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Wheeling Gull Isle Time is precious (All Welcome, plz join) - Printable Version

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Time is precious (All Welcome, plz join) - Ypres - June 30, 2014

Just as Ypres were preparing to depart the pack for good, Majesty had suddenly taken leave. Did he abandon the entire pack? His duties? Ypres frowned as she lowered her skull in defeat of matter over mind. She had to stay. The pack was in danger sitting at the brink of war with two other packs, and the pack was getting thin in numbers. Ypres couldn't just sweep herself out of the scene off pack lands now that Majesty had suddenly disappeared..

She thought about poor Erika who might have been carrying his pups. Ypres needed to learn how to trust the girl and move on in life. Ypres naturally had a hard time trusting anyone to begin with. The only ones in life she seemed to trust at the moment were Hailstorm, and Rocky. She called her Heaven's Demons off in war mode a few hours before letting them know the Alpha had gone missing, and that war was not at hand anymore. And due to the fact that severe consequences would have been the result. Ypres wanted to keep the thinning wolf race alive.. what the heck was wrong with her!?

Ypres had heaps of work to do, and she needed to set things straight with Horizon Ridge and Silvertip. What had Majesty done so wrong to those packs? And why? Ypres paced around in frantic circle almost about to lose her mind as she thought about embarking a trip to both packs and trying to feign off war. What was happening to her? Was she softening up? She felt it was the right thing to do, something had to be done, as she grown quite fond of this island and it's members too.

RE: Time is precious (All Welcome, plz join) - Horcrux - June 30, 2014

Note that Mees -- timeline wise -- is still a part of Wheeling Gull Isle -- at the time this thread takes place.

The disappearance of the King who had accepted Mees into the pack so sudden -- not even a week after joining -- was a bitter pill to swallow for the yearling who needed to have a stability endowed for the future. Although he had no family, because he could not remember the past, a pack was the closest family he had. Mees felt a mixture of emotions, he wasn't sure if it was sadness or anger but most of all disappointment.

His nostrils flared as the scent of the Alpha was fading away within time. With the pack being caught up in a possible war, and Mees not knowing many other pack mates; he wasn't sure what to do. His loyalty was with Majesty and Majesty was gone. Strange how life events were slammed at him in the face. As the Gamma patrolled through the lands, Mees approached the new wolf who never actually introduced after she passed by.

"Hey Goldy Locks, what's your name? The last time you slipped by we never properly introduced. I'm Mees, the Gamma of this pack."

RE: Time is precious (All Welcome, plz join) - Ypres - June 30, 2014

She almost jumped out of her skin hearing a voice call out to her.. it wasn't a voice she gotten to know, and in reaction she swiveled her skull to gander at whom was approaching. It was Mees. The Gamma yearling. How'd a yearling manage to gain a high rank was beyond her, but she never questioned it. Despite his rank she used the protocol of elder wolf with a soft growl in response to his words.

Goldy locks eh?

She blinked at him studying the handsome younger gent.

" I seemed rash yes, sorry son, but war was at hand and I needed to fulfill my duties. "

She started with a flick of her tail and a lick of her lips. She looked around to see if anyone else where coming to gather. She sounded out a howl letting all to come forth as she needed to discuss things with the rest of the pack.

After her beckoning she looked to Mees.

" I'm Ypres. And I apologize for my swiftness the last meeting. But we have important matters at hand my friend.. This is why I'm calling everyone to see if I can get aid on what needs to be done."

She said no further words but only locked eyes with him to see his response.

RE: Time is precious (All Welcome, plz join) - Horcrux - June 30, 2014

Mees felt all but impressed by the strange rituals that Yves showed him, like first barging in on a meeting like an oversized elephant without proper introductions and then disappearing again into thin air. Now she was yapping all about duties and trying to patronize Mees. Although most of the time the yearling was timid, shy and humble, this sort of uncalled for behavior called a rebellious resistance from within.

"I'm curious to what you have to say about the meeting and important matters." Goldy Locks, Mees wanted to add but he bit his leathery lips right on time. However, there was one thing he didn't like; "However, unless you want to be bitten in the butt, I'd move your eyes elsewhere." Orange eyes narrowed as his ears flattened, just to hint that the threat was serious. In wolf language, locking eyes was more than just a challenge, it was a threat, and as such Mees considered it to be a red flag. Feeling tense, Mees was ready for whatever would be thrown at him.

RE: Time is precious (All Welcome, plz join) - Malcom - June 30, 2014

Malcom joined the pack when his sister and Majesty found him in the greatwater lake on what was supposed to be a quest a few days ago, but I wasn't able to finish the thread since.. Well.. You know what happened.. I'll post both with Malcom and With Naya so I'd appreciate if you let me do it before anyone else posts again. thanks! ;D

Ever since Malcom joined the island pack he felt like things were far from right, and the day the alpha left without saying a word, his suspicions were confirmed, this pack needed a proper leader, the pack was doomed to its own Alpha's irresponsibility and bad judgement... Joining a pack with no alpha, -Nice move, Mal- he sarcastically thought to himself while he trotted to Naya's den, maybe to get out of there and leave the pack to vanish with time.

As he reached the entrance of the perfectly caved den of his sister's he called out at her, she came out with a soft growl annoyed for his brother's early sleep disturbance and that's when they both heard Ypres' call, both their heads turned instantly... "We have no time for this, Naya" Malcom growled softly at his sister, he wanted out now that there was no order and he wanted to leave as soon as possible..

RE: Time is precious (All Welcome, plz join) - Naya - June 30, 2014

"We're not leaving Mal, not now, this pack needs us now that Majesty left and you know my loyalty is with them.." The female was not gonna let the pack down, she loved Majesty and she had sworn fealty to them, it was her family they were talking about.

Naya took off to attend Ypres' call, if there was someone in the island who knew how to defend a pack it was that tough girl, and they needed to get the pack in order, a lot depended on what they decided now.

Naya ran out of the forest and Malcom followed, he wouldn't leave without her and she wasn't gonna leave anytime soon. "Ypres," Naya barked at the light female when she reached the sandy edge of the forest. She was accompanied with Mees, the young wolf who somehow managed to outrank everyone in just a week. "Is there a problem here?" She said almost growling at the dark male who seemed to be threatening her friend. Naya didn't care he was on a higher rank, he was a new member and the young beauty was not gonna let anyone threaten her family, besides, she felt she had nothing to fear anymore, her brother was there and he was her backup.

Naya turned back to Ypres, she knew what her friend had called them there for and she wanted to make part in any decision made. "What's the plan then? This is our pack Ypres, we have a duty here.."

RE: Time is precious (All Welcome, plz join) - Erika - June 30, 2014

She was the first to notice Majesty's departure. He was not sleeping with her in the cave this morning, but she just assumed he was off doing something. But when he didn't come back that afternoon, she was worried. He usually came back at noon when it was hottest to take a nap. Where was he?

The black Delta stalked her way around the Isle, searching for any sign of her mate. She was just about to leave the island in search of him when she smelled a gathering of wolves. Three wolves she knew were there: Ypres, Mees (her accent made her say Meez) and Naya. She did not recognize the third, but he stayed close to Naya, which made her assume that it was the brother she had been looking for.

Erika approached the wolves and sat down by Mees. She didn't bother hiding the disfigurement on the right side of her face as she looked at them all. "We need to do somezing about Majesty's disappearance. Someone needs to lead." She had heard that Ypres was interested in leading, but she herself was interested in taking control as well. At least until Majesty hopefully came back...

RE: Time is precious (All Welcome, plz join) - Ypres - July 01, 2014

I'm going to proceed with a post if that's alright.. :-)

Ypres watched as Mees offered blatant disrespect of her. It forced a smirk to rip across her charred lippens as she still kept her eyes locked on the youth. Tail arched over spine, as her hackles raised and teeth bared with a snarl to show that she meant business. How dare he act accordingly when the pack was at a crisis.

You know nothing of pack life at your youth. So I suggest you back the hell off and listen, or scamper off with your tail between your legs because I have no time to argue whelps when the pack is at a critical stage.

She loathed a harder snarl to emphasize her words. Just as she finished her speech, eyes turned to Naya who arrived asking if there was an issue. Ypres nuzzled her a greeting.

Not at all sister.

She turned her eyes upon a new member, a smile formed across her muzzle.

Who is this?

She asked with a curious tone just as Erika was arriving. Ypres smiled at the black Delta regarding her with a more noble expression this time compared to the last time they had met. She looked around waiting for more members to arrive. Where was @Eddie @Shanti @Claire @Arkham @Onyx ?
Ypres stood there waiting for the rest to show up before proceeding.

RE: Time is precious (All Welcome, plz join) - Claire - July 01, 2014

Claire is just gonna hover in the background, she isn't a social butterfly anyway

It had been a day and a half since the girl had been brought to the island, she had managed to eat a bit without puking so that was good. Still the faces of her new 'packmates' showed worry and anxiety. She had arrived with bad timing as it seemed the pack was going through a crisis. She didn't bother in asking, it was probably something she wouldn't understand anyways. She had never been in a part so the whole hierarchy thing was unknown to her still.

She had been laying on her side when Ypres' howl broke through the air, slowly she pulled herself up and trotted to where she thought she could be. As she arrived she saw many other wolves gathered around, she shuffled uncomfortably and decided to hang in the back of the crowd, keeping her head low to avoid attracting any attention.

RE: Time is precious (All Welcome, plz join) - Onyx - July 02, 2014

Onyx heard a howl sound and echo through the island. She had lied in a hollow under an oak root, her regular den. The howl had woken her. The voice was unfamiliar. Perhaps new wolves had claimed the land. Was Majesty in trouble? No. She would hear more echoed barking. She had not felt anything that made her part of the pack except a new friendship with the two wolves she had met. They made the second and third wolves she had spoken to in her life. Silvermane and Majesty. They were probably hunting somewhere on the isle. Onyx had spoken to either since she got to the isle about a week ago. She got up and stretched. She would not follow the howl. It could be a wolf trying to trap her. She scurried to the shore. A small seagull lied on the beach. She let out a loud bark as she pounced and bit the gull. It went limp, and she was proud of another catch. She carried it to a clearing and began to eat the gull, not aware of the important meeting elsewhere.

RE: Time is precious (All Welcome, plz join) - Eddie - July 02, 2014

The large black she-wolf trotted in the gathering. She'd heard the word that Majesty had disappeared. It seemed pretty bizarre. Maybe he had gone to one of the packs to talk things over? Getting so nervous so early seemed excessive to Eddie, but she didn't say anything.

She walked up to the small red she-wolf and wagged her tail in greeting, then sat somewhere nearby. "How's everything going?" The she-wolf lolled her tongue out even if it wasn't that terribly hot outside.

RE: Time is precious (All Welcome, plz join) - Ypres - July 04, 2014

Ypres decided she had waited long enough before proceeding with the pack gathering. Eyes looked around to each loyal member of the isle, and a warm smile crossed her features as she stood at a different stance then usual. She was claiming Alpha position. She greeted the later arriving members with a nod and a hello. She didn't want to seem rude, but time was at stake to allow her to make her moves within the pack.

Good to see that most have shown up, but I'm saddened that a few faces have decided not to show; they need to know what's going on and will be addressed accordingly.....

She paused gingerly as she stood there looking around.

As we all know, Majesty has left us, or had disappeared; as no one seems to know where his location is.. I Ypres am claiming Alpha position, if any of you have any disagreements, please speak up now and we will all decide in a pack vote. If not, I shall carry on as Alpha.

Her eyes scanned the gathering of her pack carefully to assess any emotion of discomfort of her taking lead. She wanted nothing but the best for her wolves, and indeed she had softened up the past few weeks or ever since she had joined this pack. Her tough hide seemed to have fallen off into a loving, caring, devoted and loyal individual. She wanted no wars, and no bloodshed in that matter, but a safe haven for her members.

We also are aware that a possible war is among us. I refuse to fight these demons, only because I don't see this isle worthy enough to fight for. I personally have not seen any of you or myself cause havoc among the other packs. so therefore there should be no reason for war. I will try to reason with these wolves, but if all else fails, we must find a new home.

She knew the isle was beautiful, but it wasn't worth the hassle. The prey was scarce to begin with, and it was making the pack malnourished, and Ypres was beginning to see this within the few members of her pack, and it forced her to go hunting on other lone lands to bring back nourishing meals. She knew Erika was expecting as her eyes wandered over to the pregnant female and Ypres knew the growing babies needed to be best cared for. She also knew war was of no place for a pregnant female wolf. It would either injure both her and her pups or worse.

Erika, I assume you are expecting, you have no place in war due to the safety of your unborn pups, but if you feel you need to fight, its your call. I just want what is best for our thinning numbers of this pack.

Eyes wandered some more knowing that she needed a Beta to help run this pack. It was a hell of a toss up between Naya and Erika. So she was going to test the two for the following little while until she had decided who it was going to be.

I need a Beta to help me run things over within the pack. However; I am having a hard time deciding between you Naya, and you Erika. So I will be testing you two within the following weeks.

If the pack were going to move she needed to send out a few wolves to scout out a new region for them to live, someplace where prey was healthier than here. Eyes combed over to Eddie and Malcom.

If plans fail about the reasoning situation with the warring wolves IF it were to happen, we need a back up plan; and that is to have a new home to go too. Eddie my dear, I need you and this new gentleman here to escort yourselves to find us a new home. Can you two do that?

If Eddie and Malcom decided not to do the task, then that was okay. Ypres would gather the entire pack and make the move as one, but it would be much more of a hassle; only because Ypres always had to have a back up plan, instead of acting out on a whim, in case they were unable to locate a new and safe home. Eyes looked around between each member once more.

I need the rest of you to stay on the isle for the time being. Is that understood? If anyone has anything to say please speak up. I am open to any ideas and will not bite.

Ypres knew that some Alphas were only in it for themselves, but Ypres actually fell in love with the members here. And she did not want anyone to fear her, but to love and respect her wishes as Alpha. She wanted nothing but to be fair to her members and to show them that each one she cared for, and will protect them with love, even if it were tough love at times. She waited for the rest of the pack to have their say and that would be it. She would make sure they all left before she did.

RE: Time is precious (All Welcome, plz join) - Naya - July 04, 2014

I'll post now, assuming that it is a highly-important-pack-meeting, therefore no post order should matter, this thread has been too slow for the pack's needs and we need to get to the point.. Correct me if I'm wrong..

Naya listened silently as Ypres claimed the Alpha position, she couldn't agree more with her friend's brave decision. Ypres seemed tough from the begining, but the fact that she stood up for such a responsibility reaffirmed Naya's trust on the sandy female.

With an approving nod of her head, Naya spoke to fer friend "I've got your back Ypres. Know that You can count on me, friend." Things started to look bright again, Naya would trust Ypres to be a good leader, and she needed to be, because as she said, war was among them and they needed to act quickly. Being in the Island had become way too dangerous, they couldn't afford waiting for their enemies to come and get them.

Even if Naya didn't know exactly what a Beta was supposed to do, the young female would be up to the task if Ypres asked her to, she had been committed to the pack since it was founded, SHE was a founding member herself -no- she was the last founding member that remained a part of the pack, and this was her family, even if Majesty was away. "I'll try to prove myself worthy of the position, I've been with this pack since the beginning," she turned her view around to look at each of the wolves present, even Claire who was standing behind silently "and I see you all here as my family."

RE: Time is precious (All Welcome, plz join) - Malcom - July 04, 2014

Malcom felt like an outsider in the meeting, but still he didn't leave his sister's side for as long as they were there, he wasn't gonna leave until she decided to go with him, and so far it didn't seem like that was gonna happen anytime soon.

-The Beta? you've got to be kidding me.. He thought with a sour taste in his mouth, he didn't know his sister was so involved with this pack, correction, tied up is what she was to this absurd pack. Malcom gave Naya his wide -What the fuck- eyes when she spoke back to Ypres, but then The new Alpha mentioned the imminent possibility of leaving the island and moving the pack somewhere safe..

"Now, that's a clever alpha!" he barked sharply. He then turned to Eddie "don't stand up babe, we might not need to look any further..." he had already sorted it out, he took a few steps forward towards Ypres and bowed accepting her leadership with a mischievous smile "I happen to know a perfect place for us to go.."

Malcom thought back of the Greatwater Lake, he had planned to go back there with Naya whenever he could convince her to leave the pack, but she wasn't, so he was gonna have to adapt to her..

Malcom wouldn't deny that having a whole pack to back you up wasn't a bad idea, he was starting to see the pros of it, and a strong pack in a good territory would be convinient, and what a better place than Paradise, it would just be a matter of time for the pack to gain strenght there...

RE: Time is precious (All Welcome, plz join) - Horcrux - July 06, 2014

Pulling Mees out of here since this thread is outdated, already joined another pack and I'll be on absence.

Mees suddenly felt fearless and bold as the seconds ticked by. Her attempt to lock eyes stirred an instinctual anger he never felt before. He stood tall and regal with his tail wavering to and fro while adrenaline pumped through his body. Underneath his leathery lips slipped back a near inaudible yet dangerous growl, if she wished to attack he was more than prepared to defend himself. For the time being he ignored two croonies who tried to stand up to Ypress like a high school bully who couldn't even steal lunch money from a kindergarten toddler.

When Ypres tried to do her dominance mojo, the only reaction he gave her was a glint of his teeth. He was not afraid of her and he also would not acknowledge her as an Alpha. Never. When the self-proclaimed stuck-up wannabe leader said that she was not interested in arguing -- and thus settling this dispute -- he took that as a sign of weak leadership. Thus he called out; "Stupid, bitch; you'll never be my Alpha." Though he accepted one proposal, he made his amendments to leave. And while he did, the last thing he shouted out loud; "Silvertip Mountain wants everyone's head on a stick. Be smart and don't stay and be one of Ypres' guinea war pigs. It's not your war." And with those last words, Mees was gone; he would never set a paw ever again on Wheeling Gull Isle, at least not as long as Ypres was around.

RE: Time is precious (All Welcome, plz join) - Erika - July 06, 2014

Ypres stood tall and claimed her place as Alpha. A part of her wanted to revolt and challenge the fire-furred female for the position, but she pushed it aside. One, she was pregnant and beginning to slow. Two, she wasn't much Alpha material.

Naya supported her immediately and Erika only nodded in agreement. She would do what was best for her pack. Mees hated the decision immediately. She was not there long enough to know what went on between Mees and Ypres, but their aggression made its presence known when Mees left. "Meez, wait!" she called out after him, wanting to change his decision but it was too late, he was gone.

The new alpha declared that she would choose a Beta soon, between her and Naya. Erika looked towards the female who would be her rival in claiming the spot for a while. She would bear no ill will towards her if Naya claimed the title, but she would try her best to achieve Beta status. "I will try my best. I know I 'ave not been 'ere long and I do not know many of you. And some of you do not trust me yet....but I will change zat, regardless if I become Beta or not." she said to the gathered wolves.

"We should wait a while longer to move, just in case Majesty comes back..." she still had hope that her mate would return. And if he had returned after they left, he would be upset and worried wouldn't he? "But we should claim whatever territory Malcom 'as in mind as soon as possible, if it suits ze pack's needs."

RE: Time is precious (All Welcome, plz join) - Ypres - July 06, 2014

Mees busted out like a typical teenager would. Ypres offered him a warning glare as he showed his teeth. Snapping her jaws swiftly in his direction he turned away.

"Mouthy little bastard! "

Then he mentioned Silvertip.

"Yup, goodbye then! .. If you come back I will have your heart for dinner! "

She barked out with a high pitched mocking cheery chords as he trotted off. She offered a snort and a smirk as her eyes fell upon Naya.

"See to it, if the little tough guy wanna be comes back, kill him. "

She offered another snort. She detested his disposition and lack of respect. What did she do so wrong to him to begin with? So what she had duties to do, she had no time to stop and chat the last meeting they had, but she did plan on meeting him before hand after that patrol, but was glad she never did, as she would have had his head rolling right off his shoulders. Lucky he escaped now...

Naya reminded her that she had her back, and she touched shoulders with her on a gentle note.

"Thank you Naya, as I have yours always! "

Malcom killed her sour mood by telling her that he knew of a place already. So the man was a few steps ahead of her. Wonderful! She offered him a smile with a grateful nod. She would be sure to promote him too if he proved himself, and thus far he was working in that direction!

Erika called after Mees but he was already gone.

"Forget about him. I don't like his sour disposition. He can go for all I care. I don't need the likes of him wandering within the confines of our turf anyway. "

Ypres looked at Erika as she mentioned waiting for Majesty to return. She had a sad feeling he wasn't coming back.

" do you think he will be back though my friend? "

It was a question to have one thinking, even though she had serious doubts about his return.

"Your right Erika about claiming as soon as possible, but I'm not to keen about waiting. "

She thought about Hailstorm, her eagle friend who could always come by now and again to keep an eye on things and let her know if the tanned wolf returned. She said nothing about the eagle to the pack just yet, but she would be sending him to check up on the territory, and if it came to it, she'd have Hailstorm track him down for Erika's sake. Hailstorm would be perfect for that feat if need be. Ypres knew the wolves standing before her would be loyal, and she will be there to do her damnest to keep them all safe!

going to end thread, feel free to post one last time if you guys want!

RE: Time is precious (All Welcome, plz join) - Shanti - July 07, 2014

Shanti was sleeping in a hollow tree nearby, uncomfortable in the camp. He knew that as he had made his way through the ranks, wolves were probably wondering who he was. His dreams were warped and hazy...

Running. A glint of her beautiful eyes, a flash of her luxurious tail; teasing glimpes. The faster Shanti ran, the more trees seemed to crowd in front of him. Suddenly he stumbled, agonising pain ripping a screaming howl from his lips. But instead of blood, his Packmates voices spilled out into the open air.
"Who does he think he is?"
"Pretending to love the Alpha to gain power...the conniving little..."
"Even if he really loves her, the creepy little wolf doesn`t deserve her!"
The words stung, sharper than thorns. But worse was yet to come.
The laughter. Mocking, cruel, merciless; it stabbed at him with a thousand claws.
On and on and on and on...

Shanti awoke, bolt upright. The birds had been spooked by his growl; easy pickings.
Prowling softly through the ferns, downwind of the unfortunate prey, Shanti sniffed and pounced. The bird he had jumped at flew, shrilly squawking. Shanti cursed and shot after it. A fallen log was in the way, but Shanti knew he could clear it. He leaped and... "Whoa!" His tail snagged on a branch and he tumbled forward. He growled softly and limped off, his ever present dreams haunting his every step.