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Moonspear I make the moves up as I go - Printable Version

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I make the moves up as I go - Speedy - October 24, 2018

She had explored the forest at the base of the mountain inside and out. Forests were usually good for scavenging herbs, but the one on her new territory was so dense and dark that it didn't offer enough sunlight for a lot useful herbs to grow. It was fine, though; there was another wooded area just outside the territory that Speedy had been gathering plants from even before she joined Moonspear. She actually had an herb cache there and had spent a day after first arriving here to move her plants from there to a new cache hidden safely within the borders of her new home.

The empath had spent most of the morning gathering more witch hazel and elder bark to add to her cache. There was plenty of it in the woods near the lake where her old cache had been. Once she had a good collection, Speedy crossed back over the borders, moving quickly and with purpose, mouth full of plants and bark. Winter was steadily approaching, and she wanted to have enough plants stored to last through the cold season.

RE: I make the moves up as I go - Hydra - October 27, 2018

Hydra had wanted to give both of the new packmates time to settle and acclimate prior to checking in on them; age and experience had leant her knowledge that brought her to this route. When she was but a yearling and had not traveled far from Moonspear at all, she was instantly upon the newcomers, expecting their reception of her to be sterling. But she understood better now the exhaustion that came from long journeys, and so she gave Slavik and Speedy both some time to themselves. 

Not too much time, mind. Hydra was eager to note that one of the newcomers was already integrating herself, and mingled with her scent was the familiar herbal attachment that Lyra also carried. The scent of a healer, she knew. Hydra caught the sight of Speedy with her mouth full as she minded the borders, and deciding it was as good a time as any to better know the medicine woman, Hydra's stride lengthened as she headed toward her. The proud Ostrega chuffed to alert the other of her presence. Need any help? So long as none of those are toxic, she quipped. Lyra had, while experimenting, found that such herbs existed that did have a purpose in the healing process. And some, Lyra had learned by trial, had none at all. Many a woodland creature had suffered the consequence of that... but others survived and thrived—until the triplets, or any of their family, hungered.

RE: I make the moves up as I go - Speedy - October 31, 2018

Her busy pace was halted by the arrival of one of the leaders that had greeted her at the borders the first night she had come to Moonspear. Speedy dipped her head respectfully in greeting before placing her mouthful on the ground. No, they're not toxic, she answered with a smile. They're both good for wounds, she explained further. Speedy then divided the pile in half nosed one of the now smaller piles towards Hydra. I was just taking them to my cache. Help would be great. She smiled again before picking up her bundle and turning to head towards her intended destination. She glanced back at the other woman and lifted her head to indicate which direction she was heading.

RE: I make the moves up as I go - Hydra - October 31, 2018

Once Speedy confirmed for her that none were toxic, Hydra approached the pile she had deposited for her. The Beta sniffed the materials there for added measure before she moved to pick them up. She was gentle, and gripped them with a soft mouth, herbs waving in the wind outside of her jowls. She nodded to reveal she saw the direction Speedy was headed, and wondered if she would be making a new herbal den for herself or sharing Lyra's. Perhaps she did not yet know of Lyra's... she wouldn't, would she? Hydra would have to show her. They were united in their effort to care for their own, were they not? And sometimes others, though only when it served them. She moved to Speedy's flank, tail swaying at a slow pace as they moved. The Beta was in good spirits this day, and it showed in her loose stride.

RE: I make the moves up as I go - Speedy - November 07, 2018

They traveled in silence since both of their mouths were full of plants, but they didn't have far to go. They reached her place in the mountain where she had made her den; she was currently storing her plants in there, so it was full of all different kinds of herbs, the scents of them wafting towards her as she passed through the entrance. It was one of her favorite smells in the world, mostly because it reminded her of her mom. She dropped the plant in a pile of the same kind of herb before turning to her beta. Right here is good, she said with a smile as she took a few steps back to allow the other woman farther into her den. Thank for the help, she said after a few seconds, her smile widening with gratitude.

RE: I make the moves up as I go - Hydra - December 01, 2018

When they arrived, Hydra heeded her instruction, the acrid scent of plants infiltrating her nose and causing her muzzle to wrinkle. Though the flora healed, combined it concocted a sharp scent that was displeasing to her for a moment. She was plenty used to the scent, what with having visited Lyra's own herbal den when her sister was busy with it, but it was always a shock the first instant to her. Not at all like the scent of blood and meat. 

Clearing her nose with a soft snort, the Beta surveyed the others medicinal repository, impressed and pleased. You have been hard at work already, Hydra observed, gaze shifting to Speedy. Where did you learn about all these herbs? She inquired next; some, to her eye, were unfamiliar. But this area was far from her forte.

RE: I make the moves up as I go - Speedy - December 05, 2018

She smiled at Hydra's first statement. Yeah, I know your sister is healer as well, but I wanted to make sure I had enough stored for winter just in case. You can never over prepare winter, she answered. She had been glad to keep so busy, it helped her familiarize herself with the territory and gave her an outlet for all of her energy she would have used wandering before joining Moonspear. 

The beta then asked about where she had learned her healing knowledge. My mom taught me a lot before I left; I was her apprentice, she started, the familiar twinge of sadness forming in her chest like it always did when she talked about her family. She missed them, but she did what she needed to do, and she had no regrets. I learned even more during my time as a lone wolf over the the summer and fall, she added, smile returning to her face. Being on my own taught me a lot of things. Some were learned the hard way, of course. It was certainly an enlightening experience, and she was incredibly thankful to have been able to wander for as long as she did. She would miss it, but she was already remembering why she liked pack life so much, so she figured once it warmed up, she would wander periodically to get her fix but be glad she had a safe home to come back to.