Wolf RPG
Wheeling Gull Isle run the voodoo down - Printable Version

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run the voodoo down - Dingo - November 01, 2018

Actually located on the sand-bar leading to the island. Could work for a trade if you need one!

He'd followed the coast for a day or two. The coconut entertained him for a little while but when it got stuck one too many times, he abandoned it. Perhaps in the days to come, the giant seed would root itself in the sand and there would be one more alien tree sprouting along the coast...? Dingo was not aware that's what he'd done; this propogation of a weird tree species was far from his mind. He wanted to propogate his own species — y'dig?

But so far his return to the wilds had been one long romantic walk on the beach, or something close. It wasn't altogether romatic. He was alone. And it wasn't the best time to be wandering along the beach either, not with autumn on its way out and the frigid winds getting colder by the day. He was doing his best to remain optimistic about his future — certainly he'd find some damsel in distress and charm the pants off of her, but at this point Dingo would've accepted the lure of a Nereides' song.

He was freezing his butt off when he stumbled upon a bend in the sand, and after following it for a good portion of his morning, stopped in his tracks. There was a half-buried carcass settled there. It didn't have any meat on it. It looked gargantuan - bigger than a wolf at the very least - but the bones were bleached white and there were barnacles encrusting the lower bits. It was definitely a mood killer.

RE: run the voodoo down - Cephaloryn - November 01, 2018

Rokig had stayed close to Undersea lately. Minding his own business and guarding the island. Typical things he did. Granted he had been feeling a bit strange after the whole bird incident. He tried his best to ignore it. Which was considerably hard but whatever. Fishing could distract him and scouting could too. Not that he considered himself an actual scout because he just...was not built for that line of work.

He wandered along the sandbar that morning with hopes of finding something to go after. Something not feathery. He did indeed spot something not feathery but it wasn't something he could hunt. A soft sigh escaped him but he took what he could get.

A low whuff escaped him as he approached the other, practically ignoring the half-buried carcass.

RE: run the voodoo down - Dingo - November 01, 2018

Dingo was investigating the carcass, trying to determine if it was worth stealing a bone off of it, but as he rounded the thing he noticed a canine shape; this spooked him, he hadn't heard the wolf coming, and he stopped in his tracks. But the stranger didn't seem bothered. He wasn't interested in the bones either, which Dingo presumed to mean he could do whatever he wanted. So he sought out a smaller rib bone (which was still garganguan since the body was that of a beached seal or something), and began to work at it. His teeth dug grooves in to the shaft of the bone, and soon he'd slobbered all over the connection point to the exposed sternum. He didn't hear the stranger's low sound of greeting.

But when Dingo finally paused to take a breather (standing awkwardly on his hind legs while positioning himself with his forelegs, feeling warm from his face to his shoulders after all the activity), he saw the wolf again. They were watching him, and he didn't like it. Oi, you mind? Help me get a bone or don't, but quit starin'! Truthfully, he didn't mind the stranger's eyes on him; but he felt a little uh, exposed.

RE: run the voodoo down - Cephaloryn - November 01, 2018

The stranger's words caught him off guard but he figured there was no shame in helping. Tit for tat? I help you get a rib for yourself and you help me get something to bring back to my home? Truthfully, Rokig planned on helping anyway but why not try to bring something back for Undersea if he could? His tail easily swished behind him as he moved forward. The stranger had effectively slobbered all over one of the ribs but there was still plenty for the Seawolf to take back home.

I'll push on the sternum, perhaps we can crack the rib off. Rokig positioned his paws up onto the connecting piece for the ribs and began to lean all of his weight into it. Lucky for them he was a short and stocky fellow with plenty of force to give.

RE: run the voodoo down - Dingo - November 01, 2018

The stranger was talking but as soon as he started, Dingo was giggling like an eighth-grader learning about sex for the first time, charmed by the way they spoke. Mostly it was the phrase tit for tat; Dingo found it inexplicably funny, and was trying to hold back his laughter lest the movement make him lose balance. He steadied himself by hooking a paw across a rib, which also inadvertently made his hips square off to the rest of the carcass and upon realizing his nibs were close to those rough-hewn barnacles, he spooked back, and fell to his four paws.

Sure dude, sure, he agreed hastily, trying not to sound weirded out; Dingo was also trying to inspect his groin in case he had gotten too close, but after a few dips of his nose and awkward positions of his neck, he gave up, and looked to the stranger with a grin on his face. Whats uh, whats a sternum?

RE: run the voodoo down - Cephaloryn - November 09, 2018

He didn't really understand the other but he opted to ignore it for now. Rokig just wanted to get this food and go back home. He had felt so useless sense the attack on Undersea from the male. This had to be a turn around for his luck. Hopefully.

It's, uh, the part that holds all the ribs together. He explained with a soft tap of one of his broad paws. Now. He hummed as a soft order, no sternness to his tone. Rokig once again began to push his weight into the expose bone of the carcass.