made it hard to tell for sure. "Hey!" He barked, "It's nice to see someone around for a change.."

RE: The Perks of being a Lone Wolf - Finn - July 01, 2014

The sight of the silver male doggie-paddling towards the shore, with his mouth gaping and his tongue lolling must've seen like a joke. Despite the fact Finn always tried to keep a 'bad boy' appereance, his immature inner self often came out to shine. Finally he reached the shore, he stood and gave his coat a vigorous shake before adressing his newly found companion again.

"Yeah I was beginning to think I was alone" he barked as he trotted towards the male. His drenched tail held at a neutral height. Truth be told he was a little disappointed he had come across a male, but well it was better than nothing so he'd take his company.

"How's it going man?" he asked wagging his tail and sending water all over the place, "The name's Finn" he added with a sharp bark.

RE: The Perks of being a Lone Wolf - Malcom - July 03, 2014

The grey male came out of the water and Malcom waited still in the shore. He shook the water off and then spoke to Malcom again. "Malcom" he barked with pale mistrust in his cold eyes "But friends call me Mal.." he wasn't sure Finn was a friend, but he wanted to start things the right way, not like how he did with the pretty faced mountain bitch the other day.. That didn't end up well.

"You're not part of any pack, are ya?" Malcom said, scanning the surrounding area to see if Finn had brought any company, but it didn't seem so, so he allowed his muscles to relax a little but still expectant for Finn's answer..

RE: The Perks of being a Lone Wolf - Finn - July 04, 2014

His own olive eyes met his companion's gaze, he could sense his skepticism but he didn't blame him, lone wolves were paranoid beings, solitude made them that way. Although Finn seemed to be the exception to that rule, he was nothing but straight forward. This wolf seemed alright, he wasn't s dick like the wolf he had encountered in the mountains. That was pretty cool.

"Alright Mal" he barked as he waved his soaking tail around sending more water flying all over. "No man, that life isn't for me.." he barked while shaking his head energetically from side to side, "I don't wanna tie myself to a pack yet," he added and then motioned with his snout towards the male, "How about you?"

RE: The Perks of being a Lone Wolf - Fireblaze - July 05, 2014

Fireblaze walked up to the lake, a new territory to her, along with Firestorm. "Firestorm, don't go running into the water just yet." Firestorm couldn't help but ask "Why 'ot?" She raced ahead of Fireblaze, then raced back. "Can I cach a fis?"

Fireblaze was thinking about her answer for Firestorms question, when she scented two wolves. "Firestorm, shhh!" She walked out, wagging her tail to signal Firestorm to follow. She bravely strode out of the forest, saying "Hello, fellow wolves. Why is a wheeling gull isle wolf in Kintla flats territory?"

RE: The Perks of being a Lone Wolf - Malcom - July 07, 2014

@Fireblaze take a look at the OOC note in my first post please, in this thread Malcom is a lone wolf, not WGI.

Malcom knew what the answer would be, but he still felt relief to hear it from Finn's own lips. The grey male didn't seem a threat to him anyway so he felt more than confident to sit in his haunches and go on with the little chat they were having.

"Me?" he barked rising an eyebrow, he was careful choosing his words, he didn't want to reveal too much to the stranger, "No, never.. I rarely stay in a place for too long, it's boring.." Malcom's thoughts went back to Naya, if it wasn't for her, he'd be a happy loner and he wouldn't have to care for no one but himself, but he didn't care, he loved his sister and was thankful for having her.

Malcom was actually enjoying the the conversation with Finn, but another wolf interrupted his tranquility. She came out of nowhere, black, tall, rather languid looking. Malcom instantly stood up, hackles raised, with she sound of her voice, and turned to her with his cold, piercing gaze. Without taking his eyes away from her, Malcom softly spoke to Finn, "I thought you said you were alone," he knew they weren't related though, it didn't smell like it.

"Why is a wheeling gull isle wolf in Kintla flats territory?"

Wtf?- he thought, He didn't know anything about a Wheeling Gull Isle.. "What?" he said with a confused face, then his look turned to Finn, "Is she talking about you?"

RE: The Perks of being a Lone Wolf - Finn - July 09, 2014

Finn already considered Malcom a friend, he'd gone so long without seeing a friendly wolf that he'd take befriend anything with paws really. He was glad to have found him, now chatting with him would be save him from his boredom. "Exactly" he agreed while bobbing his head slightly. Then following Mal's example he also took a seat. Thin threads of water sliding off his shoulders.

Fireblaze interruption also caught the silver boy off guard. He rose to his paws quickly his tail lashing with annoyance and his lip curled to reveal his set of razor sharp canines. He jerked his head sideways and gave a scoff to his companion, "I am, I don't know this girl" he answered brusquely, narrowing his eyes at her. For once he wasn't as happy to see a female approach.

He was even more confused when she spoke, saying things that in Finn's mind didn't make sense, "I don't know what she's saying dude" he answered as he shrugged his shoulders and them shot a questioning glare at the female, "You need something?"

RE: The Perks of being a Lone Wolf - Fireblaze - July 13, 2014

Fireblaze whined in embarrassment. (Firestorm said that, not Fireblaze. Sorry) "Firestorm," she barked. "These wolves are not from wheeling gull isle. They are loners." Shaking her head, she said to the two other wolves "Sorry about that. She's the new wolf in our pack."

Padding over to them, she wanted to ask where they were actually from, then decided not to.

RE: The Perks of being a Lone Wolf - Malcom - July 17, 2014

The dark female scolded her companion for her nonsense words and then apologized with the two males. Malcom stood there looking at them with displeasure in his cold eyes, "What do you want?" he asked lashing his tail in annoyance.

He was having a peaceful day until a lot of people appeared from nowhere, and he was losing it, he'd either run anyone out of his lake at any moment or leave, he'd have to do it eventually anyway.

RE: The Perks of being a Lone Wolf - Finn - July 23, 2014

sorry ;-; i took forever, Finn is still a lone wolf in this thread

The two wolves that stood in front of the pair of loners seemed to have jumped out of a freak show. Nothing coming out of their mouths was coherent to the silver male. They mentioned an isle repeatedly and Finn couldn't help but snort in pure annoyance. Get to the point! he screamed in his mind, while watching the two approach.

And it wasn't only Finn who was annoyed by their sudden intrusion, Malcolm's patience was also running out. As soon as the question left his mouth, the obnoxious silver boy chimed in with an huff, "Aren't you afraid of the big bad loners? " he mocked flashing his teeth slightly.

RE: The Perks of being a Lone Wolf - Fireblaze - July 23, 2014

"Never," Fireblaze snarled, protectively crossing between the loners and Firestorm. "You want a fight? Take the territory from BDP wolves themselves!" Leaping, Fireblaze tried to grab the second wolf by the scruff.