Wolf RPG
Ankyra Sound i am not your rolling wheels, i am the highway - Printable Version

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i am not your rolling wheels, i am the highway - Caiaphas - December 13, 2018

once both she and @Illidan had donated their first shared contribution to the cache, caiaphas turned her attention inward. the grotto's stores would swell in time with each passing day, and caiaphas had taken the time to show all of her children -- @Raleska and @Svalinn included -- her preferred nooks and crannies for minimal food spoilage. long ago she had learned the virtues of storing in the grotto's blackened mouth.

the pair had resurfaced from the deep underbelly of the sound's tangled tunnel, and caiaphas motioned with a cant of her thin muzzle in the direction of their next destination. caches could wait - but the border would not -- and she hoped illidan had drank plenty that day, for there was much ground to cover, and much cheery yellow liquid to spread.