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Blackfeather Woods i.i : you gotta be crazy; gotta have a real need - Printable Version

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i.i : you gotta be crazy; gotta have a real need - Maegi - November 16, 2018

{dogs}{part one, episode one}

She missed the island. Much like she had dreamed of the woods by the sea, now she saw the waves when she slept, so blue and clear. The warmth of early summer, the sun on her back. Rokig, teaching her to fish; Reed and her herbs. Coelacanth's musical voice, and Venninne's quiet strength. . .

Maegi rose one morning and decided to depart immediately, without word. She knew how to get to the island; she had memorized each and every step on her journey here. It would take no more than a week or two, and then she would be back. It would be okay. But she did not want to stress the Listener more than necessary, considering her condition, and as for Mou. . .

Mou. They had not spoken since Redsang had entered the forest. It was a betrayal that cut her to her core; she wasn't sure what explanation would suffice. She knew now that his loyalties were not solely with Blackfeather, and that disturbed her greatly.

She needed to escape. The woods had become a place of stagnant secrets--perhaps it had always been, but the girl felt it more acutely now than ever. The threat of war hung over the place once more. And now Blue, the closest thing she had to a familiar, was gone for the winter; she was completely, utterly alone.

She needed to escape--just for a while.

The pale shadow of a Melonii slipped through the trees, her stomach full (she had eaten to sate her appetite, so that she may make it to the coast without stopping). Panting slightly, she increased her tempo to a quick trot, ungainly as it was with her clubbed foot. She wasn't sure if anyone would stand in her way--

--but gods help the one that did.


RE: i.i : you gotta be crazy; gotta have a real need - Flicker - November 16, 2018

The woman had become curious, seeking out plants to extinguish the memories that were arising more and more. She’d experienced turmoil from the willow tree’s effects, so that was not a place she’d go again. Instead, she’d consumed a number of mushrooms, brown and sickly smelling. 

She wandered to the borders, leaves loud and easily identifying her presence. In her drugged haze, the Gyrfalcon came to her again, leading her to a wraith. A wolf. She did not recognise it as Maegi. The smokey whisp of the bird circled the figure as it trotted to the brewing light. 

In the woman's mind, the solid wraith couldn’t leave. The dark forest called for their presence and forbade her departure. With trembling gait, Flicker moved forward, her scarlet a stain amongst the trees shadows. She loped to the figure, wavering and weaving without obstacle to avoid; making her line to the white flash that drew nearer with each stride. 

Her eyes rimmed with red and dilated with black made the thin stretch of gold — her purity — almost nonexistent as she bore down on the figure; their scent infused with fresh wounds and ripped features became clearer.

If the solid wraith didn’t avoid the wild swing of yellowed ivories, they would sink into the scruff of her target and her form will barrel them both over. If she did dodge, then the woman would stumble and turn again to stop her leaving.

RE: i.i : you gotta be crazy; gotta have a real need - Maegi - November 16, 2018

She expected Relmyna or Wintersbane--or, gods, Mou--but when pawsteps sounded behind her, she turned and saw Flicker, instead. Something about her seemed. . .off--and Maegi drew to a halt, brows raised in question. What's up? she asked, wagging her tail slowly, happy to see a familiar face before she left but wary all the same.

Had she been paying more attention, rather than abstracted by the coming journey, she may have noticed the subtle difference in the woman's pupils. As it was, she mistook the interaction for a troubled farewell; things were not ideal, in Blackfeather Woods, and she hated to leave even for a few days.

RE: i.i : you gotta be crazy; gotta have a real need - Flicker - November 17, 2018

That voice. It stopped her in her tracks, lending her to skew off to the side before flailing to a halt. Recreational substances didn't work well for the woman's coordination. She rounded back on the figure, lurching and wavering. Her eyes squinted and it all clicked into place; this was Maegi. She grinned in her delirium, sitting down and panting softly; her mouth dry and tongue leaden in her mouth. 

"W-where are you going?" she questioned, putting her full attention into concentrating on her next words, "you can't leave. It's not right. The spirits..." She trailed off for a quick glance around revealed the shapes she saw has all but vanished. The woman stood, tail wavering like a cat keeping its balance, and took a step towards Maegi.
Was she ked here to prevent this? Or to see her go?

Her mind was in turmoil, her actions jerked and undignified. "Stay." Her voice was commanding, but she had no command over the wraith. "You must..." Her brows furrowed, clearly distressed and trying to think logically.
Her jaws snapped towards Maegi, trying to hold her in the woods; at least trying to act on what the woman thought was right. 

RE: i.i : you gotta be crazy; gotta have a real need - Maegi - November 17, 2018

It wasn't long before Flicker was spouting some nonsense at her, and now Maegi drew close enough to see that something really wasn't right. She laughed nervously, taking a couple of steps back. It's okay, she responded. I'm not going to be gone for very long--just a week or so. Just to visit the island for a little while.

She started to walk again, looking over her shoulder at Flicker. If you could let Kove and Relmyna know for me, that would be great-- Her voice died abruptly as the woman aimed her jaws at the Melonii; they came together with a sinister clack on empty air. Affronted--and quite alarmed, now--Maegi stumbled away from her, shaking her head slowly.

Hey, what the fuck? the girl asked, a deep frown painting her maw. What's wrong with you? Something was not right--Flicker shouldn't be acting like this. What had she eaten, what had she taken? Maegi looked around, trying to figure out where her nearest cache was. She needed to get some yarrow, get this toxin out of her friend's system. . .

RE: i.i : you gotta be crazy; gotta have a real need - Flicker - November 17, 2018

The dark abyss her eyes had become yearned for bloodshed. A small part of her mind tried to speak reason but was lost in the thrumming and pounding in her head. Her scarlet muzzle flicked to the side -- unnatural -- possessed by the plant. Her hungry gaze followed Maegi but made no further attempt to hurt; her lips, however, still curled back and speech was lost from her throat. Her mouth worked to form the words -- but not in the articulate ways Relmyna does. No. She gaped like a hell-hound, her cavernous maw gaping.

Flicker's actions become slower and more wayward, sliding sideways and falling onto her haunches, her head lowered. She did not feel ok. Her eyes watered and her mouth started to not feel so dry, saliva started to pool on her lips before heaving up the contents of her stomach. The woman gasped for air and found it refreshingly cool; but her mind was too far gone, for now. 

She stood again, trying to utter words again, her voice a mere croak. "Don't.." was the only distinguishable word before she took a shaking step forwards, her eyes a mixture of sorrow and curiosity. 

RE: i.i : you gotta be crazy; gotta have a real need - Maegi - November 17, 2018

Before Flicker could do her any harm, the woman fell back and vomited; Maegi paid particular attention to the steaming contents, wondering if there were any answers to be found within. Do you. . .do you feel better? she asked tentatively, eyes wide. Yarrow would have done that--she might not be out of the woods yet, but at least she had expelled the poison. Or most of it, anyway.

I won't be gone very long--I promise, Maegi said, face kind but firm. She needed to get away; she had been craving it. It will be okay. Pray to Peryite, to Meridia. They'll keep both of us safe. Gods, she didn't want to have to stay here to take care of someone! After all that had happened, that was the last thing she wanted.

RE: i.i : you gotta be crazy; gotta have a real need - Flicker - November 17, 2018

Her eyes shuttered before she spoke again, the words coming to her but still croaked and slurred, but her body felt other -- held rigid by an anonymous force. Her posture straightened and her face became a stoic mask, "Morrlagh Bahl,"  she uttered, staring into her friend's eyes. Her mind was clearing, and she'd be ok soon. But a shiver ran down her spine, and her body was still held rigid.

Perhaps this was a warning, maybe Flicker's instincts somehow knew of Maegis future trouble. Her shoulders slackened, legs trembling slightly. Her gaze dropped to the ground, suddenly feeling very tired. Fuck...she should never try eating something like that again.

RE: i.i : you gotta be crazy; gotta have a real need - Maegi - November 20, 2018

Maegi went just as rigid when the name escaped Flicker's lips, standing straight and staring right through her, as if trying to burn a hole through the woman's skull. They lingered in silence for a moment, Maegi racking her brain for when exactly she had told her that name. Once before, certainly, but still. . .

Don't ever say that name to me again, the girl responded after a few beats, voice devoid of emotion. Without anything more, she turned and began to pad away, the fur along her spine aloft. She resisted the urge to look behind her, feeling as though Flicker would be right on her heels soon. Just in case, she broke into a slow trot.

She wouldn't slacken her pace until well after she had crossed the border.

fading unless Flicker stops her

RE: i.i : you gotta be crazy; gotta have a real need - Flicker - November 20, 2018

She could only watch her friend go beneath heavy lids, she started forward but could not give chase. Nausea crept up through her body again, forcing the cream woman to turn back. If she was to be allowed, she would do her best to find her friend; at some point. 
But her priority was the pack, and only when she could ensure their safety would she allow herself to go.