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Silverlight Terrace no, they won't be home tonight - Printable Version

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no, they won't be home tonight - Jarilo - December 03, 2018

The first daylight streaked the skies, sluicing through the dark of night with fuchsia and orange, and the Ostrega yearling dawned restless beside it. For only an instant, he marveled, but he was he was up and going well before his normal—and despite the still-lingering fog.

Luckily enough for his day, his early strides out found him @Vela—and sentiment was shared just enough for her to agree. Together they set off down the mountainside and into the valleys. When the territory began to flatten out, Jarilo started to pick up the pace to begin the first leg of the journey with a hot pace. He cantered on out into the valley below, then beyond.

He had not yet taken the time to detail his last littermate on what their mother had shared. He had found her high in the mountains, and, well.. you know how that was. But.. he would get to that when it was right. For now, Jarilo let the cold winds whip at his furs as they set off. He was in good spirits, and hoped his sister could say the same.

RE: no, they won't be home tonight - Vela - December 03, 2018

Vela had been thinking after meeting the pretty Veeri about traveling. She had been thinking about the female quite a lot after meeting her. Apparently she wasn't in good graces with her family and normally that would make her an instant enemy for Vela as well, however, there was something about this female. She didn't seem like she would hurt someone. She couldn't understand what the female had done wrong and the sad thing was, that the female couldn't ask her father or mother, since she didn't know the girl's real name.

Vela had decided it might be best not to tell her father and mother about the female she met anyhow. Still, it nagged that she didn't know the backstory. Vela wondered if she would ever see Veeri again. Then again, the female did teach her a nice lesson about traveling and what the knowledge could bring. Vela had been lost in thought the moment her brother and her started traveling. Alas, now she noticed that her brother looked quite happy, and that they had quite the fast pace. "What got you so happy?," she inquired curiously, her brother might have noticed that she on the other hand had been lost in thought.

RE: no, they won't be home tonight - Jarilo - December 06, 2018

Since their last meeting, he had kept busy. If not busy, certainly occupied, in mind or body. He was starting to wonder if the same could be said for her, far more than he realized at first glance. Slowing up a little while he debated his answer, he panted with his tongue lolling from his jaws. Because there's a lot to see, he said first, alternating between an awkward canter and a trot every few lengths, like he couldn't make up his mind which one suited his moment better. And like sure, scouting around the mountain is one thing.. since you don't usually have to go far to find something or someone weird.. he detailed, but he didn't mean it in a bad way. They were just strange sorts to him and he didn't usually have to go far to find interesting beasts--to him, who didn't get out too terribly much. I've got a pretty good feeling about it all, I guess. It's good to.. go. he gestured, and bounced his stride with a small buck then to emphasize his point.

He wasn't feeling particularly burdened  by worry, not even with the chilly temperatures and snow afoot, and instead, just looking forward to it, the beginning, the middle, and the end when they'd be back--which wouldn't even be in that long. It left him in a good spot for now. What, not feeling it? he grinned back at her with a playful click of his teeth. He meant well, but he was curious too. Did something have her.. distracted? He couldn't judge it so precisely just yet.

RE: no, they won't be home tonight - Vela - December 11, 2018

Vela thought to get something juicy out of her brother but it seemed it was a rather boring answer. The speckled female looked skeptically at her brother. Though, he was right, and she was excited to head out as well. She perked up her ears when he spoke about meeting some weirdos. "Ha. So it isn't just me who thinks strangers are weird," she commented. Except one of course. Though, she had been strange and weird in her own way. But Vela had liked that about her.

Vela wondered where that good feeling came from. Though she had to admit it was good to leave the mountain and explore. She watched her brother's silly buck. She rolled her eyes fondly at him. "Yes," she agreed but more reserved about it. She was excited but she rather be traveling with Veeri. But she wouldn't want to abandon her family even for a short bit. Especially knowing she had some something to anger her parents. It was bothering her what was the right thing to do, hence why she probably came over as distracted.

RE: no, they won't be home tonight - Jarilo - December 15, 2018

Not having a single clue about what she wanted out of him, he was content all in his own. But, it wasn't surprising she agreed. No you are definitely not alone there, he said with a big huff and a bit of a grimace. What is that about, I wonder... he said, having slowed up just a little bit then when thoughtfulness began to weigh more. Sure, he did not get out excessively often but most encounters were odd somehow, and not always thanks to  his fault—he always felt like it was him trying to figure out what was going on constantly, more than anything else, with answers few and far between.

Anyway, strangers were strange. He hadn't met enough of them to really have a good impression of any. So I don't know, hope the weird stuff out that way is at least kind of interesting, he said with a swing of his head towards the northwest, feeling safe to bank on something worth considering weird in that swatch of wilderness. Hopefully nothing bad, though. Just a good weird, if it had to be.

RE: no, they won't be home tonight - Vela - December 18, 2018

Vela let out a sigh. "I don't know. Maybe it is the loneliness that gets to you?," she suggested to her brother. Vela sniffed the ground. She thought she smelled a hint of Veeri on the ground. Could it be? The female glanced to her brother. "Would you be okay with some independent scouting as well?," she asked her brother then. She was pretty sure he would be okay with it. But both were quite independent. "Just stay stay in hearing distance," Vela offered. Then she could maybe see if she could find Veeri again and have another chat with her. Maybe it was suspicious for Jarilo but Vela had too much hope in finding this female that she really didn't mind at the moment.

RE: no, they won't be home tonight - Jarilo - December 19, 2018

He hmm-ed, since her suggestion seemed quite valid. Being lonely for so long would be terrible. Maybe.. but jeez, some I don't think even have that for their only excuse, he rolled his eyes, remembering the recent Phex and her peculiar band of names and their Shadewood and bear. She couldn't have been that lonely for the sounds of things, right? Not to the point of just being driven straight to oddity status.

He was about to scheme, mostly jokingly, that maybe too much time on flat lands did that.. but she turned his attention right back towards the greater tasks here: explore, and independently. Yeah, definitely. I don't need to go far.. and we can just, I don't know, check in now and then when we do decide to split..? he proposed, absolutely prepared to overpack here on his first actual time being away from home more than a night or two, and not looking into his sister's reasoning for wanting to fly solo one bit either. He wanted to, too, but not because he had anyone in mind.

Mom said to keep an eye out for wherever the Redhawks settled.. since they might be out that way, he shared after a few beats of silence—just in case Vela may come across them when they did part ways and he wasn't there.. but he also didn't exactly know what to look out for, and supposed he would just have to find out. He did plan to hope for trail on Yami, too, no matter how lost of a cause that one looked like by the weeks that passed.

RE: no, they won't be home tonight - Vela - December 27, 2018

Vela bobbed her head in agreement, and once more when Jarilo agreed on doing a split. She was glad that they were similar in that way, and didn't mind to do some sole exploring. Vela remembered the whole thing with the Redhawks. They had been enemies as well. oh. OH!!! Maybe Veeri had been one of them? Vela had become very curious about this pack now. Maybe she was connected to this all and could she see her again. Vela had not been aware that there was another pack Moonspear had beef with.

"Right, in which direction would they be? Or was mom general?,' she questioned. Vela interest was clearly spiked. "I will be careful, you should be as well. Howl for me if you need help." She doubted that her brother would need help as he had been working on his warrior trade as well, still sometimes it was better to have two instead of one.

RE: no, they won't be home tonight - Jarilo - January 06, 2019

Continually unaware of Vela's innermost workings, or the dots she was potentially connecting, he was plenty willing to divulge what he did know about the matter. It could help them both on their journeys, he believed. She was pretty general, but west. I don't know if south much or not, since I don't even think she knew for sure.. he said, bobbing his head in a nod along with his steps. I will. Same to you, he said, a touch more serious then considering what needing help would imply for either of them; he believed in them both, too. Their family, and their mountain, had not raised pushovers.

Which.. her words did make a good transition into something else lurking in the back of his mind, and he wanted to have Vela keep the thought close too. We should watch out for the.. the black-headed wolf that did that to dad, too. He glanced over to his littermate, curious a bit about her response to that. It was something else to be careful of, because although Charon said he had wounded her in return, any wolf able to do that to the patriarch of the mountain did not bode well to the yearling—although deep down he would love a chance at retribution for his father's injured eye.  I don't know if she would be around out that way at all anymore, but he said he came from over the mountains on his way back, so.. I guess it doesn't hurt to keep in mind. he detailed, lengthy enough, and really the last of the more important thoughts he had bounced around.

RE: no, they won't be home tonight - Vela - January 06, 2019

Vela nodded seriously when Jarilo started about the female that mutilated their dad. He had recovered, but if even her dad couldn't take her on that meant Vela would be in high alert when seeing the female. Since she looked a lot like her dad she did not have the privilege as Jarilo to hide her identity. She would have to run for it. She wasn't a runner. She would fight. But she wasn't foolish and if he dad would come out a fight with this female looking like that she might not survive.

"I will definitely be alert for her and run if I have to," she spoke. She would admit that to her brother. "I think running would be wise from a female that did that to our father. I don't think we both wouldn't make a chance," she growled. She realized that she hadn't trained as much as she previously did in fighting. She was rather distracted at the moment.

RE: no, they won't be home tonight - Jarilo - January 10, 2019

He did not find himself too concerned about his father's foe since the odds of running into her were probably awfully slim, but he felt better knowing they were both on the lookout--just in case. While he was not too keen on simply turning tail, he recognized the worth in it, especially since he didn't really aspire to have scars matching Charon's when he was so young still! He had plenty of time for that, and more worthy battles to earn them in. Yeah, you're probably right. Unless Dad really left her messed up, he smirked, trying to find some hope in it, but he wasn't about to go looking for any of it. Most of his training was just that: training, and nothing with serious hurt on the line. If she did that to him, I don't want to know what she'd do to the rest of us. I like my eyes, anyway. Both of them. Jarilo said, sighing softly.  Though I do doubt we'll even see her.. he supposed, continuing on with his easy trot.

He was pretty sure that was everything he had mainly on his mind to cover. Other than that, he was ready to explore and see new sights. Now they had just to get the distance beneath them and hope that everything went smoothly onward.

RE: no, they won't be home tonight - Vela - January 16, 2019

Vela nodded at Jarilo. "He would have. It is dad. I mean I am sure she would have been injured just as much, perhaps even more." Vela had been very confident of her father's abilities so she wouldn't doubt for a second that her father would have injured her just as much or even made her worse for wear. 'Same," she agreed to her brother. She was feeling herself connecting more with her brother, they seemed to have more in common than she thought.

"Alright, I will head in this direction now. I will howl to you when needing to find you," she offered and then quirked up her lips into a rare smile. 'Goodluck." Vela then turned and trotted away from her brother. She was keen on finding a scent of Veeri in these lands.

- Vela exit -

RE: no, they won't be home tonight - Jarilo - January 18, 2019

Though he kept up a toothy smirk, his eyes bugged a bit at the thought of the enemy ending up worse than their sire had--who had returned looking pretty rough. Still, the idea was a little satisfying to envision, even if not one of anything more than pure speculation.

Same, travel safe, he returned with a sincere look. Although they would meet back up soon, he still felt the sentiment necessary to share; Vela was his last littermate, and probably one of the siblings he could be most open with thanks to this. He wanted her travels without incident, just like his, so that they could both gain out here scouting about--not lose.

They parted ways so he picked up his pace and just like that, it was officially, truly underway. He had a lot to see..!