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Fairspell Meadow I am drawn to you - Printable Version

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I am drawn to you - Corvus - November 09, 2018

For @Alarian. ♥

Finally, he was finally able to make his return to Blacktail Deer Plateau. Various questions and concerned nagged his mind as he walked, but he would have his answers... for better or for worse. Fortunately, Corvus wasn't one to get worked up over much of anything. He was just grateful to be back on his feet — and to even be alive to do so. He missed his outings dearly, as being stuck in one place was nearly unbearable to the nomad. His caretaker was too stern to allow him out before he was absolutely ready, which was admittedly for the best.

Corvus moved at an unusually quickened pace, making a beeline for the plateau. It was obvious he had his destination locked in his mind. Even more unusual was the time of day he travelled at, for the sun was at its peak in the sky. He simply didn't want to wait a moment longer than what was necessary, and being in the woman's care meant he had to adopt a diurnal lifestyle. He paid attention only to the space in front of him, for that was the direction he was traveling in. It was all that mattered, right now.

It was clear now just how attached to this pack he'd become.

RE: I am drawn to you - Alarian - November 10, 2018

The sun is high in the sky, but he's cold as hell. He's wandered far from Easthollow, past the mountains he'd sworn off once upon a time. Now crossing them hardly phases him; he's since learned that things like danger and evil are as capable of crossing mountains as he is. And this meadow is still lovely, even dusted with the coming winter's first offering of snow. He shivers a little harder as the thought crosses his mind.
He's about to start heading home when an approaching figure catches his attention. The stranger is moving quickly, with an obvious determination to his gait. He's set on a path to pass right by Alarian with some berth between them, assuming he doesn't notice him. The man cuts a striking dark figure against the pale, somewhat dreary landscape; he can't help but stop to watch for a moment, thinking of Outlander and feeling strange about it. Maybe those voyeuristic tendencies are rubbing off on him, because he doesn't feel any need to greet the stranger. He's content to watch him pass by, and to ponder whatever mission he might have.

RE: I am drawn to you - Corvus - November 10, 2018

Corvus didn't even notice his secret admirer until he was about to pass him. It seemed the man had seen some hardships in his past, judging from the scars on his face, the most notable around his damaged eye. He seemed content to simply stare in silence. The shadow slowed to a stop and offered him an amused smirk. While eager to return to his pack, he'd need to stop now and again, anyway. Do you need something? He asked the stranger, wondering if there were a pressing reason for his ogling. Some would've asked the question with more bite, but Corvus wasn't bothered by stares.

RE: I am drawn to you - Alarian - November 10, 2018

Eventually the man notices him, and immediately his ears flush with heat, flattening briefly to his skull as he registers the smirk. Oh — he's hot. He glances away briefly as the man speaks, heat creeping up his cheeks now despite his attempts to crush the feeling, but his gaze is drawn back after a moment. The man is attractive in the way a particularly finely-crafted dagger might be (if Alarian knew what those were, anyway), sharp even at a glance and oddly magnetic. His eyes remind him of Eris.
Um, He swallows and tries to remember how to speak, reminded of meeting Samothes and Mahler for the first time. Somehow, he hasn't gotten any better at this. No? He winces a little; he hadn't meant it to come out like a question, but there it is, and lord help this poor stranger if he doesn't happen to have a firm answer either.

RE: I am drawn to you - Corvus - November 11, 2018

Upon being noticed, the man became flustered and looked away. Corvus' smirk spread into a grin. His answer was a "no", but it sounded very unsure. Corvus tilted his head. Was he just enjoying the view? It was flattering, in an awkward way. Well, he'd already come full-stop, so he may as well make something out of it. Connections were always good. The man smelled of a pack — it was vaguely familiar, actually. Wasn't that the same pack that uptight woman he fought and the bearish man were from? The direction this stranger was traveling from also matched its location, though he was quite far from home.

Brushing over the man's strange answer, Corvus said, I am Corvus. What brings you out here?

RE: I am drawn to you - Alarian - November 14, 2018

Maybe he should be relieved when the man decides to simply introduce himself as if nothing weird has happened at all. He's not. Instead he feels more anxious than ever, shifting slightly on his paws. I uh, I'm sorry for um, staring — I mean, I didn't mean to, I just — He swallows hard. Sorry. I'm Alarian. Um — I'm just kind of exploring. I like to travel. What um, brought you out here? Now that he's a little less distracted, he notes the scent of pack on the other. No pack he knows of, which interests him almost as much as the stranger himself.

RE: I am drawn to you - Corvus - November 14, 2018

Words stumbled out of the man's mouth in the form of an apology before he awkwardly moved on to his own introduction. A vaguely amused expression remained on Corvus' face while he did. So his name was Alarian. To his returned question, Corvus answered, I'd be doing the same, but I am returning to my pack. If they'll have me, He added internally. If not, it wouldn't be the biggest deal to him... as long as he could see Minori again.

RE: I am drawn to you - Alarian - December 01, 2018

so sorry for the wait, want to wrap this up?
He feels guilty at the relief that washes over him when the man provides the perfect excuse to cut this awkward interaction short. Oh — you shouldn't let me hold you up, then, He says, and he does mean it; that sounds way more important than whatever weird conversation they might be about to fumble through. I um, hope you reach your pack safely. It was nice to meet you — maybe we'll run into each other again someday. And then he's pretty much ready to flee leave. So with a final goodbye, he does exactly that.