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The Sunspire Heart sings loudest of all - Printable Version

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Heart sings loudest of all - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 04, 2014

Ferdie Von Pelt sat in snow... yes in snow, the peek of the mountain still had snow it always had snow. His breath came out in soft white pants he grinned wolfishly, it was way to hot below. This was fun but would his voice carry to the rest of them and would they know where to look.

Ferdie loosed a howl long and low so that it carried as best as it could, he kept howling enjoying the echo's it made. Soon he forgot about the others and he was singing to the mountain itself, The echo's made it seem like there were 4 Ferdie's singing as his voice reverberated off the peeks and gulleys and back to him. He stood up his tail high as he howled for the sheer joy of it. Something childish and yet fun, he'd name this spot "Echo Peek"

RE: Heart sings loudest of all - Vienna IA - July 04, 2014

Vienna always liked to rise with the birds, their songs starting out her morning on a very positive note. There wasn't much about Vienna that wasn't positive though. Just about everything she did she approached with an optimism that was extremely hard to force from her.

Today, though, another voice joined them, singing out across the peaks. Vienna perked up at the sound, recognizing it to be Ferdie. She had so far only met he and Jace, just having joined extremely recently, and therefore rose to go join him. She wasn't sure what to make of the Alpha yet simply because she hadn't spoken much to him. She was sure that he was very nice, though. If he wasn't then surely Jace wouldn't have befriended him.

When she came up beside him her ears reverberated with the music. Enjoying the effect, she lifted her voice with his, eyes sparkling with delight as it was amplified and bounced around. She'd never sang in mountains before and the effect was too neat.

RE: Heart sings loudest of all - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 08, 2014

Ferdie Von Pelt's tail swayed though the snow as he remained seated for best Howling, He paused only briefly when she joined him though the sound the mountains reflected back, made it seem as though he had not stopped singing.

When her voice joined his he grinned at her, his heart growing lighter then it had been in a long time. Just the two of them sang though is sounded just 6 or more as the songs go longer. He tilted his head back and accented her song, allowing her to take the lead in this concert of wonder.

Ferdie was quite a softy when it came to all females, they as a gendered whole could walk all over him to a certain degree, though that would be wholly different once he took a mate. For then the only female he'd ever have eyes for would be the female he could call his own.

Once the song was done and Ferdie was let panting to catch his breath he tipped his head in greeting to her. Jace did not boast enough of your singing, I knew you sang well but... he eyes caught hers then and he faded his sentence

After a small pause he chuffed and looked out into the mountain tearing his eyes from her. What to you think of our home?

RE: Heart sings loudest of all - Vienna IA - July 10, 2014

I seriously imagine Vienna as a walking exclamation point XD

Vienna hardly noticed his attention but smiled broadly at the praise, slightly embarrassed but pleased. She wasn't too surprised to hear that Jace had spoken of her but it made her happy to hear it. "Thank you! I just love to do it so much... haven't much since home. It is so much more fun to sing in good company." She eyed the peaks around them. "Though with these acoustics, you hardly even need a partner! We sounded a right choir!"

As he asked about the mountain she lit up. "Oh it is absolutely beautiful! There are so many new things to find and places to explore! The plants are gorgeous also, I've found a lot of varieties that we didn't have back home." Finally she stopped, taking in a deep breath and letting it out with another smile. She just got so excited and she wanted Ferdie to know how happy she was to be here.

"How did you ever find this place?" she asked him, gesturing to the valley that they were in. It had such a strange characteristic, causing echos like that, and she was curious as to how he had discovered it.

RE: Heart sings loudest of all - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 13, 2014

Well acutally we are sitting not to far from my newest cache I wanted it to be snowed in for it keeps fresher; but not to far up that I couldn't claim it in the colder months. I decided to go higher in the mountain looking to get away from the heat; I worked myself up with all that digging, Ferdie chuckled softly Well, I actually sneezed dust is and awful thing you know. he nodded at her all seriousness in his face suddenly for a full minute then chuckled again, waving his tail across the snowy ground
upon hearing the echo, I knew I had stumbled on something and low and behold it's an amazing Valley below us and a cliff directly across from us. What should we call this echoy place? Ferdie still panted soft white breaths as he tried to catch his breath wholly from the exertion of singing

RE: Heart sings loudest of all - Vienna IA - July 17, 2014

She laughed. "Truly terrible," she agreed, the thought of the (seemingly) dignified Alpha sneezing on dust somewhat fun in it's outlandishness. Though she didn't get the feeling that he felt himself above the rest of the pack too severely, he had that respectable loftiness that most Alphas seemed to possess by nature. It didn't make him intimidating, per say, but it did make her look up to him by default and wish to impress. She was sure more conversations with him would get rid of more of the feeling of disconnect as well, for she already felt more comfortable around him than she had when she first met him.

"Hmm.." She pondered the question. It needed a good name, such a place. One of the hidden wonders of this land and deserving of a fine title. "How about...." She paused, trying to find some inspiration. "Canon Valley?" she finally asked, the question evident in her voice. It was a reference to the echo-like style of singing, but she wondered if there was a more suitable one. "Or maybe Harmony Point?" That had a bit more of a ring to it.

RE: Heart sings loudest of all - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 27, 2014

Ferdie found himself enjoying her company, true to his nature he had no idea of her feelings or the disconnect that might be there he felt she was Jace's sister and she was a welcome part to his family.

I think Harmony Point, and I think I will be coming here more often, Ferdie grinned Hum... know of any more songs we could sing to it? or maybe you could just sing my a song from your youth? Ferdie was curious to hear the voice that was highly praised by Jace.

RE: Heart sings loudest of all - Vienna IA - August 02, 2014

He too liked Harmony Point. Her tail wagged happily as she heard this, excited that she had provided something within these lands. A small contribution, true, but still something. "I as well!"

He asked her to sing, and while she didn't mind, her face flushed a bit beneath her pelt. True, most said she had a lovely voice, but still sometimes she got nervous when singing in front of those she did not know. It was a lucky thing that it did not take Vienna long to count one as a friend. Thus, she was at the point with Ferdie to where she could do it with only a small amount of trepidation.

"Alright. I might know a couple." She took a deep breath, racking her brain. Finally she settled on one. It was a sweet song, somewhat sad, but the melody was beautiful and she thought he might appreciate it.

'Tis the last rose of summer, left blooming alone,
All her lovely companions are faded and gone;
No flower of her kindred, no rosebud is nigh
To reflect back her blushes. or give sigh for sigh.

I'll not leave thee thou lone one, to pine on the stem,
Since the lovely are sleeping. go sleep thou with them;
Thus kindly I scatter thy leaves o'er the bed,
Where thy mates of the garden alie scentless and dead.

So soon may I follow, when friendships decay.
And from love's shining circle the gems drop away;
When true hearts lie withered. and fond ones are flown.
Oh, who would inhabit this bleak world alone?

The final notes echoed through the peaks and she fell silent. The song was really a very dark one, but that did not lessen it's beauty any in her opinion.

Got the song from here, not sure if it's the Chinook that Danni had in mind with the character but pretty all the same!

RE: Heart sings loudest of all - Ferdie Von Pelt - August 21, 2014

Ferdie listened to her song and found himself attempting to hum it. She made the song come alive and enter his core, weaving with his soul, he was almost sad for it to end. Even the mountain seemed sad to give up this echo's and release the song to the winds.

WoW...Ferdie sighed, Jace did not properly convey your singing, It doesn't have words to convey your tones and songs. Your voice is one to envy, I thought myself a good singer until now. I feel foolish for thinking I could compare Ferdie Grinned I will just have to come here and practice more,

He turned his gaze back to the mountains lifted his head and sang a song one that would bear him trouble in times to come, for as much are he wanted to deny his heart it was not something that would be denied. his voice was more baritone then hers and well practiced but it could not reach the notes hers could

Who can say where the road goes
Where the day flows, only time
And who can say if your love grows
As your heart chose, only time

Who can say why your heart sighs
As your love flies, only time
And who can say why your heart cries
When your love lies, only time

Who can say when the roads meet
That love might be in your heart
And who can say when the day sleeps
If the night keeps all your heart
Night keeps all your heart

Who can say if your love grows
As your heart chose
- Only time
And who can say where the road goes
Where the day flows, only time

Who knows? Only time


copyright goes to 'only time' by enya[/size]

RE: Heart sings loudest of all - Vienna IA - August 31, 2014

Edited on an ending!

She ducked her head a bit at his praise, and had she no fur to hide it, she would have been bright red from it. "I'm sure your voice is beautiful," she responded. She loved to sing but truly there were others out there with much more beautiful voices than she! She just felt fortunate that she was able to do so.

He sang a song of his own, his voice a pleasing baritone. It was clear and strong, so she listened to the song with pleasure. When he finished, she thumped her tail appreciatively, grinning. "Not true, your voice is wonderful!" She laughed, nudging him. "That song was beautiful, I'd not heard it before." That was one thing she had not done much of, exchanging songs with the places she traveled. Much could be learned from the music of a location, though, for such songs could hold the histories of a place. Perhaps she would begin searching for such things. She always did like hearing about places and those who lived there.

"Thanks for showing this to me Ferdie, it's wonderful! Perhaps sometime we could do another duet." She smiled happily at the Alpha, then departed. There were some fish in the mountain streams that were calling her name.