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shades of cool - Printable Version

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shades of cool - Finn - June 30, 2014

@Fox ;)

If it weren't for the mantle of clouds that veiled the sun at that time in the afternoon, Finn would've been obliged to take a dip in the lake to keep fresh. Although in the silver boy's mind there was no one 'fresher' than him. He had the looks and the swag charisma to spare.

He was laying under the shade of a big tree, his eyes fluttering lazily from side to side. There was not another living thing in sight, and honestly Finn couldn't care less. After the close call he had had with a cougar just a couple of days before he was relieved to have a little time for himself.

Of course he kept his initial mission at the back of his mind. After he had strayed from his mother's side, he had been determined in roaming the lands, seeing all there was to see behind the mountan range that had confined him for the majority of his life, peeing in every tree and if possible finding ladies to charm. Now if only the heat of the afternoon would fade he could be on his paws again, sticking his nose in all the wrong places.

RE: shades of cool - RIP Fox - July 01, 2014

Fox was squatting at the southernmost border of her beloved pack when she caught wind of him. It was the distinctly musky smell that screamed male, and Fox was curious enough to investigate. She had plenty of picks in the creek... until something better came along. Stepping lightly toward the stranger, she approached him with apprehension and unease, and it would be up to him to soothe the tension that was ripe in the air.

He was, after all, not one of her own, and he lingered close enough to their lands to be a threat. And yet... he carried the scent of no others. Perhaps he could be brought back to the creek and put to good use. Fox often brought them back, even if they did not stay for very long at all. Her posture, while uneasy, was unthreatening, and once she was a few yards away from him, she stopped, allowing him the next move. The wound across her chest, while not healed, had dried and would only be noticeable on closer inspection.

RE: shades of cool - Finn - July 01, 2014

this could go either really well or really badly.. i'm taking a gamble xD
After a while the silence became boring, there was truly nothing around him, not even a freaking fly buzzing. The boy rolled on his back and kicked his legs in the air in order to release some of his never-ending energy and mask his scent with the enviroment. Or rather leave his scent in the enviroment.

He didn't even notice he was not alone until he rolled back and turned his head towards the horizon, where a silhouette lined with fire approached him. He immidiately raised his head and pricked his ears towards her. It was a her, his nose told him so. "Welcome!" he called to her, even if it was him who was close to her borders.

As soon as she stopped, Finn flashed her a malicious smile and thumped his tail against the ground, "I was wondering were all the pretty ladies were at" he barked. He was a young cassanova and his flattery-based strategy worked well with the ladies--well for the most part. He then stood up slowly and took a couple of steps forward, stopping at decent distance. "What's your name, sweetcheeks?" he barked coyly.

RE: shades of cool - RIP Fox - July 02, 2014

Haha, awesome. This is going to be fun!

Fox quirked a brow at his greeting, but considering he did not seem threatening, her posture remained neutral and at least somewhat inviting. If he did not know that she liked being flattered, he was a very good guesser. Or he just did this to everybody... but Fox was less likely to believe that. She cracked a grin soon after he spoke of her being "pretty," and it only widened when he adorned her with a pet name.

“Fox,” she replied, “And yours?” He was bold and forward, two qualities that so many of her suitors had failed to display in any meaningful way. “Unless you just want me to call you Mr. Hunky.” That was a jest, but she'd given worse nicknames in the past.

RE: shades of cool - Finn - July 05, 2014

Finn retuned the smile, pride swelling over his chest as he conquered the first obstacle of flirting. He had caught her attention, she was hooked like a fish on a rod now he'd just have to keep pulling until she was out of the water flopping crazily to get more of him--like all the girls he met did.Ok maybe it wasn't that way, more often than not he had gotten his behind bitten by a lady, and they weren't love bites.

Still things seemed to be going well with the fiery lady, "Feisty Fox" he mused while one of those Hollywood bad boy smiles tugged gently at his lips. He looked like a Calvein Klein model by he way the light flickered across his back and shoulders, and then after Fox's cute little nickname he even felt like one.

"Hmm I like it," he laughed while wagging his tail, "My real name is Finn, at your disposal" he barked with a quick dip of his head, but nowhere as charming as his father's.

RE: shades of cool - RIP Fox - July 14, 2014

I love that avatar!

“Finn and Fox,” she said, tasting his name on her tongue. “Fundamentally fantastic, wouldn’t you say?” Nothing wrong with a little wordplay, right? He was young, fit, and had that certain quality that made him likable. It was a quality that so many others lacked, and if she'd had more brainpower, she would have thought on this quality some more. Thankfully, it was only a fluttering thought before she resumed the conversation, not allowing him much time at all to answer her rhetorical question.

“And what does that mean?” she asked, “At my disposal?” Did that mean he would go to the ends of the earth and do whatever she said? Because if that was the case, he had just blown his chance. Despite what she often radiated, Fox did not want somebody who would do her every bidding. Instead, she searched for something more than that. What it was, she couldn't quite pinpoint... but when she found it, she would know.

RE: shades of cool - Finn - July 16, 2014

Oh that little back and forth, he could do it all day if he could. Like a constant battle of clever responses and captivating body movements, he had expertise in this field but he had to admit she was a great opponent. "I'd say it's more like a Flawless Formula" he breathed as he took a tentative step towards her, not realizing his next answer could turn their encounter into a fiasco.

His eyes ran along the curves of her cheeks and down to her neck, making their way to her breast where he found the nasty scar Jace had given the poor little redhead. At that same time she threw the question that would reveal if he was indeed of her interest. His gaze lingered on the scar before answering, "It means you can use and abuse" he barked slowly, feeling a sudden tingle between his thighs.

"Got a little forget-me-not present there?" he asked while pointing at the scar with his muzzle.

RE: shades of cool - RIP Fox - July 17, 2014

Fox grinned at his wordplay, but didn't chime in with her own this time around. Instead, she listened to him answer his question, and watched him closely as he moved forward. "Use and abuse," she repeated in her head, wondering exactly what he meant by that. She was plenty used to abusing others, but "using" others was a different matter entirely. Unless she counted the times her comrades brought her gifts of food and pelts.

But Finn was quick to change the subject, and she tucked her chin inward instinctively. “Something like that,” she replied, “You might say I’m a bit of a troublemaker.” And firecracker, too. Fox lived to throw chaos into the world, and she happened to be pretty damn good at it.

RE: shades of cool - Finn - July 23, 2014

Once the distance between them was reduced again, Finn searched her eyes, she had pulled away when he mentioned her scar, and like a prowling tiger he advanced, stretching his elongated neck to sniff curiously at her neck. He paid no heed to the scar now, she didn't wan't to make her feel uncomfortable --though he doubted the fiery female could be easily intimidated.

A wide grin took over his face when she spoke again, "Pretty and peppy" he mused while his eyes lingered across the contour of her face. "What else ah darling?" he breathed while feeling the tingling sensation between his thighs escalate to a burn that was hard to ignore.

RE: shades of cool - RIP Fox - July 28, 2014

I'm going to pull Fox from this, since I'm trying to wrap up her pre-BDP threads. We should have another once she's settled in!

Finn grew closer, and Fox felt in that moment as if she were being pulled in two directions. The first was pulling her closer to him, and she wanted to let him envelope her in a lover's embrace. But the second, stronger pull was toward the creek. “I… I have to go,” she sputtered suddenly, feeling as if she had no other choice.

“You can find me in Swiftcurrent Creek,” she added, wanting to make sure their meeting wasn't for nothing. Giving him a little shake of her hips, she bounded toward the creek with her heart racing and her eyes on fire.

RE: shades of cool - Finn - July 28, 2014

yes we should definitely have another onee
tho Fox was already snatched by Perry & Lasher lol

Another step taken by the frost male positioned his snout a few inches away from hers. They were sharing the air now. His eyes slid around the lines that contoured their eyes, he crept closer. Closer.

But as he was reaching out to touch her with his snout she muttered an goodbye that killed entirely his intentions of advancing. With his blood still broiling with the passion of the burning sun, Finn watched the lady bound away. His olive eyes still rejoiced in her escaping silhouette, as he made a mental note to pop by the creek sometime in the future.