Wolf RPG
Solar Eclipse - Printable Version

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Solar Eclipse - Majesty - June 29, 2014

Majesty watched entranced as the solar eclipse began to take place, making sure never to look directly at the sun, which could cause blindness. The Chronicler in him made him wonder if perhaps the Gods were angry, but the Naturalist in him wondered what on Earth was happening to the planet. He had never seen a solar eclipse before, or at least did not remember ever seeing one... What could it mean, if anything?

It was still hot out as he sat there on the shore of the Isle, staring up at the sky. He wondered if the eclipse would affect the tides. He also wondered if the moon and sun would ever go back to normal. He decided to sit and watch it for a while, to see what happened. If the moon or sun decided to start falling to Earth, they were all screwed. Officially screwed. On a whim, he howled to his pack mates, so that they could all come watch it together. He wondered what @Erika would have to say about it, considering she was an aspiring Naturalist just like him...

RE: Solar Eclipse - Erika - June 29, 2014

The gods are angry. We must sacrifice someone. XD

Erika had purposefully laid in the caves to keep from the sun and now Majesty was calling her out for something? The heat was making her unnaturally grumpy, though it have been intensified by her pregnancy as well. She growled and climbed out of the den and made her way to her mate. But when she stepped out of the den, she found it was unnaturally dark. Une éclipse solaire?

She saw her mate sitting on the shore looking indirectly at the darkened sun with confusion and curiousity in equal parts. The black Frenchwoman pressed against him and nuzzled his fur. "I 'ave never seen one before....It looks so strange..." The land around them was unnaturally quiet as the sun disappeared. The other animals sensed it too; what was going on with the sun?

RE: Solar Eclipse - Onyx - June 30, 2014

Do you mind if I join?

Onyx had been walking through the forest when it had suddenly felt cold and a shadow fell across her path. In fact, a shadow had fallen as far as she could see. She glanced around. She was scared. She finally looked up. A black circle covered all but the edges of the sun. The sun is dying! Her heart skipped a beat. Was this the end? Why was the sun like that? She whipped her head away from it in surprise. Her eyes burned.