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Swiftcurrent Creek whoop, there it is - Printable Version

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whoop, there it is - RIP Fox - July 02, 2014

This is for @Farkas, and takes place before Fox's thread with Haunter (since that thread gonna be whack).

The heat was unbearable. The humidity wasn't making it any better, and Fox had taken to spending the hottest part of the day wading in the pack's namesake source of water. She was laying so that the water covered her back, but so that her head was still above the water for easy breathing. And yet, she still panted. That was how hot it was. She could only imagine that others would flock here soon enough, considering the circumstances. Fox would welcome their presence with open arms, glad to have company to get through this wretched hell of a summer.

Fox found herself wishing for the snows of winter and the wolves who had since left them, and suddenly she wondered if she was swimming in not water, but nostalgia. Too many had come and gone from their ranks, and even those she had chased out herself were missed, whether or not she would admit it.

RE: whoop, there it is - Farkas - July 02, 2014

Farkas panted, the heat and humidity was unbearable. He needed to get to some source of water immediately or he felt he would die. His eyes scanned the area in front of him.

Then he saw water. And without thinking he just ran towards it and dove in, his head going under water before he got up and shook himself. Then he froze. For he saw, Fox the Alpha, in the water too.

He glanced around in panic.

RE: whoop, there it is - RIP Fox - July 03, 2014

“Sup, kid,” she greeted, once his head was free of the water. It did not look like he had noticed her upon arriving, but surely he had now, if his panic-stricken face was any indication. “You must be one of the new ones.” If he wasn't, Fox was really behind on getting to know the newcomers. She really did try and meet with all of them, but lately they had been coming and going at speeds that even she could not keep up with.

“I’m Fox, the ring leader ‘round here.” That part was probably obvious, but she figured she would inform him anyway. “Water’s good, innit?”

RE: whoop, there it is - Farkas - July 04, 2014

"Uh...uh...." Farkas stuttered before he composed himself and dipped his head slightly. "I'm Farkas and yeah, its like so hot and humid today. Its like hell up here except I think hell is cold...."

Farkas mentally smacked himself, yeah Farkas, that's so cool just ranting about the heat and humidity in front of the Alpha for god's sake! Like seriously what is wrong you with you, Farkas!

To compose himself again, he dove right back into the water and stayed for a moment before resurfacing, shaking water droplets all over the place. 'Sorry about that ranting...." he muttered an apology to Fox.

RE: whoop, there it is - RIP Fox - July 04, 2014

Fox grinned, amused and delighted by his running mouth. She, of course, was a wolf of few words, sans the times she got going about the creek's history. “Ranting?” she asked, “Sounds to me like you were just talkin’ to yourself.” Fox had barely understood any of it, but she didn't like him any less for it. Like any new male who came under her rule, she was already picking out his best features.

This one, she thought, has quite a luxurious coat. Not only that, but he had plenty of muscle tone, made more apparent by the smoothing of his coat by the water. His eyes were the color of a warm sunset, unlike Fox's dull grey ones. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Farkas.” A pleasure indeed.

RE: whoop, there it is - Farkas - July 04, 2014

A small smile graced Farkas's lips and his warm amber eyes gleamed gold. "Pleasure to meet ya too, Fox." he replied, dipping his head then he smirked "Oh and just a warning to you, I will 'rant' a lot or according to you 'talking to myself' a lot. So beware of my wandering mouth."

Farkas sat down in the water, the cold soaking up his fur. "I should be able to guess that you're here because of the heat and humidity? Of course, why else would you be here unless its secret business because I doubt the Alpha would randomly swim in the creek. Right, you must think I'm crazy now but I'm not...."

Farkas shook his head despairingly.

RE: whoop, there it is - RIP Fox - July 04, 2014

This one sure was a talker! “Why would I think you are crazy?” Fox asked. Maybe a little childish and naive, but not crazy. Crazy was... not knowing who you or where you were. Doing things that made no sense. Just because Farkas liked to prattle on didn't mean he was crazy by any means. And since he had come to the water's edge at the very hottest part of the day, he must not have been completely insane.

She found him... well, a little bit odd, that was true, but no more than any other wolf who lived beneath their intangible roof. Everybody had their quirks, and his just happened to be talking a lot. At least he had his looks going for him, although Fox doubted she could ever stand beside somebody who acted as he did. As a friend, sure, but more? That was harder to imagine.

RE: whoop, there it is - Farkas - July 04, 2014

Farkas sighed quietly and his face was wiped of all expression. He lifted his head to look at the sky as memories rushed through his head. "Because they all do." he replied softly and resolved to stare at the horizon.

Sometimes he talked, sometimes he didn't. He wasn't really as childish as he seemed but after months of being a loner he had resolved to be a bit insane and childish to other wolves so they would leave him alone but he also did it because when he didn't, memories of his siblings ripped open corpses and the bear swallowing his sister flooded his mind and really, it was a living nightmare.

But sometimes when he didn't want to see the world anymore, he thought about his siblings before they had left him alone in this world.

RE: whoop, there it is - RIP Fox - July 05, 2014

Fox did not understand why this always seemed to happen. She would come around to greet somebody for some idle smalltalk, and it would end in some sort of weird pity party where she was supposed to help somebody through their problems. Fox figured it had something to do with her rank, but she just didn't get why they did not seek out an older, wiser, more experienced wolf. She was harsh, unkind, and blunt. Unless that was the kind of therapy they were seeking, they were in the wrong place.

“Oh, c’mon,” she sighed, “Don’t get all mopey on me. I was just askin’ a question. Chin-up and all that.” Fox lifted a paw and splashed water at him, trying to get him to lighten up a bit.

RE: whoop, there it is - Farkas - July 07, 2014

Farkas leaped up, startled as Fox flicked water towards him. "Alright then," he grinned, a smile that lit up his whole face. "What do you wanna talk about? I've ran out of stuff to say." he drawled slowly.

Out of the corner of his eye, Farkas spotted a large fish swimming by. Clumsily, he scooped it up with his paws and smacked it on a rock. It smelled delicious and his stomach rumbled. "You want it?" he offered.

RE: whoop, there it is - RIP Fox - July 15, 2014

And Fox thought that she lacked social skills! But perhaps he was just the awkward type. Run out of stuff to say,” she corrected, unable to help herself. Normally, the yearling would have let such grammar mishaps slide, but she was already irked by his general behavior. That didn't change when he whipped around and scooped a (dead?) fish out of the water.

“I don’t think so,” she scoffed, “Probably something wrong with it if it was so easy to pick out of the water like that.” While being showered in gifts was something Fox thrived on, she was also extremely wary of disease. It was disease that killed and made others messed up in the head. She had feared that Bazi had brought something with her upon the girl's arrival, but seeing as nothing bad had happened since the arrival of the white-furred girl, Fox had taken that to mean that it was dormant and not contagious.

And either her pack-mate was offended or simply didn't care to discuss things with her any longer, for he excused himself and left Fox standing there with the "diseased" fish at her feet. Shaking her head, she slapped it back into the water with a whack of her paw and proceeded to go about the rest of her day.