Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek Fish - Printable Version

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Fish - Shadow - July 01, 2014

Shadow sat patiently at the edge of the creek, his eyes scanning the waters for any sign of fish. A small fish leaped out of the water and in a flash, Shadow's paw caught it and sank his teeth into the small body before tearing away the meat.

It was too small for his liking and he was still hungry so he concentrated on the still clear water again, hoping for some bigger prey that would take away the edge of his hunger.

RE: Fish - Farkas - July 01, 2014

Farkas swallowed the remains of the squirrel and trotted to the creek for a drink. It had only been a few days since he had arrived at his new pack so he didn't know much wolves from the pack other than Fox, the alpha and Bazi the beta.

He decided that today he would try to meet some new wolves in the pack. Farkas followed the flow of the creek, sniffing the air every few steps to check if any Creek wolves were here. Then a wolf scent floated towards him.

A silver furred wolf sat near the creek, intently staring at the water. "Hello." called Farkas.

RE: Fish - Shadow - July 01, 2014

"Hello." said a wolf interrupting his concentration. Irritated, Shadow turned to glare at the intruder. From his scent it was a male wolf, a newcomer. And Shadow couldn't chase him off without reason so he scowled at the wolf grumpily.

"How may I help you?" he said sarcastically as he turned his attention back to the water, ignoring the pawsteps. He knew that the wolf wouldn't dare go too near so he didn't take his eyes off the water.

A big silver fish flashed through the water, Shadow's experienced paws scooped it out of the water and smacked it against the rock, knocking its brains around. Then slowly he bit into the tasty flesh and sighed happily.

RE: Fish - Farkas - July 04, 2014

Farkas watched as the other wolf tore at the flesh of the fish, he seemed irritated that Farkas had interrupted him fishing but he still decided to introduce himself. "Hey you must also be from Swiftcurrent Creek, I'm Farkas and I'm new.

Farkas edged a bit closer, hoping that the other wolf wouldn't notice. He did, by the twitch of his ears but he didn't object so Farkas trotted a bit closer and stopped.

Then he turned and faced the water, he hadn't been good at fishing as he was at hunting land prey but he sensed he had to impress the other wolf.

RE: Fish - Shadow - July 07, 2014

Shadow stared in amusement at Farkas's back as he looked into the clear water, it was obvious that he wasn't really good at fishing. It took skill and grace but from his stocky build he was more of strength that grace.

Quietly he tore at the flesh of the fish and swallowed, "Do you even know how to fish?" he called out, not unkindly. "You don't seem like you know what to do at all, haven't you at least fished once in your whole life?"