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Neverwinter Forest A pirate's life for me - Printable Version

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A pirate's life for me - Turquoise - August 15, 2013

"Riv!" Turq's voice broke through the morning stillness like a bull horn. "Rivet Sarasvati DeMonte! Get your fine ass over here. I have to show you something!"

A wide grin split the tawny female's face as she faced forward again, her gemstone eyes scanning over the great forest sprrawled before her. Although it was only a forest—and she and both Rivet had grown up in forests—it was a very pretty one. That wasn't why it interested Turq, though. It was the smells, the scent of wolves in particular.

"There's a pack here," Turq said when Rivet came closer. "I know we talked about living on a mountain or somewhere besides a forest but... look at it. It's kind of gorgeous. What do you think? Should we go for it? Should we howl?" The excited Blackthorn rapidly fired the questions at her partner without pausing to give her time to answer, though she eventually ran out of breath and peered at Rivet with a glowing expression shining on her smudged face.

RE: A pirate's life for me - Rivet - August 15, 2013

If you want me to change the last sentence, let me know <3

i kissed a girl and i liked it
the taste of her cherry chapstick
i kissed a girl just to try it
it felt so wrong
it felt so right
[size=3]i kissed a girl and i liked it[/size]

She’d been lagging slightly behind but only because she’d had to stop and, well, take a random dump along the way. So when Turquoise suddenly started shouting for her, the smaller female hurriedly pinched it off and left the scene of the crime to hurry to her lover’s side. She didn’t want to leave her lover waiting, after all.

With an eager expression on her face, she trotted up beside her girlfriend. Her tail swayed gently behind her as she turned her focus in front of her to see what it was that Turquoise wanted her to look at. “It does look pretty beautiful,” she readily agreed, and meant it, giving a nod of her head. “Yes, let’s howl.” Tilting her head back with her lover, she let her voice join with that of the love of her life.

RE: A pirate's life for me - Styx - August 15, 2013

It was hard for the hybrid to believe that he had become a leader of some misfit pack, alongside a wolf – he wasn’t even sure if she liked him. Her idea had consumed the inky knight and eventually he had given in, as the temptation of power and being able to make his own rules had been too much. Now he would always be in the company of the chocolate female as she had offered to help him on mutual terms, of course. As far as Styx Constantin was concerned, the silver-eyed girl thought that he was nothing but a pesky fly.
They had claimed the forest that they had first crossed paths in as their own, the gnarled surroundings offering the perfect cover for the newly established pack. He wasn’t concerned about enemies, but he wanted to ensure that he and his … ‘partner’, along with the members of Neverwinter, would be safe.
Gross, he was becoming sentimental. The female was rubbing off on him, and not in the way that he wanted.
His direction changed immediately as a howl ripped through the sky, alerting the Alpha of the presence of not one, but two wolves at his borders. Rolling his bright, seafoam eyes, the boy hurried to wear the sound had originated from. The hybrid was still struggling to get a grasp on his whole ‘leader business’ but he knew it would catch on quickly – he wasn’t stupid, and Katrina was somewhat useful at giving him pointers (when she wasn’t being annoying). A familiar scent slapped against his nostrils, but it was now entangled with the scent of another – it was also faintly familiar, and as Styx drew closer he realized it was the pretty-eyed female he had met a few days prior. He assumed that the scent mingling with her own was the companion she had mentioned during their brief encounter; he was pleased to see her arrive on her borders, as he had mentioned that he heard of a pack forming to the South. He hadn’t mentioned that it was his pack, but that didn’t matter.
Once the two female’s appeared in his sight he stepped forward, tail curling above his hindquarters as he studied the dark and light pair. A soft grin worked its way onto his licorice lips, his long legs allowing him to stand tall as he let his eyes linger on the darker female. “You brought your companion,” he commented in a light tone, eyes flickering over to the sandy female with peeked interest. “I assume you’re looking for the pack that resides here?” Although Styx was being disgustingly formal, the words fell off his tongue naturally, as if he had been meant to do this.

RE: A pirate's life for me - Turquoise - August 15, 2013

As soon as the words left Rivet's mouth, Turquoise threw back her head, her voice ripping through the still morning air again and blending with her partner's. When their howls eventually faded with their breath, Turq turned to look at Rivet, eyebrows wiggling. Although she'd enjoyed the opportunity to explore a bit and spend time with Rivet, she'd more or less come to hate being without a pack. She liked being surrounded by her own kind and having something to do with her days. She also knew that she needed to spend time with other wolves besides Rivet, before the two of them really strangled each other.

Eventually, a black-coated male joined them. Turquoise felt a stab of disappointment, though she lowered her head and tail. She could be crass, fiery and even belligerent—especially when it came to males—yet she knew when to show respect. Even as she bowed, her eyes flicked up every few seconds to study the stranger. When he spoke, her gaze slid sideways to Rivet, a look of surprise, then displeasure, crossing her face.

"You know this guy?" she asked, then checked herself before she could get jealous or angry. Clearing her throat, she faced him again and answered his question. "Yes, we are. I take it you've met Rivet," she said almost dismissively. "I am indeed her companion." She applied a strange emphasis to the word, almost as if daring him to challenge it, though Turq somehow managed to do this smoothly so as not to trigger any alarms. In fact, she wiped the ugly look off her face and smiled sweetly, stepping nearer to Rivet. "I'm Turquoise. Now tell us about yourself and this here pack." It was said just lightly enough to come across as a polite request rather than a rude demand.

RE: A pirate's life for me - Rivet - August 15, 2013

i kissed a girl and i liked it
the taste of her cherry chapstick
i kissed a girl just to try it
it felt so wrong
it felt so right
[size=3]i kissed a girl and i liked it[/size]

She enjoyed hearing their voices mixing like they were while they called for a leader of whatever pack this was. Although she did like wandering, exploring the world, she understood her lover’s desire to want to seek out a pack. Rivet would adjust to being back in a pack, anything to be able to stay with the female she loved so very much. The smaller female wouldn’t complain, would suck it up and follow Turquoise’s lead.

A look of sheer surprise hit her face the moment the male came into view. “You?” she managed, giving a slight shake of her head. Her attention shifted to Turquoise when the larger female questioned her. “Kinda,” she answered, giving a faint nod of her head. “Ran into him several days ago and he’d said that he’d heard rumor that a pack might be forming in the south, but said nothing about being an actual part of that rumor…”

She’d not mentioned the male to Turquoise because she had basically dismissed the talk of the rumor he had spoken of. Now she was wishing she hadn’t dismissed him from her mind and told her lover. What sort of trouble was she going to be in later when it was just the two of them? This silent thought caused her to slick her ears backward, lower her head and drop her gaze instantly to the ground at her paws.

RE: A pirate's life for me - Styx - August 15, 2013

The fact that the shadowy female had not told her companion of their meeting pleased – and amused – the lanky hybrid. He was glad that he had not left a lasting impression, as Styx preferred to be forgotten. It was precisely why he had not given his name to Rivet during their previous encounter. He had also not expected to see her again after the lack of information he had given about some pack forming in the South. It had been a poor attempt at recruit, but somehow it had worked – and it brought him not one but two potential candidates. How thrilling.
“Slipped my mind,” he responded coolly to Rivet’s comment about him failing to mention that he was part of the rumor. He could not deny that he was pleased to see that the dark female had stumbled upon Neverwinter’s borders – it meant that his (and Kat’s) pack would be growing. It was the oddly marked female’s next words that pulled his attention toward her, a brow cocked. Oddly, the female reminded him of the silver-eyed Kat in the way that she spoke, each word on the borderline of being taken the wrong way. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Turquoise.” It was a peculiar name, but pretty nonetheless – just like the stone. “My name is Styx Constantin and I’m the leader of ‘this here pack’, Neverwinter, alongside my … friend, Kat.” While he quoted the fiery female’s words he allowed a crooked grin to work its way onto his maw to show her that he was not trying to poke fun at her. Sometimes he could be a decent guy.
Friend wasn’t the correct word to use to describe his relationship with Kat, but it would due for now – the pair before him didn’t need to know the details.
“We’re a newly formed band of misfits and encourage independence among our members, as long as they remain loyal and follow the rules, of course.” It felt strange speaking about Neverwinter as they boy was still struggling to grasp that the pack was his. He was the Captain of this ship (and Kat) and the canines that would seek acceptance among Neverwinter’s ranks would be listening to him. What a strange thought. “We have three leadership ranks, as opposed to two, to create a stronger unity within the pack. This is a family and we work together. Kat and I want our members to voice their opinions and be involved in pack decisions.”

RE: A pirate's life for me - Turquoise - August 16, 2013

"Your names are Sticks and Cat?" Turq asked. She didn't mean to be rude but she realized it sounded that way even as the words left her mouth. "Well, on the flip side, Neverwinter is a sweet name!" she added with a smile and a wave of her tail, hoping the whole thing would go over as a joke. She glanced at Styx's face, trying to decipher whether he seemed offended, then decided she was in the clear.

She remained mum as he told them a bit more about Neverwinter. A few words stuck out to Turquoise: misfits, independence, loyal, family, opinions. "I'm in," she announced the second Styx finished speaking. Almost as an afterthought, her gemstone eyes slid sideways to Rivet. "We're in, right?" she said in a tone that made it seem less a question than a quiet command. "Count us in," she fininished decisively, facing the leader again, a grin on her face and a happy twitch in her tail.

RE: A pirate's life for me - Rivet - August 30, 2013

i kissed a girl and i liked it
the taste of her cherry chapstick
i kissed a girl just to try it
it felt so wrong
it felt so right
[size=3]i kissed a girl and i liked it[/size]

A slight frown formed on her muzzle when he gave the response that he did; that it had slipped his mind. She might have taken him far more seriously if he hadn’t have let it slip his mind. Ah well. Live and learn. When he gave his name, she realized that it was something else that had apparently slipped his mind. What else would end up slipping his mind? Forcing that thought from her mind, she remained silent while he spoke to her companion, telling her about the pack.

As he finished talking, before she could even think about saying anything, her companion had already jumped on the opportunity to say that she was in. It was a little discouraging to realize that she (Rivet) was a mere afterthought in the decision but the quiet command in Turquoise’s question to her caused her to drop her gaze and quietly nod her head in silent agreement. She knew that as long as she agreed with Turquoise’s decision (whether she actually agreed or not) there would be no fight between the two of them, at least for the time being.

RE: A pirate's life for me - Styx - September 01, 2013

It was obvious that ebony female was not impressed, but before she could get another word in her ‘partner’ continued flapping away, her jewel-coloured eyes focused on the tall hybrid. They were an interesting pair – in this case, opposites definitely attracted. Rivet was much more subdued than her sandy companion, while Turquoise seemed incapable of being quiet. Rather than being annoyed, Styx found it rather amusing and had decided that he liked the mix-matched pair. “Styx as in s-t-y-x and Kat with a ‘K’,” he responded coolly to Turquoise’s comment, a crooked frown working its way onto his maw. As the female’s outbursts continued the mutt shifted his gaze to the darker female, seafoam eyes studying her for a moment. She did not respond when the jewel-eyed female stated that they were in, and gave a simple nod instead.
“Do you want to be a part of Neverwinter?” He asked Rivet, his voice soft as he kept his bright eyes focused on the inky female. Styx was not trying to be rude, he was simply curious as to whether the sandy female’s companion agreed with her. Now that he was a leader of a pack Styx was (unfortunately) going to have to care about the members in his pack. It was going to be difficult for the nomad to adjust to this new life, but he knew that with the aide of the silver-eyed female everything would soon fall into place (or so he hoped).

RE: A pirate's life for me - Turquoise - September 08, 2013

Rather than formally accept them, Styx looked pointedly at Rivet, causing Turquoise to glance sideways at her lover, then back at their would-be leader, wondering about the hold-up. Before she could ask, Styx made a point of addressing Rivet directly, apparently wanting a verbal response.

"'Course she does," Turquoise replied absently. "Don't you, Riv?" She didn't say it imperiously, but in a rather duh tone, unaware of how much she was steamrolling her partner's say in the matter. "We're excited to be a part of it, S-T-Y-X," She grinned and nudged Rivet's shoulder companionably, then bobbed her smudged muzzle at the Alpha.

RE: A pirate's life for me - Rivet - September 08, 2013

i don’t wanna be without you, babe
i don’t want a broken heart
don’t wanna take a breath without you, babe
i don’t wanna play that part
i know that i love you, but let me just say
i don’t wanna love you in no kind of way
[size=3]i don’t want a broken heart[/size]

She had silently hoped that just the nod of her head would be enough since Turquoise was answering for the both of them. But apparently she hadn’t been convincing enough since Styx turned his focus directly onto her, asking her if she wanted to be a part of his pack. Rivet caught the sideways glance from her lover and offered a faint smile to the woman that she loved so much.

Returning her attention to the male, but avoiding eye contact of any sort, Rivet gave a slight nod of her head to go with Turquoise answering for her a second time. Somehow she knew that wasn’t going to be enough, though, and followed her nod with an actual answer. “Yes, sir,” she began to answer. “I would like to be a part of your pack.” She really hoped that would be answer enough.

RE: A pirate's life for me - Styx - September 10, 2013

if you'd like, you two can do one more post each or we can finish with this post :)
The relationship the two female’s before him shared was strange – Turquoise (as it appeared) was the dominant one of the pair, instinctively making decisions for the both of them without first seeking approval from the bi-coloured eyed Rivet. The inky female was far more reserved, giving her words more thought out before they fell off her tongue. The expression Rivet wore made it look as though she was constantly thinking, whereas Turquoise would spit out whatever reached her mouth first – the sandy-coloured female didn’t seem to be the one that was considerate of consequences. But for whatever reason the pair just worked; he hadn’t known them for more than a few minutes and he could already tell that much just from being in their company.
With his gaze focused on the shadowy pelt of Rivet the long-limbed leader only acknowledged the jewel-eyed female’s voice with a flick of an ear as he awaited her response. Finally, she spoke, her words formal as they stained the air between them. A faint smile worked its way onto his lips as he took several steps back, tail giving a slow wag as a first response to Rivet’s answer. “Welcome to Neverwinter, then,” he replied as his gaze flickered back and forth between the two as he took several steps across the border. “Let me show you around, and if you have any questions ask away.” With that, the spider-legged Alpha headed into the depths of Neverwinter forest with his two new members at his heels.

RE: A pirate's life for me - Turquoise - September 12, 2013

Rivet supplied the verbal answer which Styx seemed to be waiting for, prompting Turquoise to cast him a look that seemed to say, See, what did I tell you? Her smile became slightly less sarcastic when he formally welcomed them into the pack, then spun to lead them into the forest that would be their home.

"Whoop," she cheered under her breath, exchanging a smile with Rivet. She slipped her partner a nuzzle, then galloped after Styx, eager to see the realms of Neverwinter and learn more about their new pack.

RE: A pirate's life for me - Rivet - September 13, 2013

i don’t wanna be without you, babe
i don’t want a broken heart
don’t wanna take a breath without you, babe
i don’t wanna play that part
i know that i love you, but let me just say
i don’t wanna love you in no kind of way
[size=3]i don’t want a broken heart[/size]

It was nothing short of a miracle sometimes that the pair was still together. Little did Rivet know, though, that things were going to get even harder as time went on. Whatever happened, though, she knew without a doubt that she wanted to never give up on her relationship with Turquoise if she could help it. Only time would be able to tell her what life was going to hold for them from here on out, though. Sometimes she did wish that she could see into the future, but then again, maybe she didn’t.

“Thank you,” she responded to him welcoming them into the pack. A faint smile was given to her companion at the brief nuzzle. Rivet watched Styx head into the forest first, then shifted her gaze to her companion as Turquoise quickly took off after him. She stood there for a moment, watching her girlfriend go, thinking about how she’d watched the other woman departing from her before. After another moment, Rivet’s paws set off into motion, following the other two into the forest.