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Whitefish River "brew glory," - Printable Version

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"brew glory," - Síff - October 04, 2018

@Kavik hunting class thread :3 hope you don't mind if I use this for her tracker specialty? (This would've been around September 13 so it's still summerish and before the bear attack?) moved to Whitefish River and edited so @Ruenna could use this for a Scout trade :)

Once they'd stowed Grezig's rabbit in the caches, they were free to continue with their hunt unburdened. The forest brightened as the sun rose, the dew evaporating off the cool grass and the fog dissipating. What few dove grey clouds had lingered in the morning sky had long since blown away, to wherever clouds went Liri supposed. 

Traveling alongside her mate - which was rather like being accompanied by a towering, comforting shadow - . Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she loped, enjoying the simple pleasure of racing through the sunny forest beside Kavik.

She slowed to a stop as they reached the edge of the plateau, the chorus of crickets and ravens croaking drowned out by the healer's racing heart and shallow pants. She loved running in the morning; it was the best way to wake up. 

Automatically, the leader had headed for the borders. She assumed they were hunting deer from the herd this morning; with autumn coming on soon they would need to stock the caches with enough prey to last them the winter. 

The Alpha began to descend to the Flatlands, small form twisting as she navigated the narrow footpaths. Once at the bottom, she glanced upwards, waiting on Kavik to descend into the golden grass as well.

RE: "brew glory," - RIP Kavik - October 04, 2018

Sounds good! I should be able to use it as Kavik's last hunting thread as well. :D

Kavik matched her pace as she ran through the forest, reveling in the look of glee on his mate's face. He didn't much care what they were going to hunt, content to follow Liri's lead. As she slowed to a stop at the edge of the plateau, he stopped next to her, panting and looking at the flatlands below. He watched as she moved down the edge of the plateau and across the borders and followed soon after. He met her look with the smile reserved only for her as he finished his own descent and came to stand next to her again. He glanced out over the grasslands before resting his emerald gaze on Liri. Lead the way, alpha, he said, using her title as a term of endearment. He assumed they had come here for the herd of deer that shared their territory, and since she was the better tracker, he was happy to give her the reins.

RE: "brew glory," - Ruenna - October 05, 2018

The alpha pair had finally slowed, allowing Rue the chance to catch up. She barked, hoping to attract their attention before they took off again. As she approached, she smiled apologetically, hoping that her company wouldn’t come as an intrusion.

“I was wondering if I could join your hunt.” The request came with a little less bashfulness than had been typical for Rue in the past. The girl’s recent up-shift in rank had her feeling a little more confident in her place in Blacktail Deer Plateau. Also, she was growing more and more comfortable with Liri and Kavik as she spent more time with each of them. 

“And.. and maybe I could hear a little more about the scout trade.” Honey-brown eyes flicked from one face to the other, searching for signs of either approval or doubt.  Did they think scouting was suitable trade for a Plateau wolf? Did they believe Rue was capable?

RE: "brew glory," - Síff - October 09, 2018

"Of course," the leader answered, chagrined that she hadn't noticed Ruenna trailing them. They'd have even better chances of taking down a deer with an extra wolf, not to mention Liri had hunted with the bird and appreciated the girl's skill. 

The tracker gestured for them to follow her into the golden grass, her nose lowering as she searched for a scent trail. Her attention was caught by Ruenna's next statement. 

"Scouts...well, they scout," Liri joked with a wry twist of her lips, "their responsibilities vary. They report back to their pack if there's anything amiss in neighbouring territories, they sometimes represent their packs as ambassadors when visiting other packs, or they might scope out hunting opportunities. Those kind of things," she explained.

"Aha!" The sylph exclaimed as she caught a whiff of deer, lowering her muzzle to the ground and beginning to follow the trail.

RE: "brew glory," - RIP Kavik - October 09, 2018

Kavik turned his inky head at the bark from their new packmate. He too felt bad that he hadn't noticed her following them, and he offered her an apologetic look. You're welcome to join us, he replied, reassuring the female that they didn't mind her presence just as his mate had. 

Ruenna then inquired about the scout trade, and Kavik listened quietly as his wife further explained the trade to the silver female. The alpha was glad she seemed to be settling in well enough to be seeking ways to pull her weight in the pack, and she had proven herself valuable so far.

His attention was pulled to Liri's exclamation. She seemed to have picked up on a scent trail because she soon took off, nose to the ground. The scent of deer became apparent as they followed the trail, and Kavik remained close behind his mate, keeping his gaze trained on their surroundings and ensuring her safety while her attention was focused on tracking down the herd.

RE: "brew glory," - Ruenna - October 10, 2018

Rue wagged her tail as she was welcomed by both alphas. Liri immediately cracked a small joke in response to Rue's question, and had it been last month or even last week Rue might have ducked her head in shame. However, as the girl was growing more comfortable with Liri-- and indeed, with the rest of the pack-- something quite extraordinary happened: Rue actually smiled back in response to the light teasing.

She hung onto the alpha's every word as Liri elaborated on her description. Scouting sounded like everything Rue loved to do, except perhaps the "abassador" thing, seeing as strangers put the girl on edge. If she was going to make a good scout, she would need to find a way to work past that. 

Rue didn't mind when Liri's attention was pulled back to the hunt, and she trailed both alphas with a newfound lightness in her step. With thoughts of scouting occupying her mind, it was difficult to keep her focus on the trail. Her gaze kept wandering off to the surrounding lands as she made mental notes of the territory the way she imagined a scout might do.

RE: "brew glory," - Síff - October 11, 2018

[size=11.6667px]The conversation about scouting was forgotten as the hunt took over. Mouth open to allow the scents to flood against her palate - strengthening their potency - she trotted through the grass, heading south. A warm breeze caught in her fur, bringing with it fresh scents of the herd. [/size]

The dark silhouettes of their neighbours came into view, does grazing as their fawns - juveniles now, their spots gone and budding antlers appearing on some - galloped about in play. A few young stags lingered on the fringes but a prize buck - the patriarch of the herd - wandered, keeping careful watch over his harem and offspring. Liri could not stop a slight smile, for the king of their plateau's herd often reminded her of Kavik. 

"There," Liri nudged Kavik, pointing out one the younger bucks who was lingering hopefully near the does. He had a gash on his left shoulder, crusted and black with dried blood. Likely he'd wandered a tad too close and the stag had taught him a lesson with a sweep of his impressive antlers. 

"You think we can chase him down?" Liri asked Ruenna, remembering the bird's expertise the last time they'd culled a member of the herd.

RE: "brew glory," - RIP Kavik - October 12, 2018

His mate's tracking soon proved to be spot on as usual. They soon found the herd grazing in the grasslands south of the plateau, and Kavik stopped next to Liri, watching the creatures quietly as they went about their business completely unaware they were in the presence of three predators. 

His tracker's nudge brought his attention to the injured buck, and the alpha's gaze zeroed in on their likely target, tracking its every movement as Liri turned to see if Ruenna felt up to the task of taking the deer down. With the large male keeping watch over the herd, Kavik knew they would need to be careful and efficient if they wanted to be successful. His eyes never left their injured quarry as he waited for the other two to decide if they were up to this challenge.

RE: "brew glory," - Ruenna - October 14, 2018

As the herd came into view, Rue's attention shifted from the landscape to the hunt. She may have been a scout at heart but she was a huntress by training, and the reflexes that had been intilled within her were difficult to ignore. The girl's honey eyes wandered over the herd, and as usual her focus was drawn to the frolicking youth. Had she been alone, one of the juveniles would have been her most prudent target, and so this was where her attention naturally settled. 

Rue's brows drew together in confusion when Liri pointed out the young buck, but upon closer scrutiny she realized the wisdom behind the alpha's selection. Although the wound didn't appear to be giving the buck much trouble at the moment, it was likely that it could slow him down once the herd was on the move. He was also a good selection from an ecological standpoint; his bold behavior around the females would eventually earn the regent's disfavor. He would probably be exiled soon anyway, and shortly therafter he would become the meal of a opportunisitic hunter. They might as well cull him before he could wander away to fill the bellies of some other predators or pack. 

Without hesitation, Rue nodded in response to Liri's question. "Yes, I don't think we should have a problem catching and separating him." Rue had no doubt that she could run down the stag, and she had seen Liri in action enough times to know not to underestimate the ivory woman's abilities. Rue's concern was not speed, but power. She would have no trouble reaching the stag, but she would need the assistance of one of the stronger wolves to bring it down. Perhaps they could devise an ambush of some sort. In her birthpack Rue had been well-known for her swiftness, and she had often been tasked with chasing the unlucky prey into a trap.

RE: "brew glory," - Síff - October 15, 2018

Liri smiled, proud that she had such capable pack mates. Never before had she hunted with a group of wolves and been so in tune with her comrades. She hadn't doubted that they would be up for the task and sure enough, with the approval of both wolves she began to devise a plan.

Ruenna was, without a doubt, one of the fastest wolves in the pack - if not in all of Teekon - that Liri had met. "Perhaps if Rue circled around him and chased him this way," she thought aloud, mumbling to herself. The herd would scatter but they would not wander far - the Flatlands were their home long before the wolves and even a pack as large as theirs could not thin the ranks to a dangerously low point. 

Kavik had the strength that Ruenna lacked to take it down, not to mention the healer's aid. "Yes, Kavik, you and I could lie in wait. The grass would be an advantage," she spoke excitedly, her oak gaze landing on each wolf briefly as the idea was brought to life within her mind. 

"One of us from both sides should be enough to stop him," she finished. Kavik from one side and Liri from another - he would have nowhere to run, especially with Ruenna at his back.

RE: "brew glory," - RIP Kavik - October 16, 2018

Kavik listened as Liri laid out the plan for them. He thought it was a good idea to send Ruenna out to hopefully separate the deer from the herd and cut it towards them. He looked around him, assessing whether or not the grass was long enough to hide his massive form and nodded when he decided it would be sufficient. That sounds like a good plan, he stated with a smile to his mate. 

He turned to the silver female and with a nod, he said, I think we're both ready whenever you are. He hunched down in the grass after he spoke, ready and waiting for the hunt to start.

RE: "brew glory," - Ruenna - October 17, 2018

Rue was not surprised in the least to be nominated as a chaser in Liri's plan. What did surprise her was Liri's use of her nickname, which Rue typically only used for herself inside her own head. She certainly didn't mind Liri using the shortened version of her name-- in fact, she found that she rather liked it. Perhaps she would encourage other packmates to call her by "Rue" instead of "Ruenna." 

Kavik agreed with Liri's plan, turning to Rue with a nod. The girl nodded in return before departing to begin her approach. She sank down into the grasses and slunk forward, and the pale hues of her pelt quickly obscured her from view as she wound through the yellowing plains grasses. Rue took her time to circle around the heard, knowing that it was a delicate task. It would not do to alert the herd too quickly and risk sending it stampeding away. 

Once reaching the side of the herd opposite Liri and Kavik, Rue sized up the angle in preparation for her charge. With a bark to signal the other hunters, Rue dashed toward the herd, eyes locked on the target buck. She knew that once all of the deer were fleeing, it would be near-impossible to relocate the target if she were to lose him in the chaos. 

Rue drew up to the buck easily, shouldering its path toward Liri and Kavik like a champion herding dog. The rest of the deer fled in the opposite direction, which was fortunate for the hunters; at least they wouldn't have to tangle with a stampede while attempting to take down their prize. Rue had lost sight of Kavik and Liri's location, but she trusted that they were close and would leap to her aid at any moment.

RE: "brew glory," - Síff - October 19, 2018

Liri hunched low in the grass, allowing the golden stalks to conceal her small form, shooting Kavik an excited grin as Ruenna disappeared into the foliage. 

A sharp bark from the bird caused her ears to flicker, her paws shifting as she tensed in preparation. The thud of dozens of pairs of hooves brought alarm, for Liri had not considered that they might stampede right over them, but the noise soon faded away - revealing that the deer had fled in the opposite direction. A single pair of hooves pounded unevenly against the ground, accompanied by the much softer footfalls of their Delta. 

Liri caught a glimpse of movement coming towards her. Glancing to Kavik briefly, to see if he was ready, the leader leapt into action. The deer balked with fear but he was already much too close, with Rue on his heels he had nowhere to turn as Liri leapt forward - her jaws closing around the knee of the buck's foreleg.

RE: "brew glory," - RIP Kavik - October 19, 2018

Kavik listened keenly to the commotion in front of them. He heard Ruenna's bark, and the sound of dozens of hooves pounding into the ground as the herd stampeded away. Then after sound died down and the ground was still again, he heard the the sound of his packmate chasing the young buck towards them.

When his mate looked to him, he nodded, and jumped up with her. He watched her go for one of the creature's front legs and decided to aim for the other front leg to hopefully further weaken the deer. He quickly moved to the other side and sprang forward, teeth meeting the junction where leg met torso and biting down hard. He tasted blood as the buck released a distressed sound and began trying to knock the wolves from his legs. The alpha held on tight through the thrashing, though, careful to avoid the beast's antlers and hoping it would soon grow tired and fall to the ground, or that Ruenna might be able to get in a good blow as well.

RE: "brew glory," - Ruenna - October 22, 2018

Rue had been so focused on herding the buck that she was nearly as startled as their prey when the other wolves sprang forth from their hiding spot. She slowed, allowing Liri and Kavik room to grab onto the deer. With a hunter attached to each foreleg, the young buck's progress slowed to a halt. Although it had been stopped in its tracks, it was still very much alive, snorting in terror as it stomped its hooves and swung its budding rack. 

Rue sprang for the creature's throat, but her timing was unfortunate. The stag chose that moment to bow its neck and project its antlers forward. Rue only had time to duck her head to protect her own face and throat. She saw stars when the hard bone of the antler scraped across the top of her skull. She staggered backwards, blood trickling from the wound behind her ear. The wound was fairly shallow, but like all scalp wounds it would bleed quite a bit. She blinked furiously and shook her head as blood ran into her eyes. As she shook, her head throbbed mercilessly.

RE: "brew glory," - Síff - October 23, 2018

The leader's perception of the world was splintered from her angle as the petrified buck thrashed, trying to shake off the pair of Alphas that had latched onto its front. She was only vaguely aware of the scent of blood beneath her nose, Rue's blood, and felt a spike of concern. 

The sylph clung until the moment came where she could release her hold on the tetrapod's leg to reach for its throat. Her fangs tore a shallow wound in the ungulate's jugular - glancing only briefly against the buck's flesh before she fell to the ground. 

The pallid fae circled out of the buck's path, eyes landing on Ruenna with concern as her head shook to and fro, searching for an opening to tear into its side.

RE: "brew glory," - RIP Kavik - October 24, 2018

He saw the bucks antlers strike Ruenna in the head, and he winced as she fell to the ground but was unable to let go of his hold to check on her. Liri let go and made an attempt at the creature's neck, leaving a shallow wound on its major vessel there so that a slow trickle of blood made its way down the beast's neck and onto Kavik's shoulder. 

The deer flailed, sweeping its antlers towards the alpha, forcing him to let go to avoid being hit. His eye glanced to his silver packmate who seemed okay enough to be standing, but the scent of her blood mixed with creature's causing him to grow worried. He wanted to make sure she was okay, but the buck chose that time to angrily charge at him. Kavik jumped out of the way and lunged at the creature's underside, teeth sinking into the junction where thigh met abdomen, causing the beast to release a scream and thrash it's rack towards him to dislodge the alpha. He was unsuccessful though, and Kavik kept his hold, hoping it would give one of the other two a chance to wound the buck further.

RE: "brew glory," - Ruenna - October 25, 2018

After a few fleeting moments, the violent throbbing in Rue's head mercifully subsided. She caught Liri's concerned gaze upon her and offered a quick nod of reassurance to her. Even that small motion triggered a pang, and the girl winced. Kavik launched an attack at the buck's underside, causing the creature to bend its rack down and backward in an attempt to dislodge the man. Its neck arched beautifully and temptingly, and Rue found herself darting forward without another thought. Her teeth sank deliciously into the creature's exposed neck, but the flurry of motion had Rue's head pounding ferociously. She clenched harder as the buck's lifeblood ran down her throat in rivulets, and her vision began to swim.

RE: "brew glory," - Síff - October 25, 2018

Ruenna nodded, darting forward to attack once again, and Liri refocused on the buck. The Delta seemed fine for the moment. 

The frightened deer (who had been released by Kavik) charged, swinging its antlers towards her mate and Liri felt her heart jump into her throat. The dark male leapt to the side, powerful jaws snaking forward to rip into the buck's underside and she felt a rush of dizzying relief that he was uninjured. Ruenna jumped, the movement drawing the healer's gaze, her fangs sinking deeply into the buck's jugular. 

With the addition of such gruesome injuries and the weight of Ruenna dragging him down, the tetrapod collapsed with a dying bleat. Liri joined her packmates, tearing into the beast's chest cavity and speeding along its death. There was no reason that the buck should suffer.

In a few moments, the buck had breathed a last, rattling breath and grew still. Liri's bloodied muzzle raised, a triumphant smile beaming towards her mate and friend. 

"That was amazing! The way you dipped under him," she chattered excitedly as her gaze landed on Kavik, "just whoosh, bam!" It was not the most eloquent description but it was genuine. 

"And the way you jumped up and grabbed him like that, it was impressive," the sylph complimented as her mahogany optics shifted to Ruenna.

RE: "brew glory," - RIP Kavik - October 26, 2018

Thankfully, it didn't take Ruenna long to seize the opportunity presented by Kavik's distraction. Once the silver female had locked on to the buck's neck, it quickly lost any remaining energy to put up anymore of a fight, and releasing a defeated sound, it collapsed to the ground. Liri jumped in then, dealing an injury to the dying creatures chest, ending its suffering. 

He released his mouthful, panting heavily from exhilaration. He dipped his head and smiled in response to his mate's praise. She then offered similar praise to Ruenna. You both did well, he added with a nod. And of course great tracking as always, he said, turning to Liri. It wasn't the first time she had proven herself to be a skilled tracker. 

I guess we should get this back home, he stated a second later, getting to his feet. He would feel more comfortable eating once they were within the safety of their borders. Plus, he wanted the rest of the pack to partake in the meal.

RE: "brew glory," - Ruenna - November 01, 2018

The stabbing pain in Rue's head faded to a dull throb as the buck's throes weakened. When she felt its head go heavy in her jaws, she released her grip and stepped backward carefully. All her movements were careful, so as to avoid jarring her head and triggering another painful stab. 

Liri was bubbling over with excitement, and Rue might have been the same were in not for the ache inside her skull. She offered Liri a weak smile and Kavik a tail-wag in return for their praise. "Uh-huh, I, uh.." They had both done brilliantly, of course, but Rue was having a tough time stringing the words together to offer compliments. "I think it got me," she finally said. That would certainly be obvious-- the deep stain of drying blood upon her brow and cheek was a stark contrast against her pale fur. A slow trickle of fresh crimson was oozing its slow progess down the space behind her ear.

RE: "brew glory," - Síff - November 05, 2018

Ruenna's words bring her attention back to the wound she received, blood still spilling down the Delta's face. 

"Ouch," the leader sympathized, approaching with the intent to lick the wound clean if the Delta has no qualms about it. It would keep the wound clean until they could get back to her medicine caches and treat it. 

"We should get home soon so I can treat that," Liri murmurs in concern, mind already turning to the herbs she would need. Something for pain, something to keep infection out, something to help it mend, and of course, cobwebs to wrap it. 

The fae outstretched her pallid neck, jaws clenching around one of the buck's forelegs and began to pull the carcass back to their plateau. 

RE: "brew glory," - RIP Kavik - November 07, 2018

His attention was drawn from the prey in front of him to the delta when she stated that she had been injured. He noticed the blood, and concern painted his features. Luckily, his mate was already on top of it s usual. He nodded in agreement when Liri stated that they should get back quickly so she could properly address Ruenna's wound.

When Liri grabbed hold of the deer, Kavik grabbed the other foreleg and began pulling as well, dragging their defeated prey back towards the plateau.

RE: "brew glory," - Ruenna - November 09, 2018

Rue bent forward to allow Liri to inspect her wound, twitching slightly in surprise when the alpha's warm tongue lapped over her crown. Her ears flattened as those of a pup might upon minstrations from its mother. Liri didn't sound overconcerned about the wound, which was a comfort to Rue. 

The silver's jaws closed around a rear leg, and the three victorious hunters combined their efforts to drag their spoils home.