Wolf RPG
The Sentinels i.viii : who was given a pat on the back - Printable Version

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i.viii : who was given a pat on the back - Maegi - November 28, 2018

{dogs}{part one, episode eight}

She was still quite rattled by her transgressions in the bay and made haste, ending up in the burned forest where Iliksis had found her. The place gave her chills even now; she tried not to think of his penetrating yellow gaze, his spider-like limbs. It gave her the impression that he was lurking just behind the corner. . .and that was not a thought that was welcome in the least.

The Melonii settled near the western edge of the forest, panting slightly from exertion. This had gone on too long. She was tired and homesick, and nothing good had come of this journey. Furthermore, she had extended it, seemingly for no reason. What was she doing?

Had she a pillow, she would have screamed into it. As it was, Maegi simply balled up her forepaws, digging her claws into the ground and gritting her teeth, and tried with all her might to wish her way home.

The daedra could do that much for her, right?

set for morning of the 26th -- @Natjuk

RE: i.viii : who was given a pat on the back - Natjuk - November 28, 2018

It was time to move on from this place. As fascinating as it is - withholding from him its magics - Natjuk had things to do. There is a rise in the distance, south of here. He'll head there next, possibly catch something to eat along the way should the land be fruitful enough.

Natjuk moves ever onward with the morning chill at his back. The sun is curtained by clouds. A common occurrence here. He is begrudgingly getting used to it. Padding forward, he zigzags through the healing wood, cold sun shard eyes flitting this way and that.

The warrior thought it a poltergeist. A fitting place for one, should they exist. He comes to a stop and observes, curious for curiosity's sake. Had it seen him? Is it coming to spirit him away to realms unknown?

RE: i.viii : who was given a pat on the back - Maegi - November 29, 2018

A brown figure emerged from the ruined forest, golden eyes cutting through the dull light of a cloudy day. It wasn't Iliksis, thankfully, but Maegi stiffened nonetheless, clambering to her paws and preparing herself for a fight. Even that small motion had her muscles trembling; she was so dreadfully tired. . .

Who are you? she asked, lifting her chin in a silent show of feigned strength. Do you live here? The girl wasn't sure if she even had the energy to fight or to flee. All she wanted to do was to collapse in a heap right here, right now, and sleep until the winter was over and the snow had all melted away.

RE: i.viii : who was given a pat on the back - Natjuk - November 30, 2018

This is no phantom, but a wolf. The closer she got, the more apparent it became she's not some rogue looking for camaraderie. Her right forepaw is deformed utterly, skewing her gait. And on the left side of her face is what looks to be an open wound...Wait. No blood. It is a hideous scar, morphing her features into a ghastly grin.

Natjuk need not know her intimately to see she has been through much. He had thought his short life hellish. Think again.

Natjuk. He may not be the nicest guy around but his parents had taught him some amount of modicum. Laughable given his savage youth. Unsure of what to make of her bravado, the warrior holds her gaze calmly. He will not react violently so long as she is amenable. In her tired state, he doubts she is much of a threat anyway.

No, I do not live here. A community that will cultivate his vehemence...Is there a pack like that around here, he wonders.

RE: i.viii : who was given a pat on the back - Maegi - November 30, 2018

It sounded. . .hmmm. Foreign, but also familiar in a way. Perhaps it was the sharpness of it that reminded her of Daedric, and she thought for an instant that this could be long-lost family--but that was ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. Maegi instead nodded, casting away such fantasies and instead meeting his gaze.

Do you live somewhere near? she prodded, tilting her head. Then, after a pause where she re-evaluated just how much time she wanted to spend interrogating him: Do you know where the Redhawks live? I'm trying to visit a friend of mine.

If he even knew, perhaps he'd be cagey. He had supplied his name readily enough, though. . . (though it could have been a fake one) Gah. Why did everything have to be so difficult, these days? Was this growing up?

RE: i.viii : who was given a pat on the back - Natjuk - December 01, 2018

The wolves around here are quick to ask questions. He can understand. To an extent. Why they question a misanthrope, however, is beyond him. It would come as no surprise to be asked the meaning of life. Natjuk, ever serious, would reply: Survive long enough and you will find out. But this girl concerns herself with the present, not what-ifs.

So many questions, he breaths tiredly. Funnily enough, she is quick to ask more of him. Trying to visit a friend, huh? He looks her square in the eye, attentive like a viper. She best answer carefully; Natjuk will not suffer callow deceivers.

What is the name of your friend? I might know them.

RE: i.viii : who was given a pat on the back - Maegi - December 01, 2018

Her mouth tightened in a grimace. Sorry. I tend to ask a lot of questions. Then he threw her a curveball, and she paused for an instant--only a blink, but perhaps it was noticeable. Redsang, Maegi responded, thinking of the name Mou had given the intruder. He said something about a plateau. . .?

Lying didn't come easy to her. Not because she felt bad about it, but because she had spent so long in dogged pursuit of truth -- about her own life, about others -- that it seemed folly to fib. Not to mention that liars had always been cruel to her. 

But she had to do this. For Mou's sake, she had to lie.

RE: i.viii : who was given a pat on the back - Natjuk - December 01, 2018

Were Natjuk proficient in the art of deception, he would have realized she is twisting the truth. She did not shrink under his scrutiny. That is enough.

They reside on a plateau, yes, he begins to explain. The Redhawks are located - He grows quiet, trying to pinpoint their exact location from here. Southwest of this forest.

RE: i.viii : who was given a pat on the back - Maegi - December 01, 2018

She breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that she had apparently passed whatever test just given. Thank you, she said fervently, not having to feign the emotion in the least. Except. . . Maegi let out a nervous giggle, looking rueful. I'm terrible with directions. Which way from here would that be?

Not a lie.

This man had given her, the hopelessly lost traveler, a map with which to guide her. She was in his debt. What price would he ask, if he asked at all?

RE: i.viii : who was given a pat on the back - Natjuk - December 07, 2018

This forest grows alongside a plateau. Follow the rock edge of that plateau and you will come to a slough with willows. From there, cut through a thicket home to a large amount of grouse and you should find your destination. It would have been easier to travel the path he outlined than risk the bluffs to the north. Whatever. What's done is done.

The hinterlands can be confusing but pay attention to the trees and you should be fine. The vegetation had been his guide in traversing the lowlands. It helped to have a sense of direction but this girl doesn't seem to have one so he tried to be accommodating in his explanation.

That is the full extent of his charity for today.

With a parting dip, he slinks past the wan wolf. There are far healthier forests on the wind and he aims to inspect them.

RE: i.viii : who was given a pat on the back - Maegi - December 07, 2018

She tried to remember everything he told her--even though it was a lot--holding it close to her heart like a child. Thank you, she said, but by the time the words left her lips, he was already turning to depart, as mysteriously as he had arrived. Maegi watched him go, eyes impassive.

Then she shrugged, took a deep, steadying breath, and began to head southwest.