Wolf RPG
Qeya River danse macabre - Printable Version

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danse macabre - Wendigo - December 08, 2018

The wolf came creeping with the winter; his steps were quick and choppy as he pushed through the deep-set snow, only growing long and fluid when the snow thinned out and allowed for more movement. There was a density to the cloud-cover overhead that could've indicated an oncoming snowfall, but he was not looking skyward, the wolf was looking dead ahead. His slinking steps came to a halt as he neared a snowcapped ridge. From here, he could watch his surroundings. A mist was rolling in from the north, as if chasing the pale figure; if you looked at it just so it seemed to glimmer as the temperature began to drop—but the wolf was oblivious to this too. He was watching the dark silhouettes in the distance. A herd of some kind - elk, perhaps mule deer - which he had been chasing for a few days now. He paused for only a few moments before lowering his head to the soil and inspecting the cropped grass—then, he was on his way again.

RE: danse macabre - Lischo - December 14, 2018

The cunning woman stalked over the ground, footfalls silent, towards the river. Here, it was cold. But cold meant that the lesser beings that roamed these lands would be weak and easy for the taking. Ice blocks ran down the river, none seemed to carry anything upon them. The water would be cold. Flashing her teeth at the river in annoyance, she looked up and down. She wasn't stupid enough to jump in and try to swim across, she'd accumulated many years of wiseness on her shoulders for that kinda crap. 

A low sound, rumbling like churning ice, resonated from her chest. One may mistake it for a purr, but it was annoyance that fueled this sound. She stretched out, eyes looking again up and down the river. Up...and down. She needed to cross to the west side, out there were grassier plains, plus she wasn't one for taking the long route.

Sitting down, her tail swiping behind her in contemplation of her situation, she tried to find a solution before heading all the way east to then cross, because then she'd have to come back north, and that would be an effort she couldn't afford.

A wolf crossed into her vision, she turned to watch their form with predatory intent, her gaze sharp and emotionless. Her tail flared up to show her displeasure at their presence, she didn't care for lupine troubles today.