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Blacktail Deer Plateau Under the moons waning gaze - Printable Version

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Under the moons waning gaze - Blue Willow - July 05, 2014

ONly if you have time I can make this all welcome if you don't just pm me.

The shadows touched the earth, when Blue stepped from her den. Her eyes green and wide as she took in the dusky moonlit night, her heart still plagued with grief, she knew that the pack would not survive if she didn’t grow a backbone. So she fought to keep her grief at bay, while her friends grieved for as long and as hard as they needed too. She would not force them out of that, a terrible thing had plagued into their very existence. First there had been betrayal, then love lost and now a child was gone from their midsts, it was enough to tear any good pack asunder and she refused to let that happen.

She stepped gently across the shadow soaked ground looking for @Atticus, hoping he was telling his secrets to the shadows. She wanted to check on him, he meant far more to her than she cared to admit, so she wanted to make sure he was fine. This had to have hit him as hard as it hit Perry and Hawkeye and her, she searched but could not find him, so finally she just sat down on a hillock where the moonlight fell across her shoulders and she looked out across the land grieving and blinking her tears fast and furious.

RE: Under the moons waning gaze - Atticus - July 05, 2014

I always have time for you! ♥

At the time his niece's death had been discovered, he hadn't had time to process it or deal with it. Even now, it was hard to grasp and accept. He just couldn't wrap his brain around the fact that Junior was dead. A warm, sunny summer afternoon that held no joy or beauty for him had passed into a fiery sunset whose burning embers failed to ignite any passion in him, and ultimately night had fallen, drawing her blanket of darkness and starlight across the landscape until all was silent and tranquil. Still, he lay where he had curled up at the base of a large tree, its knobby roots embracing his body. Empty eyes stared at nothing, while an anguished, confused mind contemplated everything.

He caught her scent wafting on the currents of the night, sweet and subtle and as elusive as the shadows themselves. He wasn't in the mood to socialize, and for a lengthy while, he didn't get up. But he wanted to see her. He needed to see her. With a sigh, he pulled himself to his weary paws and made his way to find her, following paths through the sparse trees until he emerged into a clear, grassy area. Ahead, seated on a gently curving hillock, he saw the silhouetted figure of Blue Willow limned in moonlight, as fine and beautiful as a black lily. He approached her, his eyes haunted with the grief that still roiled inside of him, and he touched her cheek gently with his muzzle in gentle, affectionate greeting. "Hi, Blue," he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

RE: Under the moons waning gaze - Blue Willow - July 06, 2014

Blue turned into the touch and gave him a small lick across the muzzle. Hello Atticus I was looking for you. I wanted to check on you. She tilted her head and looked at him with keen green eyes, waiting or maybe hoping for an answer to an unspoken question. Was he going to be okay? Or was he so grief stricken he didn’t know. She would do her best to offer comfort in the best way she knew how, but even she wasn’t sure how to approach such a terrible thing. She had never dealt with any death’s close to her. Yes her mother was dead, she had seen her father he had told her, but she had not been there so that grief was a bit numb.

This type of grief though, the type the ripped up your insides and force fed your heart out of your chest, this grief was new and it hurt. However, she was doing her best to be the support that the two brothers needed, one was her best friend and one she felt was so much more.

RE: Under the moons waning gaze - Atticus - July 06, 2014

The gentle flick of her tongue over his muzzle, though a small gesture, was comforting and reassuring in a way. He closed his eyes and leaned his head into the soft, thick fur of her neck. Her scent surrounded him and the warmth of her presence was a solace in the cold emptiness of despair that he felt in the wake of Junior's death. She told him that she'd wanted to check on him, and he exhaled deeply, feeling the strain of the last few days pressing on him from all sides.

"I'll be okay," he said quietly after a moment, sitting back and looking up at the stars. "It's just…I feel like…if I'd just been there more, y'know? I'm her uncle. I should've been around more, helped you and Perry keep an eye on her." A sour expression had come over his face and he blinked his eyes angrily to fight the tears that welled up and threatened to spill down his cheeks.

RE: Under the moons waning gaze - Blue Willow - July 06, 2014

Blue was surprised as he leaned into her neck, but nevertheless pleased. She enjoyed the solace she could offer him, however minuscule. She felt his exhale more than heard it on the downy fur of her scruff. It was from the deepest recesses of his chest and it physically hurt.

Blue unsure what else to do leaned forward and nudged his shoulder gently and laid a paw across his own. She had momentarily thought of sliding under his head but decided against it because that would possibly irritate. She sighed at his next words and ran her muzzle across his shoulder and pulling back spoke softly I think we all wish we would have done more and the cold hard truth is that we all did the best that would could, but regardless it wasn't enough. You did all you could Atticus and you loved her with everything you had, you still do. That was more than enough and still you did more, you should not beat yourself up so.

she studied him the dark wanting to make all his pain go away even though she knew it was futile you couldn't make grief disappear so easily. No matter how much you wished it.

RE: Under the moons waning gaze - Atticus - July 06, 2014

Her touches were soothing, and he gave into them far more than he normally would have if his grief hadn't cracked his self-control and the awkward shyness he ordinarily felt around her. She was his Alphess and his friend, but she was also more than that to him and in this moment, it deepened even further as she provided him the love, support, and understanding he so desperately needed. He had long been interested in her, had sort of a weird, elusive crush on her that he mostly tried to ignore. But she was touching something in him now, something was vulnerable and hurting and that nobody else could see, and he was realizing that he didn't just have a "thing" for her. He was falling for her.

He listened to her words, and he knew she was right and the logical part of his mind agreed completely with her. But it was never that easy. He looked at her, a thin smile flickering across his face for a moment. Her eyes looked so pretty in this light, the color of glistening pines under the pewter luminescence of the moon. "I know," he responded, his eyes falling to his paws and a troubled expression coming over his face. "In my mind, I know you're right. But my heart…it doesn't listen."

RE: Under the moons waning gaze - Blue Willow - July 06, 2014

<3 aww the feels

At the moment there were no titles, no leader and second In command just two wolves, two friends trying very hard to overcome grief that they both felt so resolutely. Blue was a physical wolf always had been as were her parents, but only ever to those she trusted and cared for. This was different though normally she just would brush a muzzle or nudge without being aware, but here she was very aware and it filled her with fear but also contentment. she did not like to play lose and fast with her heart always guarding as her mother told her too. don't get attatched we'll just leave And she hd taken those words to heart and put fences up, but he was blowing all her fences down quick and easy and he didn't even know.

Blue chuckled a small sad sound but nodded the heart rarely listens about anything it feels what it does and wants what it wants it's hard to change it around to your way of thinking. But when your mind and your heart believe the same thing that's when you know its exactly right. She nodded her head that was the truth with anything if they were in tune you were good as gold.

RE: Under the moons waning gaze - Atticus - July 07, 2014

I know. I love writing with you. You really bring out a different side of Atticus. :)

He listened to her speak, his eyes drifting unfocused out over the horizon to linger somewhere above the jagged lines of the mountains where they jutted into the starry sky. She didn't know how close to home she was playing right now. What she was saying reverberated in his mind with an electric clarity that set his nerves alight and quickened his heartbeat. His mind and his heart seldom agreed on many things, but when he looked at her, all was quiet inside. "Blue, I…" he started to say, his gaze moving to linger on her face.

RE: Under the moons waning gaze - Blue Willow - July 07, 2014

I'm glad I can help personality develpment and I'm just selfish since I love me some atticus :)

Blue did not know how much he had heard as she watched his gaze focus and unfocus on th horizon, but she merely attributed it to grief. Blue looked at him and green eyes met blue. She wondered at the intensity of his gaze, perhaps he really had been listening. eyes softened around the edge and a quiet Yes? was all that fell of black lips. She traced eyes over his face to try and get a read on what he wanted to say or at least his current mind set. She was curious of what he wanted to say.

RE: Under the moons waning gaze - Atticus - July 07, 2014

The feeling is mutual! :D

Their eyes locked and for a few seconds, the intensity there simmered and sparked. He wondered if he should say something to her, or if it would be a mistake. He'd never been in this situation before. What he'd had with Cutlass had been fleeting, ephemeral, a drunken lapse of judgement. And everything with Hawkeye had been wrong and dictated by hormones. This was something completely different. There were no mushrooms here to impair his thinking or his judgement. There was no lust driving him to her. This was purely heartfelt, companionate affection he felt, and he stared at her with mixed emotions on his face, for a moment completely lost as to what he should say or do next. He was at a crossroads, and uncertain which path to take.

RE: Under the moons waning gaze - Blue Willow - July 07, 2014

The intense heat of his gaze mixed with hers caused her to look down and if she wasn't a black wolf and didn't have fur, he'd have seen the soft red color staining her cheeks with blush. She lifted her eyes back again to watch the emotions flitter and flick across his face and she didn't know what to do, as her father would say dis is uncharted water son and it was. She had never made time to follow her own desires and her own heart other than her trade of healing, but now she found she wanted to, but didn't know where to go from here. So she tilted her head and then spoke what did you want to say Atticus? Steering to what she thought was safe waters, after all she had no way of knowing how he felt and she was scared to death to voice exactly what was in her heart.

RE: Under the moons waning gaze - Atticus - July 07, 2014

His stare was evidently intense enough to make her look away and he could sense a twinge of embarrassment on her, so he let his eyes drift away, watching the fireflies that danced and glimmered above the dewy grass some yards away. She asked him again what he'd wanted to say, and he finally decided to just say it. In light of recent events, he was learning that life was fleeting and could be taken away in an instant. If he himself were to die tomorrow, he didn't want to leave this world without those he cared for knowing how he felt. "I'm falling for you, Blue," he said softly, his eyes continuing to watch the fireflies weave their patterns in the summery air. Ordinarily, he would have been scared half to death admitting this to her. His heart would've been hammering in his chest, his blood racing to the point of feeling wobbly and drunk, his paws shaking, his nerves on fire. But oddly, he felt perfectly calm right now. In the wake of the emotional trauma he'd been through this past week, telling her this felt like the most natural thing in the world.

RE: Under the moons waning gaze - Blue Willow - July 07, 2014

Blue watched as he looked away, feeling a little bad that he had sensed her shyness, not so much as embarrassment. He obviously didn’t realize the effect he had on her, and she didn’t know how to tell him what it was. Blue heard his words, but they wouldn’t penetrate for a few seconds as she tried to get her breathing under control. She spoke quietly without realizing what she had said. Thank the gods. I was afraid I would end up falling in love with someone who didn’t feel the same. She turned her gaze downward shyly, a little bit appalled at how quickly she had said that, no not so much that she had said it, but how…she could have done it with a little more finesses surely. But her father always told her to speak from the heart and be honest and straightforward and she took that to heart.

RE: Under the moons waning gaze - Atticus - July 07, 2014

Her words were like honey on his ears, so sweet and so desperately needed that he felt summer sunshine wash through him at the sound of them, banishing the cold emptiness he'd felt in the wake of Junior's death. They were, however, simultaneously so utterly unexpected that he was left stunned and speechless in the silence that followed. He stared into her face, his heart thundering in his chest and his breathing deep and fast. Had she truly just confessed that she was falling in love with him? Or was his mind playing tricks on him? As exhausted and stressed as he'd been since Junior's disappearance and death, such a thing wasn't out of the question.

So he stared at her, confusion and joy and pain etched in his face in a beautifully vulnerable mixture. "What…?" he asked breathlessly after a moment. "You…really?"

RE: Under the moons waning gaze - Blue Willow - July 08, 2014

Blue Willow gave a small smile at his stare, and looked down further to the ground shyly. She was unsure what to say now, this was not an uncomfortable silence, but it was a waiting silence. Where both were waiting for the other to speak, and neither knew what to say, a fine pair they were both of them shy and awkward around others, but frankly Blue would not have it any other way.

Blue gave a soft chuckle and nodded Yes Atticus Me and yes you. It is not surprise to me really, you are a wonderful man. She shrugged self consciously, a little unsure what to do or say now. She wondered where they would go from here.

RE: Under the moons waning gaze - Atticus - July 11, 2014

Subtle electricity thrummed through him, traveling in his blood to the furthest reaches of his body. Even his tail felt jittery and restless. A soft fire simmered in his chest around his heart, while a cloud of restless butterflies fluttered in his belly. It was not a sensation of nervousness, fear, lust, or anxiety. All of these were things he had thought he would feel when this moment finally came (and he had definitely done enough daydreaming about this particular moment to know for sure what to expect!). In this moment, though, he felt electrified and excited, but…mostly just calm. Serene. Sated. As if some cold, dark void inside of him was being filled with something beautiful and warm and sweet.

After her comment, a quiet moment passed between them as he just looked at her, admiring anew all of her beauty and grace and feminine strength and boundless intelligence and endlessly supply of genuine, heartfelt love for those around her. And he couldn't believe how lucky he was to be the one bonehead out of all of them that got to hear those words come out of her mouth. "I'd like to court you," he said softly after a moment. He swallowed nervously. This was definitely uncharted territory for him. "We can take it slow, if you'd like."

RE: Under the moons waning gaze - Blue Willow - July 11, 2014

Blue stood still not moving as her words swirled around in the night air. She was afraid of rejection, perhaps she had spoken to much, but she also knew that if she hadn’t she would have never forgiven herself. All the anxiety was for naught though as she felt him staring at her. Felt his eyes brush across her face, it was an unusual feeling to be so aware of another, but one that she embraced. Surprisingly she did not want to jump for joy as she had original thought she would do, granted yes her insides were jittery and jumping, but it was the good kind and a small serene smile lay across her maw.

She smiled at his statement, that was also a question and she dipped her muzzle to hide her eyes for a moment, because being the sap that she was her eyes felt moist. It was a little bit of everything, the over bounding joy she felt mixed with the grief that held her blood frozen, but she answered him and her voice was strong, no cracking there. I would like that, very much. She smiled in a genteel manner at his next words, moving slow, was probably a good thing since she had no clue what she was doing here, so she had to learn as she went. Slow is good seeing as how this is very new to me and I have no clue what I am doing, though I know exactly how I feel. She chuckled softly, and shyly. She did lean forward and licked his muzzle, a small way of saying she was perfectly fine with this and how it was going.

RE: Under the moons waning gaze - Atticus - July 28, 2014

Last post from me. This was such an awesome thread. <3

Her answer delighted him, and in truth, it surprised him a little bit too. He had never expected her to be as interested in him as he was in her, and the fact that she wanted him to court her was nothing short of thrilling. He didn't really know what came next, but he figured he'd just follow his heart and sort it out one step at a time. He'd talk to Perry too, perhaps, and get some insight from his brother. Even though Peregrine's relationship with Hawkeye had been about as different from this as it could possibly be, Perry still had experience with women that Atticus didn't.

He looked at her in a new light now, seeing her not as his Alpha female or as a woman he was interested in, but now as the woman he was courting. That something so beautiful had arisen from circumstances so bleak and tragic was nothing short of a miracle, and it brought a small smile to his lips. Stepping forward, he kissed her gently on the cheek -- nothing dramatic or overbearing, just a sweetly tender flick of his tongue on soft fur. "C'mon, let's walk and talk for a while," he suggested. "The shadows are itchin' to hear more secrets."

RE: Under the moons waning gaze - Blue Willow - July 29, 2014

I'm glad you like it I did to o:D

Blue leaned into his kiss for a moment and then followed behind him and then stepped in stride to tell their secrets to the shadows. And she smiled her heart lighter than it had been. She was for once excited for the future, usually she did not worry so much about it, but now she found she thought about it more than she had. Her tail wagged as the walked and shared secrets.