Wolf RPG
Totoka River Don't drink the from the water place, its salty. - Printable Version

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Don't drink the from the water place, its salty. - Autumn - July 01, 2014

either pack's members as well as wild faunas and lone wolves can join. anyone who can roleplay.
Autumn sat by the edge of the river where it connected to the ocean. Earlier she drank the water from the river farther up the shore. That was before it tasted like pure salt. When she first saw the ocean she thought it was a huge source of fresh delicious water. She learned it was salty the hard way after taking a few huge gulps. Autumn Juniper now chuckled at the memory. She glanced all along the shore.
A little bird had recently told her the pack gossip. A rumor that many of the packs were moving their territories or planning to. Ugh. Hopefully the wolves wouldn't get in her way. She had just begun to figure out where they all currently stayed. The whole Teekon Wilds was too abundant in wolves in her opinion. Some are nice, yes. Others- pessimists with no smarts and all strength. Wolves who cared only for 'win, WIN, WIN!!!' and bloodshed. Others that she'd met were the kind ones- Osprey Jr. and Ypres. Rumor of the birds was that many alphas were cruel for a while. But now the Wilds are mostly full of kind wolves who dream of peace and love and loyalty. Good. Autumn hoped to make peace with at least one wolf from each pack. Then she would always have at least one wolf supporter. Wolves tended to believe other wolves more than foxes. Autumn Juniper wouldn't blame em. Autumn had learned the way to deceive most animals without a trace, as well as tell through body language if they lied. She rarely used her deceiving skills though, as there was no need. Hospitality was better than lies.

RE: Don't drink the from the water place, its salty. - Laksha - July 02, 2014

She left the cougar who was positively giddy for her with his friends on the Isle. The White Ghost did not care much for the sea and she wanted to get back to the mainland. Crossing the waters left her absolutely cold and shivering, covered in salt water and spitting it out. Why was this lake so salty? It was disgusting.

Shaking her pelt, her blood-red eyes searched for a clean water source. Close to her location was a river. The albino puma purred and headed towards the river, dunking her head in and drinking deep. "Good waterrr...." she purred. Finishing, the puma looked up towards the great water again, wondering if there was another side to the "lake". In the corner of her eye was a little red bundle. Another fox? She was full of the things, perhaps even sick of them. "Foxx....."

RE: Don't drink the from the water place, its salty. - Autumn - July 02, 2014

Autumn Juniper noticed the pure white cougar. She watched as the cougar drank some water and looked toward the sea. Autumn could hear her mutter 'Foxx.....'. "Hello, Cougar! Nice day, isn't it?" Autumn smiled and wagged her puffy tail in greeting. She had seen cougars where she was born, but never spoken to any. She wondered what they were like.

Mom had never said much about cougars. Since in Autumn's family they were all so close, they always stuck together and nobody happened to be near the cougars. She made a list of the animals she had seen when she was a pup. Cougar, bighorn sheep, goat, falcon, hawk, grizzly. Those were the main ones she had always seen. The goats were delicious prey, she remembered. The best.

RE: Don't drink the from the water place, its salty. - Laksha - July 03, 2014

Strangely, this fox did not shy or run away from her. No, she just smiled and greeted her happily, wagging her tail. The voices started whispering in her head again: See red.....red....blood....kill....kill.... But she pushed the urge away. She was full and she did not want to taste fox meat for a long while. For once she could be friendly with the little canine.

"I guesss...." she hissed, sitting up straight. "Did you see the ssun dissappearr before...? That wass strange...." The sun turning black and leaving the world dark as night had scared every creature around. Even she was frightened of the darkness. Darkness was good, but light was good too. Life needed light and she needed lives to destroy to calm the voices in her head.

RE: Don't drink the from the water place, its salty. - Autumn - July 03, 2014

"It sure was! The whole thing vanished except for the rays. It burned my eyes to look at it." She remembered the odd feeling of seeing something so strange. Never had she seen something so odd, even since she was a pup at the base of Silvertip, playing with Vulpus and Storm. It was truly an odd sight. "How'd you react? Truth is, I hated the way every bird and bee got eerily silent. But I guess I was silent too out of awe."

RE: Don't drink the from the water place, its salty. - Laksha - July 04, 2014

When the sun turned black, Laksha thought of a myth her mother told her siblings. She was kicked out of the den at the time, but with her developing stealth she managed to get into a good place to listen. The myth detailed the sun being stolen by the evil black puma Diablos only to be returned by the great Ares' roar. In her insane state Laksha had roared at it, thinking that she was powerful enough to return the sun back to its normal state.

"I roarred.....like thee Great Aress would...."

RE: Don't drink the from the water place, its salty. - Autumn - July 04, 2014

"Who happens to be the Great Ares? Would you tell me?" Autumn asked. Autumn did not know that this was a legend of Laksha's, but Autumn's family had told her a legend very similar, slightly changed because they were foxes. Diablos in the story was called Death Shadow, a wolf and The Great Ares was a fennec fox called Sun Light. Sun Light told Death Shadow to come down and the wolf refused. So Sun Light got two hawks to carry him to the sun. Sun Light shoved Death Shadow off the sun and stood in his place, illuminating the land. The legends must of started the same and changed a bit for each animal. Cougars and pumas, foxes and wolves, and probably wolves and bears or rabbits and foxes or worms and sparrows. Autumn wondered about this Great Ares.

RE: Don't drink the from the water place, its salty. - Laksha - July 04, 2014

It was the first time someone had asked her of the myths she believed in. Maybe that was because she was often a snarling, rabid cougar who either creeped out or scared other animals. Then there was Rocky and his family, but they were of another sort. She blinked, shaking her head to disappaite the voices that were threatening to rise again. This fox was different.

"Aress iss ourr Herro off Warr....Therre arree many taless off hiss endevourrss.....too many too lisst...."

RE: Don't drink the from the water place, its salty. - Autumn - July 06, 2014

"Wow! Is he caring, and protective?" Autumn said, as these were fine characteristics for a hero to go along with courage and strength. But then a thought came to mind. Hero of War... They mustn't center around his kindness and that if his main thing is war, she thought with a chuckle. "Never mind, he is a war hero? Who does he war against?" Autumn asked the white feline. Perhaps he warred against other cougars or maybe bears or wolves or spirits. At least, Autumn assumed that a cougar's hero would be a cougar of some sort.

RE: Don't drink the from the water place, its salty. - Laksha - July 06, 2014

Laksha looked confused at Autumn's first question. Caring? Protective? For the first one no, he was male, males are rarely like that. The latter? Kind of....he did protect the cougars from their enemies. She supposed that was protective. "He warrss againsst any who threatensss uss...." That could be a myriad of things: wolves, bears, other cougars, famine, humans, earthquakes, birds of prey (for the young ones). "It iss said in some legendss....that iff he stopss fighting......he diess....."

RE: Don't drink the from the water place, its salty. - Autumn - July 14, 2014

sorry for the small, late response!
@Laksha you can fade out in the next post I just need us to exit this thread soon.
Edit: Fading here since the character is inactive.

"Oh. Well that's a bit of a tough life. If you stop fighting ya die, but fighting just raises your chances of dying." Autumn would never want a life of fighting. She hated to fight, although she liked to mock or deceive only if it was someone she really hated. Though she wished she was a bit taller, or maybe stronger, because she wouldn't be as commonly ignored. But luckily she made herself stand out. Wolves always seemed to expect her to run away, but she like to converse or compete with them. But she had places to be, the sun was falling swiftly. She called a friendly bye back towards the bone white cougar and hurried on her way, no fear of the cougar motivated her.