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Totoka River of course they were saints, but only by a hair - Printable Version

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of course they were saints, but only by a hair - Lasher - July 03, 2014

@Blue Willow. osprey jr search party thread. hopefully u don't mind that i powerplayed her here <3 let me know if you do. set before the thread where osprey's remains are discovered!

upon leaving the plateau, the man's first thought had been the river, and the direction in which the current flowed. though he had not been to the seas before, and it had been long years since he last laid eyes upon saltwater, lasher instinctively moved toward the great expanse.

it is not realistic to think that the river carried her all the way to the sea," he murmured to the healer alongside whom he traveled, but perhaps if we keep it in sight, her scent may emerge on the bank. there were other scents here, other wolves; his hackles bristled, and he bemoaned the dangers that the child would have to face if she were able to pull herself from the waters.

he kept up the swift wolf-trot until the scent of the sea stung his nostrils, his eyes. with a look toward the willow, one resplendent with sorrow and with fear, taltos let his muzzle down to the earth and began to search for the scent of the little osprey.

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RE: of course they were saints, but only by a hair - Blue Willow - July 03, 2014

Blue kept step with the dark male and she sighed she feared that this adventure would not end well for any of them. it was so very hard to keep her spirits up, but she tried her best, they needed hope and she had that or she tried too anyway.

would she be ok flowing for that long? she did not know much about water preferring to stay out of it. Blue caught his eyes and her own mirrored the fear and sorrow, she was not so upset though she knew ragnar of the ridge and he seemed good he wouldn't hurt a child however the new pack she was not sure.

RE: of course they were saints, but only by a hair - Lasher - July 06, 2014

i do not know, he said softly, lifting his muzzle from its searching to watch blue wistfully. she is small, but hardy. it is not so difficult to believe that these things would continue her breath. of course, her life could just as well be ended by her youth, her stature. yet he did not voice this to the healer, merely continued a broad sweep of the bank.

her pain and fear were palpable, and presently the earthen delta slung sideways to press his lips against her shoulder reassuringly, seeking as much comfort in her presence as he sought to offer her with his own.

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RE: of course they were saints, but only by a hair - Blue Willow - July 06, 2014

Blue listened with ears cocked forward. I hope you are right Lasher, because the thought of that happening steals my breath away. I love that little girl. Blue looked to the ground then to gather her composure she was so close to breaking down, but she had to carry on for Peregrine and for Hawkeye and for everyone else, she could not show that she was breaking, she was the alpha and she was not Juniors mother, but she was her aunt.

Blue turned her head and lay it to his brow for a brief moment taking the comfort he readily offered, while giving her own. A united front would get them all through this, and she would do her best to keep the pack united.

RE: of course they were saints, but only by a hair - Lasher - July 10, 2014

lasher was content to hold her for a long moment, sensing the turmoil raging beneath her delicate surface. osprey is very loved by all, he said gently, though he doubted any wolf loved her more than the trio formed by peregrine, the willow, and hawkeye. presently, he sighed, and drew away with a glance skyward.

have you any decisions on where to search next? he asked softly. he would go to the very lap of seawater upon sand, if that was what it took — but for now, taltos was put off by his inability to think of where else the child might have gone.

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RE: of course they were saints, but only by a hair - Blue Willow - July 12, 2014

Blue took solace in the support he readily offered, she was glad he and Peregrine were friends and she hoped that he would get through Perry through this too, because she honestly did not know if she could do it. She smiled softly at his words, yes she was loved by all, and she would do her best to find her with help, for everyone.

Blue shook her head I honestly don't know. I don't know how far the water could have carried her? I don't know if it branches off or not. I guess continue to the coast and see if we can't find her She sighed as she too looked skyward at the waning light, they only had a few more hours of searching before they'd have to stop to either rest or return home.

RE: of course they were saints, but only by a hair - Lasher - July 22, 2014

he nodded, offering her a wan smile before pressing his paws into the sand and lengthening his stride into a quick lope that would carry him toward the shimmering body of water. the tang of salt was in the air, and his heart soared with the possibility that they might find her small tracks upon the beach, but they would be returning to the plateau upon the following day.

we must also find shelter. it was not practical to believe they would return home this eve, and he set his eyes to scanning the foliage roundabout them for a suitable place.

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RE: of course they were saints, but only by a hair - Blue Willow - July 26, 2014

Blue loped behind him stopping on occasion to sniff at prints or fur, she was by no means a great tracker so this was something she had to do. It was all for naught though, as none of it was from Junior. Her hope began to fizzle out, but she held tight to it as best she could. She refused to believe that the little girl was lost to them forever.

She dipped her muzzle yes I don't believe we will be going home tonight. I wish we were though with Junior in tow. Blue sighed again and followed him to look for shelter.

RE: of course they were saints, but only by a hair - Lasher - July 26, 2014

he glanced toward the willow, eyes limpid with sorrow. as do i. he did not pretend that his level of grief was akin to that of his alpha pair; peregrine was her father, and blue willow had been a maternal figure to the girl, but his heart was torn for them all the same.

setting his eyes forward, he spotted a pile of driftwood some feet up the beach and trotted forth for inspection. however, he did not deem it suitable; it seemed dangerous to place one's body beneath the heavy, stone-turned logs, and he turned away from it.

gesturing to blue willow, the delta then made for a scant body of trees standing reedily in the sand, wondering if they would provide shelter enough for two wolves.

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RE: of course they were saints, but only by a hair - Blue Willow - July 26, 2014

I just have to tell you that I love Lasher I really do he's the sweetest thing I've ever seen :D

Blue willow did not question if any one grieved, any who had met the little raven child with white limning the lining of her inner fore legs could not love her. It was not possible to not love her. However, she did not some would have harder grief than most, and she would not have deigned to take that from Lasher. When he could very well have his own grief and also feel more so for how Peregrine felt, so it was with this thought that she followed her new friend.

Blue had also sniffed at the driftwood but or a different reason. Wondering briefly if a child had lay there, not knowing where else to hide. But alas there was no scent of Junior there, and her heart gave another pang at the loss of hte child. She should have been watching more closely she had known that Perry could not get far with his leg and he could watch only so far before he had to move. She should have made shifts of babysitters anything really.

She followed behind Lasher looking the covering of trees wondering. Lost in her own thoughts not knowing that the child they so vainly looked for and as hopelessness ate her up was warm and dry mere meters away.

RE: of course they were saints, but only by a hair - Lasher - July 28, 2014

aww, ty! so is blue willow! she's so mellow :D

he turned to see if she followed before he entered the copse. it was not a thick covering of foliage overhead, but the twisted branches would provide some semblance of shelter for the pair. as if wrought to life by his thoughts, thunder rumbled overhead, and he felt the first pelt of rain upon his muzzle. any tracks left by the little osprey would surely be washed away by the deluge, and he sighed at the futility of it all.

entering the tree-stand, lasher let his eyes alight with concern upon blue willow, knowing she did not fare well, though her strength would hide this from an undiscerning beast. we will look for her again after the storm clears, he whispered by way of encouragement, shifting himself on the piled stalks of grass and sand to make room for her body.

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RE: of course they were saints, but only by a hair - Blue Willow - July 28, 2014

Blue felt the welcoming rain soothe like a balm to her already frayed nerves and broken heart. Her father had always told her she was a storm child, drinking up the rain like it was the god's nectar. She found rain refreshing and after it poured and all was new in it's wake. It purged and it cleansed and she loved that about rain. Sometimes it was disastrous, but as far as she was concerned there was gain from tragedy and it was that simple. It was often painful to find it, but it brought others closer, it helped others to see the care that most hid from view.

She stood letting it sluice down her sides as she looked up and she knew that the heavens were crying for a little lost child who was roaming without those that loved her and it hurt, oh the gods did it hurt. With one last sniffle and the hope that Lasher would not mind her wet fur. She slid into the makeshift covering and lay near him, if the rain water did not bother him she'd take comfort by just being near to someone who was a warm body like her's and make a new friend in the progress.

RE: of course they were saints, but only by a hair - Lasher - July 30, 2014

fade after another post from you? <3

he welcomed her with a low chuff, and blinked rainwater from his eyes, curling more tightly against the willow. she was in need of the closeness — he did not see blue willow as a standoffish type when it came to grieving — and as he was a physical creature himself, lasher was quite happy to provide her with such. if his gestures were approved, he would clear her cheeks of the downpour before preening her ruff gently, inviting her to relax and to sleep even on this awful day.

once they had returned to the plateau, she would fare somehow better, he believed. of course her grief would not be struck out; it would remain, but in the shadow of her domain, the closeness of her companions — it was altogether a better place for her than some forgotten, rainkissed beach.

slowly he slid into slumber, though it was light, ever aware of his comrade.

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RE: of course they were saints, but only by a hair - Blue Willow - July 31, 2014

Of course <3 Thanks for the thread I love your charries

Blue did not mind the closeness or even the illeviating of her tears. She enjoyed it truth be told and was glad to have a friend to grieve with. This was a hard pill to swallow the entire mess and though she knew she shouldn’t she couldn’t help but lay some blame solely at her own paws.

Blue lay her head across his shoulders curling her tail tightly around her paws and she followed him swiftly into the forgiving endless bliss of sleep. Her turmoil and grief forgotten for the moment in time.