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Wheeling Gull Isle just like you, like me, like everybody else - Printable Version

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just like you, like me, like everybody else - Bbbbb - November 17, 2018

@Driftwood but AW! for reference, he's just barely on the land bridge
he's finally made it to undersea, and his nerves are alight for some reason and he feels a little fuzzy-headed, though he's shaken his sickness by now. he's not sure why he's nervous — or maybe he's not nervous? he doesn't know what this strange frantic fluttery feeling in his stomach is, but it turns his paws to lead as he takes the first few steps onto the sandy stretch connecting the island to the mainland. he halts, knowing he should call for someone now, but hesitates. what if they don't like him? what if he doesn't like them? what if —
he takes a deep breath. good thoughts, he reminds himself, this is a happy visit. still, he'll just... take a moment. to relax. all he needs is a moment, and he'll definitely call for someone. except then a moment turns into a few, and then more than a few, and he finds himself floundering over the decision — likely indefinitely, should no one interrupt him.

RE: just like you, like me, like everybody else - Koi - November 18, 2018

Welcome! [tosses a baby sheepdog at you]

For my own reference, nearly five month old Koi build and coat: i · ii.

The wooly fuzz of infancy is giving way to gossamer wisps and tufts as Koi’s adult coat comes in, and her eyes have shifted fully from the milky blue of puppyhood to her mother’s brilliant cerulean. Her cartoonishly oversized ears flop wildly as she frolics along the shoreline, flirting with the lapping waves, and the sight of a firelaced figure in the distance only spurs her on. She expects to see Reed or Hemlock when she draws near, but the vivid sapphire eyes and the unfamiliar scent cause her to skid to a stop.

A questioning whine trills from her lengthening muzzle as she cocks her head sharply to the side to regard the stranger, sniffing at him with exaggerated determination. She has no reason to fear him; she’s never met a new wolf she didn’t like! Curiosity has her padding toward him, wondering if he, like so many of her other new friends, has any toys or food to share — but from time to time, she shares @Thresher’s inherent shyness, and she takes the last few feet on her belly. Then she flattens entirely, her nose a few mere centimeters from his paw, and rolls her big blue eyes upward to look at him.

RE: just like you, like me, like everybody else - Driftwood - November 22, 2018

Nnnoooo, KJ, don't throw puppies, you meanie!  ;)  Homfg but that avatar is ADORABLE though...and that teenage tervuren too?! I don't think I've ever seen one that color and/or at that stage...d'aaawww! All the goofy teenage dog love. ^^
I mean, not that Blossom's terrible-looking or anything...y'just can't compete with puppies, sorry dude.  XD
Also this post probably makes it painfully obvious I'm struggling to get back into the NaWoWriMo swing of things...sorry guys if it's too terrible a read! That's what skimming was invented for, though, I suppose?  X)  May get around to editing this into better coherence later but with the way things've been going ugh, probably not.

Driftwood's soft buckskin paws jittered uneasily along the beach. Never a very self-contained wolf at the best of times, he was downright paranoid a lot of the time these days, ever since he had missed the whole showdown that had gone down with the pack's leadership not all that long ago. 'Course, it also didn't help that he dozed only fitfully throughout the day anymore, nervously on the alert for another ill-intentioned wolf invading their shores or some other similar disaster. (Like maybe a small army of crabs coming for him. Or a horse. Driftwood suppressed a shudder.) Sleep deprivation had never been known to make anyone more stable, or less prone to hallucinating conniving canine invaders and murderous ponies lurking around every tree and under every rock. Driftwood had it under control...mostly...but his feet didn't quite go in a straight line so confidently as they had before. His little safe haven of an island had been breached, after all, and while he was diligently trying to do a better job of consistently making sure its shores were patrolled, he couldn't help but have this niggling little kernel of self-doubt deep within. After all, if the ever-intimidating and impressive, hulking and spike-necked Gampr Stockholm hadn't been able to prevent an assailant from getting to Seelie, what chance did the much slighter poor forgetful Driftwood have? He'd have to be the first to admit that he really wasn't much use in a fight.

But I can make sure everyone else who IS more a fighter is told right off the bat, if need be, if someone is looking the least bit like they might even be thinking about trying the same stunt that Aditya pulled, Driftwood told himself bracingly, trying to bolster his courage from within. His eyes still couldn't help but dart about rather nervously, however, and his paws still skittered about—themselves rather like a gangly young foal trying to figure out these funny-hoof-things, ironically, as they scattered their somewhat haphazard pattern across damp stretches of beach sand. ...It wasn't too deep into the morning however, this day, before he found another, smaller set of prints that converged on very nearly the same direction he was headed. Driftwood's brow furrowed in concern as he paused to sniff over the evidence carefully, and then that furrowing frown of concern grew deeper as he ascertained that the trail most definitely belonged to one of Seelie and Stock's own pups. Out here all on her lonesome? What was little Koi up to?! Driftwood knew they'd have to grow up and away at some point, and start venturing out on their own, but this seemed like rather abominable timing for it if you asked him. Besides which they couldn't be that old yet, could they?! Surely it had only been a few days ago Seelie had introduced them all to the pack, and a scant handful of days before that that they had been born as blind, squeaking things unable to even hear their own greedy cries as they bumbled about at their mother's belly. Driftwood paused for just a second longer to look at his own paw, and to delicately press it into the sandy earth to compare its outline with that of the younger wolf. He had to shake his head with some dismay; the little furballs had grown like weeds, and it didn't seem to him there was nearly as much difference between the respective pawprints' sizes as there really ought to be. Still, Driftwood's worry was not much assuaged by this. He hustled to catch up, especially as it became clear that the smaller prints were determinedly marching right in the last direction he wanted them to go right now: the landbridge that connected this island to all the rest of the wide and dangerous world of the Teekons. Driftwood's unsteady ground-eating trot swiftly turned into more of a pinpoint-focused lope, his own tracks aligning themselves at last and then spreading out the distance between each one. He was more deeply relieved than he really entirely cared to admit to see the small dark form of Koi wending its way along at a pace he could still readily outdo. But then his heart leapt right back up into his throat as he saw the other standing there beyond her—a slight and elegant form that the wind informed him was somewhat deceptive in its outlines, as despite what he'd have called a feminine cast to the form covered by that ruddy pelt, the scent seemed pretty clearly male. Driftwood didn't have a whole lot of attention to give to this small anomaly however, having much more important things on his mind as he whooshed up to the pair of them, slightly out of breath.

Whoah, whoa, hey there Koi— did your legs forget how to work all of a sudden?! Despite his worries Driftwood made an effort to flash the young girl a quick but sincere smile, one that quickly begins to fade as he turns to regard the stranger with concern and suspicion warring for headspace with his usual open friendliness and optimistic ability to look for the best in everyone. Um, hello there, he says politely enough however, and even wags the rear half of his tail a little, despite the unusually guarded look in his tawny eyes. Drift glances down at Koi as if reminding himself what might be at stake here, and tries to casually shift the nearest forepaw so that it lands protectively in-between Koi and this stranger. It's difficult to do this casually, though, and without stepping pretty directly into the stranger's personal space given Koi's own disregard for maintaining any sort of polite or wary distances— so this is a rather inherently threatening sort of movement which inexorably makes Driftwood deeply uncomfortable, something probably rather noticeable from his awkward attempts at maneuvering around on paws that instinctively want to shift and shuffle themselves around in a more dithering fashion, and shuffle-step themselves smartly away from any hint of conflict initiation. Driftwood himself is not used to such constant vigilance, and sits there fervently and repeatedly reminding himself that despite appearances it was indeed quite possible this stranger had some no-good intentions in mind for his beloved island and its pack, not to mention its youngest and most helpless inhabitants. Although perhaps "helpless" isn't quite the right word for one whose ever-lengthening sooty legs have carried her this far out of sight of any more-official guardians of hers and straight into potential trouble. Driftwood tries to keep an eye on the scamp even as he tries to keep his other eye firmly pinned to the invader and alert for the first subtle signs that the other might be planning something Driftwood will be obligated to try and stop, or at least grab Koi and run while he tries to yell for backup on. As a result of this split dual attention however he doesn't really manage all that terribly well at either one of these tasks, however. How do all the puppysitters manage this exhausting nonsense all the time on the job anyhow?! I'm Driftwood, he does remember belatedly to say in the midst of this however. Who're you, where're you from and what is it that you're doing here? Quite a bit more brusque and suspicious than his usual style, and the words and their unavoidable interrogative suspiciousness lay heavy and unnatural upon his tongue, which only makes his uncomfortable paws want to shift themselves self-effacingly around even more, but Driftwood sternly mentally orders them to stay still and lifts his chin as he tried to appear cool, competent, in-control and unconcerned, while also projecting this aura of "Don't mess with me, or my pack; I could hurt you without a second thought." This is so foreign a line of thinking to Driftwood however that no sooner does he grit his teeth and determinedly plant his paws more firmly in the sand than does he already feel his paper-thin tough guy facade start to crack and warp and shatter. He knows he can't be making a very good impression, or setting a good example for the littler one... dammit, Driftwood, get it together!

RE: just like you, like me, like everybody else - Bbbbb - November 22, 2018

thank u kj !! <3 koi is such a cutie
he spots the pup coming from a distance, and his head tilts slightly as he watches the rapid approach. it tilts even further to the side when the child skids to a halt not far from him, only to resume her approach with increasing shyness. it kind of reminds him of his sister. hey, he says softly, ears perked.
before he can say anything else, though, there's another wolf running toward them — he'd been too distracted by the pup's approach to notice at first, so the man's sudden, slightly out of breath approach startles him. he flinches, ears flattening as he takes a step back. the suspicious way the stranger looks at him after addressing the pup immediately fills him with guilt, and the faintest prickle of fear. he lowers himself instinctively, ears still flat to his skull as he tries to make himself look as non-threatening as possible. driftwood doesn't really seem like he wants to attack him (he'd been kind enough to introduce himself, at least), but he's not ready to take the chance. i-i'm blossom — um, someone invited me here... this is undersea, right? he swallows, gaze trained firmly on the sand. i'm sorry, i-i can leave...

RE: just like you, like me, like everybody else - Koi - November 24, 2018

Awwrrr, thank you. Blossom is a sweetheart! I loved your post, Bryn!

The stranger’s voice is soft and low, blushing hues of seashell pink and citrine, and Koi warms to him immediately. “Hee,” she echoes him shyly. Her long, plumed tail begins to whip furiously against her hips, stirring up a miniature sandstorm. The firelaced tauhou may not have brought food or toys, but play, song, and stories are also acceptable currencies. Her muzzle rounds to cradle a beseeching, “Will you play with me?”

— but a familiar — and much beloved! — voice at her back has her curling up tight, peeking expectantly over her shoulder with a giddy (and slightly guilty) expression. “Look what I found!” her expression blithely bespeaks, even as she shakes her head no at her protector’s query. Her legs are working perfectly, which she hastens to prove to him: “Driffwood,” she chirps in a lilting singsong, shimmying under his forelimb and flopping onto her side. She’s a soft tangle of spindly limbs, catlike paws, and adoring eyes, but she and her sister are tiny, fashioned after their finely-drawn mother, and it’s easy for her to fit under Driftwood’s long legs and pepper his wrists and paws with kisses.

“Blossom leave?” she echoes sadly, looking up at her protector as though to beg, oh, say this isn’t so! In case Driftwood is unaware, “Blossom, like Reed and Hemmy.”

RE: just like you, like me, like everybody else - Driftwood - December 01, 2018

My last NaNo/NaWo post for the year, whoof! (If you don't count the half-done reply for Thresher waiting in the wings, heh heh.)
And <3! Thankys KJ, glad you liked it.  ^^  *glomphs Blossom and Koi both* They make an adorable bunch, really!

Driftwood is sorry almost immediately for the uncharacteristic aggressiveness of his questioning, and then shortly grows sorrier yet as he sees the next-oldest wolf crumple and fold in upon himself like a much-abused piece of papery birchbark getting blown about by the wind and trampled upon. Driftwood leans back and relaxes a little, his own ears flattening apologetically and his tail waving wider and faster—especially as he looks down to scrawny little Koi again. his eyes softening and his heart melting at the scruffy, fluffy adorableness that one just can't help but forgive, no matter how much trouble they may be getting their fluffy self into. But in this case, at least, it seemed to be quite all right. This newcomer whom Driftwood didn't recognize certainly didn't seem inclined to offer to start anything—and had he said he'd been invited? Whoops. Well then!

Driftwood scooches one foreleg back to flop it gently across Koi's now-prone form, affectionately teasing her just a little. And giving her something to play-wrestle with for just a moment, which would both keep her safe while Driftwood double-checked the credentials of this intruder and keep her from overwhelming the slight guy with her puppyish enthusiasm while he was in the middle of trying to gain forgiveness and make a better impression. ...Hopefully. Your legs, Koi, he says with a little grin down at her. They worked, and then they didn't again! Uh oh! If his smiling mouth doesn't given away the joking nature of this the cheery twinkle in his eye surely will. He is slightly embarrassed to recall himself to the other and the less-pleasant duty he must now fulfill, though, in giving the stranger the once-over—a duty that the pup herself reminds him of, whoops. Even this carefree youngster has better manners than Driftwood it seems. Although Driftwood himself isn't quite sure what she is getting at with her last words... 'Like Blossom and Hemmy'? he repeats in bafflement, and turns querying eyes upon the intruder, his look quickly losing all semblance of hostility and shifting to a more comfortably open and curious guise. Yes, um, yes Blossom, this is Undersea, and Wheeling Gull Isle. The one and only, Driftwood lamely concludes and then has to grope about a moment mentally for just what else it was he wanted to say. The distraction of Koi's sudden tongue attack on his paws doesn't much help; he keeps having to fight back giggles, the corners of his mouth jerking fitfully up at her ticklish puppy antics as he struggles to concentrate on Important Grownup Matters in the meantime, here. No no no, that's all right... no need to leave! Er, you were invited? By who? Driftwood's eyes flicker to check on Koi again quickly before he adds a couple of guesses, ...Blossom or Hemmy perhaps? Eheh. He tweaks his whiskers indecisively before adding, Do you know Seelie?

RE: just like you, like me, like everybody else - Coelacanth - January 03, 2019

Closing up shop. ♥

Belated congratulations for NaWo, Bryn!

The new wolf didn’t know Seelie — a fact that became evident the moment the sheepdog arrived on the scene. Measuring out bushels of affection for Driftwood and for Koi, she regarded Blossom with a slightly more reserved air. After her typical interview process — a softly spoken “Peace be,” followed by the characteristic confusion over whether she wanted to say “anger” or “hunger” — she learned that the male had been recommended by Rokig, of all wolves. He was accepted into the fold immediately as the pack’s newest Tauhou and ushered to food, water, and comfort.