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Stone Circle oh no she back - Printable Version

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oh no she back - Aerasha - December 15, 2018

maybe @Valette?

For a while, the little lady wandered a bit, unaware how far she actually went from the pack of Easthollow. Only when it truly got cold, she realized her travels went a bit too far then intended. Nontheless, she didn't fret, and only smiled with a 'oh noo, my bad,' before turning around. She took a stroll, only to be gone for quite some time. Even the naps through the dark sky didn't give her much thought, as she was in her own thoughts and dream world on the walk. Nothing interesting happened during the time either, which led Aerasha wandering back to a more interesting area; Teekon Wilds, especially the pack she had joined.

Her light paws led to the border, carrying the usual soft and lethargic smile Aerasha always tended to hold. She wondered if it was best to howl, or if she technically was still in the pack. It's been a whiiilee, so she sat by the border in thought, looking in as her head tilted side to side, "Heeeeeeyyyy.~" She called out, to anyone near. Mayybee she should walk in? .

RE: oh no she back - Korei Julia - December 15, 2018

Korei had been worrying a lot. Where was he? And Outlander, where was he as well? The only one he felt comfortable with now. She shook sometimes at night. Sometimes slept in late, stuck in her nightmares.

And frequented the borders. Looking for signs, any she could find. Korei paused upon hearing a voice. She raced off for it, till she realized...it didn't sound like either of them. But it was too late to back out now as she came into view. Her tail curling behind her, one ear to the side a bit.

RE: oh no she back - Aerasha - December 15, 2018

She had forgotten how late it was, realizing that most would be asleep. Though one came, and she greeted the other with a soft grin and a casual, "Heeeeeey, how yaaa doooinnn'?~" Aerasha recognized the other from many moons ago, as the meeting was still fresh in her mind. The promotion, and the newcomers, but suppose she was a newcomer again? Aaaah, she didn't really know her place anymore, but the fae also cared little to where she was. She was just here for the entertainment after all.~

RE: oh no she back - RIP Valette - December 16, 2018

Valette heard the howl and lifted her head curiously. She knew that howl. She thought the female had left their family but apparently Aerasha had decided that she would return to their home. Valette trotted to the borders. She was curious what the female had done to stay away for so long.

Valette reached the borders and noticed that she had not been the first to respond to the howl. "Aerasha. You returned,' she spoke. "I thought you weren't coming back, but good to see you again." Valette was still skeptical of the female if she was going to stay.

RE: oh no she back - Korei Julia - December 17, 2018

Korei Julia held a nervous smile as the other greeted her. Before she could get a response, due to her being still rather nervous, Valette came in to save the day. She gave a silent thank you to Valette when she glanced to the alpha, and had a sudden confidence boost.

"H-Hi" she finally managed to greet back. And by the sound of it, they were someone that had been here once.

RE: oh no she back - Aerasha - December 17, 2018

"Heeeeeey.~" The cream fae's smile widened into a grin once she saw the familiar small, cutie of an Alpha. She was unaware of how many were uncomfortable, as well as the skeptic view many held for her stay. Perhaps she was a bit toooo carefree, as she did, get lost after all, "I," and Aerasha admitted to it, "got looosttt.~"

"Buuttt it's okaaay. I got baaaack. Hiiiii.~" She turned lightly to Korei and nodded in a friendly manner to the more shy wolf. She never formally met the other, but the other was timid! A break from the serious wolves! A cheer for team Easthollow. She looked forward to the future with this one.

RE: oh no she back - RIP Valette - December 18, 2018

Valette watched the female curiously. The female remembered when she was a youngster and she gotten lost but not as an adult. However, Aerasha was always a special case. "Right, but if you tend to get lost then let us know when you leave so we can come look for you. We were worried," she spoke. She was not sure if she was speaking for everyone, but she had been slightly worried about the female.

"But glad you have returned. We have quite some new members, Korei us one of them," she spoke to introduce the female to the other. "Did you travel to anywhere in particular?," she asked curiously. Maybe she met up with other packs and could give her some info.

RE: oh no she back - Korei Julia - December 18, 2018

Korei tipped her head a bit at the other female the alpha spoke to, sticking close to Valette. She managed a small smile that dimished after a nervous second and her gaze shied away. Till Valette introduced her. She gave another nervous smile. 

It seemed as if the other had left...that brought up some memories she kept back, from leaving her own home some time ago. That Korei kept to herself for now.

RE: oh no she back - Aerasha - December 18, 2018

"Awwww, I missed you toooo.~" She took Valette's worry as a compliment and smiled in her own flowery atmosphere, happy about being missed. She didn't pay too mind to warning them about her wandering, for it wasn't a worry beforreee, so she couldn't tell if she really was lost, or Aerasha was too absent-minded to pay much mind where she went. That often led her to interesting areas, and she rarely went back. Easthollow was a special entertainment.

"Reallyyyy? I wanna meeeet theeemmm.~" She remembered the last member was a fellow named King, and she was curious on where the other was at. If memories serve, they did join, and then after she wandered too far to get to know them. Thoouughh she'll meet them, eventually, just like how she is meeting Korei at the moment, despite her presence being known, "hiiii, i'm Aerasha.~" And gave 'proper' introductions to the other.

"Ohhhh, i'm not suuureee.~" Her head tilted to the sideways, "I went... One waaaay, and then it became a draggggg." The bicolored eyed wolf pouted at the memory, "there was noothiiing.~" Nothing but the beautiful lifeless nature, of course. And snow.

"I like it herreee beetteerrr.~"

RE: oh no she back - RIP Valette - December 19, 2018

Valette opened her mouth to talk but decided against it. She had not actually missed the female but she would feel mean to say that. Not entirely appropriate either. 'You should meet them," she agreed with a smile. She decided to give Aerasha a chance. It really seemed that the female was oblivious to the fact that absence was not approved of.

In the meanwhile, Korei clung to her like a timid child. Valette didn't mind. She was a mother at heart and would be a rock in the branding for the female if needed. "Well good. Next time when you go scouting let me know okay?," Valette spoke.

RE: oh no she back - Korei Julia - December 22, 2018

"Korei..." she murmured, still sticking rather close to Valette as if out of safety. But it was more that she was nervous of the other wolf. Only just noticing how she had two different eyes. That earned her attention as she found herself staring at one eye, then the other.

RE: oh no she back - Aerasha - December 23, 2018

She nodded, "I will moommm.~" She found the two often acted like parents, or what Aerasha assumes is motherly affection of worry. No wonder the two found attraction toward each other (assumption) as their traits were similar enough she started to jokingly call them parental names. No one stopped her yet, so the show continues on.

Then her gaze drooped down to Korei, whome acted like a shy lamb. She of course, smiled wildly while looking directly at the other, noticing she gave note to Aerasha's unique eye set. Not many held an eye with a split tone, but her scar often took away the speciality she held, "heeeeeey.~" the fae called out to her, deciding for a little mischief.

"Do youuuu like my eeyesss? They are coooool right? Thouuughh..~" her head tilted to the side, "not manyyy notice itt.~ Buttttt," then she lifted upwards with a grin, "my scarrrrr cooool thouuugh riiight?~" Indicating more pay attention to her disfigurement.

RE: oh no she back - RIP Valette - December 27, 2018

Korei seemed so timid. She was not sure if Korei had always been so timid or what her reason was to be so shy. Valette smiled when the other two interacted. She was pretty sure Korei was going to stammer some from of a 'yes'. Valette shook her head slightly at Aerasha calling her 'Mom'. "Well, I will be continuing," she explained and then turned a bit away, slowly as she was not sure if Korei was going to stick to her side or not. It would be good for the female to stand on her own legs and make more friends. Aerasha was harmless.

RE: oh no she back - Korei Julia - December 31, 2018

Korei glanced for a moment from Valette then back to Aerasha. "I-I...yes they are qu-quite nice" she managed to get out. The bi-colored gaze was something that held her attention. When the scar was brought into attention, she turned her head a bit to flick her scarred ear.

"On-Only scar I have..." she had however forgotten of the one on her face, given to her by Alarian. "I don't tend to like scars..." She looked to Valette as they began to move. Yet for once felt comfortable where she was.

RE: oh no she back - Aerasha - January 01, 2019

"Tell Greyback I said hiiiii.~" Aerasha casually said to Valette as the alpha turned away, and then returned her focus back to the white lady standing across. She was timid, but honest. Someone who looked fun to tease, and to generally mess around with. Though she couldn't scare her too much, or else the other would flee like a mouse if she pushed too far, so she thought.

"Buuuutttt, scars are like, coooool.~" The creamed fae never had a 'dislike,' and generally went with 'like' on most. She found scars though pretty wicked, "they share a secreeettt, only youuuu would knoowww. A tale, onlyyy you can sharreee.~" It's what she enjoyed most when wolves hold a blemish, because there would always be history behind it. She was a rather nosy fellow, and absolutely loved to ask about it, "such asss, what is yourrrrs?"

RE: oh no she back - Korei Julia - January 10, 2019

I'm so sorry about the wait! This move is keeping me from my laptop

Korei Julia tilted her head for a moment. Greyback, that was someone in the pack wasn't it? Someone she had met? Her thoughts drifted as she stared blankly for a long few seconds before being brought back at the mention of scars. Her nicked ear flicked again. "I...I was almost taken by another. From my friends..." She sat, her tail curling around her forepwas as she glanced away, a nervous look upon her face. The scar on her shoulder she dared not talk about. "There was a fight. One of them caught my ear."

RE: oh no she back - Aerasha - January 13, 2019

its ok!!

"Ooohh nooooo. Why would they dooo thaaat?" Aerasha asked, crossing a more personal boundry with the shy wolf. It's unknown if she knew what she was doing, or the fae was simply naive when she asked questions which crossed the line. She was quite open, and often asked others very open questions during curious times. So of course, she dropped 'oh why,' to the other. Such a fascinating story, she thought, one of drama and hardship! Friendship betrayel!

"Butttt, at leaasttt you're okayyy now.~"

RE: oh no she back - Korei Julia - January 15, 2019

Korei Julia backed up a couple paces after the question. "I-I don't know...they wanted to take me away I...I don't remember why else" she answered, shying her face away. But it was more than that. They thought her lost. Wanted to give her a home. Alarian had come to her rescue. She fought with him. Her ear paid. 

"Yes...okay now" she said, with a sad tone. Almost letting out a whine she held back.

RE: oh no she back - Aerasha - January 20, 2019

"Ohhhh and you came at suuuch a nice place, riiiight?~" Easthollow could be called a literal sanctuary by many, as drama was quite absent in the valley, most particulary to the wolves by the stones. It was nonexistent, and in all honesty she started to wish for something. Sad to say the most she had was an angsty teen-like wolf, the serious ones, and the occasional Lost Creek wolves who absolutely adore Aerasha. The loners too, were quite fun, buuut, she wanted to see more on what her own Pack had!

For the one before her, Korei, it must be a paradise in heaven.

RE: oh no she back - Korei Julia - January 24, 2019

"I...I guess, yes. It is nice here. No one has seemed rude or closed off to me, they have all seemed open." Even Valette had been nice enough, and Korei had always not been confident around leaders. Ira had been her best help so far in the pack.