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Picture Perfect - Printable Version

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Picture Perfect - Aine - July 03, 2014

This is used off google translate. :P Not entirely sure if it's translated correctly completely, but I just clicked "Irish" in the translation, if you wish to read it. :3

Aine was finally home. Well, as home as she could be in Teekon Wilds. She loved the Great Plains, but she was so restless... She felt like there was more to the world than the Great Plains. Still, if she could find a place that remotely looked like the place she was raised...

And so she had found it. Upon arriving in the pack territory, she had turned away from the sea to look behind her on the grassy plain lands between the forest and the beach, when her heart skipped a beat.

"De réir an saol Cernunnos. Breathnaíonn sé díreach cosúil le mo áit bhreithe!" she breathed aloud, surprised with herself for using her ancient language. All children of her old home were taught to speak both their native tongue and the common one, most growing up using just the common tongue.

Shaking off the weird feeling, she sat there and stared at the expanse of forest, and in the far horizon, a mountain range fading into blue, smiling softly, her eyes far away.

RE: Picture Perfect - Horcrux - July 03, 2014

New lands, new opportunities and a sequel to his arrival upon Wolf territory. With Wheeling Gull being nothing but a bad memory, save for the sweet and kind-hearted Erika, Mees moved forward to thread upon a new chapter in his young life. After having bid his farewell to the Northerner King, Mees took a path of his own as he discovered new places of Stavanger Bay, his new home, while everyone he came across was family.

The thought still felt foreign, he was not ready to embrace every new face close to his own heart as it had been stepped upon more than once. So when he came across a newly accepted female he almost felt a breathe of relief for it meant he was no longer the freshest meat in town; by a day or two. "I have no frickin' idea what you just said." Mees said directly, then added; "But hello." His leathery lips curled up inside a subtle smile while his tail wagged slowly to and fro, showing that his intentions were good. But it was obvious he was still new to this pack, but then again, so was she.

RE: Picture Perfect - Aine - July 03, 2014

Aine's ears flicked at the new arrival on the scene, with her stormy grey eyes smiling. "Och, my apologies," the elegant silver wolf uttered in her Irish accent, "I did no' mean te utter tha'. If ye want the clarification, it means 'By the life of Cernunnos. It looks just like my birthplace'."

She turned back to glance over the view before looking back at the newcomer. "Helloo te ye, as well, me laddie, how are ye this fine day?" She flashed a white grin, the sun dappling her coat in a dazzled light show.

RE: Picture Perfect - Horcrux - July 03, 2014

Aine spoke in the English accent but it was cluttered with an exotic ring to it. It caused his own ears to swivel upwards on top of his cranium as he tried to listen carefully to everything the Kappa had to say. The foreign sounds made it slightly more difficult to decipher everything, yet at the same time Mees was piqued by the gentle-spirited gray female. Only a few knew that his own name, Mees, was of foreign origin as well. It was Dutch.

"Cernunnos.." Mees replied while trying to pronounce it with the same manner as Aine had; "Is that your birthplace?" He wondered as curious, bright orange eyes looked at the Kappa. "I'm good, pleasure to meet you; I'm Mees."

RE: Picture Perfect - Aine - July 06, 2014

The silver-touched she-wolf smiled and shook her head. "Curnunnos is an ancient Celtic god. He is the god of fertility, hunting, and life. It is he tha' gives us the prey tha' we share in the cache." She stopped and swiveled back her ears, chuckling. "At least, tha' is what me mum used te say."

She flicked her ears back forward in hello. "The pleasure is all mine, Mees." The Dutch name was rough on her tongue, it made her voice a bit more guttural, low. "Ye may call me Aine Brady, but most just call me Aine."

RE: Picture Perfect - Horcrux - July 06, 2014

For one who thirsted for knowledge, Mees was keen to hear about other cultures, traditions and something he was new to, religion. Without making any opinion of the matter, his ears tipped upright as he felt that he could get acquainted to the Kappa. She appeared to be friendly and soft-spoken. Besides that, he enjoyed her presence, her sincerity and the fact that she was of this new pack.

There was one thing, however, he didn't understand, it was how she spoke about a God. For a wolf who lost his mind recently, the world was sometimes a place that spoke of things he didn't understand. "Aine." Mees said as bright, curious eyes sprung into her direction. "What's that, a Celtic god?"

RE: Picture Perfect - Aine - July 06, 2014

Aine flicked her ears, her face flashing in small surprise as a embarrassed smile spread across her lips. "No one has ever asked tha' before... I don't know whether te thank ye or not..." Her smile broadened as she closed her eyes and shook her head. Curiosity is a strength that this one possesses much of... Let us hope in future he will put it to good use.

"As a matter o' fact, it is." the she-wolf tilted her head up. "Aine was the goddess of summer, wealth, and sovereignty. However, the name 'Aine' is not used in my case..." She huffed and looked back out at the mountains.

"The name Aine also means Joy and Splendor, bu' also means Fire. And my surname, Brady, means 'Spirited'. So, in it's entirety, my name can mean Joyous Spirit, or Fiery Spirit." She decided to quench as much thirst that he had, and continued.

"The ancestry of the Brady lineage represents the family's will. It is said tha' our ancestors refused te break under cruel laws set above them, and growled in defiance." She turned back to him, her stormy eyes, that held no secrets, now crackled with spirited energy, as if she held the will and courage of her lineage in her paws. "The Bradys never break an' never bow te a forced master, and we never shall."

"And te me mum, I seemed te be the very essence of the Brady. She said, despite me bein' the least nourished of the litter, I came out with a roar as fierce as a mountain lion's. And so, she named me Aine Brady; Fiery Spirit."

She sighed, and the ferocious energy in her eyes settled down. She sat down in relaxation. "Bu' enough abou' me. Wha' abou' ye? 'Mees' seems te be a foreign name, does it mean anythin'?"