Wolf RPG
Otter Creek Every day, a very Scooby-Doo-Day (solar eclipse event) - Printable Version

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Every day, a very Scooby-Doo-Day (solar eclipse event) - Horcrux - June 30, 2014

Mees had now an official job; ghost hunter. He wasn't sure where his Alpha -- his leader -- had disappeared to. With the fading scents it was literally into thin air. So far the young male was too positive-minded to belief that it was really happening, wolves that were supposed to be his family were fading away. It was the second time now. Except this time he did remember his new-called family. Trying out a new strategy, Mees nimble paws carried him towards Otter Creek. Mister SmartPants -- aka Mees -- figured out that a wolf, any loner, had the best opportunity to be alive and kicking with a plenty supply of water on his side. Not only would plenty of prey come here, anyone could always quench his thirst every time and any time.

The midnight-painted male was too caught up with playing a detective by sniffing the ground and following vague scents that he hadn't noticed how the day turned to night from one moment to the next. Confused, as he was certain he made the promise only to explore during the day, Mees said out loud. "Woah, who turned off the light?!?" Randomly narrowing his eyes, he blamed a sudden bird that flew by. "Did you do that, fluffy?" It was only then the not-so-subtle male noticed how the moon blocked off the sun. It was something he had never seen -- or experienced -- before.

RE: Every day, a very Scooby-Doo-Day (solar eclipse event) - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 02, 2014

Ferdie had wandered far from home in his quest to find other wolves to join his family, he looked mostly for lone wolves so as to not offend the other packs. But so far he had had no luck. He was crisscrossing his own path making way back toward The Sunspire when he felt the sky darken, he looked up confused there was no clouds in the sky, what happened to the sun?? He turned round and round looking for it, almost blinding himself when he saw it he watched the over shadowing circle in the sky and frowned, Was this another ill omen? he should probably get back home,

Still staring up at the sky confused he nearly collided with the wolf whom was talking to a bird. Pulling himself upright, he knew better then to judge, for he actually spoke to an owl whom had learned the wolf language on a regular basis.

Hi! He offered more brightly then he normally did, trying to make up for the near collision.

RE: Every day, a very Scooby-Doo-Day (solar eclipse event) - Horcrux - July 02, 2014

There wasn't a cloud in sight, instead his amber eyes narrowed when slowly a black orb pulled in front of the bright sun, creating a near dark situation when it was just daylight. For a second Mees had been freaked out as he was clueless to what was happening. Had he been part of a native tribe, he might have screamed and shouted that the world was about to go into an apocalypse but he wasn't that scared. Instead there was a big, invisible question mark floating above his head. All the while he was staring at a black circle with enormous, bright flaming light while the rest of the world was completely dark. Neither orange nor grey; it almost appeared as if this orb was a child of the Sun and the Moon.

"Hello.." Mees replied kindly to the other male. Somehow the yearling was actually glad he wasn't alone; that way he was certain he simply wasn't imagining things when he would try to explain to others what he just saw. "I'm Mees." The male added casually while he gave Ferdie a quick, friendly glimpse before his eyes climbed back to nature's phenomenon. "Do you know what's going on out here? It almost feels as if somebody turned off a light switch. It's day, yet it appears to be night. Strange!"

RE: Every day, a very Scooby-Doo-Day (solar eclipse event) - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 03, 2014

Ferdie Von Pelt was no naturalist yet he wanted to learn however he did not know a single wolf to teach him. None had come near his home in The Sunspire so he could pick their brain.

He shook his head and pressed his lips together looking over his shoulder, indeed it had gotten darker. His skin quivered under his perfectly groomed pelt, and he looked back at Mees trying to discern what he remembered from his early puphood

No I don't but if I remember correctly it'll past soon enough and don't look directly at the sun... He huffed head drooping a bit, feeling defeated That's all I know Ferdie frowned he could not explain why or what exactly was happening.

I'm Ferdie Von Pelt... he sat down a scratched behind his ear with a back paw, um... where do you come from? He was looking for small talk to get his mind off the solar eclipse

RE: Every day, a very Scooby-Doo-Day (solar eclipse event) - Horcrux - July 04, 2014

His bright, orange eyes were narrowed into splits as he accepted the advice from the other wolf who said not to look directly into the sun. By instinct he tried to steal a few glimpses but beyond that, he did nothing because Mees did not want to be blinded on sight. However, the remark of the Sunspire wolf was an interesting one because if he collected this answer from his memory, it meant that this solar eclipse had happened before. "So have you seen this happening before?"

Mees asked curious, wanting to know if Ferdie had witness such a phenomenon of nature with his own eyes or -- another possibility -- whether he was speaking wise words told from stories and generations ago. "I'm from Stavanger Bay." He explained, even though his acceptance into the pack was relatively new, he decided that the twisted turn of events that took place within Wheeling Gull Isle would be buried. "Where are you from? You smell like a pack wolf." Ah, curiosity killed the cat. All the while, the solar eclipse was only lasting a few minutes, soon the moon would move again.

RE: Every day, a very Scooby-Doo-Day (solar eclipse event) - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 06, 2014

I must apologize, I storm hit the province I live in were were without power for a few days ugh....

Ferdie Von Pelt was not going to be very useful in his answer Yes and no... I remember vaguely something like this from my early puphood were were rushed to the den since our mother didn't trust us not to look. It's actually my first memory Ferdie snorted as he came upon that realization.

I am alpha of The Sunspire, I was out hoping to find and gather more wolves to our mountain, the winter will be harsh without a lot of wolves to help make a hunt successful He did not mention needed more member to stand up to the conflict with Swiftcurrent Creek that was not knowledge that needed to be shared.

Ferdie offered a smile at the other wolf, I am not asking you to join us, just that I was out for a stroll when this happened. I do not wish to steal wolves from other packs, we do not need a war the sun suddenly flashed brightly behind Ferdie as the moon began it's exit from the bright circle. Ferdie squeezed his eye sshut quickly and dared not look up. Do you like Stavanger Bay? I've never heard of it strange I thought I have been all over the place