Wolf RPG
Wapun Meadow “So watch my chest heave, as this last breath leaves me.” - Printable Version

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“So watch my chest heave, as this last breath leaves me.” - Shaara - December 13, 2018

The scenario replayed through Shaara’s mind with a helix of scalding turmoil against the current of peace she usually placated herself with. Or moreso plagued herself with, considering the calm mentality did nothing but remain idle while her brother-

What a lovely day this was. It was amazing how the bitter frost could keep a thing completely preserved, should it come to stay so frigid. The winds however did much to satisfy that as they both chaffed past the most rigid of corpses, what seemed to be a sort of duck. It didn’t aid her travels however, as the moon-watcher continued her journey to find either a new home, or her brother. Whichever one viciously came first. 

Unbeknownst to her, @Soltero was somewhat near, but what was known was how thick pack scent lay in this chipper meadow. Well, what used to be thick - it seemed light and scarce, now. Only a few had walked these parts as of recently; so could it be considered a pack?
And could Alarian be considered one of their numbers?

A deep inhale brought awfully cold winds shivering terribly in her small chest. While she couldn’t feel the outside due to her thick pelt of salted peppery coat, the temperature difference insured her insides knew well what the season was. And what came with it was how many resided here. 

The small girl thought to herself, more often than not, that others would need her. She was relatively healthy, a nimble girl, but who was to say but the others? 

She found a creek where the meadows dwindled off into, and expressly told herself not to jump in. If she could get in and out without getting too much wet, she would be okay... but cold water and cold weather never mixed too well...

RE: “So watch my chest heave, as this last breath leaves me.” - Soltero - December 13, 2018

Soltero had plenty on his mind in the passing days, and frequently if he was not stalking around the borders, sucked deep into his thoughts, he was lying stretched out beneath sun or stars, apple-green gaze wandering the horizon; swiftcurrent creek was dwindling, but he did not intend to let it fall. (Especially after his promise to the young Talos...) With this in mind, he'd set off the next morning with a determination settled in his stomach - silver coat of fur glistening in the rays of melting sunlight. He'd chosen to head south, and it was not long before large paws traced the meadow's vegetation.

His miniature trek continued into the afternoon, but he found himself reluctant to stray too far from the creek; what if something happened in his absence? The smoky traveller halted suddenly, black lips parting to breathe in the frigid air of his surroundings - a wolf, only a short distance away. His hackles resisted the urge to bristle uncertainly on the back of his neck, steel fur twitching with anticipation, but he was quick to remind himself that he was doing this for the creek. For Talos. He inhaled again, though only to steady his breathing, and set off at a brisk pace in order to catch up to whichever wanderer was crossing the meadow.

She was a woman draped in a pelage of stars; charcoal fur coated her body, but appeared as though it was dusted in delicately crafted snowflakes, having fallen from the pale sky to bless the darkness of her visage - his steps halted to examine her from a short distance, ears shimmering forward on his head before he made an attempt to close the distance, chuffing to announce his presence to the starstruck girl.

RE: “So watch my chest heave, as this last breath leaves me.” - Shaara - December 13, 2018

She stared from beyond the creek at something that wasn’t even there, until suddenly. 
There was

Bright oranges flicked from nothing to something as that something was free from the pile-up of forestry and frozen flora. The something was another of her kind - she had gotten lucky this time, as other times it had been either coyotes or an overly irritated badger she ran into. The badger incident had traumatized her...well that amongst a few other things.  Watching the sterling detach itself from the camouflage of the woods, she bobbed her head, moderately seasoned banner heightening a slight for emphasis that she had indeed heard their announcement. Auds flashed to see them while eyes listened to what their body said. 

Thankful for the cold, she burrowed in her own fur, petite body quite the comparison to her counterpart, but much had told her that they weren’t that much different. Moments had passed before she relaxed enough to swish that banner in a friendlier greeting; an invitation to join her on the other side of the creek. 
Disguised from her real purpose.

To see how such a dastardly vein of water was crossed. 

RE: “So watch my chest heave, as this last breath leaves me.” - Soltero - December 13, 2018

Eyes of a pumpkin orange met his vibrant green, and reminded him distinctly of the past autumn, where leaves had fallen a similar hue and coated the earth. Her invitation caused him to falter momentarily, weighing his options, but he opted to move closer, joining her on the other side of the creek (cautiously stepping over any rocks jutting from rushing water - this moment, he was proud of his affinity with water, else he might have slipped) with a solemnn nod. This meeting was purely for business... or some form of it, anyway.

The steel wanderer considered the approach of small talk, but he found it difficult to form the words on his tongue, and stopped to gather himself after the second attempt, flicking his tail on the frosted ground. "Hello." He uttered at last, coming to a stop close by. Close enough for a safe distance between them (though she was considerably more petite than himself), but not so far that discussion was difficult to maintain. "My name is Soltero... yours?" Indeed, conversation was a great distance from his strong point, but it was worth a try, wasn't it? Besides, she was distinctly close to the domain of the creek wolves, and he ought to inquire sooner or later. Perhaps she would join their ranks?

RE: “So watch my chest heave, as this last breath leaves me.” - Shaara - December 18, 2018

Shaara watched him decline, him choosing to stay on that bank over there. Luckily the stream wasn’t too loud, and she could hear what the silver was saying easily, despite her curses upon him for him not crossing to water to carry on a conversation.

Casually, she sat on the frosted tops on ground, overly thankfully her winter coat came to save her. “I’m Shaara,” she said plainly. But what else could she add to something like this? Honesty? Or selfishness?

Why not both?

“I noticed there’s a pack that kinda lives around here”, she pointed out. “If you’re one of them, can I join you guys?”

RE: “So watch my chest heave, as this last breath leaves me.” - Soltero - December 18, 2018

Her name was Shaara - a unique, intruiging name, certainly one he'd never had the chance to hear before. Before he was able to ask its meaning, her enquiry reached his ears, and the silver man quirked a brow, but found himself unable to turn her away; that was, after all, his entire reason for traipsing the land around the creek. "I... uh..." Blinking, he let his tongue swipe across black lips, before giving a swift nod in her direction. "I can't make that decision myself, but I see no reason why not."

Soltero concluded quickly that she must have been already looking for a home, and he deciphered that perhaps she was seeking shelter through the winter. The steel guard picked himself up from where he sat nonchalantly, and gestured in the direction of the territory they occupied. "You'll have to come... and meet the alpha. I can take you there now, assuming you're not busy?" The sooner the better.

RE: “So watch my chest heave, as this last breath leaves me.” - Shaara - December 18, 2018

”Is that a trick question?” She joked with a grin smirking up the her side of her jowls. Hell, of course she wasn’t busy. She just admitted she needed a home. So rather than take the question as an insult, the curved the inquiry into a joke of sorts. Well, with an acidic lace.

“How do you get across this river?” She had to ask since he hadn’t showed her the best or most shallow of paths. “Without, well, drowning, or freezing to death.” Otherwise, she’d sure as hell be over there by now.

RE: “So watch my chest heave, as this last breath leaves me.” - Soltero - December 18, 2018

A half grin stretched across his features, but his gaze shifted to study the rushing waters. "Look for rocks and ledges where the water is shallowest. Try not to cross the bends, that's where the water moves fastest." He found himself not disliking the information he passed along - it almost surprised himself, the knowledge that seemed simply natural to him; his mother's teachings. "Narrow stretches of the river are usually the deepest, don't get tempted by them. Stay close, too, so if you or I slip we can grab onto each other."

Soltero quickly located his previous stepping stones, gesturing for Shaara to follow before carefully leaping onto a rather large, flat rock that jutted from the running liquid. From here, one would have to step into the waters, but he he moved cautiously across, and showed the darker woman the path he had taken to cross it originally, hoping she'd follow his steps.

RE: “So watch my chest heave, as this last breath leaves me.” - Shaara - December 23, 2018

The info gave here some excitement; they were going places now! Making progress! 
Or, well, she was. She was more used to frozen timbers and thicker stretches of forest. Shaara usually avoided things she didn’t know much about until she learned more about them/it through careful observation. But you can’t exactly stalk a stream and expect it to tell you how to cross it. 
Unless you ran into a lad like Soltero~

A gleam of excitement hit her as she wondered how much else Soltero could ‘teach’ her. If she could get him to be her friend, and do the majority of her lazy ass work, man, she’d do it. If she could cajole a piggyback ride outta him right now-

“How close is close?” The words flew from her mouth with a raised pair of brows. Her voice was a surprisingly gentle cocktail of incredulous inquiry and some bleak peak of a suggestion. But hell, they had only just met! He wasn’t suggesting anything. Alleviation of this situation requires either a joke to bring them closer, or some sort of clarity between the objectives. The not-getting-wet bit, most especially. 

Dont you try and save me, now...

”I mean, if you wanted a hug, that’s all you had to say- no need to give the river any credit here.” She threw out before a couple of barked chortles before shaking her head and following him over the first series of river stones. “If I’m out here alone trying to cross, just follow this same path? What would you recommend?”, the salted pepper gingerly steered it back to a more modest ordeal. She liked this river, but if she were gonna have to risk her life every time to go over it, the energy invested wasn’t worth it. Unless the river was gonna hand her free fish. But she doubted that kind of luck existed in winter. 

“What’s this pack of yours like?” Shaara hoped the topic would be maybe enough to get Soltero talking. She liked his voice when it went on and on, and it was pretty solid enough for her to zone out her other thoughts to so she could learn a bit more about his folks.

RE: “So watch my chest heave, as this last breath leaves me.” - Soltero - December 28, 2018

His eyes were trained on the shifting river as they began to cross, but silvery ears tipped back to listen to the starry woman's words, hesitating for a moment before his lips parted to answer, feeling the corners of his mouth prepare to curl up at the sides: "However close makes you feel safe." Smirk buried down before it had the chance to breathe, the soldier quickly set his mind to considering her enquiry, attempting to navigate the safest path acrosss.

"Yes, unless you feel the need to explore more and want to find other paths - it's safest to go across the ones you know and have already used. I'm sure there are other areas to cross."  Soltero felt a flicker of relief once they were nearly at the other side, and cast his gaze back to peer at Shaara as they moved carefully across. "It's quiet... but everyone works hard. There is a creek in the territory, which gave the pack the name - Swiftcurrent Creek, and it provides us with plenty of fish. I can help teach you to fish if you need it, but there's other prey around too." He was slightly unsure of how much information to give (since she was still not an official member), so he left out specific details such as their numbers, or names of other residents. "The sounds of the creek are calming, I go there a lot to think," He hummed to himself quietly in consideration, wondering if he was boring her with his words.

RE: “So watch my chest heave, as this last breath leaves me.” - Shaara - December 29, 2018

OOF, her mind was smushed by such suggestive reply. How close would she have to be to feel safer to Mr. Soltero, here?Rather than backing away from that subject like she had previously planned, she embraced it. “Like piggy-back-ride close?” Her voice lilted up with her question, her own cheeky grin unfolding from dark lips. It was meant to be a joke, but she didn’t exactly say who had to be on top.

“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” she outright apologized. “I mean like breeding season, and stuff, heat-  like female chemicals and things are kicking up-“ her rambling began. “Er, just ignore me, Tero.”

She was so busy chastising herself for being so forward. To make friends, you didn’t invite them to fuck. Her plots were already backfiring before they even took root. “Actually, don’t ignore me,” she changed her polypolar mind yet again. She had to learn either way, and if it were to be a main staple of food here-“Can you show me the fishing bit? I’m actually terrible at fishing. Coming up with tactics for taking down big game, easy enough, but getting a little thing out of water that moves so fast is harder than I thought it was.” As they made it across the hazardous and cold liquid snake, Shaara tried to take in a bit more of her surroundings without actually enacting on the ‘distance’ thing she flirted about. And she had made herself as awkward as anyone could dream right to the guy who was inviting her into his family’s lands.

Could it get any better?